
Chapter 385 The Warring States Period with a Headache Chapter 385 The Warring States Period with a Headache

In the cafeteria of the temporary headquarters of the Expeditionary Force, Luffy was holding a barbecued leg in his right hand and a steak in his left hand. His mouth was full, and he was eating food with big mouthfuls.

Zoro and Sanji, who were sitting opposite Luffy, although they were not as bold as Luffy, they still ate heartily and didn’t seem to worry about the outcome after the meal.

Only Usopp was crying, his whole body was shaking, and he couldn’t even hold the food.

Kizaru sat at the main seat at the end of the rectangular dining table. There were dishes placed alone in front of him, and he ate very elegantly.

After everyone had eaten for more than half an hour, the dishes in front of Kizaru had long been removed. He leaned back on his chair and smoked a cigar leisurely.

Luffy’s stomach bulged into a ball. Sanji and Zoro also finished eating. Only Usopp ate very little because he was afraid.

“Hiccup! I’m full!” Luffy, who was full, slumped down on the chair and looked at Luffy at the end of the dining table.

Sanji and Zoro also looked at Kizaru with sharp eyes.

“Now that you’re all full, it’s time to hit the road.” Kizaru smiled.

As soon as Kizaru’s words came out, Luffy and others all left their seats and stood up. Even Usopp, the most timid one, forced his hands on the table and stood up reluctantly.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. Luffy and the others knew that their hope of defeating this group was slim, but as men, since they had chosen Luffy as the captain and chosen to become a pirate, then they It is impossible to give up the identity of a pirate and live an ignoble existence in order to survive.

“Oh ho ho! What a scary look!” Kizaru said with a smile as several people stared at him, and at the same time he left his position and stood up.

Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Luffy step by step, which made Usopp, who was standing next to Luffy, tremble even more.

Stopping in front of Luffy, Kizaru looked down and said: “I will give you one last chance to give up being a pirate, and I will let you go. As long as you are here and tell me in front of me that you will not be a pirate anymore, I will let you go, even if you are lying to me.”

“Impossible! My dream is to become the Pirate King!” Luffy replied firmly.

“Luffy! Let’s promise him! It’s just a word.” Usopp persuaded Luffy.

Luffy said nothing. He held his head high and looked at Kizaru without giving in.

“Zoro, Sanji, please persuade Luffy!” Seeing that Luffy was silent, Usopp turned to look in the direction of Zoro and Sanji, hoping that the two of them could speak out to persuade Luffy.

Zoro put his hand on the handle of the knife, “Those who give up their dreams and live are just those who live on.”

Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and said in a deep voice: “Green algae head, you are finally not so annoying today. .”

“Let me tell you, what do you think?” Usopp couldn’t understand. He felt that as long as everyone here surrendered, they would survive. Why not do it?

“Luffy!” Usopp looked at Luffy again.

This time, Luffy responded. He suddenly raised his right hand and punched Usopp hard in the face, knocking him unconscious.

“From now on, he is not my companion, not a pirate!” Luffy glanced at Usopp who fell to the ground unconscious and said to Kizaru.

Kizaru looked down at Usopp who was lying on the ground, then nodded and said, “Take him down and treat him well.” When the

voice fell, a ninja suddenly appeared, squatting on the ground and holding Usopp down. He picked it up and took it out of the cafeteria.

After Usopp was taken away, the scene became quiet. Kizaru led Luffy and the three of them out of the cafeteria and walked towards the seaside.

Walking to the beach, Kizaru stopped on a pile of gravel. Behind him was the Golden Merli docked on the shore.

“Luffy!” On the Merry, Nami was standing on the bow of the ship, waving her arms downward.

When they saw Nami and Merry, Luffy and the other three were a little surprised and confused. They didn’t know what Kizaru meant by this.

“Didn’t I tell you? I’ll send you on your way after dinner.” Kizaru said with a smile.

Zoro snorted coldly and took his right hand away from the handle of the knife. He felt that he was being tricked.

Sanji threw away the cigarette in his hand, ran quickly under the boat, and looked at Nami on the bow with rosy eyes, “Miss Nami, do you want to leave with me?” ”

I heard you are going. The Grand Line, I need Nami to draw a map from the East China Sea to the Grand Line, so I will let her sail with you temporarily, and she will be taken care of by you.”

