King of Gods

Chapter 1553

At this moment, Annihilation Ruler and Ruler of Death meet Celestial Lord again.

But they both noticed that Celestial Lord aura was strong at this moment, and the injuries did not seem to be serious, at least less than the injuries of the two major Eye Eye Rulers.

The two God Eye Rulers have never underestimated the Celestial Lord, and they are united again.

“Death Aurora!”

“Annihilating Divine Light!”

Two God Eye Rulers, at the speed of thunderclap, get rid at the same time.

The power of two God Eye Rulers is coming to void.

In Annihilation Ruler’s eyes, I shot a golden dazzling divine light, quickly passing through void, destroying everything touched, including void.

On the other side, in the eyes of the Ruler of Death, a dark ray of death rays was shot, and everything that went by turned pale and rotten.

One black and one gold, two rays of light sufficient to Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, hit the Celestial Lord.

Faced with death and Annihilation, these two attacking God Eye Rulers, even other Rulers, dare not neglect.

However, the Celestial Lord at this moment seems very calm, without any action.

“what happened?”

Annihilation Ruler sank, thinking.

According to the intelligence information, Celestial Lord ’s strength is just a little stronger than the ordinary God King. In the face of their two God Eye Ruler, it is definitely mortal and there is no possibility of surviving. Therefore, Celestial Lord at this moment may completely give up survival, Don’t make any resistance.

But somehow, the heart of Annihilation Ruler suddenly became uneasy.


A huge wave of black gold destroyed the light waves, completely engulfing Celestial Lord’s figures.

This taboo assault wave spread to heaven and earth all around, making one side tremble endlessly.

After a long time, the dust faded away.

The eyes of the two God Eyes penetrated everything and saw the core of the explosion.


Death shocked at the same time as Annihilation.

I saw that the Celestial Lord at the core of the explosion, his body recovered a little bit.

This characteristic, this ability, isn’t it the Immortal Samsara Body?

don’t tell me Is Celestial Lord already killed by the Ruler of Samsara and becoming her Immortal Samsara Body?

But the two major God Eye Rulers, think of another possibility: Ruler of Samsara, was killed by Celestial Lord, and the ability of Samsara God Eye was also stolen by Celestial Lord!

“It’s impossible, don’t tell me Falling God Eye is Samsara?”

Annihilation Ruler couldn’t believe it all.

Celestial Lord knows that the situation is over, and the end is dead, how could he kill God Eye and rise again?

Boom ~

In the eyes of Annihilation Ruler, a golden light barrier burst out and shrouded in the distance.

Within this light barrier, all objects slowly smash and annihilate, and vanish into nothingness.

However, the impact of this devastating light barrier on Celestial Lord is very weak.

Celestial Lord itself has the strongest physical, the Immemorial Fiendgod Body of Immemorial Race, which has an absolute defense for any strength.

Although, the destructive power of the Annihilation Ruler can still be applied to the Immemorial Fiendgod Body.

But Celestial Lord also has the ability of Immortal Samsara Body. The combination of the two makes Celestial Lord seem completely unaffected.

“Haha, Samsara is the first one, you two, who will be the second?”

Celestial Lord laughed.

The ability of Samsara God Eye combined with “Immemorial Fiendgod Body”, alert to surpassed common sense, become another invincible strength!

Even Annihilation Ruler, who can destroy everything, cannot completely destroy it.

“You killed the Ruler of Samsara?”

Ruler of Death complexion temperament.

“Haha, do you really think I’m seriously injured and the cultivation base has fallen?”

Celestial Lord can’t help laugh.

“Is there a mystery in those two explosions?”

Ruler of Death suddenly thought, his eyes moved slightly.

Judging from the situation at the time, Celestial Lord was indeed a desperate self-destruction Ancestral Item and finally exploded Divine Country.

But if you think about it, Celestial Lord should also be able to predict that even Ancestral Item Self-destruction will be difficult to kill the six God Eyes.

If the Ancestral Item and Divine Country are exploded and put together, it may kill one or two of God Eyes and cause more damage to all other God Eye Rulers.

Can be biased, Celestial Lord separated the two bursts.

“Hehe, in order to lie to your six God Eyes, I wasted an Ancestral Item, the heritage of Heavens Secret Clan for countless years, and an expert stand-in incorporating the Immemorial Race Bloodline, but it’s all worth it.”

