Knight of the Light

Chapter 358: Copy inspection

Johnson Dory was in a shadow cloak, standing on a dirt **** overlooking the manor not far away. It was a humble little fortress with low walls and lax defenses. There were no people in the manor at all. He didn't understand why the owner didn't run away.

Raising his hand and rubbing his hard stubble, the owner of the dense fog city turned to think, "Perhaps the noble knight in that rotten manor was reluctant to share his family business, just as he was not willing to be dense fog city."

The Fifth Action Team went out of the city to clear the remnants of the aristocracy and easily get a manor. The entire process was followed by the team of the Dorothy family. They hid hundreds of meters away and were observed from a distance by the second daughter's eagle eye technique.

The action team is crowded, and this is not a fair contest. Maybe the aristocracy in the manor also hopes to win victory by deterrence, or pay some price to fool the new owner of Coldwind City. But apparently he failed.

The heavy crossbow on the wall of the manor was probably in disrepair for years, and the crossbow fired was light and floating, which was more effective in scaring people. The heavy metal crossbow brought by the action team is a newly created killing weapon, which is quite accurate within an effective range of 250 meters.

With the perspective provided by Hawkeye, you can see that the large iron crossbow is extremely fast and the trajectory is low. The first crossbow was nailed to the fence, and the second shot accurately hit a heavy crossbow on the fence.

The wooden heavy crossbow was shattered, and although no casualties were caused, the serfs in the manor instantly lost morale.

Facing the bad situation, the trapped noble knight turned from extreme conservative to extreme aggressive. He couldn't even defend, and he took the initiative to attack, and it was no surprise that he was defeated.

"Perhaps he just wanted to defend his honor before he died." Johnson Dory sighed in his heart. His sharp eyes turned to the team in Coldwind City, judging its combat effectiveness.

"Father, let's get rid of that pariah. Lead Victor Hugo out of the city." The eldest son Larry was eager to try.

The Dorex family was all here, and the five infantrymen on the opposite side were killed under the raid. The remaining infantry was not a concern.

The tall Johnson shook his head, but the city owner made another plan. "Our Lord reminded that Victor Hugo has a very convenient messaging network with a great range. We sneak attack on such a team is a warning he."

"What then?" Angeline, the second daughter, calmed her face. "We can't wander outside the Cold Wind City all the time. The towns here are deserted, and we can't find even a sip of water and bread."

There were also several sons and daughters of the Dorothy family behind Angeline. They were either holding bows or holding swords, all in the dust, a look of decay. More than half a month of wild life is not pleasant, especially without their servants.

As aristocrats, naturally they can not stand the rise of a group of pariahs, let alone the pariahs who slaughter their own kind at will. Seeing that the Fifth Operation Team besieged a decisive knight master, the members of the Dorothy family were filled with indignation.

But Johnson, the head of the family, still shook his head. "This kind of miscellaneous soldiers is not our goal, but we can call other fleeing cold wind city aristocrats to destroy these dalits.

After the chaos in Cold Wind City, many noblemen actually fled back to their territory. Someone needs to stand up and lead them against this riot. As long as the momentum is loud, I don't believe Victor. Hugo can sit safely in the city. "

Other children look at each other, tacitly acknowledging this as a solution. The shadow cape rolled, and the diffused black mist converged, hiding them in sight. In the direction of the manor, Operation Fifth is preparing to count today's trophies.

The slain manor fell into a pool of blood, with a knife wound on his chest and back. Lorraine followed the team and several infantrymen went up to dismantle their armor. Now that the living supplies are scarce, blood cloaks cannot be let go.

A guard captain stepped forward and took off the dead man's boots and made a gesture to his feet. Those boots should be woolen and very warm. The captain of the guard replaced his homemade shoes made of rotten animal skin. He stomped after putting on new shoes and was very satisfied.

Lorraine took out a small book, recording the name of the manor, the place and time of the battle, and the simple battle process. The owner's war horse was drawn into the team, and she also had to register and report to the Holy Light.

The attendant who accompanied the war knelt on the ground, and looked at Lorraine and others pitifully. The team officer briefly interrogated them into the manor, and then copied the house.

There were only forty or fifty people in the manor, mostly serfs. The manor's family of five were taken out. Lorraine must ask their names one by one and compile a roster.

The North is overpopulated and cannot feed too much. However, Zhou Qingfeng still felt that he must guarantee a certain number of people, and his teeth must be hardened. After all, the population is not leeks. It is easy to kill and difficult to raise.

The detainees were terrified and everyone was crying. The leading officers did not say anything about their liberation, but told Lorraine not to sympathize with the subordinates of these nobles.

"These people are not with us. Don't look at how miserable they are now. They are usually noble, and they will rebel if they are not careful. According to His Excellency Hugo, they must accept reform.

The officer led the team to detain the entire population of the manor, and Lorraine went to check the property in the manor. Due to the holy light identifying lies, the action team's hands and feet were still clean. Occasionally, some people wanted to steal some hiding spots, and they would soon be found.

The manor is very small, with only one or two tons of grain stored. The owner has some worthless jewelry and cloth, and an old carriage. In short, this noble master is very poor.

"Have you ever encountered a poor aristocrat?" Lorraine recorded it on a few strokes of papyrus. It was inconvenient to return after dark, and the team stayed at the manor. She asked a few guard cavalry.

"Yes." The leading officer occupied the main house in the manor house, and took out the stored grain that the original owner had managed to accumulate. The dozens of people in the team were full, and the captives only gave one-third of the rations.

"Our Fifth Action Team was just formed, and we are not strong enough, and we will not deal with too strong estates. The first, second and third action teams formed first are different. They are strong and specialize in hard bones.

For example, Action Team 1 is led by Master Mondino's disciple, a wizard who can control the undead. It is said that Master Mondino transformed an evil ghost into a living corpse and used his disciples as trump cards.

There is also the Second Action Team, led by the Tambos Wizard, who is said to have broken with his teacher Fabro. His teacher Fabro wanted to remain neutral, and was driven out of Coldwind by His Excellency Hugo.

In recognition of the valor of the Tambos wizard, His Excellency Hugo taught him runes to upgrade him from a fourth-level alchemist to a sixth-level. He also opened the treasure house of the long-legged family for him to choose equipment. Many people are envious. "

Lorraine was so absorbed, he whispered, "How is the grade calculated? Does the higher grade get more salary?"

Hahaha ..., the leading officers all scratched their hair and laughed, "I don't know how the Honor Hugo evaluated the grade. Anyway, we go to the city's main government to file a report and we will divide the grade.

This division is based on strength. I am a second-level knight. Some are more powerful, such as level three and level four. It's okay to divide this way, everyone knows. "

"So is the wizard?" Lorraine asked.


"What if I want to be a wizard?"

"This, I really don't know. You should ask the Holy Light."

Oh ... Lorin's heart was hot during the dinner. She prayed to the Holy Light before going to bed to inquire about her future direction. When she slept in the warm quilt until dawn, there was a warning cry outside the manor.

Enemy attack!

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