Inuzuka paws dragged his exhausted body back to the house step by step.

The muscles and bones of the whole body are in pain.

It was the pain caused by the fierce resistance caused by Aoji after he tore off the mask of kindness.

She didn’t want to recall the rest of the story.

Like a walking corpse, she closed the door, stripped off her clothes, went into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and washed herself with a cold jet of water.

As if that would wash away all humiliation.

After an incomparably long bath, she wrapped herself in a towel and looked in the mirror numbly.

In the mirror was a face that was not very beautiful.

Due to the high risk of occupation, people in the ninja world have always married early and had early children, so although their daughters are in their teens, Inuzuka is now only in his early thirties.

However, due to years of eating and sleeping, she did not have time to pamper her skin.

There are already some subtle wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

Of course, she is not the kind of person who cares about looks, and she will not take care of her skin when she has energy, but no matter what, she knows very well in her heart that she actually has no feminine charm.

In the whole family, only his own daughter is a flower.

Everyone else is like a dirt dog.

So no matter what, Inuzuka Paw found it difficult to understand.

Why did Seiji do that kind of thing?

And in front of the posthumous photo, is it because he has a terrible change in his bones?

She remembered the images after it happened—

“Madame’s resistance is really tenacious!”

Aoji put on his clothes with great satisfaction: “This experience is really more enjoyable than I imagined!” ”

He did not use a demon passport.

Just like what he did to the princess, what he wanted to enjoy was the process of being fiercely resisted.

“From now on, you will be my belonging.”

Aoji’s gaze looked at Inuzuka, who was still paralyzed on the ground, “Whether I still want to use it in the future, how to use it, and when to use it depends on my mood.” ”

“But I have to make some demands on you.”

“Whether I will put you in the future or not, you can no longer be approached by any man.”

“Otherwise I will slaughter the entire Inuzuka clan.”

“When I killed Tunzang, my wife was also present, and I should have understood that I had this ability.”

“Of course, my request is a bit excessive.”

“But this is all out of a man’s instinctive possessiveness, I believe you will be able to understand and understand me, right?” 」

“If you can accept these conditions…”

Aoji picked up the document and threw it at Inuzuka’s paw, who was slumped on the ground, “Then we can sign this contract now.” ”

“If you reject my offer, then…”

Aoji squatted down with a relaxed look and whispered in Inuzuka’s paw’s ear, “Today will be the end of the Inuzuka clan.” ”

Inuzuka Claw shed two lines of tears again, “You’re not human at all!” ”

“Didn’t we say I was a bad person when we first met?”

Aoji smiled and patted Inuzuka’s cheek, “Are you really so naïve that you can define a person’s good and evil just by appearance?” ”

Inuzuka claws wept silently.

She wanted to scold Aoji loudly, she wanted to tear the document to pieces, she wanted to get up and fight with him again…

But in the end she took over the document humiliatingly.

Because since she had just carried the banner of the Inuzuka clan, she was no longer just living for herself, she was responsible for the safety and future of her clan.

So she could only choose to endure.

At the moment of signing his name, Inuzuka Claw once again burst into tears.

Because she knows it.

Just like the ninja dogs that he had domesticated, he was now domesticated by Aoji.

And there was no chance of seeing the light of day again.

Because the Inuzuka clan really has no ability to rebel against Aoji, and even if she exposes the ugly things that Aoji did to the outside world, it is estimated that no one will believe her words.

Because Aoji’s reputation for dealing with people has always been good.

Moreover, he has a handsome face, a polite conversation, and of course he is very popular with girls, so how can he try to plot a middle-aged female ninja with a rough personality?

Maybe others not only don’t believe it, but also laugh behind their backs that she has taken advantage of Aoji.

Therefore, the aggrieved Inuzuka claw can only knock out his teeth and swallow into his stomach.

But just as she felt ridiculous about her fate, her daughter’s fate was inadvertently deflected.

It was an afternoon three days later.

Inuzuka is patrolling the streets.

At a young age, she is not only an excellent veterinarian in the medical team, but also a member of the patrol, and it is also one of her duties to patrol the streets with ninja dogs.

At this moment, she is in a very good mood.

Because she had already heard the wind, the three generations of adults had adopted the suggestion of the powerful lord Aoji, and was about to set up a new patrol department, which would absorb all the personnel of the garrison and the patrol.

At that time, Inuzuka will naturally follow into the newly established department.

The nature of the work though has not changed.

But according to reliable news, salaries and treatment in all aspects will be significantly improved!

“Excuse me, Miss Patrol over there!”

Inuzuka took a relaxed step, suddenly heard a voice shouting at herself, turned her head to see that on the street corner stood a handsome young man, holding a short middle-aged man in his hand.

The middle-aged man looks obscene and flustered, but he has never been able to break free from the shackles of young people.

“What’s the matter?” Inuzuka walked over.

“This man is a thief.”

The handsome young man was none other than Aoji: “I have already arrested him and taken all the stolen goods, and now I want to leave the person to you to deal with.” ”

“I see.”

Inuzuka nodded and took control of the middle-aged man, tying his hands firmly behind his back.

Aoji took the opportunity to look at her carefully.

Heroic face, crisp single ponytail, two strands of dark hair hanging from the forehead, and inverted triangle battle lines printed on the sides of the cheeks.

Aoji’s heart nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, it is indeed a little colored, and it is worthy of the only flower of the Inuzuka clan.

It’s worth his attention.

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