“Won’t Aoji come back for dinner today?”

When Inuzuka sat down politely, Izumi suddenly held his chin and asked, “I have rarely seen his figure during this time!” ”

“I remember him saying that today was Nara Shikahisa having a treat.”

Yu Rihong brushed the ends of his hair, “And there are still several ninja clans to feast on him in the next few days, and the work of the inspection department is just on track, and it should be very busy recently, and it is estimated that he will not come back for dinner.” ”

“Those guys are real!”

Izumi said angrily, “Either today please, or tomorrow please, I don’t know how to leave a little time for Aoji!” I haven’t been with him in a long time…”

“Doesn’t Izumi like to eat shrimp?”

Meiqin cut off the girl’s head and put a piece of shrimp into her bowl: “Today I made it with my heart, how about you taste it?” ”

“Oh…” Izumi stammered.

The Inuzuka flower sitting on the other side was like a needle felt, and her heart was like a wave of the sea.

What exactly does the second half of Izumi’s sentence mean?

Is that what it means?

No, it won’t…

I guess I thought too much, right?

She secretly observed Izumi’s expression for a moment, and then heard Yu Rihong say, “Actually, after a while everything should be business as usual, and now it’s only because those ninjas are too scared.” ”

She glanced casually at Inuzuka as she spoke.

An inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes.

“Scared? Why should they be afraid? Izumi muttered as he ate the shrimp.

“What they’re afraid of is the power of Seiji.”

Yuri Hong explained gracefully, “Now that Aoji holds the two departments of the Dark Ministry and the Inspection Department, if he intends to suppress a certain ninja clan, then almost no one can hold back.” ”

“But on the other hand, if he wants to support a certain ninja clan, then he can also make the other party fly quickly.”

“So everybody wants to make friends with him.”

Xi Rihong poured herself a bowl of fresh soup: “This is the mystery of power, which can make people feel fearful and can also make people want to be close, as long as they have power, they can control people’s hearts.” ”

“If you say so, those three generations of adults are the most powerful people!”

Izumi couldn’t help but ask, “Why didn’t you see those ninjas circling around the three generations of adults?” ”

“Because everyone knows three generations of adults very well.”

Xi Rihong smiled and shook her head: “According to the habits of three generations of adults, whether you are distant or close, the easiest result is a bowl of water and flat, and the dirty work is taken care of by Tuanzang.” ”

“Now that Tunzang is dead, and the three generations of adults have obviously given power to Aoji, how can those ninjas not be able to see the situation clearly?”

“Of course, their current actions are mainly out of unfamiliarity with Aoji.”

Yuri took a sip of the fresh soup, “They are not sure how Aoji will use the power in his hands, so they will try to improve their understanding of him and see what he will do next.” ”

“Are these people so strenuous?”

Izumi said somewhat wordlessly, “Aoji’s personality is so good, and he will not be arrogant, and he will not bully the weak, why do they have to walk on thin ice like this?” ”

“That’s how the world has always worked.”

Xi Rihong smiled and shook his head, “If a ninja clan wants to survive better, the first condition is to see the situation clearly and recognize the enemy and friends, otherwise it will easily be destroyed.” ”

“Are you right? Miss Inuzuka Hana. Yuri suddenly looked at Inuzuka Hana.

“Of course you have a point!” Inuzuka said hurriedly.

“Very good, then I think you will be able to recognize that Aoji is your friend and we are your friend, right?” Sunset Red had a smile in her eyes.

“Of course!”

Inuzuka hurriedly said, “Since the signing of that cooperation treaty, Lord Aoji’s kindness has long been remembered in the hearts of every one of our Inuzuka people!” ”

“Here’s the point.”

Yuri stirred the soup bowl with a spoon, “Ever since I learned about that cooperative jump, I’ve been thinking about the question, why did Aoji give preferential treatment to the Inuzuka clan?” ”

“How can you get his other eyes?”

“Although he is indeed very gentle and considerate, and has a good heart, it is mainly for his own people.”

“So I tried to figure out why.”

Yuki’s red eyes looked directly at Inuzuka Hana, “Although it hurts a bit to say this, I don’t think the Inuzuka clan has anything worth plotting, if I have to say it, it should be you.” ”

“You are the same as Xi Yan described, your eyes are bright, you are very heroic, and you are not the same type as us.”

“So I think Seiji has a crush on you.”

Xi Rihong revealed a spoiled smile: “You don’t see that he always looks personable, but we have all found out, in fact, this guy is a flower ghost.” ”

“I see…”

Inuzuka felt that she had grasped the crux of the matter: “You asked me to come over to warn me to ignore him farther?” ”

“No, quite the opposite.”

Xi Rihong smiled and shook her head, “I would like to invite you to join us.” ”

“Join? You guys? ……”

The amount of information in just four words was so great that Inuzuka’s brain was almost shut down.

“That’s right, just like you see—”

Yuri pulled Izumi and Mikoto’s hands up, “All three of us are Aoji’s women, members of his harem.” ”

“Now, I sincerely hope -”

“I can be a sister with you.”

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