King of Gods

Chapter 331

Bi Jiangqiang, Spiritual Master Level cultivation base, is ranked XNUMXth in the Top XNUMX of the Great Country Finals and ranks in the middle.

Such an achievement, I doubt the Great Country’s tens of millions of genius, step on the foot, set the number of halo luck in one body.

However, at this time, facing the pre-selected genius of ten peers of Peak on the platform, his complexion grave, dare not have a slight disdain.

Of the ten geniuses on the stage, he didn’t have any chance to win, especially the Crown Prince Jin. There was no chance at all.

Even if one can be defeated, I am afraid it will take a bit of hard work.

Bi ** ‘s gaze fell back and forth to the fourth position, Azure Haired Youngster “snoring”.

“Fourth place is you!”

Bi ** took a deep breath, sharp eyes, and made a decision.

Choosing Zhao Feng was the result of his careful consideration.

There are two reasons.

First, of the top ten qualifiers, only Zhao Feng, not the original Great Country Ten Stars.

Although Zhao Feng has all kinds of prestige, most of them are rumors. It is said that they are relying on the “Thirsty Shui Yue” to leave the next three methods.

In other words, Zhao Feng’s true strength may not be true.

Second, because Liu Qinxin.

In previous discussions, Bi Jiangqiang was completely obsessed with Liu Qinxin. It was beautiful, pleasing to the eye, quiet and clean, and there was no trace of vulgarity.

Coincidentally, Zhao Feng is Liu Qinxin’s fiance and was wanted by the Great Lake City for fleeing marriage.

“It’s a puzzling kid, such a perfect lady, who has given up! Wait for me to take out the trump card and do whatever it takes to defeat you and win the favor of the beauties. At that time, as my Bi Family Young Master, to Great Lake City’s marriage proposal is bound to be stable. “

Bi Jiangqiang was jealous and resentful towards Zhao Feng, but he was also fortunate.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng can’t understand the style and leave himself a chance. Resentful and jealous is that such a perfect beauty, the other side ignored it.

Bi Jiangqiang made up his mind to pay Zhao Pai no matter how much it cost.

He took a deep breath, looking to the side: a snow white veil fairy, a quiet and elegant beauty, high-class and refined, pleasing to the eye.

However, as soon as Bi Jiangqiang’s voice fell behind, it was strangely cold.

“Fourth place is you!”

No reaction, nothing.

In the fourth position, Zhao Feng sat on the spot, both eyes closed tightly, as if snoring.

He didn’t know where he was sitting, and he knew the process of the outside test.

“Zhao Feng! Bi Jiangqiang, as one of the top ten in the tournament, is qualified to challenge you. If you do not fight, equivalent to abstain.

True Profound Level’s referee old man, with sounds like Thunder rolls.

Until the word “Zhao Feng” was mentioned, then Azure Haired Youngster, Shi Shiran opened Eyes and looked blank.

under platform.

Liu Qinxin, Jiang Sanfeng, etc.

Among them, Liu Qinxin, pouting with a smile, like Jie Lian after the rain, quiet and elegant.

Jiang Sanfeng cannot help said: “Zhao Feng! Come out and fight

He and Zhao Feng, both from Iron Blood Religion, had red faces at the moment.

“Abominable boy, how dare you despise me so much!”

Standing out of the queue, Bi Jiangqiang was full of anger, his face flushed, and both fists clenched.


Zhao Feng suddenly nodded, figure dragged a bunch of Hualien-like phantom, and fell to the bottom.

“This Body Movement is indeed the Inheritance of Great Thief Shui Yue.”

“This yin thief is openly competing for a True Dragon Meeting place at the Royal Capital important location.”

There were big shots at the high level, and many showed resentment.

Some of these elders have even dealt with Great Thief Shui Yue and have suffered.

Especially the Imperial Family, with killing intent and anger.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng’s monstrous Iron Blood Religion, now I’m afraid there is a group of experts who flew over and punished the Yin thief. Arena. Zhao Feng and Bi Jiangqiang face each other distantly. The former face looked as if there was a trace of thought. Despite standing on Arena, Zhao Feng is part of his mind, still thinking about the problems in “Sphere of Ice Soul”.

Today, the content of the First Layer “Ice Soul Foundation”, Zhao Feng reluctantly stepped into the door and reached a new level of the Comprehension of Spiritual Secrets.

“Blue flames!”

Bi Jiangqiang’s hands are staggered, and twinkles sparkle in both eyes, and the whole body True Spirit Qi almost burns and vibrates.


He is full of green light, and even raises the green fire of about one zhang high, which is appalling.

Incredibly, the True Spirit Qi of his whole body has been greatly enhanced, breaking the barriers of the cultivation base Realm.

“Bihuoqingtian! The secret skill of the Bi Family Head Family must be matched with a specific Bloodline Power in order to perform. This Bloodline Secret Skill can enhance the response to heaven and earth Origin Energy and at least double the Battle Strength.”

Great Country various lands Watch the expert and see the clue.

“Not good! To perform ‘Bihuo Qingtian’, you need the Spiritual Master Level great accomplishment cultivation base, otherwise it will hurt the foundation and cause great damage to the Bloodline Power.”

For the Bi Family Head Family, complexion has changed.

For a brief breath, the Battle Strength in Bi Jiangqiang’s eyes skyrocketed, even rising to the level of Jiang Sanfeng.

Huh pa!

In Bi Jiangqiang’s eyes, Bi Sè Jingguang is flourishing, and the whole body Bisè Qingxia roars, like the celestial being being in the heavens, strong and rushing towards Zhao Feng.

For a while, the green fire pressure covers an area, terrifying True Spirit Prestige, enough to make the Spiritual Master Level Peak startled.

