When Aoji entered the interrogation room, he saw the prisoner with his hands tied.

He was a kind-faced old man.

According to the information sent to Aoji, the other party is a craftsman from the Land of Sand, who has been working in Kiba for more than twenty years, and has often been hired to work over the years.

Because of his superb craftsmanship and kindness, he has a good reputation in Konoha.

Until yesterday, an employer who was a working ninja accidentally found that he had arranged a detonator in the beam and pillar, and although he was silent at the time, he immediately ran to the inspection department afterwards to report the old man.

Then the old man was taken to the interrogation room.

In order to find out his background and motives, the people of the inspection department asked Yue Yueyan to arrange for the interrogation of the torture team, and also coordinated the intelligence network of the dark department to dig up information.

Then they made progress very quickly.

According to the intelligence collected by the Dark Ministry, the old man was originally a ninja from Yangyan Village and had been wanted by Kiba.

More than twenty years ago, there was a war between Konoha and Yangyan Village, so it is certain that he must have infiltrated Konoha at that time to do sabotage work in secret.

Although Yangyan Village has now perished, his work may not have stopped.

Just as this time it was found that he was setting up the detonator.

If a person has been a spy since more than twenty years ago, and after so many years of tireless hard work, the organs and explosive charms set up by him are obviously innumerable.

Now the wooden leaf has probably become a barrel of explosives!

After realizing this fact, the people in the inspection department at the scene were directly ecstatic.

It’s not because they want something to happen to the wooden leaves.

Rather, because the prisoners have been successfully captured, the situation has been brought under control, and with the crisis largely resolved, the next step is the question of credit.

If this thing is said, it will be a great achievement that saved the entire wooden leaf!

Now that the inspection department has been newly established, the salary and treatment are so good that everyone is grateful to Seiji and intuitively puts themselves in his camp, while also considering a problem.

The establishment of the Inspection Department was presided over by Seiji himself, and the standard of salary and treatment was also determined by him.

It can be said that it is a big move to move the crowd.

If the inspection department has not been able to produce any eye-catching work results, then the measures of the Seiji will be criticized by outsiders sooner or later, and some people will definitely say that he has raised the cost but engaged in a useless work.

That would obviously shake the prestige of Aoji himself.

But now that the Inspector Department had just started to operate and had made a great contribution to saving the level of Kiba, then the prestige of Aoji would of course be even higher, and the rice bowl of their subordinates would be more stable.

Therefore, in their eyes, this spy from Yangyan Village.

It’s a living thunderbolt!

Of course, this credit is too great for anyone in the inspection department to digest, so they can only eat this experience pack.

“You should already understand, right?”

Aoji naturally sat across from the old man, and at this time he already recognized that the other party was Xuan Neng: “Your plot has completely failed, and if you confess it early, you will be relieved as soon as possible.” ”

“You’re already old, you don’t have to suffer so much.”

Aoji said very sincerely, “As long as you tell me where all the traps and explosive charms have been set up over the years, I promise you a painless death.” ”

“Do you think I’ll give in?”

Genno sneered, “Don’t look at me like this, I’m a real ninja!” Torture, do you think I will be afraid? ”

“Although Yangyan Village is gone, there are still some survivors.”

Aoji smiled, “What if I told you that if you didn’t open your mouth, we would do our best to kill them?” ”

“You can’t scare me.”

Xuan Neng’s eyelids did not lift a little: “No matter what you do, I will not confess.” ”

“Then let’s wait and see.”

Aoji also stopped talking nonsense and directly opened the eternal kaleidoscope, pulling Xuan Neng’s consciousness into the moon reading space.

Then came the near-endless torture.

When Xuan Neng returned to the real world again, the whole person sweated as if he had collapsed.

“This is my pupil power.”

Aoji was also a little tired, but his expression was still calm: “Your body will not collapse due to torture, but your spirit will fall into boundless hell.” ”

“And, most importantly, the pain is never-ending.”

“As long as you enter the world of monthly reading, time will lose its meaning, I can torture you all the time, and time will never come to an end.” 」

“So I advise you to recruit anyway.”

Aoji said with a faint look, “Even if you don’t say where those organs and explosive charms are located, as long as I arrange for a large-scale search by manpower, it will also solve the crisis you have created.” ”

“The result is the same no matter what.”

Aoji’s gaze was indifferent: “As long as you are willing to let go, you can have less pain, and we can save some manpower, isn’t this a happy ending for everyone?” ”

“I, I am…”

Xuan Neng’s eyes were already blank, and he breathlessly said, “I will never confess!” ”

“It seems that you really have a backbone.”

Aoji nodded nonchalantly, and then activated the moon reading again.

This time Xuan Neng was tortured for a longer time.

“I, I won’t, I won’t…” At this point, Xuan Neng was like a dying fish.

“Then do it again.”

Aoji didn’t have any nonsense and once again launched the monthly reading.

This time there is finally a harvest.

“Me, I move…”

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