King of Eschatology

Chapter 804: Xu Fu appeared

() Above Penglai Xianshan, Lu Fan was furious and abnormal. He was sneakily attacked by a crane and injured his right hand, which immediately caused Lu Fan's infinite intention to kill.

The golden bow was shining brightly, like the golden round of the big day burning in Lu Fan's hand, he pulled the bow to draw the string, exhaled, and a sharp energy arrow formed instantly.

Destructive forces rose sharply in this space, and immediately caused the earth and the earth to shake, and the clouds at the height of Shenshan rolled up.

Suddenly, a figure flew down from the sky. He was wearing a jacket and a bucket hat, exuding a powerful momentum wave.

"Little friend, show mercy!"

This is an old man who seems to have been living on the mountain. When he appeared, Du Lingyun standing behind Lu Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

The old man she had met was the ferryman who brought her here.

When Lu Fan took out the Heavenly Bow, the crane in the sky was terrified, but when the old man appeared, the crane became proud again, and there was even a mockery in his eyes.

Xianhe is a middle-tier ten beast with strong attack power. It has an extraordinary position in Penglai Xiandao and has long been arrogant.

The arrival of the old man excited the crane, at this moment it looked down at Lu Fan from a high altitude, and once again restored its arrogant and unbelievable posture.

Xian He believed that the young man was absolutely afraid to continue to do anything to himself before the arrival of his master.

Lu Fan snorted and cursed: "My mercy? I will keep your mother's affection!"

Lu Fan's violent temper had never subsided because of his words. Xian He hurt him first, and at this time he put on an arrogant gesture, wasn't he trying to find death?

At this moment, Lu Fan's intention in the heart was more vigorous, strength strengthening and precision strengthening were turned on at the same time, the Qiji firmly locked the crane, and a sharp arrow in his hand shot out.

Since Lu Fan stepped into the middle life, he has rarely started to strengthen, because his power is strong enough, and it is generally not necessary.

But this time, Lu Fan was really angry, let alone an unknown old man. Even the Jade Emperor came and couldn't hold it.

An arrow shot, the world changed, and the originally arrogant fairy crane was shocked. It was unimaginable. His master dared to shoot when he came to the other party.


The speed of this arrow is too fast. The crane originally had extreme speed, but at this time it was too late to be cast. It was hit directly, and its powerful impact instantly burst its body into a mist of blood.


Above the God Mountain, the old man who just arrived here saw this scene, and could not help but jump his eyes, this crane crane has been with him for more than 2,000 years, but he did not expect to fall here today.

The old man's eyes became gloomy, the other was too aggressive, and he was not a good person.

Behind Lu Fan, Du Lingyun couldn't help but yanked Lu Fan's sleeves and whispered, "I've seen this person. When I came here, I was riding in his boat."


When he heard this, Lu Fan was clear-eyed and had a bold guess in his heart.

"Chain of God, is this old man the one we are looking for?"

Lu Fan directly communicated with ShenChain to confirm the identity of the other party.

ShenChain nodded his head, saying: "Yes, he is the person you are looking for, Qin Dynasty Warlock, Xu Fu."

Hearing this response, Lu Fan nodded with satisfaction, and his original depression was much better.

Xu Fu hid among the three immortal mountains. Lu Fan had good luck. When he first arrived in Penglai Xiandao, he met each other.

"Boy, Penglai Xianshan is not a place for you to go wild. The old man advises you to leave early, so as not to provoke the mountain to anger."

On the opposite side, the old man said in a bad tone, seeming to be particularly angry at Lu Fan who killed him.

Lu Fan chuckled: "I have a **** with three feet, I came to Penglai Mountain, and I was attacked by a beast for no reason, and the opponent was not killed enough to fight against him. I should not blame others, are you right, Xu Fu?"

The old man quietly listened to Landing Fan's words. When he finally heard the word Xu Fu, he suddenly changed color.

He couldn't imagine it, and the young man across the line broke his identity.

"The old man doesn't know what you are talking about. Killing a man for his life. You killed the old man's fairy crane. Leave your life today!"

Xu Fu had a flash of murder in his heart. Earlier, he had divinated himself for a divination. The divination showed that he was a horrible man, and there would be a **** disaster recently.

Therefore, he wanted to go out and avoid it, but later divined again and found that he could not avoid it at all, so he went back to Shenshan again.

In Xu Fu's plan, he arranged the cranes in the thickest part of the clouds and carried out sneak attacks on the intruders, trying to kill all the roots of cholera in the cradle.

The fairy crane is extremely powerful. Under the circumstances of a sneak attack, the evolutionary below the first-class life will undoubtedly die. Who would have thought that this young man's strength was so abnormal that he was hidden by him.

What is even more hateful is that Xu Fu lost a lot of help by being bombarded and killed by the opponent.

Therefore, Xu Fu didn't hesitate to take a shot. Since he couldn't be good, he started to take advantage.

When Xu Fu stayed high, the tyrant's unmatched punch slammed on the landing, and the space became distorted and collapsed by his punch.

In the face of Xu Fu's fierce attack, Lu Fan did not shy away and took the initiative to greet him. The equally violent punch suddenly swelled, and the two instantly collided together.


The whole mountain was shaken. If it were not for the special power of heaven and earth, I am afraid that Penglai Xianshan would be destroyed.

Suddenly, the golden light that had been dormant in Lu Fan's body suddenly became agitated, and jumped up and down in Lu Fan's body, seemed extremely excited.

"what happened?"

Lu Fan was shocked, something was unknown. So, just when he and Xu Fu fought, Jin Guang started to become excited. Is there any connection between the two?

The golden light in Lu Fan's body comes from Taishan, and he has helped him a lot. It can be said that without this golden light, Lu Fan would certainly not be able to grow to this step.

At this moment, Lu Fan clearly felt Jin Guang's enthusiasm, which was an indescribable obsession ~ ~ It seemed that Xu Fu had good things on his body, which made Jin Guang desperate.


At the moment of Lu Fan's distraction, a purple beam of light rushed in, which was the east of Ziqi.

This kind of evolutionary martial art spread in ancient times, Xu Fu mastered a lot, at this time they fought one after another, and killed the past by banging his head and covering his face.

Sword Qi, palm prints, boxing shadows, leg marks, and various evolutionary martial arts are all as diverse as Ziqi Dong's finger pointing. The power is infinite, as if the stormy sea swept Lu Fan.

I have to say that Xu Fu is very strong. He controls the evolutionary inheritance of the ancient earth. He has all the evolutionary methods and evolutionary martial arts washed out by the Qin king.

Immediately after this, an unimaginable destructive force erupted.


Thank you MYC for your reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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