Leaving the Academy with Shisui, Hanfeng met Iruka, Anko, Inuzuka Yarn, Gangzi Tetsu, and Shenyue Izumo who were waiting outside the school gate.

“Looking at your expressions, you should have passed the exam successfully.” Iruka said with a smile, “Congratulations!”

“Hanfeng, Shisui, I can’t bear you. “Gangzitie and Shenyue Izumo opened their hands to embrace, Hanfeng stopped in disgust, and decisively pushed Shisui into the arms of the two brothers.”

“Since it passed smoothly, let’s go eat Anko Sand and celebrate!” Anko shouted from the side.

“Shisui student is the highest~” Inuzuka Sha hugged the little milk dog and squeezed out the steel iron and Shinyuki Izumo, blushing and looked at Shisui.

“Thank you.” Shisui said with a smile, “Then I will treat Hanfeng with me today.”

“Go to Ermu Ramen.”

Hanfeng is also a character carrying a huge amount of money now, so it’s hard to go to the scourge of his own restaurant.

“Really, it is not a small dragon shrimp or a ramen. Obviously Anko sand and balls are the best food in the village!” Anko thought all the way.

Unfortunately, Anko is gone, and I can only follow these stinky men to eat ramen.

Everyone came to Ermu Ramen all the way to joking, because it is not yet dinner, so there are not many customers in the Ramen shop, a group of seven people pulled two small square tables and sat down together.

“Seven bowls of flavored ramen!”

Hanfeng hand sweeps with money, “big portion!”

Hanfeng found five in the village of Mountain Bandit One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand were handed over to Sarutobi Hiruzen’s office, and the difference was earned through middlemen, and the assets reached three hundred and two hundred.

“Hanfeng, after graduation, it is a grouping. Has the teacher announced the list?” Iruka asked.

“Not yet, I have to wait until tomorrow.” Hanfeng said, “There are only eight people who passed the exam this time. I don’t know how to divide it.”

“Third-Kage should be able to Replenishers come in!” Shisui said, “Among the freshmen who graduated last year, I heard that some of them have not been assigned to a group.”

“Because the strength is too strong?” Inuzuka Sha asked with bright eyes.

“It may also be because the strength is too bad.” Shisui made a rare joke.

After a few people chatted for a long time, the waiter came up with seven bowls of ramen.

“I’m moving!”

Iruka clasped his chopsticks together, then drank the soup eagerly, then frowned, “This soup tastes wrong!”

“Too much salt?”

Hanfeng took a sip of the soup and frowned, “Isn’t it flavored ramen?”

“I feel It makes no difference.” Anko couldn’t make a difference at all.

Shisui looked up at the bar next to the ramen, and said: “I didn’t see the hand hitting the uncle, this should not be the ramen he pulled.”

Hanfeng was startled and jerked. We have to look towards Iruka, the latter is also a confused face.


Hanfeng hurriedly called a waiter and asked about the uncle hand.

“Hand fight, that guy quarreled with the store manager again because of the price, so he didn’t come today, but don’t worry, you can see him tomorrow.”

The waiter smiled and explained.

Hanfeng’s heart moved, and he asked: “After the New Year, how many times have you quarreled with Boss and Uncle?”


The waiter was pondered, and said, “Speaking of which has indeed been done many times, especially half a month recently. It feels like every day is arguing.”

Hanfeng’s eyebrows jumped, and he had a vague premonition: he is about to hit uncle with his hands. Stand on your own!

In other words, the legendary Ramen Ichiraku is about to open?

Ryumyaku mission, is it going to start?

Hanfeng was a little flustered. With his current strength and reputation, Namikaze Minato would never take him to the ancient country of Roran. If Ryumyaku is sealed…

Hanfeng is very upset.

He tried hard to recall the plot of the Ryumyaku mission, and suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the day Ramen Ichiraku opened, the sun was shining, and the clothes of Kakashi and the others were also very cool, so it should be in the spring and summer. .

