King of Gods

Chapter 403


Purple Saint Ruins, from the three Sect factions, join forces to control the Inheritance Channel.Other forces are extremely difficult to get involved!

These Foreign Territory’s Genius enters into the ruins belong to their respective camps and have corresponding Inheritance command tokens.

An “foreign genius” that does not belong to Three Camps, enters into the ruins, it can be said that it is difficult to move, let alone be alone, and compete with these huge forces of geniuses.


With the “Betrayal” of Small Thieving Cat, these problems are solved.

Although Zhao Feng was restrained by Ye Yanyu, he was subtly reduced to the dangerous and embarrassing situation of “Outsider”.

At least, he is no longer attacked on all sides.

Even more subtle.

Zhao Feng clings to the strongest “Clean Moon Spirit Sect” in disguise, making the hostile hostile Black Cliff Palace helpless.

What he has to do now is just stop and wait and see, as a “fourth person”, watching Three Camps’s battles and secret battles, and at the most critical moment, seek his own interests.

This is only the general idea of ​​the plan, and the specific implementation is the most critical for exquisite mind and courage.

The plan was initially led by Small Thieving Cat.

It deliberately introduced Ye Yanyu to Zhao Feng, which seemed to bring a crisis. In fact, Zhao Feng provided a shelter and more profound development.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat are in the same mind, and after meeting, they directly perform a double reed.

of course.

Behind this subtle plan, there is also great danger.

Once exposed, Zhao Feng will be in an unprecedented danger; at least in front of Ye Yanyu, he will not have much resistance.

“The greater the benefits sought, the greater the danger faced.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickering, and he reconciled his mind and became indifferent.

Each next step is the key. There is a slight difference, and you may lose all.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng’s mood became calmer, but the whole body blood had a kind of irritating and exciting feeling.

At this time.

The three True Lords joined forces, and many True Profound Levels are elite. They check and balance in all around and start a fierce fight with Ancient Giant Scorpion.

Ancient Giant Scorpion defense is extremely strong, strong as True Lord Level, it is difficult to break open.

Its Giant Scorpion poison, True Lord Level, can’t escape it.

Fortunately, there is Chi Gui of the Black Cliff Palace, who controls the two True Lord Level Ghost Corpse, and is able to get close to the Ancient Giant Scorpion.

Blood Robed True Lord waved the Blood Moon Blade, blood-red infection, huge blood-red crescent moon, and a little bit of erosion on the wound of Ancient Giant Alligator.

As long as there is a little wound, Blood Robed True Lord’s Blood Dao attack will further penetrate, corrode, and even erode Blood Dao attack to its within the body, corrupting the organs of the internal organs.

If you switch to the normal True Lord Level Demon Beast, Chi Gui and Blood Robed True Lord will work together to solve it in a moment.

However, this Ancient Giant Scorpion, the physical life force, is extremely tyrannical, and the two True Lord Level Ghost Corpse can only cause some flesh wounds.

Blood Robed True Lord’s Blood Moon Blade attack can’t open the Giant Scorpion’s defense in the same way, it can only rely on slow erosion.

The biggest main force is Ye Yanyu.

She casts “Moonlight Spirit Sword Secret Art”, and controls the transparent mercury sword that runs through the night. Each beating represents the puncture of tens of thousands of Moonlight rays.

Every time Ye Yanyu attacked, he could leave a series of bloodstains on the Ancient Giant Scorpion body.

Changing to the True True Level, Ye Yanyu so Profound Mysteries attacked the sword with a deep attack, he could be killed or killed one or two times, but after consecutive seven or eight swords, Ancient Giant Alligator suffered only some injuries.

“This Ancient Giant Scorpion, worthy to be called is Precious Beast with a genuine bloodline. Even the Half-Step Origin Core Realm cannot beat it head on.”

Zhao Feng was clearly understood in the distance, can’t help admire.

In this way, Giant Scorpion’s Cub in Mountain Cavern is even more hot enough to scald one’s hands.

