King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 299: This is not a request

"Did anyone introduce me before I came over?" Alexander's face was visibly surprised.

"It's not difficult to guess, Eller," Adrian smiled slightly. "You are tall but you have a well-proportioned complexion. You have a beautiful complexion and a **** look that gives you a warm, unrestrained feeling, although it is just a short paragraph. Road, a few moves, but the quality of the first-class model is undoubtedly revealed, except for the Brazilian girl, I can't think of anyone else who has these characteristics-of course, more importantly, I heard your Brazilian accent. "

Hearing that the three of them were indifferent, they suddenly showed a stunned look, and then laughed together.

"Just like that joke from Conan Doyle, the last taxi driver said I saw the name on your luggage. You are so humorous, Ed." Claude said, shaking his head.

"Thank you," Adrian let out his hand. "But I'm telling the truth. Crow, Eller is a top model."

"Oh?" Crowder raised an eyebrow, and a meaningful smile crossed his eyes. "You really think so."

"Of course," Adrian looked at Alexander, "Maybe there is still something missing, but after three or four years at most, Eller will become better. What she lacks now is only the opportunity, why not let her try test?"

Although Alexander looked surprised, the excited expression hidden in it did not hide from Adrian's eyes. Victoria ’s Secret is now much more famous than it was in its original trajectory, and the selection of Victoria ’s Secret Angels is more stringent. Most of the models are only cooperative. Only Heidi Klum who has become a full-time endorsement is just a few chats. Countable models, all of them have an extraordinary reputation in the model circle.

"I don't know yet how well you know about models?" Crowder whispered.

"It's not about understanding, it's just a judgment based on impressions," Adrian shrugged. "You know, my vision is always good, no matter what."

Having said that he looked at Alexander again, the young girl bowed her head pretending to be embarrassed: "Thank you, Ed, I am honored to receive your praise."

"Yes, you know, when I was dating Crow, he didn't say that to me." Heidi set aside a round field.

"That's not necessary, you're already excellent, Heidi, you just need to keep it up." Adrian laughed, the woman was very wink.

"That's great. I can say thank you now. That's great, isn't it, Crow." She asked with a smile in Claude's arms.

"It's really unfair, dear, I've said the same thing many times, but you've never been so happy." Claude sighed deliberately.

"It's different, dear. Everyone has their own expertise. If you think an acquisition is unreasonable, even Ed, you can't easily change your mind. Similarly, I think a certain clothing is designed Untimely, people will only seek professional advice. "Heidi shrugged charmingly.

"That's true," Claude said, raising his glass to Adrian. "Right, Ed?"

"Speaking of this, I suddenly had an idea ..." Adrian holding the cup looked at Heidi and said suddenly, "a ... reality show idea."

The eyes of Heidi changed this time, and most people in the model circle knew how worthy the idea of ​​this man who was crowned with a miracle name was. The examples of the supermodel contest and the two female judges were in front of them.

Adrian now gave Claude a look, a look that only the two of them could understand, and Claude smiled, and then made a please gesture: "Talk about it."

"Well, it's just a rough idea. It's different from the supermodel competition. It's related to fashion. I need to think about the specific things and submit it to the planning department for discussion. Adrian tapped his head with his fingers. "I think it would be appropriate to have Heidi host, but even with a complete idea, it may take another year and a half to start production. I need to find one. good time."

"You really want me to host, Ed?" Heidi stared at Adrian in surprise.

"Of course, since you are inspired, of course, it should be hosted by you. Besides, you are also very familiar with fashion design, aren't you?" Adrian laughed and gave Alexander a casual glance. Although the young girl Wherever I sat, the smile on my face didn't change, but the lip line was still straightened for a while.

The reality show mentioned by Adrian is exactly the program hosted by Heidi Klum, "Flyover Pride". Although the supermodel contest was produced in advance, no one has been thinking about fashion designers for a while. Since he now thinks about this because of Heidi, naturally he will not let it slip away easily. With the current strength of the media, as long as it is ready, it can be produced very quickly. Based on the principle of maximizing benefits, it will be launched in a year or two. Not a problem at all.

The reason why he proposed at this time is to help Claude. Since he is very satisfied with Heidi and believes that because of his family's affairs, he needs Heidi to cover for a long time, then he sells his personal favors. She will serve him more for a while. This second thing is to observe the reaction of Alexander Ambrosio.

Honestly, it's not bad. When Alexander gripped his waist with his legs tightly on the bed, he couldn't resist shaking as hard as he could to make him feel better.

