King of Gods

Chapter 329

“When Zhao Feng opened Eye Bloodline, the ball had a strange response. It can be seen that the fate is determined …

scarlet hair old man sighed.

Sphere of Ice Soul, after all, is the carry-on item of Void God Realm King during his lifetime. The residual knowledge of contain is invaluable.

However, this item, following him for many years, had no reaction. When Zhao Feng appeared, he had induction.

It can be seen that he has no fated points with this thing.

“Moreover, you underestimated the power and potential of Zhao Feng Eye Bloodline. Even my Spiritual Sense is hard to find out. In addition, his fate with the soul ball, the chance of luck is incalculable. Buddha was sent to the West to help people to the end, and even “Dark Eye Remnant Sheet” was given to him. After all, those with Eye Bloodline and strong Spiritual Strength, cultivate “Dark Eye Remnant Sheet”, with a higher success rate. “

Scarlet hair old man explained.

Tie Mo is nodded.

Neither “Sphere of Ice Soul” nor “Dark Eye Remnant Sheet” is of much use to scarlet hair old man and Tie Mo.

It was Zhao Feng that had a reaction with “Sphere of Ice Soul”. His Eye Bloodline, a powerful Spiritual Source, basically met the cultivate condition of “Dark Eye Remnant Sheet”.

“Everything depends on his creation …”

Scarlet hair old man Slowly close Eye, body various aura, including life aura, all converge quickly.

The other side.

Zhao Feng walked out of the palace with “Sphere of Ice Soul” and “Dark Eye Remnant Sheet”.

He muttered in his heart, what is the scarlet hair old man, what makes Vice-Religion Master call it big brother.

“don’t tell me is…”

Zhao Feng suddenly felt in his heart.

At Iron Blood Religion, the highest decision maker in most people’s minds is Vice-Religion Master Tie Mo.

However, Tie Mo’s position has a “deputy” character.

The Religion Master of Iron Blood Religion has not appeared in the past XNUMX years.

Legend has it that Iron Blood Religion Master participated in the annihilation of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion hundreds of years ago and is a contemporary figure competing with Scarlet Moon Religion Master.

Only later, because of some changes, the Iron Blood Religion Master fell asleep.

Go back to your accommodation.

“Sphere of Ice Soul” was placed on the palm, and a strange ice-cold came.

But in essence, this ice-cold does not exist at the Matter level, but spreads and spreads in the spiritual world. It is a Void Strength similar to sword intent and Blade intent.

When I saw this thing for the first time, Zhao Feng’s God Eye had some kind of induction.

Zhao Feng opens God Eye, and spiritual senses blends into the “Sphere of Ice Soul” a little bit.

For some reason, the kind of ice-cold Void Strength brings a sense of intimacy to Zhao Feng.

The light blue Icy Pond in the space of the left eye, at this time, ripples, strange and invisible chills, echoed at the spiritual level.

At the core of Sphere of Ice Soul, a group of transparent Void’s Blue Ice Nucleus lights up.

That Blue Ice Nucleus is invisible with naked eye, it only exists in the spiritual level, and Zhao Feng’s God Eye can also see it.

In contact, Zhao Feng perceives some vague and incomplete information in “Blue Ice Nucleus”, including some deep and ancient inheritance knowledge and Profound Truth.

Those information, most of which Zhao Feng did not understand, but some Profound Truth, have some origins with the Spirit Secret Technique, and it is more distant.

“This is Dao of Ancient Soul? A deeper and more distant domain than the Spiritual Secret Technique …”

Zhao Feng has thoughts and has many questions.

He can be sure that the Knowledge Profound Truth contained in the “Sphere of Ice Soul” is far superior to the Spiritual Secret Technique he has been in contact with, and is a thousand times better.

In contrast, the Mind Control ** he previously studied is not worth mentioning.

Even “Lightning Inheritance” is far from being able to mention the equal meanings in these messages, Profound Mysteries.

The only regret is that these things are incomplete and fragmented.

Zhao Feng’s mind was immersed in it, and he completely forgot himself. Some of the essence of Profound Mysteries in the “Sphere of Ice Soul”, ordinary person, are difficult to perceive for a lifetime.

Unless Zhao Feng has the foundation of Spiritual Secret Technique, God Eye’s powerful understanding and learning ability, and the superb Spiritual Source, it is impossible to reach.

In a blink of an eye, two or three days passed.

Profound Mysteries in “Sphere of Ice Soul” was screened by Zhao Feng’s God Eye and classified into layers.

First Layer, Ice Soul Foundation.

Second Layer, Ice Soul Strength.

Second Layer, Ice Soul Heart.

Of course, all the information of the Third Layer is incomplete. This is still Zhao Feng. God Eye has a powerful computing power. It took two or three days to achieve this step.

“At the moment, I can only comprehend the content of the soul foundation.”

Zhao Feng secretly said in one’s heart.

Even the content of the First Layer “Ice Soul Foundation” has greatly subverted Zhao Feng’s knowledge of the Spiritual Secret Technique and the traditional cultivation technique.

Certain information has subverted Zhao Feng’s world view.

For example, in the Ice Soul Foundation, the existence of a “Wizard King” is recorded in the relevant Soul Dao Inheritance.

Wizard King’s body is not strong, even relatively fragile.

But Wizard King’s Soul spiritual, is almost immortal, fleshly body is just a carrier for it, careless

Even if the enemy kills the fleshly body, Wizard King can instantly change to a “carrier”.

Moreover, a Wizard King can have many carriers, and it is not uncommon to be resurrected.

“The fleshly body is the carrier of life; Soul is the core of all beings. If the fleshly body is gone, the soul can be there; if Soul Destruction, everything is vanished.”

