King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 226: This is actually not my work

Chapter 226 This Is Actually Not My Work

From the beginning, the film exhibited an inexplicable atmosphere, especially the dazzling opening film, which caused a low sound of discussion in the originally quiet projection hall. Although everyone knows that the style of Miracle Director's works is changeable, this is clueless, and even some inexplicable opening is the first time. Where is such a joyous dance like a crime, thriller movie?

The discussion soon disappeared. As mentioned earlier, the style of Director Miracle's work was varied, and he chose to start in this way. Soon, the movie officially opened. In the beginning, Nicole played Rita / Betty was forced and then suffered a car accident, stumbled out of the car down the steep slope, and finally fell into the bushes outside a house.

Nicole's hair is reddish and gold, and it's really not good to dye black, so Adrian let the hair stylist deepen her hair color into dark brown, so that it achieves the purpose and does not damage her beauty. Cat Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m. Coupled with her sigh of relief due to the divorce case and being played with by Adrian, she grasped Rita / Betty's baffled, overwhelmed feeling quite well, and could not help but want to protect her In the hall, or the next few rows, the girl hugged her arms and fell to the ground in the film, and then made a few gurgling sounds.

Although the voice is light and short, Nicole can still hear it clearly. This is the benefit of sitting in the back row, but her expression has not changed. Her eyes are always on the screen, waiting for the evaluation of the people after the movie. Forgiveness is so, she still glanced at Adrian next to her with the light of the corner of her eye, and the other side was sitting critically on the screen.

She couldn't help thinking of the afternoon again, but she just said that because she didn't want to be downwind. She regretted it as soon as she was out. How could the character displayed by Adrian not let her blow? Does she blow or not? What I didn't expect was that after the other laughed, she didn't mention it again, so she couldn't help feeling a punch.

Damn guy. Although there is no such defamation, there will always be a sigh after each pass. She couldn't see through the man, and when she thought she had figured out what the other party would do next, the other party's behavior would always surprise her. For a woman like Nicole, especially after nearly a decade of marriage that can be said to be almost impossible, she hates this feeling and feels danger at the same time.

Just wait and see, don't be so anxious. Nicole finally said to herself—and that's all—and focused her attention on the screen again.

The story has been divided into two lines at this time. One is that the underworld characters intervened in the production of the film company, requiring a well-known director to use an actress as the protagonist in the film, and expressing the terribleness of the other party through the tension of the senior executive of the electric company; The other one is Naomi's Betty / Diane came here from Canada, then stayed in the room and picked up a coma and woke up to escape to this room after losing her memory, Rita / Betty.

The appearance of Naomi wearing a pink silk jacket, compassionate trousers with exposed ankles and golden short and medium hair just right showed her beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m appearance, face There is always a smile on her face, and her eyes flash with light. This naive image that is new to Hollywood and is curious about everything, complements the golden color under the bright sun, which is very impressive.

The plot here is still somewhat organized, although there are many inexplicable plots halfway through, such as a guy and his companion talking about dreaming in a cafe, and then being stunned by a ghostly tramp outside; Or maybe a stupid killer's performance, it is enough to kill one, but killed three people for various strange reasons, and then triggered a fire alarm-this episode caused a lot of laughter.

But this method quickly became more and more fragmented. The mystery became bigger and bigger like snowballs without giving clues. What kind of woman is Rita? Why did someone kill her, why did she carry a huge amount of money in her bag, why did the gangster have to have that girl act as the heroine in that director's movie, and tried to find ways for the director to give in, what is the connection between the two, etc. Wait.

What's even more strange is that when Betty asked Rita to confront her, she was a murderous script. The heroine threatened her lover to kill him once they broke up, but why did she become an audition? The lingering lingering between lovers. This change is really unthinkable. Then, at this time, a more thrilling plot came. Betty accompanied Rita to a certain house she remembered, and opened the window and went in. But she saw a rotten female body.

There was a low cooling sound in the hall, and before that, someone complained with a low voice that they didn't understand what the movie meant.

Nicole shook her head and lowered her eyes. She didn't like the scene. Thriller wasn't enough, but she was disgusting. Just then, a warm touch came from her thigh, and a hand was placed on top of it through the tulle of the evening dress.

Needless to say, I knew who it was, secretly gritted his teeth, and Nicole clamped his legs tightly. But this couldn't stop the other party, and soon the hand went deep into the high fork of her evening dress, and began the most direct contact with the Seal of the Throne. The kneading on her thigh still made her whole body feel sore.

