King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Dust settled

Chapter 214 The Dust Settles

"Thanks to the judges for awarding this prize to me, to my parents, for your continued support and encouragement, to my agent, to the film company ..." The new Oscar film was generously speaking on stage, despite what he said Very old-fashioned, but the sincerity can still be heard, a brown hair, a pair of slender eyes, not very beautiful but very flavorful.

The winner was Helen Hunt, the heroine of "Perfect", without miracles or small-probability events. Although Gwinnis was clapping with a smile on her face, the feeling of loss on her face was extremely obvious.

"Don't forget, this is only your first nomination." Adrian whispered into her ear, rubbing her thumb and forefinger gently on her tiger's mouth.

"I know, but ..." Gwenis sighed, with helplessness and depression, and then glanced at him bitterly.

Adrian knows her thoughts. This time the advantage is really good. The ship has received considerable praise both in art and business, and backed by a huge box office of 2 billion. His father has done a lot of public relations for her. At work, the godfather has also been a lobbyist for her several times. Although there is no guarantee that 100 will get the best actress, there are still 60 or even 70 opportunities-if Adrian Ken fully supports it.

"Think about Ms. Gloria, my dear, it's no big deal," Adrian continued comfortingly.

The meaning in the words couldn't be more obvious. The Academy of Film obviously decided not to award the performance award to "Titanic", and this was also what people wanted. The applause just now was at least twice as warm as before, and when the original script was awarded. Almost, they probably breathed a sigh of relief: Don't look at you taking so many little golden men, the most important ones may not be yours.

"I know, Ed, but that uncomfortable feeling ... is uncomfortable." Gwyneth sighed and looked at him, her mouth slightly squinting up, like a little woman.

"I'm here, afraid that I won't have a chance in the future?" Adrian whispered slightly.

"If you still can't get it?" Gwyneth seemed to plan to raise him to the end.

"Nominated once per session, the old guys always give it." Adrian said with a high chin, proudly. Although the voice was very light, only the two of them could hear it, but the kind of who gave me the best. The momentum is very obvious.

Gwyneth opened her mouth and looked at Adrian in a daze. She didn't wake up until applause began to congratulate Hunter, who had finished her speech, but she didn't speak again, and she turned her eyes to the stage and acted like a pretender. Applauding, but as soon as the applause ended, she took Adrian's hand again and tightened.

Psychological quality is not too good, but it is better. Adrian thought with a smile in his heart. If faced with this situation, women ’s psychological qualities, such as men, may be a bit broad-based, but they are also very important awards. Rui Fan ’s performance is much better than Gwenis.

After Francis McDormand announced that Jack Nicholson won the Oscar for Best Actor for the second time in the last film, several other candidates showed more or less disappointment. Only Rui Fan looked as usual, As if not paying attention to this failure. It is quite good for young people to have such a mentality, which is of course related to his near-death, but his life style is indeed better than most people. He used to be more addicted to the movie of Reeves, although there are also A few times a night *, but riding a few boats like Dennis never happened.

"I hope to find a very natural and simple girl. She didn't approach me for some purpose. We can travel together to see the scenery around the world. Our arms can also be a place to rest." He once told Adrian said that. This may sound ironic, after all, the person he spoke to was a **** who was entangled with many women, but Adrian knew that he was expressing his feelings. The throne asks the demon to be proud of the world ’s ninth heaven, the strongest to abandon the young Dao Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods in the night The King of the Royal Family of Shao-Zhou Zhou created the God of the Night and killed the Seal of the Seal of God. The King of the Ninth Heaven was the strongest to abandon the King of the Dao-Zhou and at the same time he was politely advising himself. For Adrian, who has a life-saving grace, spared no effort to carry their brothers. He has always maintained a kind of respect.

Based on this, Adrian knew that it was absolutely right to save him back. Perhaps you can think of a way for Rui Fan to take the shadow throne of the three major European film festivals and come again for Oscars. If Dana can't settle his backyard, go for a thorough business line.

After receiving the best actor, Nicholson received more warm applause. On the one hand, he congratulated him for getting the best actor again. It was the best supporting actor in 1987. This is the third time he won the Oscar. This is a great thing for an actor. In addition, it is also a celebration of breaking the monopoly. Although "Perfect" has only won three awards so far, it is very important, especially the best male and female protagonist at the same time. For a movie It is also worth a big book.

So, don't look at the momentum before Titanic. It looks like it will sweep the awards ceremony tonight. Maybe the last two awards will be taken away by others.

But is this really the case?

