King of Eschatology

Chapter 649: Tian Yue is invincible, Long live the Great!

On the side of the King of Hexa Tiger, a weird man with a hawk-shaped human body stood side by side. This man is the incompletely transformed King of the Golden Wings and is now divided into the beast camp.

The King of the Golden-winged Eagle is extremely powerful. It is a well-known tenth-tier powerhouse. Now it stands side by side with the King of the Black Tiger, which immediately attracts everyone's thoughts.

You don't need to know that the King of the Black Tiger is now a tenth-tier powerhouse. Although there is no transformation, the strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

Of course, no one dares to provoke this big tiger. After all, the other party is a wild beast and is fierce in nature. If you rely on it, you might be swallowed by it.

On the other side, it is also extremely noticeable. In the northwest direction of Tianyue Emperor Palace, a special team is waiting to stand there, exuding a strong and distinctive breath.

This team has a rigorous line-up, and each row has a clear division of strength, with clear ranks.

These are the genetic warriors cultivated by the Tianyue base. The strongest has reached the eighth level.

No one can believe that these people were a group of ordinary people who had no power over chickens half a month ago, and now with the help of genetic medicine, they have undergone rapid evolution and become truly powerful.

Many people quietly asked about this team, saying they had never heard of it.

However, when people learned the origins of the genetic team, everyone was amazing.

Especially ordinary people watching live broadcasts through optical brain devices are even more excited and yelling.

With genetic medicine, it means that ordinary people can also become powerful fighters. This expectation is stronger than any other, especially those ordinary people living at the bottom.

If you have a genetic medicine, you can definitely change a person ’s destiny, and then become a true strong person, respected, and thus get more resources.

Survivors around the world are discussing genetic medicine, and it is clear that this magical medicine comes from the Tianyue base, which is the Tianyue Empire that will soon be established.

Countless survivors yearn for Huaxia, hoping to join the arms of the Tianyue Empire.

Regardless of the price paid, genetic medicine must be obtained, which is the only way for ordinary people to change their destiny.

For a time, the enthusiasm of the people of the world to join Huaxia became even higher.

In the expectation of many people, Lu Fan stepped on the tower of Tianyue Empire. The powerful imperial spirit shrouded the wild. Lu Fan rolled his spirits and shone with colorful rays under the sun.

The whole world became clearer.

At the same time, standing on top of the taozu ancestor roots in front of the Tianyue Emperor Palace, a huge flag badger burst out and hunted in the endless squall.

The flag flag is blue, with a huge mountain embroidered in the middle. There seems to be a world of coercion between the flag flags, which flutters in the wind, exuding endless power.

With Lu Fan's appearance, the shouting sound of the mountain and tsunami immediately rang from under the tower of Tianyue Emperor's Palace. Everyone was excited and shouted, "Long live the great emperor!"

Behind Lu Fan, high-level personnel from Tianyue Base came out one after another, and behind Lu Fan, they automatically stood in the second row.

From there, they are Lin Xiaoxiao of the General Staff, Shi Hongji of the Scientific Research Department, Chen Dapeng of the Logistics Department, Yang Feiyun of the Basic Defense Department, Liu Xiao of the Infrastructure Construction Department, Wu Haochen of Arsenal, and Xu Xiaopeng of Tiantong Organization.

Followed by the members of the subsidiary base of Tianyue Base, they automatically stood in the third row in order.

From there, they will be Liu Feng in Dalin base, Dong Yang in Xichuan base, Lin Wei in Mingzhu base, Ye Dalong in Tonggu base, Guan Chaoyu in Tianjing base, Wang Ruhai in Donghai base, and Fu Wenbin in Zhongyu base.

As for other people or forces, at this time there is no qualification to board the Tianyue Emperor Palace, and they can only stand aside and wait and see.

On the periphery of Tianyue Emperor Palace Square, the three big brothers of Xinghe Alliance stood in the same position, looking at Lu Fan, who was high above them, with deep regret.

Not long ago, the Lu Jiajun and zombies fought along the Yangtze River. They rushed there for the first time and witnessed the tragic situation.

At that time, the strength of the strongest in the Army was only level nine, and all three of Mandalay were level ten strong. If they were willing to help, it would definitely play a great role.

However, the three big brothers of the Galaxy Alliance hesitated, especially after the parties reached Huaxia, this hesitation became a rudeness, thinking that the Tianyue base was over.

Unfortunately, this kind of thought was quickly destroyed by Lu Fan. Only when the other party really saw the shot, the strong shock was more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Originally, the three had a chance to win the friendship of Lu Jiajun. Unfortunately, this opportunity was wasted.


The three sighed at each other, their moods were extremely complicated.

At this point, they have nothing to say. We can only hope that Lu Fan will not target them too much in the next distribution.

The tsunami-like cries of the mountains are rising higher than waves. People all over the world are paying attention to the founding ceremony of the Tianyue Empire and watching it carefully through optical brain equipment.

Lu Fan stood proudly above the imperial palace, raising his arms slightly, pressing slightly forward.

Suddenly, the tsunami-like cry of the mountain hushed, and the whole world was filled with solemnity.

"I'm glad everyone is here today to witness this historic moment."

"The eruption in the last days did not bring down human beings. On the contrary, human beings became stronger and stronger under difficult torment, and an unimaginable force broke out."

"It's not so much the end of the world as it is the new era!"

"I announced that the Tianyue Empire was established today!"

"From today, the world begins a new era of evolution."

"I declare that today is set to be January 1st of the first year of evolution!"

"I announced that the Tianyue Empire was established today!"

"I, Lu Fan, will become the first emperor of the Tianyue Empire!"

The high-pitched voice sounded above Tianyue Emperor's Palace, and Lu Fan's vigorous voice echoed between the whole world.

Under the blessing of endless energy, Lu Fan's voice came down like thunder, rolled away, and swept the entire Huaxia, and continued to spread in all directions.

Lu Fan's voice can spread throughout the world.

People around the world who were watching live broadcasts using optical brain equipment suddenly heard Lu Fan's voice, and their hearts were suddenly shocked.

This method is no longer mortal. In the hearts of people all over the world, Lu Fan is definitely God!

"Tianyue is invincible, long live the emperor!"

"Tianyue is invincible, long live the emperor!"

"Tianyue Invincible ~ ~ Long live the Great!"


The shouting tsunami-like shouts swelled into the sky, and everyone was enthusiastic and screaming exhaustedly. It seemed to be a vent to the last days and a hope for the new era.

The whole world is boiling.

Survivors from all over the world were affected by the emotions of the people at the scene. At this time, they worshiped Landing Fanting and shouted, "Tian Yue is invincible, Long live the Great!"


See you on October 8th, I hope everyone can come to the creation to support it, thank you.

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