King of Eschatology

Chapter 662: Beckett's Black Technology

The wreckage of alien battleships is the most valuable wealth of the Galaxy Alliance. If the above black technology research is successful, it will definitely increase the strength of the entire Galaxy Alliance by several grades.

It's a pity that time does not wait for people, they can't wait for all the technical research to be successful. This time, if they don't express to the Tianyue Empire, I am afraid that the Galaxy Alliance will be destroyed.

Since you are not here, you might as well send it out generously, maybe you can also get Lu Fan's favor.

Mandalay cleared his throat and went on to say, "Those who don't know the technology will not talk about it. Now we have three of the most important technologies."

"First, space technology, which is a technology that surpasses the level of earth science and technology, can compress large spaces together, and finally realize the function of storing items."

"These were deciphered by researchers. After more than three months of research, they have been researched, and the rest have not been conquered for the time being."

Having said that, Mandalay gave a careful look at Lu Fan and found that the other party was not moved, and was a little disappointed immediately.

"Second, combat power detection technology, according to researchers' interpretation, this technology seems to be a kind of glasses, which can intuitively see a person's combat power, displayed in numerical form, very accurate."

"Third, nutrient solution technology uses various elements to make nutrient solutions. After humans eat, they can eat without eating for a month."


Mandalay said the research contents of the Galaxy Alliance without reservation, which immediately attracted Lu Fan's interest.

To be honest, Lu Fan is very optimistic about these three technologies. Once the research is really successful, the level of human science and technology will definitely reach another level.

These technologies are all medium-level technologies, which are of great significance for the people of the earth to step into a medium-level scientific civilization.

"Bring your research results and show me."

Lu Fan knows that these research results will definitely be placed separately, and he wants to see them first.

Mandalay, Fan Xina and George looked at each other, all nodded and agreed.

In fact, at this time, even if they didn't agree, there was no use for it. It had no meaning except to annoy Lu Fan.

Soon after George left, he moved a large box and placed it in front of Lu Fan.

This is a peculiarly shaped box made of jade but not jade.

Everyone was curious, all looking at the big box, and secretly saying, "This is the alien box?"

"Stand back!"

Lu Fan coaxed the crowd, stood in front of the box, and opened it gently.

There are three folders in the box, which correspond to the three technologies studied by the Galaxy Alliance, and are placed in three grids.

Under the folder, there is a slate with densely written inscriptions on it, which is obviously an alien language.

Researchers at the Galaxy Alliance have racked their brains and obtained three techniques on these three slate, but they are only the shallowest part, which is ten thousand miles away from the complete conquest.

Lu Fan picked up the first slate at any time, with a label on it, about slate of space technology.

Seeing the dense scriptures above, Lu Fan frowned slightly and didn't know a word.

"Godchain, can you translate it?"

At this time, Lu Fan directly enters the Super God Link system, hoping that God Chain can translate this text.

Shen Chain wriggling the figure again appeared in Lu Fan's mind. Unexpectedly, within a few days, Shen Chain became even more charming.

"Begitt, simple."

An understatement by Shen Chain suddenly made Lu Fan's heart shake.

"Do you mean, the wreckage of this warship is from the Baggett?"

Lu Fan asked.

Divine Chain responded happily: "That is of course. Among the hostile galaxies that invaded the earth at the beginning, the Beckett star is the main force, and it is not unusual for them to have warships remaining here."

Lu Fan said in his heart, "Help me translate the content on the slate. I want to know what is written on it."

ShenChain chuckled and responded: "Yes, 10,000 zombie points per word. Can I redeem them?"


Lu Fan's complexion was dark, and he could not help but swear.

Although this slab is not very large, it is densely covered with obituaries, and there are at least thousands of words. According to the algorithm of God Chain, this will cost tens of millions of zombie points.


Lu Fan gritted his teeth and said that if he found that the content on this slate was worth tens of millions of zombie points, the three guys on the opposite side would be unlucky.

"Ding, the exchange was successful, it has been issued!"

With the sound of the **** chain, Lu Fan felt a bright light in front of him, and suddenly he could understand it. It was amazing.

Lu Fan took a quick glance at the entire slate and took a deep breath before secretly saying, "This is so special, it turns out to be a space ring!"

Recorded on this slate is the process of making a space ring. According to the slate, the space ring is divided into ten equal grades. The higher the grade, the larger the storage space.

According to the slate, the space inside the tenth-order space ring is unimaginably large, and it can hold the entire planet.

"Just know bragging!"

For this statement, Lu Fan sniffed, expecting that this must be the other party boasting, how could a small ring fit the entire planet.

"Look at the second technology again!"

Lu Fan picked up the second slate, without any nonsense, directly exchanged with God Chain.

Suddenly, Lu Fan showed his color, this is a special pair of glasses, which has a powerful role in detecting combat effectiveness.

That is to say, once the research of this kind of glasses is successful, you can intuitively see the value of a person's combat power after you bring it, so that you can compare with yourself, and then consider whether to do it.

For example, someone encounters a high-level zombie, and he dare not guarantee that he can hit each other before he does it ~ ~ With this glasses, everything is resolved.

The combat power glasses can clearly see the enemy's combat power value. As long as the combat power is lower than yourself, you can do it, otherwise run fast.

"This is definitely black technology, it must be developed."

Lu Fan sighed in his heart, feeling the value of his zombie points, so he picked up the third slate.

The third stone slab is much larger than the first two, and the scripture above is also more complicated than the other two technologies.

Lu Fan glanced at this slate, and suddenly he was pleasantly surprised, because he already knew one third of the scriptures on it.

Lu Fan looked at the two slate before, and suddenly felt in his heart, it seemed that he had learned a language by accident.

"High energy nutrient solution!"

After exchanging the remaining obituaries with ShenChain, Lu Fan was pleasantly surprised to find that the third black technology was really a nutrient solution, and one sip could eat without eating for a month.

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