Go home alone, enter the hallway Hanfeng, and see Hui Huizi cleaning in the living room. The two big eyes staring at small eyes. Before Hanfeng could say anything, Hui Huizi exploded.


Meihuizi cold expression, picking up the broom and feather duster, rushing up is a set of fighting each other!

Hanfeng now has Uzumaki Clan physique, strong physical fitness and life force of side leakage, he is too lazy to hide, and directly takes the left and right sides with his face.



Half the payment passed, Keeko stopped with pain in her hand.

“Fengjiang, if you dare to leave home for so long without saying this, my mother will never forgive you so easily!” Hui Keiko’s eyes were red.

“Mom, I actually left a small note for you.” Hanfeng defended.

“Do you dare to talk back?”

Meeko was furious.

Hanfeng saw that this posture was not good, and hurried to the bedroom: “Mom, I will have the graduation exam in a few days, and I will go to training.”

After entering the bedroom, Hanfeng Only sighed, then sat cross-legged.

If it is still early today, it is not suitable for waves, so Hanfeng put away Uzumaki Clan Divine Ability, obediently and honestly training flesh to activate Forbidden Jutsu.

In this week when he was out of the village, Hanfeng was either on his way or staying vigil and sleeping. For safety, he not at all Refining Chakra, so as not to lose energy and accidentally drop the chain, but even so, now Hanfeng within- The-body’s Chakra is already dozens of times higher than before. At this moment, the training body activates Forbidden Jutsu, and the cells that can be activated at one time have naturally increased by dozens of times.

Feeling the trembling and activation of dozens of cells such as within-the-body subcutaneous tissue cells, muscle cells, cardiomyocytes, stem cells, and white blood cells, Hanfeng has no waves in his heart.

I used to be in trouble by the sea, and I have seen the cell activation degree of Uzumaki Clan’s physique. Hanfeng’s vision has been opened up, what to walk in the void, what to do with the grave head…um…it’s so cool~

Before dinner, the little brother came back from shopping on time. At the same time, Gekkou Inoue, Gekkou Matsushita, and Gekkou Yan also rushed to eat.

“Little Hanfeng, you are not brave enough, you dare to go out of the village at this time!”

Gekkou Inoue’s words set the tone for this dinner.

One word, criticize education!

The two old man, you say, I say, Hanfeng straightly referred to Hanfeng as a deviant, deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors, and unfilial piety.

Mei Keiko sat beside Serene eating and cooking, a pair of detached attitudes that these two old men weren’t the ones I found, they criticized you and have nothing to do with me.

It’s just that whenever Hanfeng refutes the two old man, Huihuizi reminds Hanfeng righteously that as a younger generation, you must respect and provoke the elders, and you can’t talk back to the elders!

Three people got a set of combined punches, and Hanfeng was criticized decently.

The little brother sitting next to Hanfeng has a great desire to survive. He bowed his head all the way and ate and cooked silently.

Hanfeng took the time to glance at him: smelly younger brother!

Finally, after eating, Hanfeng was about to go back to the bedroom to surf, and was caught by two old men in the backyard.

“Hanfeng, you went outside for a week, let Xiaoyan test your experience!”

Gekkou Matsushita said unselfishly.

Well, after the criticism and education, the corporal punishment is changed, right?

Hanfeng was furious.

If the rabbit doesn’t show off its power, I really dare not bite a woman? !

However, when Hanfeng walked to the backyard and confronted Gekkou Smoke, who was holding a sword, a single thought suddenly rose in his heart: “It has been a month since I fought with Gekkou Smoke last time. This battle , Just can refresh the impression of these two old man’s’

Hanfeng originally planned to change clansman’s impression of himself a little bit, so that the traces of his hard-working genius can be imprinted in their hearts!

This battle, after a month’s lapse, is just a stroke of magic!

Hanfeng stood in the backyard with a mysterious smile on his face.

“Big brother, daddy!!”

The little brother is standing in the hallway. Compared with the silence at the dinner table, he is very active at this time, and his eyes are shining even more. .

“I’m on it!”