Zhao Feng is frequently nodded in Comprehension.

For human beings, the consciousness is the core, which is Soul.

“Branch Lord, set off to national capital soon.”

Early in the morning, a voice interrupted Zhao Feng’s Comprehension.

Zhao Feng opened Eye, his face was slightly tired, but he was covered by more excitement.

In Comprehension, time passes too quickly.

Outside the great hall, Die Ye waited with a smile.

Zhao Feng nodded, leaving only a trace of consciousness outside, most of his energy was used for Comprehension.

Iron Blood Main Hall.

Zhao Feng, Jiang Sanfeng, Die Ye, and Dong Xue all gathered.

Golden Spear Blood Dragon Sedan Chair, dropping from the sky, and ancient robe Protector and three other senior executives.

“Vice-Religion Master, everyone is here.”

Die Ye includes said with a smile.

“set off.”

Tie Mo in the Golden Spear Blood Dragon Sedan Chair, nodded.

Royal Capital is not far from Iron Blood Headquarters, everyone at a moderate pace, less than half a day, arrived at Sky Peng Royal Capital.

Once again enters into the Sky Peng Royal Capital, Zhao Feng heart has a touch of emotion.

Iron Blood Religion Many people stared at the Azure Haired Youngster Branch Lord.

Not long ago, this youngster was in the Royal Capital, hostage Princess Qin in public, sensational Great Country, the Grand Family imperial majesty.

Zhao Feng expressionless, without saying a word, most of the mind is in the content of Insight “Ice Soul Foundation”.

He refused to let go of every minute.

He just follows the army mechanically, and what everyone says is “um”, “oh”.

“Don’t bother him.”

Vice-Religion Master slightly smiled, signaled to Iron Blood Religion and others.

Among the Iron Blood Religion’s team, an Azure Haired Youngster, with Eyes almost closed, went all the way.

For Zhao Feng in insight, time flies.

He didn’t know what happened outside.

“Monarch to Princess Qin”

“Liu Family Lord is here”

“Great Lake City Lord to”

Somehow, Zhao Feng was in a noisy environment.

He sat foolishly in one position.

“Who is this Blue Hair kid, who actually sits in the position of the selection and has been dozing off?”

“So ridiculous”

“Blue-haired blue pupil, he is the representative of Iron Blood Religion, he is the Zhao Feng”

“Zhao Feng? It turned out that hostage ‘Princess Qin, the thief? Everyone isn’t going to go together yet, take him and make a contribution”

There was a mess below.

Sky Peng Royal Capital, a large open space, all around are mostly seats.

The easternmost side is the Imperial Family side, and senior executives such as Sky Peng Monarch and Princess Qin are present.

The more recent ones are Iron Blood Religion, Liu Clan, Zither Sword Sect and other huge forces.

In the center of the open space, there are eight Arenas, each one square in size.


In the center of the eight Arenas, there is also a platform.

There are ten seats on the platform.

In these ten seats, there are ten youngsters and youth, representing ten “pre-selected places” for Canopy Great Country.

As a pre-selected quota, the candidate for the Saint Region True Dragon Meeting is tentatively selected, and there is no need to participate in complicated trials.

Ten seats are arranged in order.

In the first position, sitting on a youth with a golden robe brown hair, he is very sturdy and even slightly obese, a pair of Eyes, showing the golden gleam of silk, and there is a mountain-like pressure from his breath.

Crown Prince Jin, Great Country top ten stars.

The second position is a flower-dressed youngster, with messy hair, embracing his hands, and a dangling look.

Wang Xiaoguai, Great Country’s second ten stars, comes from Wind Cloud Sect, one of Three Sects.

The third position is a jersey youth, beautiful out of the ordinary, carrying a Green Ancient Sharp Blade, and occasionally the light divine light, as if there is an invisible Blade Edge, cut through the air, piercing the bones.

Tian Yunzhi, Great Country, third in ten stars.

Fourth position.

An Azure Haired Youngster, with her eyes closed, seems to be snoring.


The object of speech of many people on the field is this Azure Haired Youngster.

Zhao Feng, Iron Blood Branch Lord, Great Country’s newly emerging heaven-blessed genius.

“so many people……”

Zhao Feng opened both eyes, withdrew from insight, his face has several points of tiredness.

Ten pre-selected places are in the center of eight Arenas, around Arenas, and there are many forces from the Great Country.

Zhao Feng’s gaze swept away, and the surrounding area was filled with black.

Eight Arenas are about to compete.

When Zhao Feng opened Eye for a moment, there was a loud boo, which attracted a lot of attention.

The Imperial Family side, Sky Peng Monarch and the others, towards Zhao Feng glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Princess Qin a composed bearing is noble.

At the same moment, there are many cold-hearted experts from Great Lake City, Tian Family Head Family, Liu Clan Head Family, and many other experts.

Especially on the Great Lake City side, the Great Lake City Lord’s pupils contracted, and coldly snorted swept Zhao Feng a glance.

Liu Qinxin looked quietly and quietly, sitting quietly, like the empty valley Youlan, the fairy in the painting.

Rao is Zhao Feng, all feel cold and uncomfortable.

“Zhao Feng, we meet again.”

A fierce voice burst out.

It is Tian Yunzhi, who is sitting in the third position next to Zhao Feng.

“Hehe, this is the youngest Branch Lord in Iron Blood Rudder?”

In the first position, “Crown Prince Jin”, the laughter was thick, the chill was looming in his eyes, and he squinted to look at Zhao Feng.

For a moment, Zhao Feng awakened for a moment, attracting a lot of bad eyes. In addition, the top ten rising stars, the Great Country Happo Genius, looked at this youngster who had been “out of state”.

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