This search lasted a whole day, and the resistance came from the blood-succession family troops that were under investigation. They could accept the anti-transformation technique, but searching personal belongings was very repulsive.

It was under the personal supervision of Mizukage Mizukage that Anbu completed the search, but no strong evidence was found to prove that it was the blood successor family who did it.

Yi Zhicheng was sitting leisurely on the edge of the cliff, holding a long knife and sewing needles while fishing in the sea. Looking at the increasingly noisy and chaotic camp, things were going smoother than expected. Enough morale.

"I don't know when the mermaid troops will arrive." Yi Zhicheng quietly looked at the Red Sea Star moored in the distance, and didn't know if Yise was on board.

"Can you tell me why your transformation technique is not broken?" Kushina was still curious.


"Stingy!" Jiu Xinna snorted, "Then what is our next plan?"

"Wait." Yi Zhicheng said calmly.

"Waiting for what?"

"Wait for the Red Sea Star to be rescued, wait for your father to retreat, and wait for that Princess Tsunade's support to arrive." Yi Zhicheng blew the sea breeze lazily.

"How long will it take..." Kushina blushed involuntarily at the thought of being hugged to sleep like a doll at night.

Woo... hum...

Suddenly there was a deep conch sound on the sea, and the fleet on the sea seemed to have received some order, and all sailed and anchored, and the flagship Mercury of Wuyin also slowly turned its direction and assembled in a certain direction.

"Maybe... just tonight?" Yi Zhicheng finally raised the corners of his mouth, and the Wuyin fleet assembled, indicating that the magic pill must have been found, and it might be Gu Ming's diverting the tiger away from the mountain to make it easier for the mermaids to sneak into the port.

After all, as a logistics ship, the Red Sea Star is unlikely to participate in the battle.

"Tonight!?" Jiu Xinnai was pleasantly surprised, she had already had enough of being a little fox in the enemy camp: "Should we wait for the mermaid troops to come, and we can jump into the sea from here, and let the mermaids be submerged in the sea?" Meet us! It must be like this!"

"Let's go and steal shark muscles." Yi Zhicheng thought for a while, and he still liked this knife very much.

"Nani?" Jiu Xinnai's dream burst instantly, and a powerful spiritual energy rushed over in the voice of the team: "Can't you calm down a little?"

"Didn't you promise to release the shark muscle? It's a virtue to release the big fish." Yi Zhicheng rubbed his temples.

"I don't believe you will release shark muscles, you are very bad." Kushina rolled her eyes.

This night is definitely not an ordinary night.

The Hidden Fog Fleet discovered a giant battleship from the Urtex Kingdom trying to cross the blockade, and half of the fleet was dispatched.

And in the camp, because of the extensive search during the day, the Xueji family was full of resentment, drinking wine in the cafeteria and cursing Shuiying wantonly.

There is only one unusual quiet place.

Chun Yu, the most senior technical talent in Wuyin Village, disguised himself as a scholar when he was young and traveled around the world to learn ninjutsu. He is good at sealing and medical ninjutsu. However, he ushered in an unexpected visitor in his research tent alone.

Yi Zhicheng also knows that he is the master of the future Six-Tails Jinchuriki Yudaka, a crazy researcher who, for his apprentice's wish, even developed a spell that can capture the tailed beast alive without harming the life of Jinchuriki.

This time, his mission here is to obtain the sealing technique of Uzumaki Kingdom. As long as he is killed, Kirigakure will definitely fall into a complete rage.

Regarding this character who is almost indistinguishable from a dragon suit, Yi Zhicheng only remembered such a person when he heard Shuiying say "give the shark muscles to Chunyu to seal it".

Killing Chunyu, and then blaming others, completely triggering the conflict between the blood successor family and the civilian forces, is what Yi Zhicheng intends to do.

One thing doesn't bother two masters, the person to blame is of course a certain unlucky young master Guideng Aiyue of the Ghost Lantern clan that Yi Zhicheng put together.

A guy whose name sounds as bad as it sounds.

In front of the temporary scientific research tent.

The two looked at each other, and the girl grabbed the boy's sleeve tightly, as if asking why she did this.

Yi Zhicheng sold Jiu Xinna so simply that even Jiu Xinna couldn't expect it.

One second he was standing behind him, thinking it was another day of paddling, but the next second his little fox hat was taken off and he pushed him out.

"Crooked, is it Lord Chunyu? I heard that you are looking for a member of the Uzumaki tribe who is suitable to be Renzhuli. Do you think this cutie is suitable? I'm tired of playing, and I don't like it anymore. If you want it, take it away." Yi Zhicheng said so. Push Jiu Xinnai to Chun Yu.

"Why..." Kushina firmly grasped Yi Zhicheng's sleeve, staring with resentful eyes.

"Because I regard you as a mature ninja, instead of a drag bottle who came here because of willfulness, you should also perform the task yourself, and get rid of him quietly, and I will not give you any help." Yi Zhicheng still had a playful smile on his face.

"Asshole... You're right, but can you say it before the next mission?" Kushina's resentful eyes were filled with all the swear words she knew.

"Next time."

"Yi Zhicheng! You have no heart!!"

The two hands broke free completely.

"You've done a good job, I'll give you some good words in front of Shui Ying..." Chun Yu pushed his glasses, and an unpredictable smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

When the curtain of the tent was pulled down and Kushina turned her head again, what came into view was one after another Uzumaki people hanging on the shelf, some were lying on the operating table, and some were covered with seals. Soaked in solution…

"Little sister, don't be afraid... You are different from them. From the first sight, I can already smell the fragrance of life in you. In my hands, you will definitely become an excellent Renzhuriki."

"Calm down...Calm down...The task is to kill him quietly...Be sure to pretend to be weak first...Then take advantage of his unpreparedness..." Kushina stepped back step by step in fear.

"But before that... let uncle check your body first..."

A white light flashed across the lens, watching the girl's hands **** with steel wires, looking pitifully like a frightened deer, Chun Yu opened her hands, showing a devilish smile.

"Pretending to be your sister! Nishi!!" Kushina's eyes burst into endless anger instantly, the muscles in both arms swelled suddenly, and the red hair fluttered behind her back, breaking the steel wire on her wrist in an with a punch Punch in Chunyu's belly.

"...!!" In just a split second, Chun Yu felt as if she had been stepped on by a tyrannosaurus rex, and all her internal organs were twisted into a bowl of fish soup.

"Huh... huh..." He tried to shout out the word "help" with all his strength.

"Don't think about it, that **** said that if you hit the abdominal diaphragm or something, you won't be able to make any sound." Jiuxinai squeaked his finger bones, and his whole body was ignited with fiery red chakra.

"Medical ninja stuff... most annoying..."

"Ola Lala!!"


Before leaving the scientific research tent, Yi Zhicheng suddenly stopped, wondering if Jiu Xinnai would suffer or something...

And inexplicably smiled, people who I have lost my heart for a long time, actually care about people?

But just in case, it's better to draw a silent enchantment for her.

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