Damn guy, here is Nicole of the theater thinking angrily. She glanced at Adrian with the light in the corner of her eye, and the other person still looked serious, but with a smile on her mouth. This annoyed her even more, and her hands on the armrests trembled slightly. But she noticed something very quickly. Although Naomi sitting on Adrian's left was also watching the screen intently, her chest undulation frequency became faster, and Yu Guang went down a little bit. , Music can see Adrian walking with her other hand upstream of her thigh.

This situation caused Nicole to loosen his legs, and the long-awaited hand suddenly reached inside. Even if she immediately reacted and clamped again, that hand was already enough for that sensitive point.

This asshole, Nicole, who was breathing quickly, yelled in her heart, but realized suddenly how similar it was to a previous scene. It should be ... Last year, yes, early last year, At the premiere of "Opening the Eye", she was still Mrs. Cruise in that box. After Tom left, he played with himself in the presence of his secretary.

The pictures of that day suddenly came to her mind, making her body start to feel a little hot under the numbness, and her legs loosened a little, allowing his hands to go further. He dared to do those things to her at that time, let alone now? Although the following rows were arranged for the "Muhland Road" crew, in the end this ruled out the three of them with almost no one else.

At this time, ambiguous music came from the sound, and the plot on the screen has also progressed to that scene, the bed scene of Naomi and Nicole. The two women kissed and tangled on the screen over and over again, with smiles, and very ambiguous, as if they had never been so happy. In Adrian ’s editing, there were n’t many exposed, and there was n’t any important part, but it still gave people a sense of bloodliness, and the inhalation sounded in the hall. sound.

Except for the three parties, I am afraid no one knows that the two women in the scene are really here. Nicole's eyes started to get blurred. She could vaguely recall the feeling of kissing Naomi, tangling with her and rubbing and bumping. At the same time, some of the pictures were overlapping in her mind. Isn't it the same, Adrian, wearing a navy uniform, presses himself on the bed and runs across the camera.

The blood was already on her head, and she could feel her face fever. Nicole completely loosened her legs, then took Adrian's hand and pressed it further inside. Anyway, hello ... The woman who was playing around gave up, and noticed that Naomi on the other side was doing the same thing as her.

Although such a fragrant and exciting thing happened in the last row of the hall, no one noticed that they were thinking about the plot. If there are clues to follow in the past few minutes, but after the bed scene, the previous content has been completely subverted. Betty has become Diane, and Rita has become Betty. They seem to be couples. Then, the director who was originally driven by the gang turned into a powerful man, and got Betty into play. The characters that had appeared before began to appear again and again, and they were completely different from the previous positioning.

If it was replaced by some other unknown director's work, I'm afraid someone would have scolded it already, but this movie is from the hand of the miracle director, then he must have arranged something deep in it, and he can't possibly shoot it somehow. An illogical movie came out to make fun of everyone, and when he first directed the film, there were multi-line narrative works such as "Two Great Smoke Guns" and "Vulgar Fiction", so we ca n’t understand it because we ignored it. what.

I have to say that the benefits of being famous and having great fame are here, as the saying goes, the same stupid things are done by small people as stupid things, while big people are done as anecdotes. Where is Adrian's fame? Even if he really took a mess of garbage, some people will try to find a reasonable explanation from it.

The plot continues to develop, and the clue finally has some more. The woman who was originally called Betty and now called Diane is a same-sex couple with the woman who was originally called Rita and now called Betty, but the woman who is now called Betty was given the director ’s Appreciated and became a popular star, naturally, Betty put into the embrace of the director, and also publicly announced the engagement at the reception.

The abandoned woman, who was originally called Betty and now called Diane, washed her face with tears all day, even crying and remembering Betty while she was arrogant. This shot suddenly attracted a lot of low laughter. And for two women who are immersed in certain things, this is another strong stimulus, especially Nicole, whose nose is full of fine sweat beads, eyes flashing with thick, biting his lips to Adri An's hand was pressed deeper.

Later, Diane, who attended the reception because of Betty, couldn't help hearing the news of the engagement between the two, and then found a killer in the cafe and asked him to kill Betty. The killer agreed and gave her a small blue key, and told her that she would be informed to go somewhere to get a small blue box, which could be opened with this key, which contained proof that Betty was dead. s things.

