Chapter Sixty-Seven The Submission of the Gang Hand, the Female Master and Apprentice Who Are Taken into the Pocket!!

As the granddaughter of the first generation, Tsunade has always had a high status and status in Kiba.

Therefore, she is called Princess Tsunade Tsunade (纲手公主).

But even the real princess of the Fire Nation was creeping at the feet of Aoji, and her so-called princess would not be taken seriously.

As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want. The strength of the Gang Hand is only a qualified film level.

It wasn’t enough to see in front of Aoji.

The horizontal and vertical are all weaker opponents than themselves, and the weak line and the weak line are many, and the result is the same.

As a result, Aoji gave Tsunade a great humiliation.

This was a humiliation she had never felt even in the Ninja War, and she had always stood on the top of the mountain, never thought that there were mountains in the world that were much higher than herself.

I never thought I would be treated like this.

But in addition to the great humiliation, she also had to admit it! Aoji’s methods are really clever!

She couldn’t resist the wave of happiness! The same goes for mute.

“You’ve got your way, what’s going to happen to us next?”

Tsunade was dressed in tattered clothes and looked at Aoji with a complicated look.

She knew that neither she nor Shizune could resist the man in front of her.

The gap in strength between them is simply too great.

Moreover, looking at Aoji’s relaxed look, Tsunade was very suspicious that he had not used all his strength, and perhaps he had hidden a lot of hole cards.

Now her and Shizune’s lives were basically in Aoji’s hands.

She was very suspicious that Aoji would kill someone.

Because his foundation was in Konoha, and the influence of the Gang Hand in the Mu Ye could be imagined, once his bullying of Princess Gang Ye’s master and apprentice was exposed, then his hard-won position would all be lost.

She couldn’t believe he would be willing to take such a risk!

“What do you think I’m going to do with you?”

Aoji smiled and squinted at Tsunade with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

This attitude made Tsubasa more convinced of his ideas.

“As a ninja, I have long had the consciousness to meet death, but I still want to ask you, at least, to keep a silent life.”

Although he felt that there was little hope, Tsunade still issued a plea.

“What if I let her go and she ran to reveal what I did this time?”

Aoji smiled faintly.

“She’s not me after all, she speaks softly in Konoha.”

Tsunade tried to convince Aoji, “Don’t you have a lot of status in Kiba Village?” Even if Shizune goes to raise you, you can easily suppress it, and it will also bring her own death, how could she do this? ”

“I’ll do that!”

Shizune gritted her teeth and said, “As long as I don’t die, I will not die with you demon!” ”


Tsunade screamed.

She tried her best to persuade Aoji to give Shizune a chance to survive, Rao was still consciously not hopeful, and now that Shizune herself said so, it was even more hopeless!

“Rest assured, I won’t kill you.”

Aoji’s words were unexpected by Tsunade Hand.

“You’re going to let us go?”

Tsunade is a bit hard to imagine.

After all, she was not a naïve girl, and since Aoji could do such a terrible job

Naturally, it is impossible to be a good person, how could he leave two living mouths to bring risks to himself?

“From the very beginning, I intend to make you work for me.”

Aoji smiled faintly, “Human beings, in the final analysis, are also animals, cattle and sheep can be domesticated, of course, humans can be, before returning to Konoba, you will become my loyal dogs, why should I kill you?” ”

“Domestication? Loyal dogs?…”

Tsunade was stunned.

It was only then that she understood what Aoji was thinking.

But after understanding all this, she had some fortunate feeling in her heart, and she was convinced that she would never be tamed.

I didn’t expect that this Aoji was so arrogant inside, that he actually thought that he could tame the famous Sanshin?

Tsunade has grown step by step to today, although there is a weakness of hemophobia, but after experiencing various wounds and baptisms of war, her heart has become incomparably tough.

Even if this young man can use force to possess his own body.

There is absolutely no way to destroy your own spirit!

Moreover, as long as he can save his life for the time being, he has a chance to escape, and once he can live to Konoha to expose Aoji’s crimes, then he will die without a place to die!

Maybe you can find a chance to kill while pretending to be obedient!

At the thought of this, the humiliation of being possessed by the other party’s body has subsided, and Tsunade has secretly expected the pleasure of revenge success!

I thought I could remember his desperate expression before he died! Tsunade secretly clenched his fists.

Of course, Aoji knew exactly what she thought, but he didn’t take it to heart, because from the beginning, he knew what the final result would be.

In the process of returning to Konoha next, Aoji deliberately slowed down his progress.

Most of the time is spent on domestication and mute.

He had created many times the illusion that he could escape and fight back, but each time he had snuffed out all her hopes after she had put it into action, when her heart had collapsed in a huge gap.

And every time he resisted, he would give them the punishment in their eyes.

When they are briefly weak, he will give them a little warmth and care.

He made them gradually get used to obedience to him. He made them gradually become afraid of him.

Hardened in the bones, irrepressible fear.

As time went on, the will of the Tsunade was destroyed little by little, and Shizune, because the will itself was not tough enough, the speed of the fall was still far above the Tsubasa, and it hardly took long for it to completely give in.

With the influence of the example of mute, Tsunade Tsunade gradually sank his body and mind

When it was confirmed that their will to resist was gone, Aoji began to degenerate their minds with false care, making them like victims of Stockholm syndrome, and gradually getting used to being his slaves.

They gradually accepted the self-knowledge that they belonged to Aoji.

In short, Aoji succeeded in domesticating them.

When the gate of Konoha appears in front of the three people who have embarked on the way home, Tsunade and Shizune, although they look the same as before, have become Aoji’s loyal prisoners inside.

They have been reborn, in a way that is unique to Qingtong.

Then the three of them learned something together.

Huge changes have taken place in the village!

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