Today is the last day of February and the last day of winter, but the temperature is still hovering around 0 degrees.

It will take at least a month or two for the temperature to warm up in March!

Thinking of this, Hanfeng couldn’t help but relaxed: there is still time.

After eating ramen, everyone went shopping together, and did not go home until ten o’clock in the evening.

Hanfeng originally wanted to ride a wave, but considering the group tomorrow, he had to resist the temptation to sleep.


Early the next morning, at 7:50 in the morning.

Academy large lecture classroom.

Hanfeng arrived ten minutes early and found that the others had arrived. Hanfeng looked around and found that there were no fewer than ten people sitting scattered in the classroom.

It seems that Shisui was right yesterday. Among the freshmen who graduated last year, there are still people who have not been assigned.

“Hanfeng, here.”

Sisui sitting in the first row waved to Hanfeng.

Not long after Hanfeng sat down, he saw an imposing-manner thirty-year-old woman walk in.

“Hyuga Shu, Ichiro Miyamoto, Tanaka, follow me.”

The middle-aged woman started to talk lowly, and she didn’t wait for the others. In response, he turned and walked directly out.

Hanfeng looked back and saw three people including the Hyuga tree stand up from their positions and walk quickly followed along.

“It’s Jonin Ohashi!”

“I heard that her Taijutsu is very good!”

“It’s an experienced Jonin, so envy!”

” p>

A few extra murmurs came from behind them. It is not difficult to guess from their tone that this Jonin named Ohashi is very strong!

But what makes Hanfeng strange is that…Hyuga Shu and Shisui, both graduated from Class 1 of the second year, were not assigned to a group!

Hanfeng secretly curse silently. This must be Third Hokage. I am afraid that Hyuga Clan and Uchiha Clan will get too close.

At this moment, another person walked in from outside.

Here comes a white gray high-necked windbreaker, sunglasses, and a standard Aburame Clan dress.

“Uchiha Shisui, Aburame Yui, Gekkou Hanfeng.”

After Aburame Zhihei said three names, he turned into hundreds of insects, Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! flew outside the classroom.

“Keep up!”

Shisui gave a clear drink, and then quickly jumped from the position to keep up with the group of Flying Insects.

Hanfeng’s reaction is not slow, he jumped up as soon as Shisui moved.

Then Aburame Yui also jumped out.

Insect flies very fast. After coming out of the teaching building, it flies straight towards Hokage Rock, and it flies higher and higher.

Insect is originally small, and it’s hard to see if you fly a little higher. Fortunately, both Shisui and Hanfeng have dynamic vision and can barely capture the silhouette of the insect.

Three people sprinted all the way, transmigrated vast crowd, climbed over walls and terraces, and it took more than half an hour to finally come to Hokage Rock!

And those Flying Insects have already flown on Hokage Rock.

The three people looked up and saw that Hokage Rock is a steep cliff, about more than a hundred meters high and ninety degrees in height. The surface is uneven, especially the stone statues of Hokage. It is protruding from the cliff, looking extremely steep from the bottom up!

“Is this a test for us?” Hanfeng adjusted his breathing, guided Chakra to the soles of his feet, and walked directly onto the cliff.

Shisui smiled and reminded: “Be careful!”

Then stepped on the cliff and walked up.

When the two of them walked more than twenty meters in silence, Hanfeng’s brows suddenly wrinkled, how did it feel that something was missing, he step one stopped, and the whole person stuck on the cliff like a nail. Then turned his head and looked towards Shisui, who was walking beside him.

“What’s wrong?” Shisui was a little strange.

“Uh, nothing.” Hanfeng shaking one’s head, perhaps an illusion.

Then the two continued to go up, and went up twenty meters again, the two stopped at the same time, and turned their heads to glance at each other.

There is indeed something missing!

The two looked back and saw a lonely silhouette standing under the cliff.

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