What Kizaru said was half true and half false, he really needed a detailed chart. , to prepare for occupying the East China Sea and attacking the great shipping route.

But he actually didn’t need to let Nami sail with Luffy and the others. He could arrange a ninja team to protect Nami and go to sea to draw a map.

The reason why Nami is allowed to sail with Luffy and the others is because Nami took the initiative after knowing her mission. She wanted to temporarily serve as Luffy’s navigator until Luffy and the others found a suitable navigator. This is also Consider Nami’s compensation to Luffy.

Kizaru agreed to Nami’s request. Anyway, Nami, Luffy and the others went to sea, and it would not affect the drawing of the sea chart.

“I have prepared the supplies for you to go to sea.” Kizaru said to Luffy.

“Thank you, uncle!” Luffy smiled happily.

“Uncle? Am I that old already?” Kizaru touched his cheek.

After Luffy thanked Kizaru, he did not forget Usopp. He offered to pick up Usopp, and did not dislike Usopp at all because of his greed for life and fear of death.

Kizaru was well prepared for this. Before leaving the cafeteria, he notified his ninjas through sound transmission and asked them to bring Usopp to the ship.


had a headache, a very big headache. After Mariejoia was attacked, as the navy marshal, he was already under tremendous pressure from the World Government.

After the Assassin Brotherhood claimed responsibility for the attack in the newspapers, the pressure on the Warring States intensified as the mysterious new force emerged, representing new chaos descending on the sea.

The Navy is already exhausted just maintaining the existing maritime order. The emergence of these new variables will have a huge impact on the order that the Navy has worked hard to maintain.

This was the first premonition that arose in Sengoku’s heart after he learned about the Assassin Brotherhood.

Sengoku’s premonition was correct. In just half a month since the Assassin Brotherhood appeared, he had already received intelligence from many naval bases and the world government.

The kings and nobles of many affiliated countries under the World Flag were assassinated by members of the Assassin Brotherhood, and all were killed.

The murders of kings and ministers led to civil strife in these participating countries. Naval bases stationed in these countries and nearby could only send troops to help quell the civil strife.

This caused the naval bases in these places to be short of manpower, and they reported requests for support.

At the same time, with the murder of several kings and nobles, the kings and nobles of other participating countries were also in danger.

Many kings and nobles have asked the navy to increase the number of troops stationed to ensure their safety.


The world government also requires the navy to do its best to maintain the security of its affiliated countries, especially the safety of the king.

Such a request doubled the pressure of the Warring States Period. You must know that most of the navy’s forces are placed on the Grand Route. They need to monitor the big pirates who are rampant on the Grand Route, especially the second half of the route.

Monitoring and fighting against pirates consumes most of the navy’s military power, especially its mid-to-high-end combat power.

Under such circumstances, the navy cannot allocate much combat power to protect the security of these participating countries.

There are many ordinary soldiers in the navy, but these grassroots navy cannot play a protective role at all. If you want to protect the kings and nobles, you need at least school-level or even general-level officers.

Not enough, there are totally not enough manpower!

This period of the Warring States Period was so sad! On the one hand, he has to face the pressure from the world government, and on the other hand, he has to appease the opinions of his subordinates and draw manpower from various bases to protect some of the more important franchise countries.

It’s difficult! It’s so difficult!

In the past half month, there has not been a comfortable day in the Warring States Period!

“Hahaha! Sengoku, your senbei is going to be eaten by me.”

Sengoku walked into his office and encountered something even worse. Garp, a heartless bastard, was angry with himself at this time.

The veins on his forehead popped out. He walked into the office and yelled: “Garp, you bastard! If you have nothing to do, go out to sea and capture the Assassin Brotherhood.” “Can’t catch them

. Here!” Garp sat on the sofa and picked up his nose.

Garp looks reckless on the outside, but he is not stupid at all. Those members of the Assassin Brotherhood are so elusive that trying to catch them in the vast sea is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

“Those guys did a good job, my God.”

“Shut up!” Warring States stopped his old friend from saying something bad.

