King of Hollywood

Vol 3 Chapter 288: Tout

PS: I'm back. I arrived late at night last night. The jet lag hasn't been reversed yet. In this case, it's all a chapter. Are you still not moved?

When I was in Los Angeles before, I wrote over 3,000 words overtime, and an author with a responsible attitude, like 俺, should n’t accept the subscription reward?

Come on! End of quality and quantity!

With a pale face, a lean body, and dried fingers, the man was crumbling through the rubble and the sound of cannonballs. He looks as if he will fall down at any moment and never get up again. He has lost too much, his career, his family, everything. He witnessed his parents and sisters being put on the death train. He watched how the Nazis chose people from the labor force to kill them. He almost died of illness because he could not get treatment.

Maybe he still worked hard to live, find food in the ruins, drink water in the sewage, no matter how weak his body, those eyes always revealed the desire for life.

Therefore, when he met the sergeant in the ruins, even though his heart was cold, he sat in front of the piano as he instructed, and stretched his stiff fingers to play on the keys. He is so passionate about music. When he was hiding in Tibet, he played the virtual piano more than once. Even if he was going to die, it would be a happiness to die in front of what he loved.

So he was saved, and the tyrants who were tired of the war-loving music placed him in the attic of his office and gave him some food every day. Although it was just some bread and jam, the happiness that emerged from his face when he swallowed was beyond words.

However, at the irony, the German officer who had told him that the war was about to end, eventually died in a Soviet concentration camp, and he could not even return.

Anyway, the war was over, and he finally returned to his former position, when the piano sound that was cut off by the Polish invasion again sounded on the radio. This story about life, music, and the suffering of the Jews finally came to a successful conclusion.

The lights turned on, the projection room was silent for a few seconds, and then warm applause rang out. Adrian stood up with a smile, complimented everyone, and brought the actor Brodila to his side. Receive applause from the audience with him.

Although this film has not been shot for a long time. The cost is about 30 million, but it costs a lot of things. Regardless of shooting in Berlin and Poland, it is just concealing the news and not letting the media and the industry know the specific shooting content and situation. The effort and time spent are incalculable. But with the applause now and the shock in people's eyes-whether it's true or not-you know it's worth it.

Of course, the good luck that always accompanies him has also played a lot of roles, and the situation has been under control from beginning to end, such as those explosions and street shootings. As well as the use of prop tanks, they are very efficient. They not only captured the desired effect, but also did not let the onlookers guess the theme of the movie. Several starring actors have performed very well. In particular, Brody, Adrian asked him to lose 30 pounds of weight, and he was hungry for a few days in a dark room. He did it without saying anything, and the effect of the shooting was naturally exceptional.

As the opening film of the Cannes Film Festival, Pianist is undoubtedly qualified. It also exceeded the organizer's expectations. The next day, major entertainment media, both in Europe and the United States, set their sights on this year's Cannes Film Festival, and portrayed another new work of Director Marvel with shocking tone on the front page.

"A surprising piece of work. Director Miracle is involved in the subject of the Second World War."-"Liberation News"

"The two Adrians together created a shocking movie."-Le Figaro

"Spellman's performance in front of German officials in the movie. From the initial jerky to the final passion is undoubtedly the most classic scene of the whole film."-"The Times"

"Director Miracle once again made an unexpected move. When everyone guessed that he would direct a war film about World War II, the final result was about the Holocaust. In" Schindler's List "After that, Hollywood once again focused on this subject. And the angle is even more special."-Los Angeles Times

People were surprised, very surprised. As the Los Angeles Times said, according to the information previously disclosed, almost everyone thought that Adrian had spent two months in Europe working on a war movie, most likely about World War II. People are looking forward to it, even if the crew has never responded positively, they still want to compare it with "Saving Soldier Ryan", which is really exciting.

What was unexpected was that after the final announcement at the Cannes Film Festival, although it was still a contest with Spielberg's work, it was another subject, a more sensitive subject. Therefore, some people also said on the Internet that Adrian this is to compete with Spielberg for the first Hollywood director.

"I never thought that, these guys are really boring." Adrian smirked slackly in a shirt standing at the table, looking at the news on the Internet through his laptop.

"Yeah, you have more goals than this." Ivanka got off in bed with a stern tone after he lifted the quilt and picked up his clothes.

"So you need to help me," Adrian smiled, grabbing her waist and lowering her head and kissing her plump softness.

"I want to remind you, Ed, after I clamped you last night, I just wiped it with a paper towel." Ivanka said in a leisurely manner.

