Under a giant tree, Hanfeng is leaning on the roots of a ferocious tree that broke out of the soil, and is writing quickly with the right hand pen on the mission log in his left hand.

Hurry up in the morning.

Arriving at the border of the two countries at noon, Squad Leader Wild Fox said to rest for a long time and rest in the afternoon.

At night, enter Land-of-Rain.

That’s the end of today’s log.

“Husky, you can’t do this.”

The wild boar Peppa lay on the root of the tree, poked out half of his head and looked at Hanfeng’s log, and said: “There is no content at all. “

Hanfeng raised his head, the looked wild boar Peppa in the wild wolf mask: “This is a sketch, also called running water. The advantage is that it is quick and convenient. It is suitable for emergency missions like ours! Peppa, you think, If we spend too much time on the mission log, don’t we neglect the root and pursue the tip?”

This is the truth when Peppa Boar thinks about it!

After a long time.

As night falls, the skies of Land of Fire and Land-of-Rain are gradually covered by darkness.

“Change outfit!”

Seeing that the time is almost up, Squad Leader Wild Fox took out the Sealing Scroll and took out the equipment that had been prepared.

The ninja headband of Hidden Stone Village, the red ninja suit, the earthy brown horse Kinoe, and the red turban!

After the entire group changed quickly, it became the native Hidden Stone Village ninja!

“Captain, do you still wear the mask?” Hanfeng asked.

Wild fox shaking ones head: “Stone Ninja does not have the habit of mask-wearing. Let’s change your face with makeup.”

The reason why Transformation Jutsu is not used is because Transformation Jutsu will be see through, once they are seen through, their identity of’Stone Ninja’ will be doubted.

On the contrary, makeup will not cause suspicion.

Hanfeng has never learned the magic of makeup, so she can only wait for the wild cat to put on her makeup and ask her to paint on her face. Afterwards, Hanfeng uses the Ninja Tool headband as a mirror to look at her face. I found that I was delicate and pretty. Junyi’s face had become pockmarked, and his fair skin became a little dark yellow… It is estimated that Huihuizi would not recognize this as her son when she came.

Worthy-of is magic!


After putting on makeup, the wild fox gave the order softly, and then flashed to a hundred meters away, and blinked again, the person was already two hundred meters away, and The frequency of blinking is getting faster and faster, and the silhouette is getting farther and farther.

Wild dog, wild boar Peppa, wild cat, Hanfeng immediately followed along.

After the past few days of training, Hanfeng’s speed has also increased, and he can barely keep up with the second echelon of Peppa and Wildcats.

Land-of-Rain is so overcast, it is difficult to see the Moon stars at night, the visibility is very low, especially in the wild, the shadows of the trees are like ghosts across the sky, and Hanfeng they are extremely fast. If you don’t pay attention, you will be scratched by branches, causing pain!

Hanfeng flickered all the way, and the red jersey on his body was scratched with several white marks, but when it was scratched, Hanfeng gradually got used to the night, and his silhouette could gradually avoid the branches in the dark.

Thanks to Shisui’s dynamic vision!

Hanfeng is grateful for Shisui.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, Hanfeng took the time to look up and found that the dark clouds under the night are like demon wings, covering the whole world!

“There is a situation!”


The Squad Leader wild fox ahead suddenly stopped.

What appeared in front of them was a village, and the buildings of the village stood in the dark, not very real.

“There is no light, are you abandoned?”

The wild boar Peppa said solemnly, “It seems that Land-of-Rain is also not peaceful.”

“Would you like to see it?” Wildcat asked softly.

Squad Leader Wild Fox Weiwei shaking ones head: “No, go on!”

Their mission was to attack Rain Ninja. This village has obviously been abandoned for a long time. Rain Ninja is impossible.

The group of five people continued to go deep, and at one or two in the morning, they encountered another village. There were lights coming from the village, dim and dim.

The wild fox used Sensor Ninjutsu, and the sense instantly moved towards the village and spread.

Hanfeng took a look, and he also used Sensor Ninjutsu.