Seeing that his old friend was in a bad mood, Garp closed his mouth and continued eating senbei.

Warring States walked back to his seat and sat down, looked at Garp and said, “There is a mission that requires you to go to sea.”

Garp looked at Warring States, “What mission?”

“People from the CP organization discovered a suspected The murderers who attacked Holy Land Mariejoia are no match for that person. The World Government asked us to help.” Sengoku picked up the document on the table, which had a portrait of a blind man with black hair drawn on it.

“Those guys will ask us for help?” Garp picked up his nose in disgust, “I won’t go.”

Sengoku slammed the table and yelled: “You have to go!”

“Tch! Got it.” Pu finally took out the booger and flicked it out with his fingers.

Sengoku had wrinkles like black lines on his forehead, and he said patiently: “The target this time is suspected to have combat power close to that of a general, has the ability to control gravity, and may be a Devil Fruit user who has eaten many fruits. ”

I know.” When it came to business, Garp became a little more serious.

“Qing Pheasant will set out with you. You must capture this person alive. We need to obtain more information about the Assassin Brotherhood through interrogation.” Warring States warned.

Sengoku is not the only one who has headaches and worries. Fujitora, who is located on a small island in the Grand Line, also has a headache.

He didn’t know what happened recently, but he was inexplicably being targeted by people from the World Government.

As a good and reasonable person, Fujitora initially wanted to be reasonable when facing these agents.

But it is a pity that the agents of the CP organization did not give him a chance to reason, or even a chance to speak.

As soon as these agents appeared, they surrounded Fujitora Yixiao, yelled at him to surrender, and then attacked him.

Fujitora is a good guy, but he is not a bad guy. Faced with such unreasonable agents, Fujitora chose to fight back and knocked them down easily.

Out of good intentions, after defeating these agents, Fujitora did not kill them, but spared their lives, hoping that through communication, the misunderstanding between the two parties could be resolved.

Unfortunately, after seeing Fujitora’s ability to smile, these agents became more convinced that he was the murderer who attacked the Holy Land Mariejoia.

Facing these stubborn and unreasonable agents, Fujitora had no choice but to knock them unconscious and leave.

After that, Fujitora’s peaceful life was completely shattered. He was attacked many times by agents. These guys identified him as the murderer, no matter how he explained it.

No matter how good a person is, he will get angry when faced with the completely unreasonable attacks by these agents.

After being attacked for the seventh time, Fujitora struck hard and seriously injured all the dozen agents who besieged him.

In order to get rid of the constant harassment of these annoying agents, Fujitora Yishang took a boat to three islands to stay in more than ten days, but it was still in vain. Those guys were like ghosts that could not be shaken off, and they could always be found. Fuck him.

With his top-notch knowledge and domineering power, he can always detect the tracking and surveillance of unknown persons suspected of being agents.

The peaceful life of the past will never come back.

After playing some games in the town’s gambling house and relaxing his depressed mood, Fujitora left the town with a smile. He once again discovered that someone was watching and following him.

Walking into the tree-lined path, Fujitora smiled and stopped under a big tree with the traces of time, and went to sit under the tree.

Although he is blind, Fujitora smiles and moves like an ordinary person. It is completely impossible to tell that he is blind.

It’s a blessing not to be able to see things. There are too many dirty and nasty people in the world that people can’t bear to look at. This may be why Fujitora smiled and closed his eyes.

He is a very kind person who insists on justice.

But this time, even the most amiable people will become angry.

Fujitora smiled and understood why the agents wanted to arrest him. They suspected that he was the murderer who attacked the Holy Land Mariejoia.

Catching criminals is the responsibility of these people. Fujitora smiles and is not angry. He is angry because these people are unreasonable. No matter how he expresses his attitude or explains, these people are not willing to listen.

They had no evidence, no investigation, and were not even willing to listen to their own explanations, so they unilaterally designated themselves as criminals.

Fujitora doesn’t like such unreasonable power!

“Brother, come out!” Fujitora smiled and looked in the direction of the person.

A young man with blond hair and a gentle smile on his face came out.

