King of Gods

Chapter 178

Floating Crest Lightning Seal!

Zhao Feng has been touching the broken iron piece in his hands since leaving the market.

In terms of materials, this iron piece is very general, but it contains an unimaginable Concept.

Even if Concept is short-lived, its profound mysteriousness is beyond the level of Zhao Feng.

“This Floating Crest Lightning Seal, even with my comprehension, can only touch a little fur, which is still the basis of Wind Thunder Palm.”

Zhao Feng was lost in thought.

After integrating into Mystical Left Eye, Zhao Feng’s comprehension of learning ability is a pervert, stronger than overwhelming majority genius.

But at this moment, he has the foundation of “Wind Thunder Palm” and can only touch a little fur at most.

Moreover, he felt that some auras in the Floating Crest Lightning Seal had something in common with Wind Thunder Palm.

But the Concept power of “Floating Crest Lightning Seal” is more than XNUMX times stronger than “Wind Thunder Palm” stronger.

“Wind Thunder Palm” only motivates Wind Thunder, while the Floating Crest Lightning Seal is a means to directly control heaven and earth lightning.

What is the connection between the two?

Zhao Feng vaguely remembers that “Wind Thunder Palm” is an inheritance ancient cultivation technique, which seems to be somewhat incomplete.

At the same time, there are some powerful cultivation techniques in sect, the power of which is the same as the rank, and some are obtained from the Floating Crest Palace. For example, Bei Mo’s “Darknorth Sky Water” was obtained by Spirtual Master Yun Hai from Floating Crest Palace.

“It seems that getting this ‘Floating Crest Lightning Seal’ is not just my performance in the town.”

Zhao Feng secretly sighed in his heart.

Floating Crest Lightning Seal and Zhao Feng cultivated “Wind Thunder Palm” have some Inheritance roots.

He opens the left eye strength, Concept in Copy Floating Crest Lightning Seal.

However, the concept of this scene, the power level is too high, he exhausted the Spiritual Strength, exhausted, to barely succeed.

Zhao Feng did this for the sake of peace of mind, turning these things into his own.

This Floating Crest Lightning Seal can’t be seen for a short time. Who knows if Trial will be confiscated by sect.

According to the agreement of Trial each time, the obtained treasure, according to a certain proportion, sect will extract some, and will give some Contribution Points.

Put away the “Floating Crest Lightning Seal”, Zhao Feng rushed in the other direction.

In his mind, there is the topographical outline of the entire Sky Boundary Island, and those places where there may be opportunities have been marked by him for a long time.

The next goal is a bit far.

The goals chosen by Zhao Feng are all sorted out and considered to be special or large in scale.


The first goal, which triggered the environmental upheaval of the entire Sky Boundary Island, was completely a taboo, and the opportunity was not something he could have at all.

The second goal, the Floating Crest Lightning Seal, was obtained by Zhao Feng.

The next third goal, Zhao Feng, estimated that it should be similar to Bei Mo’s ruins garden.

On the way, as he passed a quiet area, Zhao Feng felt a familiar wave of True Strength.

“Senior Brother Lin !”

Zhao Feng’s left eye penetrated four or five miles and saw a familiar silhouette, which is Lin Fan.

Lin Fan body ’s True Strength fluctuations are relatively strong, and it seems that it has just broken through Ascended Third Sky Layer.

Zhao Feng wore eyepatch and met Lin Fan.

“Junior Brother Zhao, I didn’t expect we could meet.”

Lin Fan was a little surprised.

Zhao Feng groaned a little and pointed out a way: “Go northwest, go for 50 li, there is a mountain valley shrouded in illusion, you can touch try one’s luck …”

The mountain valley he was referring to was where he had just gone.

Zhao Feng thought to himself, that fantasy has been experienced by himself. Can Lin Fan come again?

“Of course, you can’t succeed, it’s not necessarily. That mountain valley is more than a dozen south away, and there is a hidden temple, you can also try.

Zhao Feng gave Lin Fan another chance.

Lin Fan just broke through soon, and I felt unexpectedly: “Junior Brother Zhao, you seem to know a lot about this?”

“Crap! I spent a few days investigating the situation on Sky Boundary Island. It was almost a hundred or two hundred miles away, and it was basically clear. This is just the beginning …

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes, half true half false.

Lin Fan hearing this, can’t help admire.

Others entered into the Sky Boundary Island and saw the opportunity, so they would not give up.

And Zhao Feng, the first five days, did not start at all, first understand the situation before talking.

The so-called know yourself and know your enemy.

From the first action, Zhao Feng’s eyes are destined to be longer than all Trial Person.

Farewell to Lin Fan, Zhao Feng went on to the third goal.

“Floating Crest Trial, six days have passed, and only three or four days remain.”

Zhao Feng hastened his pace.

The third goal point is a little far away. Fortunately, due to the drastic changes in the environmental climate of Sky Boundary Island, some Demon Beast communities no longer exist, reducing Zhao Feng’s resistance to moving forward.

Half a day later.

Zhao Feng came to a grassland.

According to the original situation, there is a flock of Huge portion birds above this grassland, each strand is at least several times, much more terrifying than the Black Blood Bat of the second pass.

Due to the changing environment and climate, the entire island has become a glacier. Only a small amount of these birds are Demon Beast.

Zhao Feng speeded up and passed through a fragrant area of ​​flowers and herbs.

“Originally there were a horrible number of poisonous bees. The lowest strength was equivalent to Half-Step Ascended Realm, and some of them reached an extraordinary second layer. There were thousands of them. If they were unlucky, they were surrounded by tens of thousands of poisonous bees …

Zhao Feng felt with emotion.