However, when Diane took the small box from a ghostly tramp and opened it hesitantly, it was her aunt who ran out of the box and laughed wildly and opened her teeth and claws. Diane, who collapsed, could no longer withstand such pressure after hiding in the bedroom, and then took a pistol out of the drawer and pulled the trigger against his mouth. After a bang, Diane died, his posture and front half The rotting female corpse is exactly the same.

In the end, the camera turned around and when the story broke, Betty or Rita Betty went to the club, and the female singer still sang in Spanish, sad and euphemistic.

The movie is over here, the subtitles begin to rise slowly, and there is no other sound in the dark hall except for the soundtrack, and there is no applause. This is very impolite, unless the movie is so bad that it is so bad that everyone doesn't want to watch it, the applause should be given.

But did Adrian get applause for this reason? Of course, it was n’t just after ten seconds, the first applause rang, and everyone else applauded. Although the movie was incomprehensible, the clue was still obvious, miracle The director must have made this intentionally, and then let the audience to figure it out by himself. He couldn't make a bad film, was he?

As the subtitles scrolled, more and more people held this idea, and the applause naturally became more and more enthusiastic, which could not help make a person more and more nervous. Although it took Nicole's head under the play of Adrian, he still kept a little soberness, after all, it was in the theater.

But as applause rang out at the end of the movie, Adrian still didn't feel the slightest desire to close it, and even further digging. Nicole wanted to take his hand away, but when he did it, he pressed in at his rhythm. As the subtitles grew, the applause grew, and the feeling of panic and mixed with excitement began. Dominate her and let her body tremble slightly.

Just then, another burst of applause rang louder than ever before. It seemed that everyone was applauding. The feeling of being seen suddenly filled Nicole's body, making her hot and hot. Adrian, who realized what was happening, suddenly pressed down, and instantly, she tightened her body. This lasted for a few seconds and it seemed like centuries before Nicole gasped and softened, and at the same time, Naomi on the other side.

The lights finally turned on, and the people who had adapted to the darkness could not accept it for a while, and narrowed their eyes, but the light was not strong, so this situation did not last long. The driver began to look for Adrian, and soon found that he was sitting alone in the last row, rubbing his hands slowly.

Soon a film critic went over and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Mr. Adrian, I'm Jacques Lehman, I have a column in Le Figaro, and you made an interesting film . "

Although his spoken language is very heavy, Adrian still heard it clearly, but he did not intend to answer in French. When he looked at the people there, he knew that they would come over immediately. Right?

"Sorry, Mr. Lehman, I have some drink on my hand." Adrian said, holding up the tissue in his hand.

Lehman smiled and withdrew his hand. Just before he spoke, an Italian accent came in. "Can you tell me what you think of this movie now, Mr. Adrian?"

You can see from the sign on his chest that this is a reporter, a reporter from Italy.

"Please don't worry, let's go out and talk first." Adrian smiled and made a please gesture, and then took a big step out.

Jacques Lehman glared at the Italian journalist, followed immediately, and the Italian journalist followed Adrian without seeing it. Others saw the results of the road exploration were good, and then swarmed down. Those directors and studios who originally wanted to come over to say hello to the miracle director and talk about this strange movie have given up on this plan. Anyway, there are opportunities in the future.

When Adrian walked to the entrance of the screening room, the reporter had surrounded him again, and the accumulated problems became more numerous.

"Don't you think your film is logically incoherent, Mr. Adrian?"

"What do you want to show in this movie ~ ~ Mr. Adrian? Despair due to lover betrayal? Or the shady Hollywood of that era?"

"We observe that the two stories before and after are completely different, but they are inextricably linked. What do you want to express, Mr. Adrian?"

"You cut the story of the factory like this, and turned it upside down ..."

"You think of this work ..."

Facing these endless questions, Adrian kept smiling, and when he came out to the entrance of the theater, the bodyguards came up to separate them, and then he gave a general answer: "What is the specific thing about this movie, That should be a matter for the audience. There is no standard answer for this movie. Just like a thousand people with a thousand Hamlet, why not use your own wisdom to find the answer you want? I know, many people may still I have doubts that although my work has various styles, I have never seen a movie like Mulholland Road, so I will disclose it here ... ”

Having said that, he glanced at the people whose necks were waiting for the answer, and then revealed a prank-like smile: "This is not my work, this is David Lynch." ..

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