Adrienne suddenly showed a stubborn expression, knowing that the other side walked with a smile on her face, and then regained her slap on her hips with anger, really worthy of being adjusted by Charlize.

His goal is indeed much larger, the first director in Hollywood? Don't be kidding, there is nothing to fight for, let Spielberg go to the top, even if Gates tops the halo of the world's richest man. I believe that some keen people should now realize his goal, just like Ivanka who manages his affairs every day, and the certainty involved in it must be extremely depressed, and the choice will not be so easy at that time.

But wanting to get 100% of what he wants, there is still something to do with "Pianist", so Adrian has other calculations. This is how he took "Pianist" to the Cannes Film Festival. One of the important reasons.

"By the way, Ini, I need you to help me keep an eye on the movement of several people." Adrian thought of entering the bathroom and opened the curtain to Ivanka who was taking a shower.

"You can't wait until I'm done with it?" Ivanka, who wiped his face, gave him a nasty look.

"Actually I hope you can stay one more day so that we can discuss it in more detail." Adrian said with a smile.

"I have no problem, but no one else knows." Ivanka narrowed her eyes and sneered, "I was impressed by how they looked at you last night. I think it's a miracle that they didn't come up. "

"Don't be so exaggerated?" Adrian raised an eyebrow.

"Sometimes I really want to arrange a full schedule for you, and let them take turns to play together to drain your last energy." Ivanka said angrily. "But now. Trouble let me take a shower alone, thank you."

As she lifted her legs and stumped over, Adrian Haha smiled and avoided, even if the veiled scenery between her legs was seductive. He left quickly.

As his secretary, Ivanka had to help him take care of many things, and his base camp in Europe was still in the UK, so he needed to run around, and had never counted her among the women who came to Cannes. Because of this. When she came early after the premiere of "The Pianist" yesterday, just before Adrian hadn't decided who to spend a good night with, she chose to comfort her secretary, and other women were naturally unhappy.

However, there will be a lot of time in the next period. After the release of "Pianist", various praises will come out endlessly, regardless of the short shooting time. Adrian has definitely spent a lot of energy on this film, which basically guarantees the quality. . In addition, the Holocaust's political correctness in Europe is not much worse than that of the United States, and sometimes it is much higher. This year is also the 60th anniversary of the victory of World War II. I can imagine how European filmmakers will treat Pianist, so there are many more entertainment activities.

"The scene where Spearman played Chopin's narrative No. 1 in g minor in front of German officials was indeed the most classic scene in the entire film, and it closely matched the theme of the film. It is like Marie in" The Beautiful Legend of Sicily " The scene where Lina was beaten was very attractive. You did a great job, Ed. "Giuseppe Tonadorre said in praise.

There is a large circle of people around, all well-known figures. Such as Luc Besson, or Henry Poinlay, the latter is an executive at Gaumont.

"Thank you. Giuseppe, thank you for your compliment. I did spend a lot of energy on this movie." Adrian smiled, speaking in a humble tone, "I was investing in Steven's" Schindler's List " ", I had the idea of ​​making a similar movie. Of course, you know, I was very young then, and my understanding of the movie was not as good as it is now, so I can only press it down."

Speaking of a pause here, he continued: "A few years later, a novel published by its publishing company caught my attention. A biography of a pianist during the Second World War could actually appear in the New York Times The list of best-selling books, although surprising, is bound to have merit. After looking around, I knew this was what I wanted, and immediately contacted Mr. Spearman to get the right to adapt. I have to say, Thanks to my luck and thanks to the company that published the book, not long after I got it, Roman Polanski also contacted Spieman for the right to adapt the book. "

There was a laughter all around.

"He even let me be contacted. If he can't come to the United States, he will definitely come in." Adrian continued, and uttered a few low laughter, but it was more concealed, and Polanski was afraid to go. People in the United States are aware of the reasons.

"Polanski was very sincere, very sincere, and for a while I also wanted to give him this autobiography. After all, he was a client and had a deeper understanding of the story. But I decided to come by myself. I did not experience this, but this is both a disadvantage and an advantage, which allows me to better interpret this story from different angles. So I carried out a lot of equipment and read a lot of information. I originally wanted it in 2002. It was turned on, but because it was not enough, it was postponed again. Fortunately, today it looks like he is not bad. The only regret is that Mr. Spellman has passed away and he cannot see this movie. "Adrian said Sighed.

"Yes, it's a pity," Besson echoed, "but I believe he will be satisfied with this hopeful movie."

"Yes, I believe it," Adrian answered immediately. "I like hope, I love hope, and I hope all movies are full of hope."

