Chapter 321 Necessary conditions for public opinion war! Chapter 321 Necessary conditions for public opinion war!

Chapter 321 Necessary conditions for public opinion war!

Kizaru’s exchange with the old president indeed brought him a lot of inspiration.

Regarding the disposal of this type of industry, the general direction will not change, but the methods should indeed be more diverse.

The next morning, when Kizaru came to the Hokage’s office, Senju Tobirama and Jiraiya were already in the office.

“Brother Jiraiya, it seems you have already thought about it.” Entering the office, Kizaru looked at Jiraiya and said.

“This mission is my duty!” Jiraiya looked at Kizaru with a burning gaze, his expression showing a rare determination.

“That’s just right. I got some good advice yesterday afternoon, which brought me a lot of new inspiration. I’ll share it with you here. What do you think?” As he spoke,

Kizaru walked over. He sat down directly at the desk.

After sitting down, under the expectant gazes of Senju Tobirama and Jiraiya, Kizaru repeated a little of the suggestion made by the old president yesterday.

“These two ideas are very good. Who gave you these suggestions? You seem to have good abilities.” Senju Tobirama looked at Kizaru curiously. Now he is simply hungry for talents.

“The president of the Bank Chamber of Commerce, his name is…” At this point, Kizaru suddenly realized that he had met this president three times, and he didn’t even seem to remember his name.

“Okashima Yoshio, haven’t you read his information?” Tobirama said with disgust.

“Uh haha! There are too many things to do, I forgot.” Kizaru explained with a smile.

Shaking his head helplessly, Senju Tobirama knew that Kizaru probably didn’t like the Chamber of Commerce President at first, so he didn’t spend any effort to remember this person’s name.

“Jiraiya, what do you think of what Kizaru just said?” Senju Tobirama asked with concern as his eyes shifted from Kizaru to Jiraiya.

“I think it makes sense! We should really consider everyone’s entertainment needs. Some things are better blocked than cleared!” Jiraiya said with great feeling based on his many years of experience.

“I can help you solve part of the entertainment needs. I thought of a lot of new entertainment methods last night, and I will find someone to make them as soon as possible.” Kizaru looked inscrutable and confident, very confident said.

“Oh! What kind of new entertainment?” Seeing Kizaru’s confidence, Senju Tobirama asked curiously.

Jiraiya stood beside Kizaru and said nothing, but the curious look on his face gave him away.

“This is a trade secret. I’ll show it to you when I find it out.” Kizaru said with a smile.


Senju Tobirama instantly put away his curiosity and returned to work, “Besides the two points just mentioned, do you have any other ideas? If it doesn’t work, I will start to formulate a specific execution plan. ”

I think that regarding the legislative action to rectify the skin and meat business, we may try a new entry point at the beginning and let the people below take the initiative to ask us to rectify it.” Kizaru, whose mind has been opened, thought Ideas pop up one after another.

“How do you say it?” Although he felt that what Kizaru said was too difficult to implement, Tobirama was still willing to listen carefully.

“Let’s change the method and detonate this matter through public opinion first, let people understand the blood and evil behind this industry, let people sympathize with the victims in the industry, and then rise to anger towards the perpetrators. At this point At that time, we can secretly guide the villagers to march and let them take the initiative to rectify this industry, set up legal management, and protect the personal rights of the victims.”

As soon as Kizaru finished speaking this idea, both Senju Tobirama and Jiraiya , both of them can be said to have bright eyes.

This method of public opinion warfare was beyond their expectations, but after careful consideration, they felt that this method was extremely feasible!

“The method is good, but be careful of it being used by others to deal with the country in the future!” Senju Tobirama can always think of the worst aspects immediately.

“The word of public opinion must be in our hands. Any unofficial forces or individuals who want to make accusations must be dealt with severely.” Kizaru said very seriously.

“It must be dealt with!” On this point, Senju Tobirama and Kizaru’s attitudes were exactly the same.

“You’re right!” Jiraiya looked at the two people in front of him and could only agree.

After determining the new execution method, the remaining things were much simpler. Jiraiya’s mission remained unchanged. He still led 100 ninjas, starting from Konoha, to investigate and collect the business conditions of such stores and whether there were any illegal or criminal activities. .