Chapter 386 Win over Fujitora with a smile Chapter 386 Win over Fujitora with a smile

Chapter 386 Win over Fujitora Yixiao.

The person coming this time seems to be different from the past.

Fujitora, who was sitting under the tree, smiled and felt keenly that the person who appeared this time was not hostile.

“Fujitora smiled, I’m here to apologize to you!”

The blond young man who spoke was none other than Namikaze Minato, the leader of the Assassin Brotherhood.

When Kizaru gave Minato the responsibility of the Assassin Brotherhood, in addition to letting him choose his own targets to assassinate, he also granted Minato a right.

That is, Minato can recruit outstanding talents in this world to join the Assassin Brotherhood.

The most indispensable thing in the world of One Piece is all kinds of madmen. At this point, even the world of Naruto cannot compare.

If Naruto is rich in madmen who pursue peace, then One Piece is rich in madmen who pursue diversity.

The Assassin Brotherhood launched such a large-scale battle as soon as it appeared, and then continued to output, assassinating kings and nobles everywhere.

This kind of style quickly gained a group of supporters, and there was a tendency to turn into fans.

The purpose of Kizaru’s grant to Minato to recruit people is here, to use all available power to reduce the cost of conquering the world.

Minato came to Fujitora this time with the purpose of recruiting this person.

Before meeting Fujitora Isaki, Minato had been secretly observing him for a while. Minato admired Fujitora Isho’s strength and kind-hearted character during this period.

This is a man who is strong but does not bully the weak and has a strong heart. He is worth recruiting.

“Has the murderer been found?” Fujitora smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. God knows how uncomfortable he was during this period.

Minato knew that Fujitora had misunderstood him, and he was not going to hide his identity. He came here to express his apology to Fujitora and gain favor.

“You may have misunderstood, I am not from the World Government.” Minato walked up to Fujitora’s smile as he spoke.

Fujitora, who was sitting under the tree, smiled and raised his head. As a blind man, he accurately faced the direction where Minato was standing.

“Then you are?” Fujitora smiled and vaguely had the answer in his mind.

“I am the leader of the Assassin Brotherhood. After knowing what happened to you, I came here to express my apology to you. If you are willing, I can provide you with help and help you solve the harassment of the World Government.” Minato said in a gentle tone.

“Simple assassination will only bring chaos! The Holy Land Mariegio is certainly a place where evil is hidden, but there are also many innocent civilians in it.” Fujitora said in a deep voice with a smile. Obviously he did not recognize the Assassin Brotherhood. practice.

“Light and darkness come together. We are just the dark side. Our existence is to bring death to the exploiters of this world.” Minato replied.

These words were not Minato’s thoughts, but words he excerpted from the Assassin Brotherhood’s quotations designed by Kizaru. ,

According to Kizaru, the Assassin Brotherhood is a pure organization, a middle-class organization, and must have a matching speaking style.

“Light and darkness? Do you still have an organization?” Fujitora asked with a smile. He was a little curious about this organization that suddenly appeared.

Fujitora Isho has seen many bold and reckless pirates in his more than fifty years of life, but this is the first time he has seen an organization like the Assassin Brotherhood, which has a clear goal and points directly at the headquarters of the World Government as soon as it appears. arrive.

“If you join us, I can tell you. This is very confidential information!” Minato said deliberately in a joking tone.

“I’m just an ordinary blind man. What you did is too big, so I’d better not provoke you.” Fujitora declined with a smile.

“No matter what! You are targeted by the World Government because of us. If you are willing, we can help you get rid of the World Government’s entanglements.” Minato said sincerely.

“What are you going to do?” Fujitora Yixiao was indeed annoyed by the harassment by the people from the World Government. Otherwise, he would not have asked this question and left directly.

“I can send you to the East China Sea. There is a paradise under construction there. Maybe you will be interested.” Through this period of observation, Minato discovered that Fujitora smiled with a commoner’s heart. This is a man who has seen the darkness of the world clearly. But he feels unable to change the whole world, so he can only stick to the justice in his heart and be a good person in the things around him.

It may be difficult to get such a good person to join the Assassin Brotherhood, which aims at assassination, but it is still possible to get him to join the construction corps over the East China Sea.