"Although I have said it many times tonight, but I still want to repeat, you are charming, Eller." Adrian said with a touch of this young girl from Brazil when he was still in his memory.

"You too, Ed." Alexander said in a lazy voice while circling his chest with his fingers. Although there was no light in the room, she could still see the satisfaction between her eyebrows.

"It's fascinating ..." Adrian sighed, and the hand that was swimming around her body returned to her chest and held one carefully to play with it.

Although she was still immersed in the aftertaste, and the crispy linen from her chest made her feel a little tempted, but Alexander seized the opportunity: "As long as you want, Ed."

Such a sentence can fully explain her cleverness. It doesn't require much language, but it is enough to make certain things certain. The model industry sometimes competes, and the intensity is far more intense than other industries. The pressure on them is also huge, and the education is not high. After a long time, many people relax themselves by promiscuity or drug use-among them. There are no shortage of big-name models-if you put on a bad agent again, then a little carelessness can be over.

Alexander started training at the age of 12 and became a professional model at the age of 15. Although he has been fairly lucky and the agent has some skills, he has felt tremendous pressure, especially after coming to New York. Brazil, which was already uncomfortable, was even taller, which once left her a little breathless. It's so easy to come to Los Angeles and win the cooperation opportunity with Victoria's Secret brand, but it is just the most common type of endorsement. It is very difficult to sign a Victoria Angel.

However, after seeing Adrian, this difficulty was easily resolved. Although Claude did not make a statement at the time, she knew that as long as she did what she should do, there would be no problem. Oh, what's this, you know that the girl who wants this opportunity catches a lot, yes, the famous Playboy, but also the youngest media tycoon, and he has countless ideas in his head. Get one there, it's only a matter of time before you become famous.

If there is any doubt about this last point, then Adrian's subsequent performance completely made this doubt disappear. How many people can achieve the idea of ​​a reality show because of Heidi's fashion design ability? Alexander was not a silly girl, and she could tell whether she had a clever move or a show, so when the passion passed, Adrian, who was satisfied, had just hinted that she agreed immediately, without hesitation.

Isn't it just to be his bed partner, which model hasn't done it? And he's not the kind of incomprehensible man. Perhaps he was a little cold to her at first, but he got along very well after leaving the bar. He even took himself to the best chocolate shop in Los Angeles to taste all the delicious food there. Over and over, God, how did he know his secret hobby?

In short, everything was so interesting from the bar until he just spoke, just like a real date, so why bother so much?

Adrian was also very satisfied. At first, he just wanted to find an eye-catching girl to spend the night, but after digging out the information of Alexander Ambrosio from his mind, the idea began to change. Speaking of which, Latino girls he's been on are not few. Lopez and Shakira are very hot, but the enthusiasm unique to Brazilian girls has only been experienced on Giselle Bundchen, it is difficult to describe , So it's very nostalgic.

Since there is such a stunner as Alexander here, how about it last time? She is about the same age as Giselle, and her body is also hot. More importantly, her facial features are not as tough as Giselle, which is in line with Adrian's taste. After several temptations, her response was expected, and she was full of enthusiasm when she went to bed. It was also good for such a girl to be her own bed companion.

Not a collection, not a friendly match, just a bed companion, after all, she is a model. However, if Alexander's performance satisfies him, Adrian wouldn't mind putting her on the shelf. In her memory, she is one of Victoria's secret top lingerie models.

Well, this is an episode, no matter how Alexander pleased Adrian, it was just one of his many women.

"Don't forget, Ed, no matter how old or hard you are, you will only have one." Charlize said this after Adrian handed Alexander's information to himself.

"That's very good, Charlie, so I must give full play to my characteristics and advantages, avoid the one-to-one situation, and also put an upper limit on one pair N-who do you think is better? Anhaha replied with a smile, then replaced the female secretary's eyes.

In addition to TV dramas, there are also some things he wants to ask about in the movie, such as the late period of The Beautiful Legend of Sicily, because he kept running between Queenstown and Los Angeles, so he made great progress in the later period. Slow, but don't worry, there are at least three months left, as long as it is released at the end of the year.

Otherwise, Kate's "28 Days" is over, and "Agent Belle" is almost over, and then Naomi and Harrison Ford's "Behind the Lies" has come to an end. As for Nicole, Sarah and Love, American Beauty, which is co-produced by Love, and Spacey and Mendes, has begun post-production.

