“What? Aoji ran to the king to threaten the daimyō?! ”

The Tunzang in the darkroom jumped up, “He actually did such a thing?!” Are you sure the message is absolutely accurate? ”

“It’s true!”

A loyal dog half-knelt on the ground: “As the adults expected, Aoji came out of the nest with the Dark Elite, and something big will happen.” On your orders, we secretly tracked them down to Kyoto…”

“And then what?” Tuanzang said with a calm face.

“When Aoji returned with those dark parts, we went to the royal family to find out the details.”

“Aoji threatened Daimyo to transport the treasury to Kiba, killed his two sons, and brought the remaining son and daughter back to Kiba.”

“And it seems that the daimyo can no longer have any more descendants…”

“What about the twelve guardians of the Daimyo who are loyal to the daimyō?” They were wiped out? Tuanzang asked coldly.

“It is said that several people have defected.”

The loyal dog bowed his head and said, “So they were quickly solved, and those dark opportunities were not lost in personnel.” ”

The information he heard was basically accurate.

But one thing is missing.

That was the only son of three generations alive, and Asma also died in this battle.

However, the Dark Ministry, who was already completely controlled by Aoji, would not say this, and the people in the royal court did not understand the relationship between the characters in the ninja world, so this incident became a blind spot for Tunzang and others.

Asma will be a missing person forever.

“What a boldness, such a spicy means!” After being silent for a long time, Tuan Zang inhaled a cool breath with hindsight.

The daimyo is a symbol of the country.

The daimyo is the noblest of the nobility, the one who is above all others.

Everyone should respect the daimyō.

For thousands of years, this has been the consensus of people in this world.

As a ninja cultivated by the ninja village, Tunzang naturally did not worship the daimyo like ordinary people, but even as a ninja with the highest martial power, no one thought of challenging the class order.

In a symbiotic relationship in which the ninja village and the royal power are interdependent, although the two sides are mutually beneficial in nature.

But in name.

Daimyo was the object of Oshimura’s service and was a superior of higher status.

No one thought there was anything wrong with this, everyone was used to this order, but when Aoji suddenly overturned the table, the people represented by Tunzang suddenly realized –

Yeah, why do ninjas succumb to the daimyō?

The original relationship seemed stable, with one side providing force and the other providing money, but the problem was –

Since there is force, why can’t we use force to solve the problem directly?

Just like what Aoji is doing now, the source of the Fire Nation’s wealth will flow endlessly to Kiba, and there will no longer be a need to ask for appropriations from the daimyo as rhetorically as before.

As long as they are willing to tear off the skin, ninjas can completely play with the king’s power between the palms of their hands!

“It seems that I really underestimated this Aoji…”

Tuanzang sat down in his chair in a decadent manner: “It seems that he had already designed this move as early as when he reformed the Dark Ministry, just like he bribed the twelve soldiers, it was not an overnight achievement…”

“No wonder the three generations at that time would try to dispel public opinion and have to support this boy to sit on a high position!”

“It seems that he is not old and stupid…”

Tunzang sighed deeply: “A generation of new people is better than the old people, he is a real wise eye!” ”

The loyal dog bowed his head and did not dare to speak.

Although Tuanzang had some feelings about the vision of the three generations, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He had been in agreement with the three generations for many years and thought he knew him very well.

Although Sanshiro is not just an old and good man as he seems, his personality is ultimately somewhat indecisive, lacking the courage and courage to make a decision on the spot, and he likes a bowl of water to be flat.

Now he pushed Aoji to the table very strongly, and this time he was also given the authority to represent Konoha with full authority.

When did he become so hawkish?

Tuanzang always felt that there was a faint layer of fog in this matter, but after thinking about it for half a day, he could not think through that layer of mystery.

Let’s think about what’s in front of us first.

“In any case, this Aoji purged my forces as soon as he took office, and obviously from the very beginning he was determined to be an enemy of me, and whether he had three generations of support or not, we could not sit still.”

Tuanzang’s eyes revealed a hint of fierceness: “Even if he has passed the difficulty of the funding gap, it is still unknown who killed the deer!” ”

“How’s that going?”

Tunzang stared at the half-kneeling loyal dog, “In the best time when Aoji and Shadow came out of the nest, did you finish digging up the graveyard of the Uchiha clan?” ”


The loyal dog quickly replied, “We have collected all the bodies that have not been destroyed, and after stealing the corpses, we have returned the cemetery to its original state, leaving absolutely no trace!” ”

“There’s finally some good news.”

Tunzang nodded with satisfaction, “Then prepare for the transplant as soon as possible.” ”


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