"Well, let's see who will be the lucky one ..." The award presenter on the stage has removed the envelope. "Well, it's almost what I imagine, James Cameron"

The background music of the "Titanic", which has been played countless times in the Grand Theater of the Temple, suddenly resounded through the hall, and the old **** was sitting with his legs up, but his fingers on his knees were constantly He jumped when he moved James Cameron, his hands were fists and he shouted, "Yes"

Adrian followed with a smile and led everyone to stand up and began a warm applause. The others in the hall also clapped their hands. Although a little disappointed, Cameron did qualify for the best director.

"Thank you, Ed, thank you," Cameron hugged Adrian at this moment and said with great excitement.

"Go, James, declare your victory and tell them that you are the best." Adrian patted his shoulders vigorously and said in an encouraging tone.

"I will." Cameron Haha laughed and walked to the stage, greeted his friends who congratulated him along the way, and slapped Schwarzenegger before walking up to the little golden man. .

"Ha, it's really heavy." After holding the trophy in his hands, Cameron said humorously, and took a deep breath after the laughter and continued to speak.

Like everyone else, first of all, thanks to Chase. From the jury to the actor to his studio, he basically did not miss it. After deliberately ending the filming, Gwennis and DiCaprio joined the others and took turns. He was ridiculed by the whole body of water, and admitted that he was sometimes too severe and then apologized, which caused a lot of laughter.

Then, when he got here, he took a deep breath again: "Now, there is another person to thank, I didn't mention it just now, I just respect him if I think I put him at the end."

After a pause, he looked at Adrian: "Ed, thank you for your unreserved support and unreserved trust. When you said to me a few years ago, when we could do miracles, I didn't realize It will be like this today. Now I can finally say that we did it. We have created an amazing miracle. It is my greatest honor to know you and to work with you. "

His voice trembled: "I can't describe my mood at the moment, I can only use one sentence, a line from the" Titanic ". Although this is a bit stupid, I still want to say ..."

A frequent pause, Cameron lifted the Golden Man over his head and waved, "I am the king of the world"

There was a burst of laughter, but the warmer applause rang again, and no one felt that he was not qualified to say this sentence. "Titanic" has already won 11 trophies and equaled the record of "Bing Xu". When did Xuan win 11 awards? What's more, there is still no best film yet. According to the practice of Oscar, the film with the best director generally also gets the best film, and that is the updated record.

Coupled with that horrible global box office of 2 billion, although we ca n’t say for sure that there is no future, but there is absolutely no one before, so why can't Cameron claim to be the king of the world.

More and more people set their sights on Adrian, and Cameron and the Titanic were able to achieve such a huge achievement, it was entirely his own cause. As Cameron said, it was his unreserved support and trust that led to his current success? Who can make 200 million for someone to make a movie at once? In addition, there is no frown on the additional investment, even more than expected.

Recalling his accurate vision and outstanding talent, the related movies 90 can make money, and there are male and female actresses who are nominated for Oscar performance awards every year for him. Is this guy blessed by God? For a while, various thoughts were swirling in people's heads.

Adrian didn't know what these people thought, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, now that his wings are about to plump, and it's not time for DreamWorks to share the energy in front. So he is now using a hug to express his congratulations to Cameron again. Fortunately, this guy still screams that sentence, otherwise the award ceremony tonight may be a bit overshadowed.

This life is different from the previous life. In the previous life, Cameron will call the phrase "I am the king of the world" after winning the award. It is inevitable that there are venting factors in it. The previous "Titanic" was not produced during the production This one is so smooth now. Fox first agreed to invest a little over 100 million, and then was forced to add again and again. If it was not too much investment and could not afford the risk of changing directors, Cameron might have been swept out.

That's the way. Fox executives are also ready for bankruptcy. Because of the idea of ​​reducing losses a little bit, Paramount picked up a bargain for $ 65 million. Purchased North American distribution rights. During that period, Cameron was under tremendous pressure and gave up his own pay. Even during the internal preview, Fox's senior management still held a pessimistic mood, and the media's cynicism did not end. So after the unprecedented success of "Titanic", the depressive anger in the heart inevitably erupted, so he went crazy.

Although most of the guests at the awards ceremony laughed, they still had to be criticized.

But now it's different. Adrian puts out 200 million at a time, and often encourages him: shoot your ideas. He did not discuss the plot direction with him too much. When the media questioned it, he was completely on his side and shared most of the pressure.

"But with 200 million investment, I can afford to lose it, and how can I lose it? You, James Cameron, there is nothing impossible for the two of us to join forces," he once said to him.

