King of Hollywood

Vol 3 Chapter 290: Clear banner

PS: Second more ... So sleepy ... jet lag hasn't reversed yet ...

There was silence in the hall, European movies ... dead? What an arrogant word! But no one disputed that after the baptism of the previous social responsibility, most people would not think Adrian was not qualified to say such a thing. Many times they overlooked that Director Miracle is not only a director, but also quite a media tycoon. He almost developed the media from his friends with his own.

Before that, my head was a picture of Hollywood and European movies. A thirty-year-old young man and a forty-year-old middle-aged man ran almost side by side. The young people were one or half positions ahead of them. Although there are frictions from time to time, and it is not pleasing to each other to see each other, but they are trying to compete and run forward. "Adrian did not give them a chance to refute." However, today, I suddenly found myself wrong. I never agreed with Rumsfeld's old European statement, but at the moment unexpectedly felt so fit. "

After a pause, he sneered: "This is not the competition between young people and middle-aged people, but the middle-aged people who are running fast ahead, throwing the old man who is dangling far away. The old man still used to Will try hard to catch up, but then slowly gave up on his own, and from time to time ridicule the back of this middle-aged man as a way to comfort himself, miss the era of his previous lead, and completely give up the idea of ​​chasing. I can imagine, In a few years, when the back of the middle-aged person is getting farther and farther, the old man can't pass the loud mocking into the other's ears, and will inevitably turn around to vent these to the younger people who chase behind him, such as Iranian, Indian, Japanese, and Chinese movies! "

Adrian's voice went up again: "Look at what you have left now, the gmA95 manifesto? The ten commandments of the movie? Even the proponents can't do it! I seem to see those who yelled heretics in the Middle Ages and insisted to say It is the great and sacred missionaries, or the workers who rushed into the factory and smashed the machines in the 18th century, claiming that they took their jobs! "

"How ridiculous, how ridiculous! It's going to be reduced to maintaining the superiority by preventing technological progress," he laughed loudly and sharply. "Without technology, there will be no movie, without technology, there will be no camera, and without technology, everything today will not exist. The ridiculous thing about this manifesto is that the people who signed it never thought of going to the forefront of technology to guide them. Take control. It's a sad and pathetic thing to show your superiority with an avoidance and abandonment! "

Tier blushed, glaring at him angrily, and Rosse, Betolucci, and many people around him also looked ugly.

But Adrian continued, and he started to get excited: "I love France. Because the movie was born here, because the new wave started here, and I always expected French films to lead European films and Hollywood to compete head-on. Because there was competition Only when there is motivation, if there is competition, there will be vitality! Only when someone is constantly chasing around, Hollywood will go further! But the truth? I ’m so disappointed, very, very disappointed. Look at what you have now, except for women ’s In addition to the fragmented fragment, in addition to the director's self-talk. What else is left ?! "

"You think you are God, you are brazenly fabricating your own stuff, but you are too lazy to build the basic logic of the story. You just ask the audience to accept it, regardless of the audience's feelings. The audience in your eyes is just a chip to prove themselves. Thought what the movie was! "Adrian became angry. This questioning suppressed the people on the scene in the midst of the momentum he raised.

But someone still managed to speak.

"You have directed such a movie, haven't you?" The old man of Betolucci said weakly, and his face was very unsightly. After all, no one had ever made such a harsh accusation in front of himself, and it was impossible to refute it.

However, the old fox is an old fox after all. With a few words, I point out the problems in Adrian's words. You object to these, but you have also directed similar movies yourself. This is not easy to answer. If you are not careful, your previous preaching may be abandoned. Unfortunately, Adrian is well prepared.

"Of course, because I don't express my opinions without knowing anything, such as never going to the United States, but can say with great blame that I show the American story." Adrian sneered, The attack was transferred to Tyre again.

Tir, who had turned blushing, was even more annoyed, but Adrian still did not give him the opportunity to speak: "I invested in Luc's film company, I consulted Giuseppe Italian film, and I really hope that someone can lead European film and Hollywood competes, and in my opinion, even Uvey? Ball is better than you guys, at least he wants to tell a story! But what happened? What do you have left? The Last Tango in Paris? "

"I want to remind you, Mr. Cowell, I hope you can respect Mr. Betoruchi a little bit, time has proved ..." Camille Rosse exclaimed, but immediately Adrian used a bigger one. The voice went back: "I also want to remind you, ma'am, please respect the time!"