Minato believes that anyone who has a righteous heart and is dissatisfied with the darkness of this world will be attracted when they come to the East China Sea and come into contact with Lord Hokage and the advanced ideas and systems from the Kingdom of Light.

The pursuit of a better life is the instinct of every human being and even every creature.

“Donghai?” Fujitora smiled and did not refuse directly, but fell into deep thought.

From the bottom of his heart, Fujitora was unwilling to get involved with an extremist organization like the Assassin Brotherhood, but the entanglement on the part of the World Government was indeed annoying.

Moreover, Fujitora has a reputation for knowing that if the World Government attacks him with all its strength, then a lonely man will not be his opponent.

Fujitora hadn’t lived enough yet, and he didn’t want to be unjustly arrested and thrown into prison.

“Can you allow me to think about it for a few more days?” Fujitora said calmly with a smile.

“I will stay on the island during this period. If you have an idea, you can find me at the hotel in the center of the town.” Minato was not anxious at all. He knew that with the help of the World Government, the strong man in front of him would Make the right choice.

Three days later, Minato, who was resting in the hotel, received intelligence from his subordinates that a navy warship was approaching the island.

Minato was delighted after receiving the information. He knew that the time had come to win over Fujitora.

In the past three days, Fujitora Yixiao has basically been active around the town, spending most of his time every day in the gambling house in the town.

Regarding Fujitora’s hobby, Minato had an idea in his mind and applied to Kizaru to transfer the first Hokage.

Minato believed that two people who had the same hobbies and similar views would definitely become good friends.

Minato sent a shadow clone to leave the hotel, and after using the transformation technique to change his appearance, he went to the gambling house.

Entering the gambling house, Minato, pretending to be a gambler, walked up to Fujitora Isao and sat next to him.

“The navy is here.” Minato leaned slightly closer to Fujitora, smiled, and whispered.

After saying that, Minato placed the chips in his hand on the gambling table like a real gambler.

After receiving the reminder, Fujitora smiled and calmly finished his last gamble before standing up and leaving the gaming table.

After converting the chips in his hand into cash, Fujitora smiled and walked out of the casino.

Fujitora smiled and walked towards the hotel. He had already sensed that many people were watching him.


The people in the World Government are so unreasonable!

Fujitora smiled and sighed in his heart. He originally didn’t want to accept the help of the Assassin Brotherhood, but no matter what, the people of the World Government were like mad dogs, making people uneasy.

After entering the hotel, Fujitora smiled and was guided by a ninja to the third floor and entered a suite.

“Three warships are about to dock. It seems that the World Government is determined to win this time!” Minato said with a smile to Fujitora who entered the room.

“I can only trouble you this time, little brother.” Fujitora smiled and understood that the World Government should send out high-level combat forces this time, and may even send out generals.

Under such circumstances, it is better not to fight if possible. It is not a question of whether the fight can be fought, but that it is not worth fighting at all.

“Mr. Yixiao, it seems you have made a choice.” Minato said with a smile.

“In this situation, I really don’t want to take action here, so I can only trouble you.” If a strong man like Fujitora Yixiao fights on this small island, the ordinary people on the island will definitely be affected. This is his Don’t want to see it.

“Then let’s go now!” Minato said as he walked up to Fujitora Yixiao and put his hand on his shoulder.

Before Fujitora smiled, he realized that he seemed to have arrived in a new place.

Scanning the surrounding area with powerful Haki, Fujitora smiled and confirmed that he had left the island where he had previously lived.

“Brother, your ability is really amazing!” Fujitora smiled and thought Minato was a Devil Fruit user.

Minato didn’t explain much, just smiled and said: “This is our stronghold in the East China Sea. It is still under construction. You can move around here as you like. If you want to leave, just let us know and we will prepare a ship for you.”

“Sorry to trouble you, little brother!” Fujitora said politely with a smile.

After saying that, Fujitora smiled and continued to sense the situation of the island with the help of Haki.

Under the perception of Haki, Fujitora discovered many people with a smile, and many of them had not weak auras.

“Hey! Minato, why are you back?” Kizaru, who sensed Minato’s return, came over.