Celestial Lord chuckled.

Maybe a God Eye is not worth the value of an Ancestral Item, Heaven Defying Faction Divine Country, Immemorial Race Bloodline, etc.

However, God Eye source is far more valuable than Celestial Lord itself!


Celestial Lord’s eyebrows suddenly opened, and the eight pupils slowly moved.

At the same time, eight Eye Bloodline phantoms appear behind the Celestial Lord.

Different from before, the eight Eye Bloodline phantoms gradually moved closer together, and in the center, another blurred eye contour appeared.

When Annihilation and Death saw a phantom in their eyes, their God Eye suddenly felt kind and fearful.

In God Eye of Heavenly Law, there is an aura that returns to all things, surpassing everything.

The whole heaven and earth void trembled again, as if at the feet of Celestial Lord.

“Is this … the aura of Ancestor Eye?”

In the hearts of the two God Eye Ruler, this single thought head suddenly appeared.


The Celestial Lord figure flickered and forced towards Annihilation Ruler.

With his ability at this time, there is no need to fear the attack of the two God Eye Rulers, as long as one of them is killed first and the God Eye source is stolen, the remaining one is easier.

The key is to make a difference.

call out!

Celestial Lord

Annihilation Ruler body 棰 わ 纴 Annihilating God Eye


Annihilation Ruler

Weng weng!

Annihilating God Eye 鐤  妫 娑 屽 姩 锛 屽 己 澶 х 殑 姣 佺 伃 Strength of Source 璋 冨 姩 KEY 屽 嚭 銆

Annihilation Ruler eyesoth eyes

“go with!”

Annihilation Ruler lightly shouted


Celestial Lord God Eye of Heavenly Law 锛 屾 敼 鍙 榟 eaven and earth

椤 Shoulder Cup Old Sun 鏀 彉 鏂 彉 鏂 彉 鏂 悜 锛 屾 浈 Annihilation Ruler 椋 炲 幓 銆

“Umbrella disease”

Annihilation Ruler complexion

Celestial Lord 镄 则 his move

浠 栫 殑 Annihilating God Eye 锛 屼 竴 鐩 存 鍒 鍒 CHO 潃 潃 潃 潃 olden Sun 锛 宨 mmediately

”H? 鐪 嬫 潵 God Eye Ruler

Celestial Lord

Eye d God Eye Ruler 椂 椂 椂 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 Ruler of Death immediately gets rid 锛 岄 鏀 鏀 鏀 嚭 澶 噺 姝 噺 姝 戦 浘 锛 屽 叾 鍐 呭 戦 浘 锛 屽 叾 鍐 呭 戦 浘 锛 屽 叾 鍐 呭浼 draft 嚭 嚭 阆 阆 black 鍏 夌 嚎 锛 屽 悜 Celestial Lord 缂 犵 粫 KEY 屽 幓 銆

闱 ㈠ 杩 欐 牱 镄 凛 elestial Lord

“Immemorial God fist!”

Celestial Lord 鍌  姩 Immemorial Race Bloodline 锛 宻 trikes 鍑 ncomparable gigantic Gold and Silver 绁 炴 妩 銆

钖 屾 椂 锛 孏 od Eye of Heavenly Law 杩 愯 浆 锛 岄 偅 € 阆 揋 old and Silver 绁 炴 妩 鍙 楀 埌 Law strength 镄 勫 姞 鎸 侊 纴 鍙 Birch


Immemorial God 鎷 Charge 笌 Annihilation Ruler 滃 ぇ € 滃 ぇ Annihilation 涔 嬫 湳 濊 濊 鐒

heaven and earth


Annihilation Ruler 镄 刡 ody 浠 庢 More 鐏 璼 torm  啿 鍑  啿 鍑 纴 figure chain 変 簺 镫

”Nnihilation Ruler

Celestial Lord laughed.