"Do you think 30 years is enough? Very good, so how about we add a zero at the back? Of course, maybe you think this is as good as Van Gogh's paintings or Shakespeare's plays, then how about we add another zero? If you think it can be compared to Parthenon, how about adding another zero? "Adrian expressed his mockery naked.

"Yes, Europe has a long history that is beyond hope. This is your pride and all your capital, but what about it?" He laughed loudly. "Thousands of years ago, the Romans indulged indulgently, hundreds of years ago. , But they are a group of fanatical ascetics, and now ... needless to say, but it ’s a cycle again and again, so--you guys are just, what a flood after my death! "

His voice finally lowered a bit, put away the anger but changed into a cold tone, still the kind of condescending appearance, as if making the final sentence: "So disdainful, so superior and arrogant, in my It seems that you are just a group of selfish and cowardly people who just want to be immersed in their own world and not dare to face the reality. They only want to be cheered and greeted by others, and reject others' criticisms. Those who only ask others to change and never reflect on themselves ... I am ashamed to be with you! "

He left this sentence coldly, striding towards the door in silence, until he came to the door before stopping to turn around again: "Yes, there is another sentence: Please continue! Please continue your arrogance, Please continue your disdain, please continue to carry your proud history on your shoulders. This way we can run farther and faster, you-no longer a threat. "

Awed, Adrian left the hall without turning back. A few seconds later, the silent crowd exploded.

"Cowell clearly didn't realize it. When he accused others of arrogance, he himself was arrogant. We understand this arrogance. After all, the United States has only been established for more than 200 years. They are always eager to be recognized. Your heart will become extreme and distorted without it, and Cowell proved it very well. "— The Evening Post

"This kind of words is out of place, and Tyre does keep his mouth open, but no matter how dissatisfied Cowell is, he should not make such ridiculous remarks that the European film is dead."-Le Figaro

"At this Cannes Film Festival, the director of Miracles once again broke the shocking news. He blatantly declared that European cinema is dead at the salon of Ms. Camille Rosse. According to the live news, Danish director Ras von Tiet Seoul claims to be sympathetic to the Nazis, and although Cowell's remarks are regrettable, Tyre is also worrying that the development of the Cannes Film Festival seems to be hindered. "— The Times

"There is no doubt that Cowell is right. The arrogance of European filmmakers has always been deeply engraved in their bones. They are as disgusting as those old men who are already drooping but still like to point and talk about other people's lives. "——" San Francisco Chronicle "

There was no surprise. The next day Adrian's speech in the salon shook the film circle on both sides of the Atlantic. There were many reporters in the salon. His presentation was naturally sent to the editorial departments of the newspapers as soon as possible. The news was announced on the Internet late at night.

Of course, no reporter will deliberately break the rules at this time. Once the news is shocking enough, there is no need to use such a trick. Second, don't forget that Adrian is a media tycoon, no matter what his purpose is. After such a preaching, there will be no backstop. In fact, that night, not long after the news on the website came out, the full text of the presentation appeared on his k, and it was marked as welcome to reprint, so it quickly spread on the Internet.

The media response in Europe is also very interesting. Of course, Denmark is all on Tyre's side, but it has not mentioned anything about the sympathy of the Nazis. Of course, their opinions are not important at all.

Because of the presence and humiliation of Betolucci, Italy felt offended, so most of them opposed it. Even if Adrian had an ambiguous relationship with the Italian goddess, he also produced "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" and made Monica Card took the throne of Oscar.

France is going to be more tangled. Although most people are disgusted with the phrase "European film is dead," the Adrian's words and expectations of France revealed between them make it difficult for them to resemble the Italian media. Blame so much. Although some film critics have written and criticized, there is always a feeling of lack of strength, even if it is Rosse's article that night.

Rather, they attacked each other very strongly. Some people thought that Adrian was talking completely, and some people thought that although the sentence was exaggerated, the whole preaching had merit. Talking, the two factions began to attack each other and also affected many people. For example, Luc Besson called Adrian and complained, "You really hurt me."

After this news came out, because he and Tonadore were named, many reporters kept chasing them, but at the same time they were criticized a lot by their fellow citizens.

Relatively speaking, the British media should be more objective. They do not want to see Hollywood or European movies. Although they are still part of Europe, they are also included in Adrian ’s preaching. Those guys are different, so there is such an interesting scene.