Not surprisingly, Kate's image is different from the original. After all, it is absolutely impossible to move the two films with the same results as the original. Therefore, although the boot is earlier than "American Beauty", the shooting is not the same. It ’s not fast, and there is a reason why American Beauty can be completed so quickly.

Not to mention this, Adrian's return to Los Angeles this time, the main thing in terms of movies is another.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Entering the conference room, Adrian with a smile extended his hand to the middle-aged Chinese man sitting next to the top.

"It's not too long, I just used this time to browse the script and various design drafts, Mr. Adrian." The other party stood up and embarrassed, with a humble smile.

"How do you feel?" Adrian gestured please, then sat down in his place.

"It's amazing, whether it's a script or various designs, I didn't expect to see such a thing full of Chinese classical poetry in Hollywood." The other side said with admiration, as if from the heart, and then raised a manuscript in front A man and a woman are stepping on bamboo leaves and holding each other: "This one, for example, fully shows the elegant and artistic mood of ancient Chinese swordsmen. I really ... can't describe my feelings."

"I like movies from other cultures. I have seen a lot of movies in Hong Kong and Taiwan, so it took me a lot of time to get the right to adapt the novel from Mr. Xu, but now I do n’t have time, and other people certainly ca n’t. Competent, so I think you might be willing to be the director of this movie? "Adrian said with a smile.

"... Of course!" The other responded immediately after snoring. Although he had guessed something, he could not help showing his joy after hearing Adrian's words.

He had long wanted to adapt Wang Dulu's novels into movies. Xu Ligong also purchased part of the novels at his request, but for a variety of reasons, he failed to set up projects. Then Bosworth Film Company in the United States I started to contact Xu Ligong, and they also had a small number of copyrights. After all, Wang Dulu wrote a series.

Under the pressure of Bosworth, and the price offered was very high, Xu Ligong had to sell it. Although he was disappointed, he had to accept the reality. Unexpectedly, now Bosworth is coming again, hoping that he can be the director of the movie, or the well-known Hollywood miracle director to negotiate with him personally, and he will inevitably have a little glory in his heart at the same time, this kind of film Still have to let the Chinese direct.

"Very good." Adrian nodded, and Li An's reaction was seen. "Like all directors who have worked with you, except for the final editing rights, you will have full production rights. If you want, we You can also invite Mr. Xu to be a producer. At the same time, you can choose actors according to your ideas, we have no interference at all, Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China, even if you want to go to the mainland to take a location, there is no problem, we have links with the mainland Except one point— "

Adrian laughed, opened the folder in his hand, took out a few photos and pushed it to Li An: "I want her to play Yujiao Long."

Smiling Li An froze again. After looking at the girl in the photo, she looked puzzled. She also said that she could choose an actor according to her own idea. Why would you decide on a main role right away?

"Um ... sorry, Mr. Adrian, I haven't met this ... Miss Lin Zhiling, so wait ..." Li An organized the words in his head, but Adrian interrupted him: " This is not a request, Mr. Li. "

The characters are round and round, which is standard Chinese. This sudden change made Li An's head a bit more difficult to turn.

"But ... but ..." He wanted to argue subconsciously.

"I repeat again, Mr. Li, this is not a request!" Adrian stood up, propped his hands on the long table in the conference room, looked down at him continually, and continued to speak in Chinese, "if there is something inappropriate for her Then you have to make her fit. I just said ~ ~ If I was not too busy, I have directed and produced this movie by myself. The script you see now and these settings Manuscripts, all by myself! "

Li An, who had returned to God, couldn't help taking a breath. If these scripts and setting drafts that really appealed to him were made by the white man in front of him ... he didn't want to believe, but the other person's fluent Chinese kept reminding He, the man in front of him, is not a man of common sense. From the early 1990s to the present, countless people wanted to see his jokes, but all of them turned into jokes.

Of course, he can take a gamble. Like an idealist, since he invited himself to direct and produce, he should have the final say. If this is not possible, then don't talk about cooperation. But what if the other party did it? You know, he was called a director of miracles! After a few breaths, the little bit of stubbornness and pride just disappeared from his heart. Li An has never been an idealist, let alone if he can cooperate with this media magnate ...

"I see, Mr. Adrian," he said after swallowing.

"Very good, Mr. Li, you can start preparations immediately, I believe we will have a good cooperation, right?" Adrian resumed speaking in English, and the appearance of the smile remained unchanged, as if it were from beginning to end. It was a very friendly talk.

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