Knight of the Light

Chapter 597: Fight

In the underground base that extends in all directions, the gray cement wall naturally has a thick and heavy atmosphere. Due to long-term unattended maintenance, some non-main passages have accumulated water and the ground has cracked. No one has been here for many years.

Since the 1970s, the bear economy has gone downhill. The powerful military-industrial complex built a large number of nuclear submarines, and the old and time-consuming fortification defense system gradually lost input.

In the early 1980s, several divisional units of the Kiev Military District were scheduled to be on duty annually. But by the end of the 1980s, the on-duty troops were quickly reduced to a few regiments, and they were still not satisfied with the formation.

Mao Zi's sloppy is really sloppy, they do not care.

For example, the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’, Eagle Sauce found that the radio code used by the bear ’s MiG-21 fighter to identify the enemy is the same.

At first, Eagle Sauce thought that the bear had any conspiracy or black technology. Later I found myself scaring myself and thinking too much.

The MiG-21s of the 1960s did indeed use the same identification code. No one knows why the Soviet aviation is so confident? Anyway, they do n’t change for a long time, just to save trouble.

This made Eagle Sauce very depressed-he was seriously preparing for the war, and found that his opponent was fooling around. Really fight, MiG-21 will die miserably.

There are many similar things.

For example, no one wants to stay underground every day to live a dark life. General Chechevatov is not willing to himself. In addition to the symbolic visit to the theater underground command post when he took office, he has stayed at the headquarters of Kiev.

To ask the general if he is not familiar with this underground space, he might as well be the little babes Megan holding the map. He wanted to talk to Zhou Qingfeng about metaphysical philosophical issues such as "humanity, humanity, and human race."

But Uncle Zhou did not even talk about these farts, insisting on getting a nuclear warhead. If he doesn't get it, he won't leave.

"There is more than one underground command post in the entire Kiev Military Region. There are at least three spares. Our current location is called ..."

Your Excellency wants to show your understanding at the command level, but Zhou Qingfeng interrupted his words, "Stop, let Megan lead the way. Let's go to ... and rescue the US verification team."

Zhou Qingfeng deducted the name of justice from his actions. Megan's heart was like a flash of light, and in a flash he knew what the big bad guy was doing?

Sure enough, it is the ultimate boss, and the bad things done are unusual.

Not only did the kid smuggle contraband secretly, this time he apparently came for nuclear weapons. Only nuclear weapons conform to the image of its evil core full of destruction.

Megan's heart was thumping, she joined the dod just to feel that this work was very challenging, and biting Zhou Qingfeng also felt that she might catch a big bad guy.

It's okay now, this villain is really big enough.

"God let me meet him. I am going to save the world, I am going to be a beacon of mankind, and I will be the savior of civilization."

Megan panicked when the incident came to an end. She was thinking that she had killed the big bad guy with a single shot? Or will he announce his death sentence after his crimes become apparent? Or digging deeper to find out all its opponents are gone?

In fact, no one cares too much about the thoughts of Xiaoyang Niu.

The general and the adjutant had already burst their scalp, from the office to the underground base. They originally thought that the commandant's casual intrusion into the two outsiders was extremely absurd.

But after the absurdity is not enough, there are even more absurd.

Uncle Zhou wants a nuclear bomb. Is absurdity not absurd?

Now there is another mutiny. The terrible thing is that the rogue mutiny has really controlled the nuclear bomb.

The reason why Eagle Sauce dared to clean up Saddam twice was because he believed that the latter had ‘suspected weapons of mass destruction’. The Ermao family doesn't need to be 'suspicious' anymore, it really does.

The military off-road vehicle came out of the hidden maintenance channel, and all five people in the vehicle were worried.

Zhou Qingfeng asked how Megan escaped? Ask the little girl to show her way on the map.

Megan had no choice but to stubbornly lead a bad guy to the 'rescue verification team'.

"The underground part of the camp is three-dimensional. We are currently on the first basement floor and the nuclear bombs are stored on the third basement floor. Either go down through the special elevator or go down the spare driveway.

Zhou Qingfeng chose to use the ‘spare lane’, but it did n’t take long before the military off-road vehicle drove, and the road ahead was stopped by a row of soldiers.

