King of Eschatology

Chapter 658: Ready to return

"If anyone betrays his brother, he will be killed!"

Dark Moon snorted loudly, yelling at the dusty mouth, like a magic sound, pour into each other's ear.

Mi Chen's expression was stagnant, his eyes were dull, he seemed to suddenly return to that afternoon, a few brothers gathered around, swearing at a bag of instant noodles.

At that time, several people ate a packet of instant noodles. Although they were devastated by hunger, their hearts were full.

Later, they met the boss and joined Lu Jiajun. Since then, they have followed Lu Fan's feet and lived a life of worry-free food and clothing.

Human beings should know how to be grateful, but in this eschatological age, things like friendship are the least valuable.

Some people can kill their loved ones for a piece of bread, and some people can sell their bodies for a bite. Everything is extremely dirty, showing the indifference of this last age.

Only Lu Jiajun is different because they never worry about food. As long as they follow the boss, all difficulties will be solved.

Because of this, there is precious friendship between the soldiers of the Lujiajun Army. This has always been the honor of the Lujiajun Army, and no one is allowed to trample on them.

Michen's betrayal hurt the hearts of every brother in Lu Jiajun.

So he must die!

"No, I have changed. The bloodthirsty blood in my body has been taken away by the Pope, and I can become a normal person again."

Michen felt the killing intention on Darkmoon, and suddenly showed a terrified expression, and begged the other party to give him another chance.

Darkmoon's eyes were cold and his tone of voice replied, "No, you have lost your heart and will never go back!"

The voice didn't fall, and the dark moon pointed like a knife, piercing the dusty chest fiercely, smashing his heart with a blow.

Mi Chen grabbed Darkmoon's arm sternly, his eyes were slick and round, full of incredible look.

He really didn't believe that his brother, who had always tolerated himself, actually killed himself.

Gradually, the dusty eyes became dim, vitality quickly dissipated, and died.

"Let's go back!"

The Lujiajun soldiers surrounding him walked forward at this time and patted Dark Moon's shoulder gently.

Darkmoon took a deep breath and said nothing, finally glanced at the dusty body and turned away.

Others saw this scene with emotion, but some people still care about the brotherhood, dug a pit for the dust, buried, to avoid being eaten by the beast army.

In the distance, although Lu Fan didn't come, his spiritual consciousness was so strong that he always kept an eye on the situation here.

When Fan Chen was killed by Darkmoon, Lu Fan sighed softly, but it was not sentimental, but it made him feel heavy.

Since Fanchen awakened the bloodthirsty bloodline, Lu Fan has expected this day, no matter what, this thing finally has a result.

"Clean up and prepare to return to Tianyue Empire!"

With the order of Lu Fan, the soldiers suddenly speeded up, especially the members responsible for transporting materials, and at this time, the action was brought to the extreme.

This operation has achieved great results. Various materials have filled three Star Warships, and now they have been sent to the Tianyue Empire.

I believe that within a few minutes, the Starships carrying the supplies should return.

However, it was unexpected that when the three Star Warships arrived in the Tianyue Empire, they caused a lot of panic.

From Lu Fan's departure to the return of the Star Warship, the whole process only took more than 30 minutes. Where can I go in more than 30 minutes?

I'm afraid it's not even half the distance.

Most importantly, there were ten Starships when they left and only three when they returned?

What about others? Crashed?

All of a sudden, everyone talked, looking in horror at the three starships that landed slowly.

Even the members of the logistics department who were busy distributing the Yijin evolution method stopped at this moment, all of them showing their solemn looks.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered, and the same doubt appeared, and he secretly said, could Lu Jiajun really have an accident?

However, the idea had just appeared and she was immediately denied by her.

Now in this world, there can be few threats to Lu Fan's existence, almost no, so there must be other reasons.

After thinking about all this, Lin Xiaoxiao's mood began to relax, quietly waiting for the three Star Warships to land.


Suddenly, the hatches of the three Star Warships were opened one after another, and a large amount of materials were thrown down, piled up like hills, and there were three of them.

At this moment, a big man jumped out of one of the interstellar battleships. It was Wu Shengwei who had just been educated by Ye.

Wu Shengwei looked like a silly bitch, shouting at Lin Xiaoxiao and others a long way away.

"Mr. Lin, the boss arranged for us to transport supplies. The time is urgent. I will not talk anymore. I will come back to you if there is anything."

Aside from this sentence, Wu Shengwei immediately jumped onto the Star Warship. With the sound of a fierce air explosion, the three Star Warships had disappeared into the sky.


Everyone felt speechless, did Wu Shengwei have a mind in this article and didn't say clearly, just left?

Where do these supplies come from? Has the boss arrived in Western Europe? How is the situation?

When everyone was aggressive, Lin Xiaoxiao said to Xu Xiaopeng: "Get in touch with the front line immediately and ask about the progress of the situation."

Xu Xiaopeng nodded instantly, took out the light brain equipment and connected Wu Guang.

Wu Guang is the deputy captain of the Tiantong organization. He has always been with the boss and is responsible for transmitting the news of the battle on the front line.

"How are you there? How is the situation?"

Xu Xiaopeng asked.

Everyone raised their ears and listened carefully.

Wu Guang responded through the light brain equipment: "The battle here is over, the battlefield is being cleaned up, and we will return soon."


The crowd nodded subconsciously when they heard the phrase, and were a little surprised in their hearts.

This is a bit too fast.

It ’s more than thirty minutes since the boss started, so Lu Jiajun destroyed the Holy See ’s organization so quickly?

Are you sure you are not bragging?

Just when everyone wanted to be wrong ~ ~ Wu Guang's voice came from the light brain device again.

"Captain, to tell you something, Michen found it."

Xu Xiaopeng's gaze became gloomy.

Others looked dignified and thought of the traitor at Tianyue Base.

"He's dead. It's Darkmoon."

After Wu Guang said this sentence, the atmosphere became more dignified, even through the light brain equipment, can perceive the silence of the other side.

"Okay, I know."

Xu Xiaopeng hung up the light brain equipment and sighed heavily, then quickly adjusted his emotions and reported to Lin Xiaoxiao, saying: "Report to Minister Lin that the front-line battle has ended and the soldiers will return to the sea soon."

In fact, Lin Xiaoxiao had heard this result long ago, but she knew that Xu Xiaopeng had a good relationship with Michen. It should be sad to hear the other's death at this time.

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