Everyone else followed, until a female voice came over: "I seem to hear hope? Hope I didn't miss anything?"

then. A sapphire blue dress with a little embellishment. A big golden wave waved to the side of Nicole, and Naomi, wearing a long beige dress, and blond hair, appeared in front of people with a smile.

"Should not. We're just talking about the connection between movies and hope." Adrian looked at them and smiled. Although others smiled as well, they basically took on an ambiguous look.

Although he and them have hardly ever taken any photos of dating, the title of Wonder Girl is enough for these people to understand his relationship with them. Especially European directors and producers.

"Wow, this is a very good topic, isn't it, Nami?" Although Nicole asked her friends around, her eyes were on Adrian, and Naomi would greet everyone else, but she was basically Didn't move much on it.

"Well ... yes, like the movie you're showing, there is hope in the theme." Naomi said after thinking about it.

"That's right. My role is a transgender, a man who has become a woman. She must be very hopeful of others' approval, especially her son." Nicole raised an eyebrow.

"It's not easy, regardless of the plot or role." Adrian still smiled decently in the face of her approaching layers.

Nicole also participated in this year's Cannes Film Festival, "Crossing America", a road comedy film with the theme of "transgender". The transsexual, Brie, lives incognitoly on the fringe of Los Angeles society, and then, for various reasons, has an intricate story with his son Toby.

This was still for Adrian. Of course, neither of them will admit this. On the surface, this is just an independent ... well, in fact, this is a production funded by Universal Pictures, which invited Oscar actor Nicole Kidman to act Independent movie.

The film was completed last year, but failed to catch up with the Venice Film Festival. Originally, I wanted to participate in this year's Berlin Film Festival, but Adrian suggested to get Cannes. Released two days ago, the response was pretty good, transgender people are gimmicky, and starring Nicole.

After two or three sentences, everyone around him, Besson and Tonaredo, excused themselves. This group of people can see that Nicole came to Adrian, so why bother to interfere there? As for Naomi ... that's a **** thing, nothing to do with them.

Soon, everyone else was gone, and the conversation between the man and the woman became heated, and seemed to be very harmonious-if you did not hear the conversation.

"It's not less than $ 1,500. There are so many senior prostitutes who serve legislators in Washington, D.C., they could have been discounted a few days ago, but unfortunately you are not sure." These words were rightly said from Nicole. Adrian felt helpless and wanted to spread his hands, while Naomi shook her head and smiled.

She has become accustomed to discussing the funding between the two of them, and occasionally she can be ridiculed. She even tried it, and even once accepted the $ 100 "remuneration" paid by Adrian, but now she is in the public. Discuss, but can't accept it. But she had to raise her ears in this kind of thing and keep her eyes wide open to look around, so as not to be heard by others.

"Okay, okay, let's decide that way, you're used to it anyway." Adrian "habitually" compromised.

"Very well, then this time I won't take a deposit," Nicole said joyfully. "So, when someone comes over, you should know how to do it."

Needless to say who others are referring to in her mouth.

"No problem, I promise," Adrian said with a smirk, looking a little slippery.

Nicole murmured and said immediately: "You should apply for a VIP card as soon as possible so that the discount will be even more."

Adrian raised an eyebrow and was about to answer, and Naomi's voice came next: "Nicole, that nasty guy is here again."

Followed by, a man with a beard and short hair appeared indifferent.

"It turned out that you have been here. I have been looking for you for a long time. I was thinking of talking to you about my new script. You will like it, and everyone will like it, I promise." The other said loudly, staring Nicole didn't look at Adrian at all, as if he didn't exist at all.

Nicole's face became slightly unsightly, and he said politely at once: "Speak later, Mr. Till, I have something else now."

"Why?" The other side asked strangely ~ ~ We had a good talk before, didn't we? "

Not only did Nicole frowned, but Naomi next to him showed an impatient look, apparently it had been tangled by the other party before.

Adrian chuckled in his eyes. He has recognized the man, Russ von Tier, who has seen it at the Cannes Film Festival before, claiming to be the best director in the world, no doubt , A self-righteous guy, this kind of person is really very annoying sometimes.

"Nicole does have important things, like dating," Adrian said after a light cough.

"You are ..." Tyr looked at him with an inexplicable expression.

He hadn't remembered yet, Adrian had his arms folded, and Nicole put on a smile and walked out with him, ignoring Tyre. Naomi sighed and slipped to the other side. She couldn't possibly follow her at this time.

"A guy who can only shoot boring stories of Jews." Just after Adrian took a few steps, such a grunt floated into his ear, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

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