Jiraiya’s task is very heavy. Konoha’s investigation is just the beginning, and the scope of the investigation will definitely be gradually expanded to the whole country.

Faced with such a laborious task, Jiraiya didn’t have any objections. Instead, he felt a sense of fulfillment that he had found his goal.

After arranging Jiraiya’s mission, Tobirama naturally entrusted the task of public opinion battle to Kizaru.

When this idea was proposed, Kizaru was ready to implement it himself. However, Kizaru was not yet at ease when he left this matter to others.

“You don’t need to come to the office during this period. I will be in charge here, and there will be no chaos in the Kingdom of Light.” Qianju Tobirama said calmly, without any complacency or pride, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

“Thank you for your hard work, Grandpa Tobirama!” Kizaru thanked him at any time.

After saying that, Kizaru didn’t stay in the office for long. After saying goodbye, he left the office.


the Hokage Building and returning home, Kizaru began to design and layout for the public opinion war.

First of all, the first point is to find enough communication channels, and it is best to spread it through pictures and texts.

Just text communication will not have a great impact on people’s intuition, and it is difficult to trigger too much emotion.

But pictures are different. An excellent picture can instantly ignite the emotions in the viewer’s heart.

If you add a concise and clear paragraph at this time, it will become a killer.

As for the dissemination of video, in the world of Naruto, the efficiency is too low, the dissemination channels are extremely limited, and the audience is also very limited, which does not meet Kizaru’s requirements.

Now that the method of image and text communication has been determined, the first and most important thing is to choose a suitable picture, a picture that makes people feel sad for the victim and angry at the perpetrator just by looking at it.

What elements should such a picture have?

First of all, the background of the photo should be simple, and the only prominent subjects should be the victim and the perpetrator.

Secondly, the victim must be at the bottom of the composition, and the perpetrator should be higher than the victim. This will give people the feeling that the perpetrator is superior, thereby arousing people’s indignation.

Finally, there must be physical contact between the victim and the perpetrator, and the victim must appear powerless to fight back, which can arouse people’s sympathy.


If a picture can bring together these three key points, it will surely become a hot image that arouses public opinion.

In a large country in Kizaru’s previous life, a picture of a policeman kneeling down to kill a prisoner detonated domestic public opinion and caused chaos.

The composition of that kind of picture is simply the most classic composition in the spread of public opinion. It can be called a classic of the century.

According to that standard, Kizaru began to look through the documents he brought home again, trying to find a suitable picture among them.

Looking through it carefully, Kizaru spent about 40 minutes and finally found a photo that made his blood pressure rise at a glance.

On the left half of the photo, a half-clothed woman is lying on the ground. Her eyes are wide open, filled with endless fear and a trace of last yearning for life.

On the right half of the photo, there stood a richly dressed nobleman with an excited and ferocious smile on his face. One of his feet was on the woman’s chest, one hand was pulling the woman’s hair, and the other was free. One hand was holding a wine glass, as if he wanted to drink.

This picture comes from a noble whose family was confiscated and exterminated. The noble in the picture is the son of the clan leader. All members of this clan died at the hands of Konoha.

After the Konoha clan was exterminated, a photo album was discovered from the collection of the clan leader’s son. The photos saved in the album were all similar photos.

After reading the origin of the photo, Kizaru could only say, “Good luck!” I even regretted that I let them die too easily.

After confirming the photo, Kizaru explained a lot of the rest. He asked the ANBU ninja who was secretly following him to call the people from the secretariat.

“Hokage-sama, what’s the matter?” The person who ran over was not an outsider, but Kizaru’s old classmate Nara Shikaku.

“Look at this!” Kizaru handed the photo in his hand to Shikaku.

Shikaku took the photo casually at first, but then when he saw the content on the photo, his expression suddenly became serious, and his whole aura completely changed.

Shikaku carefully held the photo in his hand. After looking at the photo in silence for a while, he looked up at Kizaru, “Are people dead?”

“They are all dead!” Kizaru replied.

“How did you die?” Lujiu continued to ask.