Seeing that the blue fire and blue glow swallowed around, Yu swallowed and covered up the silhouette of Azure Haired Youngster.

“Not getting rid to fight back!”

Jiang Sanfeng and Die Ye, just watching the heart beat.

Zhao Feng body’s True Spirit Qi has no reaction at all and seems to have no intention to fight back.

“Little thief, not dead yet!”

Bi Jiangqiang looked sè in his face, and severe light flashes in his eyes.

However, at that moment, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye stared right at him for the first time.

The deep Left Eye, such as Icy Pond at the end, spread through the bones.


Bi Jiangqiang The whole person shivered coldly. It seemed that even his thinking was frozen, and his movements were several dozen times slower.

The kind of cold intention does not exist at the Matter level, but originates from the Spiritual Soul.

“Si si …”

Bi Jiangqiang’s eyes were horrified, his body shivered, his body was better frozen.

In the eyes of everyone, his movement was like slowing down the movie.

Later, the emotions in his eyes seemed to be condensed and unchanged.

The condensation of Spiritual thinking made him lose control of his body and True Strength and Bloodline, like a baby, hobbled.


He was kicked out of Arena by an Azure Haired Silhouette.


The split second on the ground, the chill on Bi Jiangqiang body and mind, only half dissipated, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth, and the obvious warmth was felt.

“How is it possible … what indecent way do you use?

Bi Jiangqiang was shocked and speechless.

He apparently tried his best to launch bloodline strength and perform the “Blue Fire Blue Sky” mystery. As a result, he was kicked and kicked with no resistance like the sorcery.


The audience was sensational, and the overwhelming majority did not see what was going on.

The time to really decide the outcome is only at that moment

“What happened! How did Bi Jiangqiang become demented at a critical moment?”

“What sorcery that kid did!”

“Sorcery? That must be the indecent means left by Great Thief Shui Yue, such as soft fragrant poison, etc., which makes opponent lose Battle Strength

There were several discussions on the ground, but it turned into a condemnation of the crusade.

These cruel sounds are mostly younger generations, the real Great Country senior elders, but each and everyone complexion grave.

Zhao Feng dismissed the explanation, returned to his original position, and continued to close eyes insight.

“Sure enough, the mutated Left Eye, Ice Water Attribute, and colder Yin. By applying the principle of Ice Soul in the Sphere of Ice Soul, launching this strength of Eye Bloodline can condense and hurt the oppressive mind.”

Zhao Feng secretly nodded.

“This move is named ‘Ice Soul Eye’, which is different from the previous ‘Illusion Imprison Eye’.

From this moment on, Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline ability was finally classified by system.

“Ice Soul Eye.” It is his selfless insight these days that he has unearthed an ability of Eye Bloodline by practicing “Sphere of Ice Soul.”

After the second transformation of God Eye, Zhao Feng had Eye Bloodline, but did not have the corresponding development capabilities.

And Sphere of Ice Soul is the opportunity to change the fate of Zhao Feng. Down Arena. Bi Jiangqiang was defeated, and on the Spiritual level, there was a touch of chill, which affected the body and the teeth were still shaking.

Moreover, his actions and reactions became slow.

“This child ’s Wu Xing and Eye Bloodline, really terrifying, so insight into the ‘Sphere of Ice Soul’ Dao of Ancient Soul knowledge

Iron Blood Vice-Religion Master, surprised.

On the other hand, the senior members of the Imperial Family, the Yun Family, and the Bi Family have a lot of suspicion and grave on their faces.

Based on their level, it can be seen naturally that Zhao Feng’s one-shot victory is not a means of inferiority but a superb Eye Bloodline Secret Technique. but. There was a lot of genius present, and he didn’t see the truth and scoffed at Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng, this thief, actually used Xia San’s methods in public.”

“Bi Jiangqiang failed too badly. Have the two men negotiated?”

Some people even wonder if this Bi Jiangqiang is making a show and deliberately giving Zhao Feng a prestige?

This storm is over.

In a short time, Bi Jiangqiang did not dare to continue the challenge and reserved an opportunity to let his family’s Patriarch heal. Immediately. Jiang Sanfeng got strong rid, challenged the Great Country’s ten-star sixth place, and succeeded in the first battle.

After all, he was XNUMXth out of the XNUMX Great Country stars

After that, the remaining top ten genius challenged one after another, most of which ended in failure.

Zhao Feng still has close eyes insight and does not care about the outside world.

Through the previous practice, his understanding of his Eye Bloodline has gone a step further.

“The previous ‘Illusion Imprison Eye’ was mainly trapped by the Spiritual Illusion Technique, killing each other’s Spiritual Will until it exhausted the opponent. The emphasis was on a word of” magic “.”

“Ice Soul Eye, play the Yin Han Water Attribute of Eye Bloodline, freeze or hurt the other’s mind. There is a certain attack and erosion”

Zhao Feng’s thoughts gradually became clear.

In this way, his first metamorphosis, the birth of the green eye, should be a partial attribute. But at that time, there was no corresponding mystery mining.

If it is said that it is “Eye of Ice”, then it was “Eye of Wind”.

“Unfortunately, if I got ‘Sphere of Ice Soul’ early, my current achievement is definitely more than that.”

Zhao Feng is a bit sorry, but also a bit lucky.

While he was fully aware, he suddenly smelled a scent of fragrance.


Zhao Feng felt inductive, and when he opened his eyes, he found that a quiet and beautiful lady sitting beside him was staring at herself with a smile. Liu Qinxin! Zhao Feng burst into his heart. It turned out that Liu Qinxin won by challenge, sitting in the fifth position, and was shortlisted for “pre-selection.” He was one of the Great Country’s ten stars.

(To be continued

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