Fujitora smiled when he heard the sound, and was secretly shocked. Before the sound came, he didn’t notice anyone approaching at all.

Fujitora smiled carefully and gradually discovered the beauty with the help of Haki Haki.

The speaker seems to be integrated with nature. If you don’t observe carefully, you can’t find his existence at all.

“Hokage-sama, this is Ichitora Fujitora. He was implicated because of our attack on Mariejoia. He was suspected by the World Government of being one of our people and was hunted.” In fact, before he came into contact with Ichitora Fujitora, Minato had already Reported the situation to Kizaru.

“Brother Yixiao, I’m so sorry! I caused you to be implicated.” Kizaru had a good impression of this future admiral. He had the same idea as Minato and brought this person into the organization.

“No, this is the problem of the World Government, I don’t blame you.” Fujitora smiled and said this was not polite, but he really thought so.

Fujitora smiled and became more and more disgusted with such a powerful government that did not know right from wrong and was overbearing!

“Hahaha! Brother, come with me! I’ll take you around here.” Kizaru walked up to Fujitora with a smile.

Kizaru took the initiative to smile at Fujitora and started walking around on this small island that exuded vitality.

As the first base to conquer the world of One Piece, Kizaru invested a lot of resources on this island. In addition to the free supplies, Kizaru also moved a lot of machines from the main world to start a new business on this island. infrastructure.

This small island is not large, but it has a natural deep-water port with great development potential.

At the same time, when Kizaru was visiting the island with Fujitora Yixiao, the agents under the World Government on the other side felt uncomfortable.

Where are people? What about someone as old as me?

When the three warships docked, and when “Naval Hero” Garp and Admiral Aokiji set foot on the island, the agents responsible for monitoring Fujitora Isho discovered that Fujitora Isho had disappeared after entering the hotel! ! !

This discovery made the surveillance agents dumbfounded. They clearly witnessed Fujitora walking into the room on the third floor with a smile, and they were sure that no one came out.

In just ten minutes, Fujitora disappeared as soon as he smiled, leaving no one in the room.

“It’s an esper! One thing is that the devil fruit esper left with a smile from Fujitora.” said an agent in charge of surveillance.

“That bastard keeps saying that he is not a member of the Assassin Brotherhood. This time he is not asking for help. His accomplices must have taken him to transfer.” Another agent said.

The two agents were so sure not because they had evidence, but because they didn’t want to take responsibility.

This time, in order to cooperate with them, the Navy sent two top combat forces. As a result, before they could take action, problems arose on their side.

It doesn’t take much thinking to know that the higher authorities will definitely hold them accountable. Now they can only try to find excuses and take less responsibility.

“You trash! You” the person in charge of the surveillance operation cursed on the other side of the phone after learning about the situation.

“Hahaha! It seems that our trip was in vain.” The Navy received the agent’s report immediately, and Garp burst into laughter.

“It’s really troublesome!” Aoki yawned listlessly, “Capusan, tell Marshal the Warring States Period the news!”

“Hahaha!” Garp laughed and took it from his adjutant Bogart. Got the phone bug.

“Hey! Warring States! The target is gone, they didn’t keep an eye on the person! Hahaha!” After speaking, Garp laughed again, as if he was happy to see the agents deflated.

“Come back!” Warring States was very calm.

Anyway, this time he sent two general-level combat forces to assist the CP in organizing the operation. The target was missing. The problem was not with the navy, and the navy had done its best.

However, after hanging up the phone, Seng Guo’s right hand clenched into a fist, showing his inner irritability.

Warring States didn’t know why, but he always had a hunch that the Assassin Brotherhood would become a more troublesome existence than the Revolutionary Army.

“You have already united with the revolutionary army?” Fujitora smiled and sat in Kizaru’s office, shocked by the news that Kizaru had just revealed.

“It’s only half of it! The revolutionary army doesn’t fully trust us yet. They want to see our sincerity.” Kizaru lit a cigarette.

“Sincerity?” Fujitora smiled curiously.

“I promised them that I would occupy the entire East China Sea within a year.” Kizaru said the news very casually, which was enough to shock the entire world.

Fujitora smiled and was shocked. He didn’t expect these people to be so ambitious and courageous?

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