King’s Landing in Nottingham

Vol 1100 Chapter 1104: I just asked if you dare to take the move?

Chapter 1104 I will ask if you dare to take the move?

Offense wins the game, defense wins the championship.

Mujocelinho's team is best at showing their strength in cup-based games-a bus in the middle and four heroes sitting on both sides.

I opened my arms to welcome you, just waiting for you to fall into the pit I dug for you.

When the offense of the Notts County Club came to a halt, Jurgen Klopp paced back and forth on the Notts County bench...

The members of the Notts County Club know that the head coach is probably in trouble again.

When thinking about solutions to problems, everyone may have their own unique way. Some people like to soak their feet, some want to go for a massage, and some think they need to exercise.

Jurgen Klopp liked to wander, pace, stand still and contemplate.

According to the size of the German stride and the frequency of the back and forth movement, it can be judged how much Jurgen Klopp's heart is suffering.

However, unable to think of a way, the Germans can only stroke their chin again and again.

After the number of times, you will always feel that his beard seems to be sparser again. Uncle Zha's hands, most of them still have criminal evidence, right?


"Give me a sudden!"

Jurgen Klopp's instructions were concise and concise, but when it reached the players' ears, it became so solemn!

In a basketball game, the opponent has played a zone defense for you, and you can only solve the problem by breaking through and three-pointers.

The same goes for football, the Notts County Club is not persuaded.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi Alonso, these are all set-piece masters.

On the left, on the right, anyway, we have all of them for you.

Guest officer, your dishes are ready!

As long as the Blue Chelsea players dare to foul near their penalty area, the Notts County club, a group of free kicks like penalty kicks, will teach Chelsea players a lesson.

Ever since, the coach’s tactical ideas have reached the heart of every Notts County club player by word of mouth.

Frank Ribery and Warren Doyle are already up to warm up, one can grab a sudden, the other's core skill is free kicks.

The weapons of the Notts County Club were all revealed.

"Is Coach Klopp a bright sword? The players of the Notts County Club, in these few minutes of the game, the frequency of breakthroughs has been much higher than in the first half."

"At the same time, they are more detailed in their free kicks and corner kicks. At least the first two offenses are more threatening."

Bright spears are easy to hide and dark arrows are hard to defend. I just want to fight with you, so I will ask you, dare you take the move?

Jose Mourinho is also making a decision. This is really difficult. Although he is still in the lead, he always feels that the Notts County club will score goals anytime, anywhere!

Then, the Portuguese, like Jurgen Klopp on the side, paced back and forth in front of the assistants.

Uncle Bird's moving speed is quite fast, and he leaves a shadow in front of his assistants.

Not only is Jose Mourinho hesitating, but the Chelsea players of the Blues are also inconsistent in their game mentality.

Is it to stick to the tactical strategy just now, or to take it selectively?

If you selectively relax your defensive stance, the players of the Notts County club may get close to the Blue Chelsea penalty area, but there are Terry and the goalkeeper behind.

Once the coach Mourinho chooses to stick to the established tactical strategy, the arrangement of Jurgen Klopp will succeed all of a sudden!

The Notts County club is bound to get more set-up opportunities. President Luo, Sleepy and Long, they all have the ability to see blood in their throats.

"Huh, coach Jose Mourinho scratched his hair very rarely. It seems that he has also encountered a problem."

"The Notts County Club and the Blues Chelsea successfully reached the Champions League final, which made this game very exciting. These are two teams capable of winning the Champions League. The confrontation between them, even if it only takes five minutes. , You will feel the blood swelling, it is so exciting!"

After getting three or four set kicks in a row, the Notts County Club free kicker's shot was getting closer and closer to the target.

Xavi Alonso took the initiative to take the opportunity to take the set kick, giving Cristiano Ronaldo and Andrea Pirlo to the two.

President Luo wiped the post out of bounds with a free kick, and Schwarzer threw out the other shot that hit the target.

Andrea Pirlo's luck was even worse. The Italian's free kick shot directly at the junction of the post and the crossbar.

The Luzhniki stadium remembered the boos from the fans of the Notts County club, but this reminded coach Jose Mourinho.

The Portuguese coach quickly came out of his thinking.

"Frank, tell the players that you can let them in, but you must never give them a chance to set the ball again!"

After getting the order, the assistant coach of the Chelsea club sent Jose Mourinho's words affectionately to the players' ears.

The Blues with unified actions and thoughts, Chelsea players broke out a strong fighting force. After withstanding the 20-minute offensive of the Notts County club, the Blues Chelsea's counterattack almost brought Notts County back. The club’s goal hole opens...

"What are you doing, guys!"

Veteran goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar directed at the Notts County players in front of him and started spraying!

"With a little brain! Isn't it okay to look at the people passing by on the sidewalk! He beat us through with a relaxed two-over-one?"

"Why stretch your feet? Huh? Why?"

The words of the Dutch veteran are like soul torture, and they hit the hearts of the defensive players of the Notts County Club time and time again.

Who doesn't know, Lao Fan is a good guy at the Notts County Club. He actually went crazy. It shows that this is a big deal!

"In order to hit this ball, I almost flashed my waist. Can you guys afford it? Isn't this killing Lao Tzu?"

Old Fan Shun exploded two more swear words, and then he called Danny Alves, who had just been replaced, over:

"Come on, Danny, help me bring my gloves..."

Danny Alves, who was still incompatible with John Terry and Shevchenko just now, seemed like a good baby at this time.

The Dutch goalkeeper's status in the Notts County club team is unparalleled, even if the captain's armband is in Long Ge's hands, Lao Fan is also a well-deserved bigwig in the Magpies locker room.

"Well, it's fine, you kid, please be careful. Don't miss anyone again next time. You can get back so hard. Can you come back?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Edwin, don't worry, I will pay attention next time..."

………………Dividing line………………

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