They are about two kilometers away from the village. The Sensor Ninjutsu of Hanfeng can cover just a half of the village. Unfortunately, he didn’t at all detect the ninja of Chakra in the sense.

“Husky, you know Sensor Ninjutsu?” Wildcat asked in a low voice beside him.

Hanfeng nodded: “Understand a little.”

The wild boar Peppa also leaned over: “I have read the information about Huskies, and it says that he has mastered the Ninjutsu of Five-Attributes. “

“Really?” The Wildcat was a little surprised.

The wild dog glanced over, and said: “It’s not good, it has no special skills, so it is difficult to get the title of Special-Jonin, Husky, you have to find your own way.”

“Hmm.” Hanfeng nodded, and did not refute Senior.

“Find the target!”

At this time, the Squad Leader wild fox opened his eyes and said, “There is a ninja in the village. From Chakra’s point of view, it should be Jonin Level, maybe Rain Ninja’s Anbu!”

“Captain, shall we assassinate or make some movement?” Wildcat asked.

They have a Jonin and a Special-Jonin here, as well as two Elite Chunin and Hanfeng, the newly promoted Chunin, which is totally uncomfortable.

Wild fox pondered: “Make some movement.”

Although their mission is to attack Rain Ninja, it is more important to let others see that it is their’Stone Ninja’ Attacked Rain Ninja!

The five immediately stopped concealing the figure, and sparks rushed into the village with lightning all the way.

But as soon as they entered, the five felt that the atmosphere of the village was a bit wrong.

Most of the houses on both sides of the street have their doors open, and there are lights overflowing from them, but there is no sound, and it is as quiet as the end of the world.

“Something is wrong!”

Even at one or two in the morning, it is impossible to be so quiet, not to mention the lights and the open door.

Hanfeng couldn’t stand the scare, and directly hand-sealed a’Stone Ninja’ Shadow Clone.

As soon as Shadow Clone came out, the wild dog rushed into a nearby house with great interest.

Wild foxes and the others stood by and looked, waiting.

Soon, Shadow Clone ran out and said: “This is a family of three. There is a dinner prepared by the owner on the table, but the person is already cold.”

If it’s cold, it’s dead!

After that, Shadow Clone rushed into other houses one after another, and got similar results.

The wild fox muttered and said: “It seems that it was attacked during dinner, and it may be related to Rain Ninja.”

“No matter how cruel Rain Ninja is, he will not treat the commoner of his country. Take it.”

Hanfeng’s Shadow Clone glanced at the wild fox and said, “It should be rogue-ninja, or Missing-nin, or other ninja from Hidden Villages…”

Before he finished speaking, Hanfeng disbanded him.

Everything about this girl is said to the outside, which seriously affects the unity of their wild squad!

The wild fox glanced at Hanfeng and said: “Your Shadow Clone may be right. The ninja I saw in my sense is probably not Rain Ninja.”

“Captain, Shall we… we withdraw?”

Hanfeng suddenly panicked.

Because he remembered a terrifying thing!

Before in the second shift, every time he left the village, he would encounter powerful enemies. Hanfeng naturally attributed this to the physique of Jonin-Sensei Aburame Zhihei’s broom star!

But now, he has left the second shift to join Anbu, but Anbu’s first prison guard mission encountered the sneak attack number 163. If it weren’t for him to dodge in time…

And now in the second mission, I encountered such a weird situation…

dont tell me….. …Squad Leader wild fox inherited Aburame Zhihei’s broom astral physique? !

Well, it must be so!

“Husky, you won’t be afraid right?” Peppa the wild boar said with a smile, “Ninja shouldn’t be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid, I mainly It’s…” Hanfeng just started to talk, all around in the darkness, suddenly there was a crack crack.

“Alert!!” The Squad Leader wild fox immediately took out the Kunai.

The wild dog, wild cat, and wild boar Peppa also stood in different directions instantly, enclosing Hanfeng in the middle.

Uh, is it protected?

Hanfeng was startled, then looked towards the houses on both sides of the street.

Under the gaze of the five people, they saw stiff faces and twitching limbs like zombies in Resident Evil, drilling out from nearby alleys, like twisted crawlers, crawling towards Hanfeng. people!

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