“The woman was a dancer who was tortured to death. The man was a noble. In the previous great purge, their family was exterminated by us.” Kizaru asked in detail.

“Let him die too easily!” Shikaku complained.

“I think so too!” Kizaru admitted.

“What did you want me to do when you called me here?” Since the perpetrator had been exterminated, Shikaku was a little confused as to why Kizaru called him here.

“I want to create a public opinion. I hope you will spread this photo and the story behind it in Konoha.” Kizaru directly stated the content of the mission.

“Are you trying to rectify the entertainment industry?” Lu Jiu said speculatively based on the woman’s identity.

“Smart! I plan to legislate against flesh trading. In order to prevent people from resisting our policies, I hope to detonate relevant public opinion from below. Let everyone understand the misery of workers in this industry, and then arouse people’s sympathy and anger.” Kizaru laid out his plan.

“I understand. It just so happens that the newspaper you asked us to prepare has already started its trial launch. Let’s use this as the content of the second issue tomorrow! I will use all the pages to talk about this matter.” Lu Jiu based on the situation in his hands , replied.

“Oh! How was the effect of the first issue?” Kizaru, who has been too busy recently, has ignored the newspaper.

“I knew you didn’t read it.” Shikaku said angrily, but then he reported, “We issued a total of 30,000 copies of the first issue, and all of them were sold out. The feedback from readers was very enthusiastic, and they all hoped that we could publish more copies. Some.”

The good news reported by Shikaku made Kizaru’s mood improve a lot, and a faint smile appeared on his face, “Then publish more, and directly print 100,000 copies of the second issue! Let’s do this now Newspapers are not about making money, they are only about controlling publicity channels and opening up the newspaper market for others.” ”

It’s not about money, it’s about the printing progress. There is only one printing workshop in the village. Even if they run at full power, they can print in one day. You can print 10,000 copies. If you want 100,000 copies directly, the waiting time will be too long.” Shikaku responded to the problem.

“Can’t the output keep up? Then let the owner of the workshop upgrade the production capacity!” Kizaru didn’t think this was a big problem.

“Whether they upgrade their production capacity or not, it’s not our decision. The owner of the workshop is worried that after he spends money to expand the production line, our newspapers won’t need such a large volume, so he will spend his money in vain.” Lu Jiu said helplessly. , obviously he had already tried to persuade him.

“I understand, leave this matter to me! I will ask Bandai Chamber of Commerce to take out their printing factory, expand the production line, and print newspapers for you.” In addition to being Hokage, Kizaru is also a shareholder of the large chamber of commerce and has a lot of money. The willful kind.

“That’s great!” Lu Jiu suddenly became happy.

The Bandai Chamber of Commerce’s printing shop only serves internal projects of the Chamber of Commerce and has never received external orders. This is why Shikaku just said that there is only one printing workshop in Konoha.

“Are you confident that you can directly issue 100,000 copies now?” Kizaru looked at Shikaku with a smile.

“I promise there will be no problem!” Lu Jiu said confidently.

He was the same age as Kizaru, and at a young age he was appointed as the permanent secretary of the secretariat, one of the higher-ups in the village.

While Shikaku was moved by Kizaru’s promotion and trust in him, he also felt a lot of pressure.

After all, there have been rumors of jealousy against him since he took office.

The only reason why he could become the permanent secretary was because he was the lackey of the Fourth Hokage when he was in school.

There are also those who attack his origin, saying that he was able to become the permanent secretary only because he was born in the Nara clan and had a clan leader father.

Shikaku, who is the same age as Kizaru, naturally has his own youthful spirit. Although he pretends not to care on the surface, he is still angry in his heart. He also makes up his mind in his heart to make a career and block those little people. human mouth.

Therefore, when Nara Shikaku received the work assigned to him by Kizaru to organize the publication of a newspaper, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to it.

“This is relevant information. You can choose the appropriate ones and put them into the newspaper layout. After you finish it, show me the preliminary version. If I pass it, it will be officially printed and distributed.” Kizaru warned. .

“I’ll get it to you before noon tomorrow,” Shikaku said assuredly.

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