Knight of the Light

Chapter 391: SOE Assets

Phils. Long Legs withdrew the core family members from Cold Wind City.

Without this common enemy, the relationship between the ‘rebellion’ nobles and the wizarding corps was alienated in the blink of an eye. The city entered an anarchy. Everyone closed their doors and lived. They did n’t know what to do next.

Establishing a working administrative system out of thin air is by no means easy, and the families of the 'rebellion' in the city have no experience. But for ordinary people, the absence of this restraint system is a good thing.

Harmony Chamber of Commerce continues to do business with various companies. Whether it's spelling orders, selling lessons, reading clubs, it's still going flat. "Fu Qiangling" entered the construction period of rapid development, and thousands of labors were integrated and devoted to fiery work.

At least until the spring of next year, this situation will not change.

For the time being in the other world, Zhou Qingfeng has a headache for his coupons. When confronting the abyss sacrifice, the giant worm forced him to rely on the ‘that stubborn curse’ to be a big player.

Each ‘Bo’ is a 1,600 coupon. After more than ten times of "Bo", there are no more than 20,000 coupons. The coupons Zhou Qingfeng used to save his life quickly dropped to less than 20,000.

Even more troublesome is the arrival of 'Fifth Level'. In the future, the 32-point coupons will be archived each time, and the reading will be 3,200 points. The terrible exponential effect has already appeared, and if you want to survive by reading files, you must get more points.

Back to reality.

After the year, the temperature has not recovered.

During the New Year, Zhou Qingfeng shipped the "Super Kill" comics to hk for the second time, and also erased the entrance of a certain gang, which made a huge fortune.

Irene and other strange maids are constantly going back and forth to Tianyang and HK to deal with the cumbersome sale and transfer of property. The amount of funds involved is quite huge. At present, more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars have been transferred to the account of ‘Shengguang Technology (hk)’.

In addition to capital and real estate, small pieces of electrical appliances are put into the 'Alchemy Workshop' to bring Tianyang. There are hundreds of large cars. Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted to transport these vehicles to the mainland, but only a dozen motorcycles actually returned.

Because hk is a colony, the traffic rules are learned from the British, and the driving position is on the right. Although this kind of right peptide car has also been smuggled to the mainland, Zhou Qingfeng finally felt awkward about this kind of stuff and sold it down.

However, after the Spring Festival, the Tianyang Municipal Government and the bank sent people to discuss the purchase of bad debt assets of the bank. This is a big deal and quite complicated.

Zhou Qingfeng called Lin Wan, Professor Zheng, Gong Wei and others to join the negotiations. "Comrades, we now face a major decision."

"The company has no money?" Ouyang Jun said in panic.

"That's not true. The company is rich."

"The crime of selling prohibited prints was committed?" Gong Wei asked, also frightened.

"No. The city and the printing house are very 'supporting' our entertainment industry. As long as they can make foreign exchange, they don't see anything."

"Did you expose the smuggling in your back?" Lin Wan joined the ranks of speculation, looking suspicious.

"Don't talk nonsense, self-defeating." Professor Zheng Shengzhengzhenchang, turned to Zhou Qingfeng, "Zhou, what trouble is there to mention. Is there any unspeakable? Don't be afraid. I know a lot of old Chinese medicine and can give Click to suggest. "

Can't you think about the benefits? What can I say about a sturdy man like me?

Zhou Qingfeng's nose was crooked, "I received a large amount of foreign exchange funds not long ago, and it is meaningless to have money in the bank. At present, the domestic market is changing rapidly, and I am considering how to spend it."


Everyone was relieved when they heard that the discussion would cost money.

Zhou Qingfeng also throws out a sentence, "At present, I can use more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars in funds, and the future is more than 500 million Hong Kong dollars."

How many?

At the desk in the company's conference room, several department directors widened their eyes. They all know that ‘Sacred Light’ makes a lot of money by selling small yellow books, but the number of money is still at the level of several tens of millions.

Zhou Qingfeng's opening jumped directly to hundreds of millions.

"I have registered a 'Holy Light Technology (hk) Co., Ltd.' at hk. The company account has now reached 200 million Hong Kong dollars. I intend to spend this money in Tianyang."


At the desk, there was one counted, all with bright eyes and excitement.

Just listening to the 'billion' unit is enough to make their heart beat faster and their ears blush. If the money was spent in Tianyang, everyone would make a fortune.

Zhou Qingfeng was very satisfied with the effect of his discourse. He patted the table and said cheerfully: "Calm, calm, calm. The company's prospects are very good. Everyone is a veteran of" Holy Light "in the future and can be paid dividends."

Calm down, among the directors, only Professor Zheng has been better in the past, and everyone else is unhappy.

For example, Gong Wei stayed in a place where the birds didn't **** in Nantou Township. In the past, the most valuable thing in his family was a two-horn radio, which had broken down long ago and couldn't bear to throw it away in the living room.

Suddenly I heard that there are hundreds of millions of funds to appear. Although not for myself, they will certainly be spent by their hands. Just think about the power to spend money and the benefits that follow, who can be calm?

Lin Wan is the secretary-general of the president's secretariat, and also the director of the personnel and finance department. Her billions of funds must be issued by her. As long as she thinks of a few zeros on the head of the 'billion' unit, she feels dizzy.

"Hehehe ... I intend to use this money to purchase the assets pledged by the state-owned enterprises to banks in Tianyang. At present, I have already been in contact with several banks in the city, and everyone needs to do the next things. intervention."

After Zhou Qingfeng said this, Professor Zheng asked directly: "What to buy?"

"Uh ..., the assets of the state-owned enterprises mortgaged to the bank. Some state-owned enterprises are already insolvent, and the bank is waiting for someone to pick up the baggage. If you buy with foreign exchange, you can get at least 50% off."

"No, 50% off is not allowed." Lin Wan also stopped in surprise. "Selling hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in foreign exchange for those worthless rotten state-owned enterprises? You ca n’t waste such money if you have money."

Gong Wei and Ouyang were also incredible, and felt that Zhou Qingfeng was probably crazy.

What to buy is not good, you have to buy state-owned enterprise mortgage assets. The bank in Tianyang is of course happy, but ‘Shengguang’ wants so bad stuff to make a ghost?

Professor Zheng has been distressed. "Zhou, if you have money, build more factories and build more tricycle production lines, I will not stop you. But the state-owned enterprises in the city are burdensome ..." He said this was A long sigh, "It's hard to say!"

More than just words? It's a super pit, a giant pit, an invincible pit!

Difficulties in the operation of state-owned enterprises are currently a common problem in China. In the 1990s, there was a wave of privatization of state-owned enterprises. In the end, there was a huge loss of state-owned assets, and there were endless transactions of power and money.

The final solution is to 'grasp the big and let the small', and the other is to change the 'state-run' to 'state-owned'. Especially the latter policy. A word difference, the result is a large number of state-owned enterprises.

Zhou Qingfeng has no ability to change policy now. He only knew that he would not eat the meat of the state-owned enterprise, and sooner or later he would be eaten by a bunch of tapeworms. For the misunderstanding of his thoughts and concepts, he only shrugged ...

"Rest assured, I never lose money. What about money, just spend generously, and I will definitely make it back."

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