Perona quickly integrated into the life on the Feather without the slightest disharmony.

I'm a bit bluffing about this, I like girls floating around in the sky.

Naturally, Nami and Robin couldn't raise their guards, so they formed a good relationship naturally.

After all, who can refuse a Princess Mononoke who is extremely arrogant and has some naive aura?

Most importantly, Perona's culinary skills have conquered them in just a few days.

Nami seemed happier than Robin. She is only sixteen years old now, which is the age when a girl loves to play.

Usually, Robin is reading a book quietly, so it is not easy to disturb him.

Now it can be regarded as a qualified playmate, and the laughter of the two can be heard everywhere.

Along the way, with the joining of Perona, the atmosphere on Feiyu became more active.

Even Robin smiles a lot more.

This warm atmosphere is what she enjoys most.

But... there are times when you get into trouble.

"If you two mess around in my bedroom again, I'll throw you in the water and feed the sharks!"

Qian Yu was wearing a bathrobe, sitting on the sofa angrily, pointing her fingers.

He was just taking a bath in the bathroom when Perona's astral state came out of the wall, and Nami shouted 'I got you!,' and ran in through the bedroom door.

The dumbfounded Qianyu just let the two appreciate it for five seconds.


Seeing the two little girls shrunk into quails now, Qian Yu was furious: "It's obvious that I'm at a disadvantage, you still call them out first."

"Is there any king's law?"

Nami said goodbye, and she was not happy to say that: "It's not what we want to see, who knew you would have to take a bath in broad daylight."

"No matter who sees it suddenly, they will call out subconsciously, right? And it's so big, it's scary!",!"

Perona's widened eyes instantly became dizzy, scenes flashed in his mind, and he lost the ability to speak, so he could only nod unconsciously.

"Yeah... huge."


I'm really sorry for being so big.

It is not for your use.

"Don't change the subject. In the future, you are not allowed to come to the third floor without my permission, let alone enter my bedroom."

Qian Yu's expression became a little more serious, trying to let the two know the seriousness of the matter.

He sometimes has to communicate with the ninja world, and he doesn't want Nami and the others to know what he does.

Seeing the change in his expression, Nami and Perona nodded obediently.

Da da da!

There was a knock on the open door, and Robin leaned on it, waving to Nami:

"It seems that we are approaching Sabaody, you should go to the cab to have a look."

In fact, she had already arrived, and it was not until Qian Yu finished speaking that she made a sound to relieve the two of them.

Cautiously glanced at Qian Yu, seeing that he didn't respond, Nami pulled Perona and ran out in a hurry.

"It's really time for you to show up."

Qian Yu walked to the door and tapped Robin's forehead, Robin didn't avoid it, just looked at him with a smile:

"What are you talking about? I just came to call Nami."

While speaking, Robin boldly scanned the muscular body that was faintly exposed under his bathrobe.


Nami snatched the money from Qian Yu's hand, happily even touched his face.

The door of the room was closed, and Robin's laughter could be heard faintly.

Fortunately, Bingshan put some camouflage on the Feiyu when making the ship, and it can't be seen from the outside that it is any different from ordinary ships.

After dealing with the matter of coating, Qian Yu said with a smile, and took out three dozen Baileys as if by magic, all of which were of the largest denomination.

"Well, then it's up to you." Yu Yu nodded indifferently.

There are nearly 80 islands in Sabaody. If you want to visit all of them, ten days and a half months are definitely not enough.

"Let's go to Craftsman Mo first, I don't know how many days it will take." "

"Okay, enjoy your vacation to the fullest!"

Coating is a technical task, and it cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Perona looked at the money in her hand, she didn't expect to be treated the same as Nami and the others. .

"One million per person, if it's not enough, ask me for it."

Only after coating, the ship can dive to The fish men island 100,000 meters under the sea to enter the New World.

However, if you leave the Sabaody area, you will lose buoyancy and become ordinary bubbles.

Under the sun, the transparent bubbles reflect the light and become colorful, adding a touch of dreamy color to the already beautiful town.

Soon, several people found nearby shipyards and coating companies. After some selection, Nami chose the most expensive and most powerful shipyard.

Robin also took it, planning to buy some more books.

These bubbles are one of the specialties of Sabaody Archipelago. They are formed by the special natural resin secreted by the roots of the Alchiman mangrove tree through respiration, and can float in the sky.

"What are you looking at, I'm going to change clothes, do you want to go together?"

"is it okay?"

Coating takes a total of three days, don't think it is very long.

Chiba rolled her eyes.


He has nothing to do with this kind of female hooligan.

Half an hour later, Qian Yu had changed her clothes and came to the deck.

The boat sailed slowly into the port of the 41st island in Sabaody, and then docked on the shore, and several people walked off.

Only Perona didn't move. Qianyu looked at her in a daze, thinking that the Princess Mononoke was too shy to take it, so she directly stuffed it into her hand.

Nami suppressed the urge to rush over to experience it immediately, and said to Qian Yu.

Sabaody Archipelago is indeed one of the most beautiful islands in the world. From a distance, the entire island group is disconnected, and the roads criss-cross and all are covered by large green plants.

"Me, do I have it too?"

Bubble cars, bubble ferris wheels, and even bubble houses exist and have become special features.

After all, it's about her own life, and she won't save money on it.

And Qian Yu didn't deliberately look for Pluton·Rayleigh to help him with the coating. The old man is not nearby, so he probably played some (interesting) game of auctioning himself.

It can be regarded as saving a lot of little trouble.

Otherwise, someone who knows the goods will recognize the material of the treasure tree Adam, and thus be moved.

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