King’s Landing

Chapter 82: Virtual Mecha Warehouse

Everyone who heard this sentence was stunned for a moment, not knowing what he meant.

The man didn't seem to have any thoughts to explain, and he operated a few times on his optical brain.

Soon, they saw the iron fence in front of them slowly move upwards and open.

The man didn't care about their surprised expressions, he just waved his hands at random, and walked forward like this, as if he was not worried that they would attack.

Everyone in the room looked at each other for a while, and in the end they could only follow him helplessly.

After all, when they knew that they were buried with a deadly discharger, basically no one was willing to take the risk of being electrocuted into an explosive head to resist.

Just look at the way everyone looked at the comatose acrobatic head left in the room.

Most people's current mood is more like a frightened animal. Based on the natural instinct to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage, even if there is any dissatisfaction, they will not dare to vent it for a while.

What's more, although there was only one uniformed man who came to talk to them, everyone was not stupid.

At a glance, everyone can clearly see that there are many men like him outside, wearing uniform clothes, obviously to maintain order.

At the same time, among them, surrounded by three or four people wearing white coats and white masks, I don't know what they are here for.

At the same time, the sharp-eyed people found that on the side of their room, there was another room beside them.

It's the same all white interior, but the facilities inside are much better than theirs, at least you can see the independent bed, but the outside is still blocked by the same iron fence.

Just as they were guessing, they saw that the iron fence slowly opened, and then three people appeared inside.

Others may not feel anything yet, but when Jun Yuyan saw them, his pupils shrank fiercely.

That's right, among the people who came out was Xin Lei, who she had been looking for.

But it just didn't make her so shocked.

What really surprised her was another person - Ding Ren.

That's right, it's the person with gender cognitive impairment, Ding Ren.

She was still wearing a tattered red dress, and the exaggerated makeup on her face was still more expensive than when she first met.

Her particularly gorgeous red lips have also faded a lot, and the dark circles under her eyes and pale complexion that can't be covered with thick foundation are all telling that Ding Ren's life during this period was not very satisfactory.

Ding Ren's eyes lit up when he saw Jun Yuyan, but before he could say anything, Xin Lei took the lead.

"Brother Jun?!" The moment Xin Lei saw Jun Yuyan, he couldn't help but call out her name.

Of course, he didn't shout very loudly, only the three people next to him and Jun Yuyan, who had been paying attention to him, could find out.

Jun Yuyan nodded lightly at him, and then shook his head lightly.

Xin Lei quickly understood what she meant.

Because Jun Yuyan was not surprised to see him at all.

If he guessed correctly, it is very likely that she came to save him, but the situation here is not suitable to say more, so it is best for him to pretend not to know her.

Apart from the two of them, the third person who came out of the room was a very sloppy uncle who couldn't tell his age.

His face was completely blocked by the long entangled beard. The only pair of eyes that were exposed outside was not large, and he could hardly see the emotions inside. In addition, he had a crazy temperament around him, and the dirty eyes The tattered clothes make people feel that they want to stay away from him for a while, and they don't want to have anything to do with him at all.

Jun Yuyan just glanced at him quickly, just didn't notice anything, and continued to walk his own way.

The group walked not far before they came to the hall.

The leading uniformed man still pressed a few buttons on his optical brain, and then he heard a sound from the ground.

I saw that the floor of the originally empty hall suddenly began to split, and according to the very strict equidistant grid division, huge square openings quickly appeared.

Just when everyone was still wondering what this was doing, they saw one after another huge eggshell-like instruments emerging from these holes one after another, and each machine was just big enough to accommodate one person.

On the other side, the leading man in uniform turned around, faced the crowd, and said, "You should have seen the fate of disobedient people, so I don't need to say anything more."

"Don't ask too much, your only task now is," the man stretched out his finger and pointed at the rows of giant eggshells on the opposite side: "Go in. The machine will tell you what will happen next."

After saying that, he left.

Just when Jun Yuyan and their newcomers were still hesitating, the group of three people next to Xin Lei found an eggshell without saying a word, and then lay in.

When Jun Yuyan saw Xin Lei's actions, he hesitated for a while, and chose to obey for the time being.

So, she found a new-looking eggshell machine nearby and lay in it.

With her taking the lead, the rest of the people no longer hesitated, and one by one, they got into these eggshells like dumplings.

As soon as Jun Yuyan lay down, she saw a transparent glass outside slowly descending from the top of her head, and then completely cut off her connection with the outside world.

Jun Yuyan frowned slightly and said nothing.

At the same time, some of the other people who suffered the same situation were already panicking, slamming the glass cover with force, and shouting vaguely inside.

"...what's the matter? Let me out! What are you guys doing!" - something like that.

'Master, I know this thing! ' Moji said impatiently after seeing Jun Yuyan lying down: 'This is a virtual warehouse. It's a very hot game in Interstellar right now... it's not necessarily a game. The main function is to connect the human brain nerves. Put people into a kind of machine that resembles a virtual space. ’

'But due to the relatively high cost, mercenaries who are trying to survive are generally not used. ’

Jun Yuyan nodded and said: 'Well, I have seen similar novels and animations in my previous life. But what are they going to do? It's not like we're here to play games. ’

‘No no no, the reason why I say it is not necessarily a game warehouse is because many military institutions will use it for military exercises! ’

Moji's twittering popular science said: 'For example, when training mechas, because of the high cost of mechas, it is impossible to equip everyone with mechas, and I cannot afford the wear and tear of mechas during training. . At this time, they will send these soldiers to this kind of virtual warehouse for systematic training and battle practice, you used to @#¥%…’

...was harmonized again.

Moji sighed silently, gave up trying to explain Jun Yuyan's previous situation, and continued to popularize science.

‘They will go through a series of programming in it, so that everyone who is here really feels like they are in a mech. The more expensive the virtual warehouse, the more realistic the simulated mecha. Then, by simulating a series of combat scenarios in it, the soldiers' combat ability is trained. ’

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