Theoretically, the three True Lords have joined forces, including many True Profound Level elite encircles, with a battle strength of at least seven or eight True Lords.

Ye Yanyu alone, equivalent to three to four ordinary True Lord’s Battle Strength.

Chi Gui is at least equivalent to two or more True Lord Battle Strength, after all, he controls two True Lord Level Ghost Corpse.

This lineup, in a short period of time, simply beats the Ancient Giant Scorpion and cannot be resolved.

“Ancient Giant Scorpion, staying on Mountain Cavern, if it escapes, it will be several times more difficult to kill.”

Zhao Feng, as a fourth person, was very clear about watching the situation.

of course.

He couldn’t hold back either, he had to contribute.

嘣 sou sou ——

Several dazzling Ice Thunder Arrows guided the cold wind of Lightning Cry, fiercely hit the shell of Giant Scorpion, and heard the sound of “ding”.

The attack of “Ice Thunder Arrow” is extremely powerful, very close to the attack of the ordinary True Lord.

Moreover, every time the Ice Thunder Arrow hits the target, it will cause the Ice Thunder Strength to explode. Although it cannot cause substantial damage to the Giant Scorpion, it can form a certain obstacle to it and even cause a slight deceleration effect.


A lot of Foreign Territory’s Genius was present, and some unexpectedly looked at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s attack in the distance, powerful, and can bring a certain deceleration effect to Giant Scorpion, which is very helpful to the entire team.

Giant Scorpion is slowed down by numb paralysis, the speed of action is slowed, and the threat to all around genius is greatly reduced.

Although the Black Cliff Palace’s genius has a grudge against Zhao Feng, it has to admit that this guy plays a role, second only to the three True Lords.

The genius under the three True Lords has a very small number of attack, which may be mentioned on equal terms with Zhao Feng, but the frequency is not so high to prevent Giant Scorpion from fighting back.

Zhao Feng is far away and has no regrets. The attack output is only second to the three True Lords.

The slowing numb paralysis effect on Giant Scorpion is incomparable to other genius.

Even Ye Yanyu, can not help nodded slightly, in terms of Zhao Feng’s potential performance, if you join Clean Moon Spirit Sect, you can at least become Inner Disciple.

The only doubt is that the origin of this guy is unknown.

In time.

The damage of the Ancient Giant Scorpion body continued to accumulate, and the Blood Dao erosion of Blood Robed True Lord also played a role, extending the damage to the viscera.

Zhao Feng’s Ice Thunder Arrow, slowing down and crisping, has been accumulated in the Giant Scorpion body.

Ye Yanyu was very clever, first managed to chop off Giant Scorpion’s scorpion tail, affect its balance, and then targeted the limbs.

In the end, Ancient Giant Scorpion couldn’t withstand the wisdom and teamwork of everyone, was seriously injured, and the attack seemed weak.

What’s important is that its scorpion tail and limbs have been cut off successively, and it is difficult to escape.

“It won’t last long.”

“At most half an hour, it can be solved.”

Everyone’s Fighting Intent was heated, and the attack was intensified.


At some point, the Ancient Giant Scorpion fell to the ground like a small mountain-like body.

Before dying, it launched a fierce and fierce counterattack, forcibly jumped out several hunted zhangs, and tore two Genius of Moon Devil Palace into several pieces.

One of them, Black Cliff Palace genius, was cut a bit by the poison of Giant Scorpion.

Everyone was in fear, that the Ancient Giant Scorpion’s mortal counterattack, even the True Lord Level, could be torn instantly.

The Chi Strip’s Silver Striped Skeleton was cut in half. Fortunately, this type of Dead can be repaired as long as the materials are sufficient.

Zhao Feng ran away in the moment before the Giant Scorpion erupted, hiding in a rock wall gap a mile away.

When Giant Scorpion died of anger, Zhao Feng quickly came out and went straight to the corpse body.

Ye Yanyu looked at Zhao Feng a glance thoughtfully, and the Ancient Giant Scorpion’s final counterattack seemed to be moving towards Zhao Feng’s direction.