The btr-60 armored vehicle blocked the passage, and the heavy machine gun blocked the shot. In the case of unobstructed and unobstructed, unless there is a tank, otherwise it can only face the firepower directly.

There are too many soldiers in a row, and the invisible goblin is not sure to put them all down in a short time. Zhou Qingfeng chose to let the adjutant drive the car directly over, as long as he didn't warn him.

Waiting for the muzzle of the heavy machine gun, the five people in the car had no retreat and were quite nervous. In addition to Zhou Qingfeng's remaining cards, everyone else dared to go up.

The soldiers on the opposite side were also very nervous. They had been informed that General Chechevatov had entered the underground in such an off-road vehicle. Colonel Isakoff has ordered the arrest of the general and his entourage.

The car stopped before the muzzle of the armored car. Zhou Qingfeng could clearly see the cap badge and the reflection in the pupil of the rank officer opposite. If this person ordered an attack, the goblin flying behind his head would kill him first.

Others are not as relaxed as Zhou Qingfeng.

Faced with the gradual advancement of the rebel soldiers, His Excellency said in a deep voice: "Let me go down, I will convince them."

Megan got off first, followed by Zhou Qingfeng, general. Marcos also got off, but stood at the door staring at the adjutant still in the driver's seat.

The official prestige is still there. As soon as he appeared, the soldiers on the opposite side were at a loss, and even the muzzle could not help but put down, and turned to look at his officers.

"What are you doing?" General Chechevatov stared at the platoon officer and shouted angrily, "Second Lieutenant, do you know what you are doing?"

The platoon leader on the opposite side is still very young, and there is an insurmountable class distance in the face of a tens of years old general. Zhou Qingfeng followed behind the general, and asked the virtualized Sofia: "Can you charm the other?"

"No," Shumei denied, "I have been charmed twice and the check failed. The other party is in a state of fanaticism."

The young platoon leader held an assault rifle and was timid when he was photographed by the general's Ji Wei, but he still stood still and shouted calmly: "We just want to defend the Soviets and the alliance. We don't want to see the country split . "

"Boy, I don't want to see the country split. But this is not the reason for your disobedience. Tell me, what are you doing? Where is Colonel Isaac? I want to talk to him."

The general tried to admonish calmly. But the platoon leader on the opposite side was shaking his head, "You use the noble pretext to do the most despicable things. Your lies have deceived countless people, and you have even deceived yourself.

We are clearly the most powerful country in the world, we have the ability to punish any enemy, but you swallowed all the rights, and you will surrender when you turn around.

No, I don't want to waste time with your decayed worms. Your words make me sick. Raise your hand and you are arrested. "

The young platoon leader's hand is no longer amusing, his words are firm, and he is coldly staring at the general who is usually unattainable. The soldiers beside him also obeyed, all stabilizing their guns.

In terms of disappointment, no one can surpass the soldiers of the alliance. Obviously powerful and unmatched, but collapsed in his own hands.

Zhou Qingfeng sighed, unable to blame the gang of simple and **** soldiers, but they wanted to protect their lives and glory.


"Sophia, prepare to release the onomatopoeia and divert the attention of these guys."

Onomatopoeia can simulate sounds, such as making noisy and dense footsteps behind armored vehicles, as if a large group of people are coming. The soldiers blocking the road must be distracted, turning their heads to look back.

Zhou Qingfeng was about to start, and General Chechevatov in front of him suddenly untied his general uniform, revealing a circle of explosives tied around his waist.

"Second Lieutenant, you are not alone here. There is no way out for me. The same is true for me. Either let me pass, or we will all die together. I must do my last job for my duty."

Uncle Zhou was grabbed the limelight and froze.

But this is not over yet ...

The adjutant also got off the station to the general, and also opened his uniform, snatching a line: "Lieutenant, since you have a firm ideal, what are you willing to pay for it? Don't tell me, you will be afraid of death."

The second lieutenant platoon leader and soldiers were also stunned.

This is especially true for the little babes from the American dod-what the **** is going on here? It is necessary for the general to bind the explosive in advance? The fighting race is too tough.

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