: Cooperation

Konoha is like a cake, each big family sucks blood from Konoha, and everyone’s interests have been balanced for many years.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has his own interests as Hokage, and all the major families surrounding Sarutobi Hiruzen have their own interests…

But at this time, among the people who have the cake and distribute the rights, no one wants a [god] ] appear and take this cake as their own…

Even if this is only possible… they must completely prevent this from happening.

This is the instinct of human beings to defend their own interests, and it is also the basis for the major families in Konoha to maintain their prestige in Konoha for many years…

it cannot be shaken by anyone!

In the Hokage’s office.

The leaders of various families in Konoha, large and small, gathered here.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the office was solemn and tense…

The Jonin headed by the Sarutobi clan even spoke out and pointed the finger at Danzo!

“Danzo stops researching the Wood Release project!”

“Ask him to report the details of the experiment to the village chief!”

“Danzo is extremely ambitious and must be monitored…” ”

Duanzo’s ambition must not be indulged! Root’s rights It must be taken back!!”

The crowd was excited and launched a group political oppression against the stunned Hiruzen Sarutobi!

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked very surprised.

It was obvious that he had released this information himself, and it was obviously part of his plan, but he acted as if he knew nothing about it…

“Danzo is the hero of Konoha… I am very embarrassed…” Sarutobi Hiruzen looked very embarrassed.

His image is always like this in front of the world. Even if he makes some choices that offend people, he always appears as “innocent and forced”…

It’s the same this time.

The major clans in Konoha were excited, under the “force” of Hokage again and again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen then acted “reluctantly” and announced his decision to temporarily deprive Danzo of his position as the leader of the “roots”…

and promised everyone that once Danzo finished handling the matters on the battlefield, Danzo would have to give Everyone explains.

Members of the major families in Konoha reluctantly left…


still knew nothing about everything that happened in Konoha…

He was still indulged in the praise of being called a “hero”…

For this reason, he He even went on a lecture tour in the Land of Fire!

The core purpose is to turn his image around. He must make full use of this opportunity and stand in the sun.

So these days, Danzo stationed crutches everywhere.

In various ruined towns, with the civilians who had lost their homes, he told the story of the battle between heroes and demons…

and about the will of “where the leaves fly, the fire grows endlessly…”…

He inspired People who have lost their homes, do not lose hope in life…

He kindly explained the story about the “Will of Fire” to the children who had experienced the pain of the war…

He was kind and gentle, kind and patient…

Danzo His eloquence is superb.

Gradually, he became an omnipotent hero in the eyes of all the children…

He became a kind old grandfather standing under the sun…

Danzo’s heroic deeds soon spread throughout the entire ninja world.

And Kirigakure was the first person involved in this matter, and Danzo’s title of “Anti-Mist” hero undoubtedly offended them…

Not to mention that in the stories spread, Kirigakure became the “big villain”…

these Kirigakure didn’t have to care, after all, they did invade the Land of Fire.

But Kirigakure ninjas can’t bear some unreasonable things!

For example, what kind of bullshit, what about cannibalism…fuck, what’s even more abominable is that they portray their Mizukage-sama as a big bastard! !

The Kirigakure ninjas were furious!

Even the Kirigakure ninja cannot tolerate such serious slander from the other party!

“Cannibalism” is anti-human!

An accusation that even Kirigakure is not qualified to bear!

Suddenly, some Kirigakure ninjas immediately suggested returning to the Land of Fire and beheading that nonsense Danzo!

Two voices immediately formed inside Kirigakure.

The former are high-level officials who are realistic and profit-oriented. Their attitude is: since we all get the benefits, it’s up to others to talk about it, no matter what the world says… Kirigakure won’t lose a piece of flesh anyway.

The latter is an idealistic ninja group at the bottom and middle levels. They pay more attention to Kirigakure’s reputation than those at the top, and are determined to return to the Land of Fire and kill Danzo!

And the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were very unhappy…

according to the rumors.

Danzo was able to fight one against seven and beat the hell out of the seven Kirigakure-wielding demons… The

Seven Ninja Swordsmen said: “…?”

This, isn’t that what they are talking about!

How can they endure this!

So they also insisted on returning to the Land of Fire to teach them a lesson!

All in all, Kirigakure was unhappy!

But the decision of the top management still decided to continue to return home…

Kirigakure withdrew…

But at this time, something happened that made the Kirigakure ninja even more angry!

A group of mysterious people wearing masks who didn’t know where they came from quietly sneaked into their camp and burned the supplies they had finally plundered from the Country of Fire…

and then took the handheld handheld weapon of one of the seven people escorting the supplies. The wild baitman who cut the grass with a dull knife was killed!

Only a letter left by the other party remained at the scene.

The name is Konoha’s revenge!

The target of the attack is Danzo.

This naked provocation completely angered the Kirigakure ninjas!

Even the Yondaime Mizukage Kage Tangachi Yagura was furious! !

It’s not nice to be wronged, and now the supplies that Kirigakure had finally plundered were burned.

So when Kirigakure’s senior management met, they decided to turn around and return to the Land of Fire!

“Very strong!”

“It seems that the ninja world is going to be in chaos again!”

Granny Chiyo looked at the red-haired boy in front of her with deep eyes… She felt the amazing chakra in the boy’s body… and that A pair of strange eyes…

“Tongjutsu…” Granny Chiyo secretly wondered in her heart…

This group of people from the “Liao” organization took the initiative to find them five days ago and asked for cooperation.

The “Liao Organization” promised to help them control all the shadow-level strongmen in Minato’s defense line… but the price was that Sunagakure needed to provide a large amount of materials and money…

Granny Chiyo was unwilling to do so.

So she decisively agreed to the cooperation between the two parties.

The good reputation the “Liao Organization” has gained on the battlefield in the past six months has made Chiyo’s mother-in-law not think too much… The

only doubt that still makes her have doubts is about the combat power of the “Liao Organization” and whether it can really stop the Minato Battlefield. There are many shadow-level powerhouses…

Minato, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru who is currently taking refuge, there are three shadow-level powerhouses, this is no joke!

So she decided to test the quality of the “Liao Organization”.

And Kirigakure was the victim of this test…

Obviously, the Liao Organization successfully passed the test this time.

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