As for the American media, it is basically one-sided support and joking. Adrian is a media tycoon and speaks from their perspective. How can they not support it? Even the smooth Spielberg, when questioned by reporters, rarely conveyed his meaning clearly: at least some of the facts of Adrian said that European cinema has indeed reached a place that needs to be changed.

It is not that there are no objections, such as David Conanberg's disdain. Adrian was just complaining, too naive and not mature enough. However, his words came out-the United States is a free country-but not many people took care of it, like a small stone thrown into a pond, and a small splash fell to the bottom.

Speaking of directors giving their opinions. I have to mention another interesting place. The real old veteran directors in Europe, such as Romer, Levitte, Antonioni, and Godal, who never hides his dislike of the Jews, keep it in the face of this matter. Silence. I don't know if I don't want to comment or disdain comments, and Betolucci, one of the parties, declined to be interviewed by reporters. Means nothing to say.

So that some reporters lamented in private that it was not easy to refute the miracle director.

No way, no one can be like him. Stunning achievements can be made in many areas. It is both the number one super rich and a great director and producer. No matter what type of film can be produced, noir comedy, English classic, fantasy epic, thriller and weirdness, inspirational, science fiction, music, biography, and France , Italy ... There doesn't seem to be a genre of movies that he doesn't know, and what's even more rare is that each movie has an excellent reputation and box office.

Such a resume may usually feel nothing, but at this time it is displayed, no matter what the director has to retreat in front of three points-of course. The guy with a problematic head like Russ von Tier is not included. Not to mention that he is the richest and most powerful person among directors in the world. He also has information channels and is a great philanthropist. An important figure in the media industry.

In short, it is not easy to attack in any way, one is careless. There will be situations such as "What is the right to speak of social responsibility in front of me", as for private life ...

However, the storm has just begun. When Adrian arrived in Los Angeles—the second day after the salon ended, he left Cannes, then quickly returned to Paris and London before returning to the United States on his private jet. When he arrived at 2 pm in Los Angeles, he did not cover up his schedule, so many reporters were waiting outside the airport, so he made another speech in public.

"I know that some people are upset. They feel offended. I also know that some people try to prove me wrong and they are right. This is actually normal, just like we are debating It's rare to admit it, especially when there are seemingly rich arguments.

So why should we care? Why should they care about their dissatisfaction against their ridicule? Don't forget, we are only over 200 years old, we are still young, and we were born to look forward! Yes, we do n’t have that much history, but what about that? The film was born in France, but it grew in Hollywood! The film industry is different, but a complete system has been established in Hollywood. We have landed on the moon, we have established the Internet, and we have done what no one has ever done! Because we know that running forward is the most important thing! Let them hold history to the old paper pile, we have the future! God bless America! "

The thunder at the scene was like welcoming a hero. Many people couldn't help sighing after seeing the relevant news from the Internet or the newspaper the next day. There is no doubt that even if European filmmakers take the time to unify their views, once the topic is picked up, there is still a banner figure at the forefront, and the two sides of the Atlantic will continue to have long-term disputes in this regard.

Russ von Tier is really a fool, how could he provoke such a character, and in public, what so many people said in front of the Nazis. The miracle director is also very strange. Why did he suddenly blame the entire European film because of this kind of thing, or he really wanted to support the competition between European film and Hollywood?

"Of course it's sincere," Adrian said in the office bluntly ~ ~ Monopoly is not good, only competition will have motivation. "

"Oh?" Claude was unmoved.

"Okay, okay," he laughed. "You know why I do it, and you know the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Since I'm the media's signboard, why not make this signboard bigger?"

This conflict is no accident. This is what I said before, the last step in Cannes, and this step will determine the outcome next year. If you want to be a Hollywood spokesperson, it ’s not enough to rely on "Pianist". You have to stand on their side with a clear banner. You have to tell them that it is most suitable for me to be the spokesperson, as it is now. .

Of course, at the beginning he didn't want to make trouble at the salon. Before the award ceremony, there was an open-air party. There will only be more celebrities attending the party. In that case, it will not be difficult to provoke war. A few words The matter-and debate with more people, the effect will probably only be stronger, after all, this resume he carefully planned has so far been unmatched.

But he did not expect to meet Russ von Tier, a guy without a brain, at the salon. The other person took the wrong medicine and kept running him. So after thinking about it, Adrian immediately decided to be in the salon. Showdown.

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