After Aoji and Izumi finished talking, Mikoto had already cooked her meal.

But the atmosphere at the dinner table has always been a little strange.

In particular, Quan was obviously absent-minded when eating, and he looked like he had already wandered into the sky.

Her heart was indeed very confused.

In the most difficult days after the night of the extermination, it was Aoji’s company that helped her out of the shadows.

She had invisibly become accustomed to his careful care.

The frozen heart had unconsciously melted, and the emotional wounds caused by the merciless betrayal had gradually healed.

She thought she would slowly start a relationship with Aoji.

However, after being discharged from the hospital, he met Yuriko in Aoji’s new home and witnessed her close relationship with him.

He probably gave up pursuing himself, right?

Izumi thought with some frustration.

But after that, Aoji still cared for her meticulously, and his eyes and words always showed affection.

So she began to be confused.

He neither distanced himself from changing his mind nor did he do anything further to himself.

What was going on in his heart?

This confusion made Izumi toss and turn, and she began to expect something and be afraid of something, but in the end, she decided to ask for clarification.

So she plucked up the courage to ask Aoji questions alone.

What I got was a surprising answer.

It turned out that his love for himself was so deep that he had gone beyond the instinct to possess.

He probably thought he would never accept him, right?

He’s stupid.

His handsomeness, his gentleness, his carefulness, is enough to break the heart of any young girl, why would he think that he will not be moved?

Past emotional injuries have indeed dealt her a huge blow.

But she had already walked out.

At that moment, Izumi wanted to tell him the truth out loud, but he couldn’t help but face another sad truth.

That is the existence of sunset red.

After all, they already have a veritable relationship of lovers.

If you snatch Aoji away like this, then aren’t you the bad guy who snatches love with a knife?

But if nothing is said….

Wouldn’t Aoji continue to be patient and restrained, always keeping a close distance from himself?

This is not the relationship she wants!

Maybe it was because she was too weak, but she really couldn’t give up Aoji’s love, nor could she restrain her already swaying heart.

Then give him a chance to be greedy.

As long as Aoji can convince Yuri Hong, Izumi is willing to give him the opportunity to embrace the left and the right.

But can Sunset Red really agree?

This problem has always plagued Izumi at the dinner table, after all, normal people will not accept this kind of thing, right?

She suddenly felt very distressed.

Izumi’s abnormal performance did not escape the eyes of others.

Especially the sunset red.

By this time she had already smelled danger.

So she turned her head and glanced at Aoji.

The look in his eyes meant that it was time for us to have a good talk.

And that’s exactly what Seiji is thinking.

After eating, Meiqin took the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks to be washed, and Izumi quickly followed to the kitchen to help.

Yuri and Aoji went back to his room with a tacit understanding.

“What’s wrong with Izumi?”

Yuri’s big red eyes stared at Aoji, “I always thought she was a little weird.” ”

“It’s a little hard to talk about…”

Aoji said with embarrassment, “After I told you, don’t be angry.” ”

“Why should I be angry?”

Sunset Red squinted, and did not foolishly give the promise that she would be calm.

She had a hunch that she would hear bad news.

“Here’s the situation—”

Aoji sighed and said very sincerely, “Aside from Lady Mikoto, Izumi is the only one of my remaining clansmen, so I’ve always cared about her.” ”

“Especially when she woke up in the hospital.”

“I was afraid that she would be hit too hard, so I often visited her and comforted her, hoping that she would maintain hope for life.”

“That’s exactly what it should be.” Xi Rihong nodded.

“It’s just that Izumi seems to be a little mistaken, she thinks I did this out of love for her…”

“Really?” Sunset Red’s eyes widened.

However, thinking about it, she felt that this was reasonable, if she was in that situation, it was estimated that she would also think wildly, right?

“And then what?” Xi Rihong asked urgently.

“Although I was a little embarrassed to say it myself, Izumi seemed to have accepted me in her heart, but she thought that her relationship with me would come to fruition until she came back and saw you.”

“No wonder there’s always been something wrong with her, it seems she knows she’s going to be wrong.”

Yuriko recalls the bits and pieces of her time with Izumi, and believes Aoji even more: “That’s what she talked to you about today?” ”

“Yes, because she’s bothered.”

Aoji deliberately muttered, “She said that she had planned to put her mind at ease and get along with me normally as a clan, but she found that she could not get out.” ”

“So she made a reluctant request.”

“What is it?” Sunset Red had a very bad feeling.

“She wants to live with you and follow me.”

Aoji behaved awkwardly: “—in the way of a lover.” ”


Sunset Red almost jumped up: “Then what did you say?” ”

“I rejected her.”

Aoji looked at Yukihiro with clear eyes, “Because I can’t allow myself to betray you.” ”

“That’s pretty much it…”

Sunset Red finally let go of her heart and felt some sweetness.

“But Izumi is also true, too whimsical.”

Sunset Red was a little angry, but after thinking about it, she couldn’t bear it.

A girl who has experienced a major blow to the demise of her family, and now she has a favorite object and a vision for life, but in the end it is such a result.

When you think about it, it’s really lamentable.

“In fact, Izumi is a very good girl, gentle and considerate.”

Aoji sighed, “I don’t want to hide it from you, but I actually like her already.” ”

“You like her?”

Yu Rihong’s sympathy for Izumi instantly dissipated, “What about me?” ”

“I love you.”

Aoji said with a serious face, “I just like her, but I love you, maybe I will like a lot of people, but the person I love will always be only you.” ”

“Even if you still have a little conscience.”

Yuri Hong gently pounded Aoji’s chest, but after thinking about it, she still felt very unwilling: “You really like her?” ”


Aoji nodded and admitted, “Personally, I am willing to accept her ridiculous proposal, but I will never force you.” ”

“I see…”

Xi Rihong sighed deeply, “You want me to be a bad person!” ”

“I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“But if I insist on my opinion, you must be disappointed, right?”

Xi Rihong slowly shook her head, “Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I love you too much, but since you have a heart for her, and she likes you very much, then I will complete you once.” ”

“Although the contact time is not long, I know that Izumi is a good girl.”

“I can tolerate her presence.”

Yuri bit her lip and stared deeply at Aoji, “But you have to understand, this time has hurt my heart.” ”

“I’m really sorry.”

Aoji hugged Yuri Hong with a touched face, “I will definitely make up for you.” ”

“That’s a must!”

Xi Rihong said a word of grievance and arrogance, but she did not know what her loose mouth really meant.

As the saying goes, there are two of them.

Since there is a first, then there will be a second, a third.

The bottom line is this kind of thing.

As long as you break through once, you can break through countless times.

Of course, even if she realized this, it wouldn’t actually change anything.

Because in the relationship between two people.

Aoji is the absolute dominant.

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