During the battle, Zhao Feng’s Luosui Bow kept firing continuously, with the effect of ice hemp, apparently making Giant Scorpion resentful. But this guy, attack distance is the furthest, hiding at the farthest.


On 3 sides, he began to discuss the division of the Ancient Giant Scorpion corpse body.

Ye Yanyu has little interest in Giant Scorpion corpse body, except for the most precious Giant Scorpion Core, the scorpion clamp. Her focus is on Giant Scorpion’s Cub, and Exotic Treasure in Mountain Cavern.


Zhao Feng performed more positively than her, took out the sharp Divine Weapon Item, cut through the fractured flesh, cautiously, and took out a fist with a large fist and dark ink.

This is Poisonous Sack from Ancient Giant Scorpion.

“Well, I just want this.”

Zhao Feng said nothing and put away Poisonous Sack.

He exerted so much effort just now to keep an eye on it.

Want to come, Ye Yanyu, such a pure Righteous Faction Fairy, will not be interested in the dirty Poisonous Sack.

“Poisonous Sack of Ancient Giant Scorpion, the poison of Giant Scorpion, the deadly one, its Poisonous Sack is second only to Giant Scorpion Core.”

The people at Black Cliff Palace suddenly felt a bit hostile.

In fact, the Poisonous Sack of Giant Scorpion has a great effect on Black Cliff Palace.

Black Cliff Palace is Evil Path Ghost Corpse Sect, a highly toxic substance, added to the ghost body by them, it will be like a tiger that has grown wings.

And Giant Scorpion’s Poisonous Sack is the best material.

It’s just that Zhao Feng started too fast

His God Eye was very precise, determined the location of the Great Scorpion Poisonous Sack, and took it along the wound crack.

But the people at Black Cliff Palace are helpless.

Ye Yanyu and Zhao Feng were able to kill Ancient Giant Scorpion.

The role played by Zhao Feng, second only to the three True Lords, has greatly reduced casualties and is obvious to all.

Ye Yanyu didn’t say much. She was nauseated and had no interest in Great Scorpion Poisonous Sack.

And, as previously agreed, Zhao Feng’s gains are his own. Slaying Ancient Giant Scorpion, Zhao Feng is very “hard”, and it is understandable to get Poisonous Sack.

After all, Zhao Feng is now also a half of the Clean Moon Spirit Sect camp. Poisonous Sack is better than the rival Black Cliff Palace.

Seeing that Ye Yanyu had no objection, neither Black Cliff Palace nor Moon Devil Palace could be held accountable.

The corpse body of Ancient Giant Scorpion is shaped like a hill. In addition to the precious parts, the remaining flesh and blood is also very valuable, but it is too large to carry.

Shua shua

Zhao Feng wiped the Black Lotus Ghost Tool, took out two Bronze Ghost Corpse, and let them eat this Giant Scorpion flesh with pure Ancient Bloodline.

“Tian Shameless Guy”

“These two Bronze Ghost Corpse, which were owned by my discipline, were plundered by this child, owned by them, and just and honorable to snatch Giant Scorpion flesh and blood.”

The people at Black Cliff Palace are not good-looking. Many people blaze at gnash the teeth that Zhao Feng hates.

Zhao Feng was unmoved and used every means to strengthen the strength that every point can improve.

After getting “Great Scorpion Poisonous Sack”, the plan in Zhao Feng’s mind became clearer.

“After eating the flesh and blood of Giant Scorpion, these two Ghost Corpse have been further strengthened, and the strength will be completely equal to the True Profound Level Peak. I am ‘Great Scorpion Poisonous Sack, which is prepared for two Ghost Corpse, and this is just The first step of the plan “

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at two Ghost Corpse.

These two Ghost Corpse are very strong, with a bronze skin shell and deeper color, and a trace of sparkling and translucent Blood Marks on the body surface, and their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. aura is getting stronger.

In contrast, the Same rank zombie of the Black Cliff Palace disciple is much “slim”, far less moist than the two bronze zombies of Zhao Feng.

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