Different methods will naturally lead to different results. Although Cameron still chooses to give up his rewards in response to Adrian's support, with the success of the ship, there are far more pride and pride in heart than right. Many doubts have also been taken lightly. So before he came to power, Adrian would only say that. Cameron who wasn't chanting "I am the king of the world" was not a good Cameron.

Even so, Cameron added the phrase "although this is a bit stupid" in front of it to calm down the waves that may be caused later. It is indeed a person who has been in this circle for more than ten years. With such achievements, Cameron has completely fallen to himself, plus his digital studio has also invested in it, everything is in his pocket.

There is no need to describe it too much anymore. The little goldman of the best film falls on the head of "Titanic" without any doubt. Although the scene sighed, it quickly began to applaud and obtained a breakthrough. With 15 nominations and 12 trophies, plus that amazing box office, "Titanic" has left its own name in film history.

The only episode is that after winning the award, Adrian was taken to the stage by Cameron to receive the award.

"You are also a producer. Go up and show it to everyone." He said so, and Gwenis and others were also fooling around, so they followed.

"I thought it would be the same as before, and wait for the end to hold the trophy in my hand." He lamented the little golden man holding the best film. "Last time I took this on the stage 3 years ago." "

Many people laughed at the self-ridiculous words. After a while, he said: "I'm glad the judges awarded the best film to the" Titanic ". It is well deserved-of course, I'm not saying that the other four films are inferior. I have to know that "Los Angeles Secrets" is also my investment. It also hangs on the name of the producer. If it has won the best movie, I can also stand here. "

A very simple sentence, but it gives people a sense of pride, but Adrian, with a humble smile, said in a calm tone, the impression of deserving the truth is so deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"The other four films have the highlights that Titanic does not have. The failure to win the award is just because of a bit of luck and a little more highlights of Titanic, so don't blame, as we firmly believe, As long as you persist, you will be successful, "Adrian patted Cameron's shoulder." It is also an honor to work with James. Thank you for bringing such an amazing movie, and thank you all. Will like it, thank you "

He lifted the little golden man, and owed slightly to the tide of applause.

With the final awards awarded, Oscar's 70th birthday also came to an end, although this award ceremony will be recorded in film history. But this does not mean that tonight is over, don't forget, there is also a Vanity Fair party.

Vanity Fair has hosted the Oscar Night Party at the suggestion of Adrian since 1993. It has become the most eye-catching party after the awards ceremony. Most of the guests who attend the Oscar will come, and there are still many Other celebrities do not have to worry about paparazzi. Since it is organized by Vanity Fair, the news here is naturally released by them exclusively.

Adrian is undoubtedly one of the distinguished guests, not only because the party was organized under his suggestion, but also because the media carried out further cooperation with Newhouse Group according to his ideas. Like Oscar, he was not absent every term, how can he be exceptional today, as to what he is doing now ...

"Please ... don't ..." Rachel said weakly on the armrest, Adrian clutched her waist with one hand in the back, the other hand was not pressed on the shoulder as before, but Holding her hair.

Raising the long skirt high on his body, and while strenuous exercise was underneath, Rachel raised her head, and seemed to be in pain.

"Don't you?" Adrian, breathing continuously, gasped slightly, his eyes glowing with excitement.

"Don't ... don't ... Ed ..." said the shocked Rachel with her eyes closed in a mournful tone. This is the first floor of the hotel's return staircase. Although no one is here because of the party, but It's not as empty in the room as it can give people a sense of security ~ ~ Maybe someone comes up from below or comes down from above, and then sees them.

However, Rachel looks uncomfortable, but if you look closely, you will find that her hips are not only twisting actively but also exerting force, and the eyes that have not yet closed flash a flash of excitement because of stimulation. The slight shaking of the body was not caused by pain and fear.

"But I like it very much." Adrian Haha smiled, suddenly lifted one of her legs against her shoulders, then let go of her hair and bent her body to make an arc, lifting her hips and grasping With her softness, kissing her mouth and kissing her will make the frequency of movement faster and more.

Rachel was more cooperative, not only spit out his tongue and lingering with him, but also increased the frequency of shaking her body. After so many times, her body became tense and Adrian stopped forward and backward. Stayed in motion. After so long, Rachel gasped and relaxed, and after a while, she glanced at Adrian with a slack look, and then she understood what she did, without any hesitation, kneeling down and opened her mouth.

The variety was quickly brought out, and she could see that she was quite skilled, and Adrian quickly took in the air conditioner, and then when he reached the zenith, he suddenly pumped out, and all fell into Rachel's face On. . ..

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