King of Eschatology

Chapter 771: Mighty

Lu Fan didn't want to talk nonsense to the other party. At this time, he raised his hand again, and another purple beam of light rushed out, hitting the Lizard King instantly.


There is no doubt that the huge body of the Lizard King burst into a mist of blood, and the blood of the sky stimulated the nerves of each Beast King.

Lu Fan is a mid-tier ten peak, and his mental strength has already reached the highest level of life. It is too easy to kill a mid-tier fifth beast.

At this moment, the major Beastmasters were really scared. At this time, where did they dare to resist, and turned around and ran away.

"I want to run now, it's late!"

Lu Fan grunted coldly, stretched out his hands like electricity, and several purple beams of light burst out. The King of Kings, the Kangaroo King, and the King of Koala exploded one after another, and died by death.

The few beast kings that dreaded the world have no resistance in front of Lu Fan, like ants, and are vulnerable.

At this moment, people all over the world held their breath. When they saw this scene, they were shocked and couldn't speak. The strength shown by the Emperor Tianyue was really terrifying.

Is that human being? This is exactly God!

People were surprised and afraid of Lu Fan now, and they turned into awe.

At this time people finally realized the majesty of the emperor, the title of Tianyue Emperor is not just called casually.

Everyone keeps an eye on the screen, hoping to see what happens next. There are hundreds of millions of wild beasts in the Australian mainland. Does the Emperor Tian Yue really kill the killer?

The answer is yes, at this time on the Australian mainland, a tragic massacre is beginning.

After coming here, Lu Fan asked God Chain for the first time, because there are many beasts here, and he wants to know how many beasts have faith in himself.

However, to the surprise of Lu Fan, hundreds of millions of wild beasts across the Australian continent did not have any faith in themselves, and all of them fought with their enemies.

Since the end of the last days, Lu Fan has never intervened in the Australian mainland and has very little influence on it.

In addition, there are powerful beast kings here. Under their influence of subverting human thought, every wild beast here has great hostility to humans.

When the Australian survivor base was breached, more than 10 million human survivors were killed by beasts, their bodies were brutally torn, and they were eventually swallowed.

If one day really dominates the world by wild beasts, the end of humankind can be imagined, and it will definitely die.

The cruelty of the beast is definitely not weaker than the zombies.

Having figured this out, Lu Fan has no mercy at all, and a tragic killing storm is brewing.

Seven starbursts rushed out from above Lu Fan's head, shining across the whole Australian continent.

This time, Lu Fan was going to lay the super giant Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation. He said that he would kill the wild beasts in Australia, and he would definitely do it.

Lu Fan stretched his hands forward, holding the sky, and the endless evolutionary force surged out of his body, which immediately caused the whole southern hemisphere to wind up.

Immediately afterwards, the entire earth was affected. Because the atmospheric convection here was too intense, the northern hemisphere also became rolling, thunders roared, and heavy rain swept over half of the earth.

Because the cold winter in the north is not over, when the rainstorm falls on the ground, it will directly become a large ice cone, as if a terrible natural disaster came and penetrated everything.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. People were avoiding the advent of the ice cone, and at the same time looked up at the sky to see what happened at the other end of the sky, which caused such a big movement.

At this time, the light-brain equipment could not see anything at all, and there was only endless dimness on the screen.

Suddenly, the originally dim sky became brighter. I saw a light curtain appearing over the entire Australian continent, with a sparkling light shining on it.

This is an extremely vast river of swords and lights, in which Lu Fan's endless evolutionary force is poured into the waves, covering a vast expanse of land, covering the entire Australian continent.

At this moment, Lu Fan's eyes were full of sharp colors, and the horrific killing intention rolled out on his body, more terrifying than the sword light in the sky.

It was not until this moment that people gradually realized the real horror of Lu Fan. If he wanted to, he could destroy the entire earth.


Lu Fan yelled, and the infinite sword light in the sky seemed to be summoned. At this time, he suddenly fell from the sky and launched an indiscriminate attack on the entire Australian continent.

Suddenly, blood flowed into the river above the earth, and countless wild beasts mourned and hid, but there was no hiding place at all.

Some beasts got into the ground, but He Jianqi was so incisive that he cut into the ground hundreds of meters directly. Those beasts who had hid in the ground still couldn't escape the fate of death.

Many beasts were forced to jump helplessly, hoping to jump into the sea, hoping to escape to the bottom of the sea for the time being.

However, Jian Guang had already locked their airframes, and at this time chased into the sea, along with many innocent beasts in the sea were affected and killed relentlessly.

The sword was so light and dense that it exploded across the Australian continent, and all the wild beasts were hit by sword gas and killed one after another.

Lu Fan's attack has been long-established, killing hundreds of millions of wild beasts directly, making this land a barren land.

There are too many beasts dead, and no one can count how many there are, except that blood is flowing into the sea, and corpses are everywhere.

Seeing this scene, people were shocked, and at this time they finally understood the theme of this live broadcast: the emperor was angry, and the corpse was thousands of miles away.

Lu Fan completely shuffled the entire Australian continent. Whether it was animals or plants, they were all chopped and shattered. The earth was like being turned over by a hoe, and the soil was filled with the blood of wild animals.

It can be imagined that this land, which has been irrigated by the blood of wild animals, will become extremely rich in the future.

"I announce that starting today, the Australian mainland will become the food production base of the Tianyue Empire. If there is an offender, there is no pardon to kill!"

Lu Fan's domineering announcement directly put the Australian mainland into the territory of the Tianyue Empire.

Tianyue Empire is now producing a large number of intelligent robots ~ ~. It is easy for planting food crops, and it can even captivate some unsavvy beasts.

Lu Fan will never go to waste, he will make the Australian mainland into the granary of the Tianyue Empire, and send people to grow food here, captive beasts, and completely solve the worries of the Tianyue Empire.

The Australian evolutionary, who had originally avoided the island, was filled with sorrow when he heard the news.

When the great beast kings of Australia were killed by the Emperor Tianyue, they thought they could return to the Australian mainland safely. Now it seems that it is more difficult than before.

However, Emperor Tianyue's classification of the Australian mainland as a granary definitely requires a lot of labor. Australian evolutionaries are more familiar with this place. If they apply to work here, they may have a chance to stay.

Even George raised this idea. As one of the big brothers of the Galaxy Alliance, it should not be too much to be a captain in the food production base of the Tianyue Empire, right?


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