Gekkou gave a clear smoke, pulled out the sharp blade directly, and quickly dived towards Hanfeng.

Hanfeng tip-toe jumps back quickly with both hands at the same time.


“No way?!”

Gekkou Inoue and Gekkou Panasonic looked at Hanfeng’s hands, and their faces changed.

“Earth-Style: Mud Wall!”

When Hanfeng leaped back to the ground, he bowed his body, slapped his palms directly on the ground, and a large amount of Chakra quickly poured into the ground along his palms !


Earth roared, and an earth wall instant over one meter long and ten centimeters wide rose from the ground, blocking… Gekkou smokes the waist and abdomen!

“Be careful!!”

Gekkou Song Genin kept reminding him.

Gekkou Smoke reacted very quickly. Seeing that the earth wall was about to hit her waist and abdomen, she slashed towards the earth wall.


Amid the heavy impact, the earth wall that rose from the ground was chopped with a crack by Gekkou’s smoke, and Gekkou’s smoke also retreated quickly, but it has not yet landed, and Hanfeng not far away has already Hand seal completed again.

“Fire-Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!”


The huge Chakra flows into Hanfeng like a spring, turning into a hot aura, a A fireball with a diameter of 30 centimeters spouted from Hanfeng’s mouth, and with the continuous influx of Chakra, this Fireball rose up against the storm, and when it came to the body of Gekkou, it was already nearly one meter in radius!

Fireball is like a volley in the sky, the terrifying heat is accompanied by the raging flames and the violent burning licks Gekkou smoke!

“Body Flicker Jutsu!”

Crucial moment, Gekkou Yan’s hands sealed with both hands, and the instant turned into a gust of wind and disappeared under the Great Fireball.

Hanfeng lifted his eyelids. Under dynamic vision, he could clearly capture the silhouette of Gekkou smoke moving at high speed, immediately blocking the Chakra supply of the Great Fireball, and at the same time hand-seal with both hands: Body Flicker Jutsu!


In the next instant, Hanfeng turned into a violent wind and disappeared, and the thick wooden pile behind him was cut in half by a cold blade light that suddenly appeared. !

“Earth-Style: Mud Wall!”

Hanfeng took a few steps, hand-seal far away, patted the ground with both palms, and once again erected an earth under Gekkou’s cigarette butt wall!

Gekkou smoke figure suddenly disappeared and turned into a violent wind again. Hanfeng frowned, with his hand seal speed at this time, the printing of Great Fireball and Mud Wall took at least two seconds, while under Body Flicker Jutsu, Gekkou The smoke can rush to his eyes in just one second!

Take out Kunai to fight her hard?

No, my current Taijutsu is not yet the opponent of Gekkou Smoke.

Hanfeng had no choice but to end the seal of Body Flicker Jutsu, and played with Gekkou Yan the tactics of the enemy advancing and retreating, and the enemy calming me.

The silhouette of the two disappeared, reappeared, disappeared, and reappeared in the backyard, but they never had direct contact.

Gekkou smoke became a little impatient, and he opened it up directly: “Shadow Clone-knife cut!”

In the next moment, I saw three Gekkou smoke carrying sword from in the sky. The glow slashed down, and the three sharp blades exuded soft rays of light under Gekkou, but they stung Hanfeng’s eyes.

Hanfeng complexion changed: Crescent Moon Dance?


Hanfeng, who has collected Crescent Moon Dance, instantly saw that it was a pirated version!

Shit! (Hateful meaning)

Hanfeng trembles with his hands and knots the seal of Body Flicker Jutsu, trying to continue hide-and-seek.

But it doesn’t work this time.

As soon as Hanfeng retreated, the three Gekkou smokes as the shadow follows the body, and the sword glow became more and more prosperous. Especially after three chases, Hanfeng couldn’t get out of their combined attack.

A real man!

Hanfeng immediately roared: “Surrender!”


Three sharp blades stopped ten centimeters away from Hanfeng’s body, coldly. The blade seemed to have cut into Hanfeng’s skin, stabbing him in pain.

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