Now, most of the poisonous bee colonies are hiding to adapt to the rapid cold temperatures.

The cold temperature on the island has a great impact on the Ascended First Sky Layer. Only by reaching the level above the Ascended Third Sky Layer can the cold energy impact be reduced to a very low level.

“Finally arrived.”

Zhao Feng spits a long breath, looking at an old castle in front.

In the ancient castle, there was a wave of Antiquity pristine aura. The bricks and tiles on the castle were all traces of time.

In terms of scale, this ancient castle is on par with Bei Mo enters into the ruins Ancient Garden, but the danger zone in the nearby danger zone has plummeted after the snow and ice covered it.

When Zhao Feng walked into the castle, he became cautious.

The castle itself has some dangerous environments.

For example, the moat in front of the castle, which is a kind of black and gray river, came with an aura that disturbed Zhao Feng.

He lost a Divine Weapon shard and went in. There was a weird “chi chi” sound in the river. The Divine Weapon shard quickly melted …

Divine Weapon shards, due to the loss of Array Pattern and spiritual intelligence, although the external resistance is weakened, the general Ascended Realm is not easy to destroy.

The whole castle is silent and weird, giving a gloomy feeling.

Zhao Feng was searching for a while near City Gate Tower, but complexion changed slightly.

“Someone came here.”

He was puzzled.

This is nothing more than two possibilities, one is the existence of unknown terrifying in Trial, and the other is one of the Trial disciple.

Zhao Feng believes that the second possibility is relatively large.

Ding! Bang! Boom……

Just then, there was a sound of fighting in the depths of the castle.

Zhao Feng’s left eye condense and found that the source is a luxurious mansion in the center of the castle.

After seeing it clearly, Zhao Feng showed a hint of confusion.

“It’s so unlucky that it’s hard to enter into the core and actually touch these guys.”

Quan Chen’s wolverine figure quickly escaped from the luxurious mansion.

In the mansion, two Black Armor people were chased out. The whole body was wrapped by Black Armor. There was no life aura at all.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, penetrating the material, you can see that the Black Armor is composed of a special mechanical mechanism, with an Energy Core at the center.

Depending on the situation, the strength of the two Black Armor people is close to the Ascended Fifth Layer, otherwise Quan Chen will not be chased like this.

“Junior Brother Zhao, come here to help.”

Quan Chen’s eyes brightened and he saw Zhao Feng near the city gate.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, subconsciously touched the arrows in his quiver, but suddenly stopped: “These blue arrows have the effect of freezing, but they are all disposable consumables.”

Wasting Blue Arrow for Quan Chen is definitely not worth it.

“Senior Brother Quan, my bow and arrow, I’m afraid I can’t shoot through this Black Armor.”

Zhao Feng figure flashed, and the volley went to the city gate.

Quan Chen scolded in his heart, and this Zhao Feng did not help himself.

Fortunately, the two black family members chased a hunted zhang and returned to the mansion.

It seems that it is their mission to keep the mansion, even if they copy the rest of the castle, they will not care.

“Junior Brother Zhao, you came just right. This castle is very Evil Sect. I can’t find the core, but I’m in trouble. It would be better if you and I joined together to get XNUMX-XNUMX.”

Quan Chen smiled, and gloomy and cold flashed in the corner of his eyes.

“it is good.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

Since enters into the sect, he and Quan Chen are at odds.

In the past, in the eyes of Quan Chen, he was simply a ant.

But now, Zhao Feng already grows to the point where he is not afraid of the other party at all.

In this unknown environment, Quan Chen, on the one hand, wanted to use Zhao Feng, and if he had a chance, he would be put to death.

Zhao Feng’s mind is similar.

He enters into the castle, which is relatively late, and with Quan Chen, he can go straight to the core. if there is an opportunity

The two of them had a ghost in their hearts and walked towards the mansion in the center of the castle.

“Senior Brother Quan, you entered into the castle. It should have been a day or two, and it must have been a lot.”

Zhao Feng smiled and looked at the bulging package of Quan Chen body.

Some things in that package, Zhao Feng’s left eye, can see through completely, but it has some value.

Of course, these things are not worth mentioning compared to the Storage Bracelet and Floating Crest Lightning Seal obtained by Zhao Feng.

“You flatter me! I only captured the core of the castle, and in three days, everyone will be pursuited, and there will be no chance.”

Quan Chen leads the way.

The two soon entered into the mansion.

Near the entrance of the mansion, there were some fragments and traces of fighting.

When Quan Chen came here, already had two or three days to clear an entrance from the outside.

“The most valuable place in this mansion is a collection room with many Exotic Treasures, but unfortunately there are strong guard strengths. These guards range in strength from Ascended Fourth Layer to 6th Layer …”

Quan Chen explains.

Zhao Feng figure leapt to a tall building, first glance at the topography of the entire residence with his left eye.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng understood the building’s topography and the distribution of some guards.

When Quan Chen led the way ahead, he only explained some dangerous sections, but deliberately concealed some potential dangers.

Zhao Feng sneered, followed Quan Chen, avoided several dangerous areas on the periphery, and finally entered into a great hall.

In the great hall, there are some black armor guards and silver armor guards.

The strength of the black armor guard is generally extraordinary, 5th Layer, and the number of silver armor guard is very small, reaching more than Ascended Sixth Layer.

Even as strong as Yang Gan, it is extremely difficult to overcome here.

It’s no wonder that Quan Chen and Zhao Feng are at odds with each other, but they will pull him in.

“Junior Brother Zhao, there is the collection room.”

Quan Chen reached out and pointed to an antique house in front, a hint of aura waves from Spiritual Item Origin Energy leaking out.

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