King of Eschatology

Chapter 720: Destroy Buddhism

The Templar Beidou Sword Formation was extremely severely smashed. Once it was released that year, it was banned and regarded as a taboo sword formation by the evolutionists.

It really is because the killing of the Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation was too serious.

As long as it is cast, there will be an indiscriminate sword gas attack within a range of dozens of miles.

At one time, the Tianbei Beidou Sword Formation shines on the ancient battlefield, and each time it is cast, it will destroy numerous powerful enemies.

However, there are also many own soldiers who have been killed by mistake in sword qi. No one can escape this indiscriminate attack.

In the end, the superpowers of all parties made a joint voice and resisted the Tianbei Beidou Sword Formation, which was eventually listed as a taboo, and no one could learn from it.

Just like nuclear weapons in the civilized period, people will never allow nuclear proliferation.

Gradually, the Tianbei Beidou Sword Formation was annihilated in the rivers of time, and the Qin King was unimaginable, and an earth's iniquity had been mastered.

"This **** **** has a lot to know."

Even if he was as powerful as King Qin, he would not be able to cast the Tianjian Beidou Sword Formation, because in his era, the Tianjian Beidou Sword Formation was long lost.

"Even so, the King will not lose to you!"

King Qin roared, clenched his fists, crossed suddenly, and a dazzling ray of energy burst out, covering his entire body directly.

From the outside, the energy mask is like an ancient clock upside down with the same mouth, shining bright golden light, buckling Qin Wang down securely, omnidirectional defense.

"Invincible Admiralty!"

King Qin yelled, the blue tendons between his neck and neck were exposed, and the wounds on his abdomen were bleeding in large quantities, apparently in poor physical condition.

At the same time, a huge amount of Jianguang was ready to go, at this time poured down in Lu Fan's roar, like a torrent of heavy rain raging towards Qin Wang.

The sword light shone in the space, the sharp edge cut through the sky, and bombarded on the invincible golden bell jar.

There was a thunderous explosion in the whole time, and the sound of golden iron crackling rang throughout the space. Numerous sword lights shot at will, while the golden mask fell off, and the ground was cut out of a gully.

The golden bell jar became more and more bright, and seemed indestructible.

Even if the Tian Bei Bei Dou Jian array is extremely sharp, at this time, it is impossible to break the defense of the invincible Admiralty.

Realizing this, King Qin immediately sneered. As a generation king, of course he knew that the consumption of the Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation was huge.

The Templar Beidou Sword Formation is extremely expensive, and even if Lu Fan stepped into the mid-tier ten peak state, it is impossible to continuously perform.

As long as Lu Fan pauses, he will have a chance to kill Lu Fan in one shot.

Qin Wang's eyes were ruthless, waiting silently.

The moment when Jianguang disappeared at high altitude, it was when Lu Fan was killed by Huang Quan.

Suddenly, a fiery sword suddenly appeared in the endless stream of sword air, and it looked so unique in the crystal clear sword light.

At the same time, beside the blazing sword, a green sword spirit follows the shadow, and it is different from other bright sword spirits, and it seems to contain a bit of simplicity.

The sword light sword shadow was inconspicuous in the massive river of sword qi. At this moment, it was chopped down and bombarded the invincible golden bell cover with the thunder.


The bells roared, and their sounds were like waves. At this time, the sound of a bang was loud, and the people were shocked.

King Qin, who was under the invincible golden bell hood, was the first to bear the brunt. At this time, his body shook, and the sudden impact made him extremely uncomfortable and almost out of control.

At the same time, Daoguang shattered on the invincible Admiralty bell cover, Jian Ying broke through the defense smoothly, rushed to the inside of the Invincible Admiralty bell cover, and split it in front of King Qin.

The Qin King immediately noticed the invasion of the sword, and immediately he was terrified, his body flickered away.

As soon as King Qin moved, the invincible Admiralty bell shattered instantly, turning into a bit of golden light and dissipating in the void.

At the same time, thousands of Jianguang cut off quickly, covering Qin Wang who was fleeing in an instant.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of Jian Qi entering the meat was endless. King Qin was severely wounded, and his body instantly became sore and scarred. The sword Qi cut out blood channels, and a dragon robe became dilapidated.


Qin Wang dangerously escaped Lu Fan's sword attack, and his eyes were gloomy and terrible. It seemed that a storm was brewing among the eyebrows.

On the opposite side, Lu Fan felt extremely unfortunate. He was not able to kill the other party with one blow just now. I am afraid that it would be even more impossible to kill the other party.

King Qin raised his palm, and even took a simple space ring with a simple touch, took out a bottle of green potion, and poured it into his mouth.

"The potion of life!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan's complexion turned blue, but he did not expect that the other party also had a space ring, but also a potion of life.

In this way, the damage he just caused to him was nothing.

Seeing Lu Fan ’s response, King Qin immediately sneered and joked: "Why, haven't you seen it? This is a potion of life. You can give birth to death with a single sip."

The words did not fall, King Qin threw the dried bottle to the ground and stepped on it with one foot.

He himself was so imposing that the scar on his body scarred quickly ~ ~ healed instantly.

Lu Fan snorted and taunted, "You have kept this bottle of medicine for thousands of years, and you are not afraid to pass the shelf life and poison your silly thing."

Hearing Lu Fan's wailing, King Qin's face was all green. He had heard him scold himself so high?

Just when the Qin King was about to erupt, Lu Fan even took a bottle of life potion from the space ring and drank it in front of his face.

At the same time, Lu Fan's breath quickly recovered, and the trauma he had suffered before recovered instantly, and he soon became alive and well.

The Qin King revealed an incredible color. The earth that has been sealed cannot even reach the lowest and lower civilizations. How can it have a life potion that can only be produced by intermediate civilizations?

In this battle, Lu Fan shocked King Qin so much that he had to put away his contempt and began to take it seriously.

"In the final analysis, it is still this Buddha's space that has affected the king's performance, and it is time to break it down."

King Qin looked up at the sky and felt the endless light of Buddha around him. A strong sense of disgust rose in his heart. At this time, he finally broke out, determined to break the space of this Buddha country.

"The Great Destruction!"

King Qin exploded, burning black flames all over his body. He sprayed sword light all over his pores, one by one, dark as ink, directly splitting the surrounding space.

Dense space cracks appeared, centered on King Qin, spreading in all directions, and a terrifying power of extinction swept across the Buddhist space in this side.

Once this space collapses, both Qin King and Lu Fan will be squeezed by the force of space and be hit hard.

But at this moment, Qin Wang was completely angry. No matter what the price was, he would completely kill Lu Fan and recover the super-god link system.

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