Annihilation Ruler 鐗 椤 挰 鍒 回 娇 锛 屽 唴 蹇 冩 € 掔 伀 娌 歌 吘 銆

Annihilation Ruler tialGallium Celestial Lord 镄 勬  闱 ㈢ 鎾 炰 腑 锛 屼 粬 娌 ℃ 湁 鍗 犲 埌 銆  銆

Ruler of Death 蹇 僤 ivine might 鍑

Eight Great God Eyes  纴 璁 虹  纴 璁 nnihilation Ruler rrived 銆


Ruler of Death 鍖 栦 綔 Juan € 鍖 栦 綔 lack 鏋 佸 厜 锛 屾 潵 鍒 痨 nnihilation Ruler

姝 骸 峣 nnihilation 镵 旀 锛 岀 粷 瀵 锛 岀 粷 瀵 锛 岀 粷 瀵 锛 岀 粷 瀵 锛 岀 粷 瀵 锛 岀 粷 瀵 Regulations 槸 Wild God Region

Punish 灏 繛 heaven punishment 銆 佹 椂 绌 恒 € 佺 敓 Forging 笁 澶 od Eye Ruler

“Cang  浜 ¤ 厫 Chain Jin”

Ruler of Death 镄 刡 oth eyes 锛 屽 哜 NO 嗗 湪 Celestial Lord 镄 刡 ody uler of Death

鍙 ︼ 锛 孋 elestial Lord mmmmemorial Fiendgod Body 锛 屾 殚 娣 ′ 简 鍑 犲 垎 銆

鐩 稿  浜 庢 重 鐏 璼 锛 屼 锛 屼 浠 浠 浠 浠 綍 浜 嬬 墿 璧 綍 浜 嬬 墿 璧 悜 鐏  悜 鐏  悜 鐏  镄 凩 镄 凩 aw of Death 锛 屽  Celestial Lord mm mmemorial Fiendgod Body 浼 浼

Key 孋 elestial Lord 镄 剆 trength 锛 屼 篃 鍙 楀 埌 Law of Death

姝 骸 骸

 € ¢

Annihilation Ruler coldly snorted

call out!

Annihilation Ruler Annihilating God Eye

鍙 楀 埌 闄 愬 埗 銆 佸 墛 寮 卞 悗 镄 凛 elestial Lord 锛 屾  闱 ight with 锛 屼 笉 鍐 嶅 儚 涔 嫔 墠 闾 f 牱 寮

铏 界 劧 Celestial Lord涚 姸 pick

“Complacent 蹇 Birch Ships”

Celestial Lord complexion

God Eye of Heavenly Law  纴  纴 € $ 粷 寮 $ 粷 寮 Rainbow 殑 Great Desolate strength 鐖 嗗 彂 屽 嚭 锛 屾 懅 姣 佹 屽 嚭 锛 屾 懅 姣 佹 鍦 嗘 暟 li ten thousand li 鍐 呯 殑 鍒 鍒 aw 鍒 З 搴 忋€


Ruler of Death 镄 勫 墛 寮 闄 わ 纴 闄 わ 纴 孉 孉 孉 孉 孉 孉 ni nnihilation Ruler


God Eye Ruler Performance

Celestial Lord 镄 剆 trength 锛 屽 お 杩 噊 verbearing 锛 屼 粬 浠  簩 浜 鸿 仈 GaN 嬶 纴 涔 熶 笉 鏄  叾 opponent 銆

Ru 嶆 槸 镒 忔 皵 鐢 ㄤ 簨 镄 勬 椂 嶆 槸 镒 忔 皵 鐢 ㄤ 簨 镄 勬 椂 欙 纴 欙 纴 欙 纴      


Celestial Lord immediately pursued.

How can he miss such a good time.

If you let them escape and recover to the heyday, then the two God Eye Rulers must be guarded, and it will be more difficult to kill them.

The Wild God Region Northern Section gathers many experts.

This battle spread completely in the first place.

Celestial Lord’s injuries were disguised.

And Samsara God Eye already one of Eight Great God Eyes fell, Annihilating God Eye and Death God Eye teamed up, both defeated by Celestial Lord, pursuit.

At this moment, the three major rulers of heaven punishment, life, and time and space in the Wild God Region Northern Section are searching the Celestial Lord.

“Never let Celestial Lord succeed!”

“Time and space, you are fast, you hurry up!”

Life is heavy with Heavenly Punishment Ruler.

Once Celestial Lord slays the two God Eye Rulers, no one can stop them!

For a time, the entire Wild God Region shook again, and all the top experts, simultaneously dispatched, gathered towards the Northern Section.

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