For the next two weeks, Hanfeng stayed at home, either sleeping or sleeping. Training and so on were completely handed over to Shadow Clone.

During the period, Hidden Sand Village officially announced its alliance with Konoha and the declaration of war Hidden Stone Village, the situation of Land-of-Rain suddenly became more subtle.

At the same time Hanfeng learned that the clansman who returned from Sand Ninja battlefield, such as Gekkou Lanfeng and Gekkou Smoke, have gone to battlefield again!

And the juniors of Gekkou clan, such as Gekkou Snow, Gekkou Cool Breeze, and Gekkou Mountain, are no exception. They are scattered in the Cloud Ninja battlefield and Stone Ninja battlefield. Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen sees that Gekkou clan made the Sand Ninja battlefield. These little Gekkous are basically on the second line for their tragic contributions. They are responsible for logistical supplies, security patrols and other missions that can exercise and have a high survival rate. This is why Gekkou Hoshino can go to Inoue and Panasonic two old man happily every day. The reason for shogi.

Of course, under Hanfeng’s strict supervision, the little brother’s life and rest have gradually changed. He goes to bed at nine o’clock every night to ensure his healthy growth!

Two weeks later, as time entered September, the signal for the assembly of the Anbu Wild Team suddenly came.

Hanfeng immediately disbanded Shadow Clone and rushed all the way to the locker room of the wild team on the third floor of Hokage Residence.

“Husky, are you back?”

The wild boar Peppa has changed to Anbu attire. Seeing Hanfeng appear, he came over to pat him on the shoulder in surprise, “I haven’t Don’t worry about you, for fear that you won’t come back.”

Hanfeng said with a smile: “Thank you for your concern, Peppa the wild boar.”

“So just call it a wild boar, Peppa What the hell is it?” Peppa the Boar said helplessly.

After a while, the wild cats also arrived, and they greeted Hanfeng naturally.

“Why haven’t the wild dogs come yet? Also, is our Squad Leader still a mountain pig?” After Hanfeng changed his clothes, he couldn’t help asking when seeing wild dogs and Yamanaka Inoichi not showing up.

“The wild dog has been transferred to the Cloud Ninja battlefield. As for your Squad Leader, of course it is still me.”

A clear voice came from the door, and Yamanaka Inoichi smiled and walked away. Enter and say, “Husky, welcome back.”

“Thank you Squad Leader.” Hanfeng hurriedly said.

Yamanaka Inoichi opened his locker, then quickly changed clothes, and finally put on a pig mask, and said: “So, now start the new mission 0!”


The wild boar Peppa was surprised, “It sounds like a very important mission!”

“Yes, this mission is very important and also very dangerous.” Mood grave, “This is a surveillance mission!”

“Monitoring mission? Squad Leader in the mountain pig, who are we going to monitor?” Wildcat asked.

“Is it Uchiha Clan’s Clan Leader again?” Peppa the Boar asked.

“Could it be the Clan Leader of Hyuga Clan, right?” Hanfeng asked cautiously.


The mountain pig shaking ones head, then paused, and said every word, “Monitoring target…Orochimaru!”


The wild boar Peppa and the wild dog were dumbfounded and then exploded.

“Orochimaru of one of the Sannin?”

“Dísciple Orochimaru of Lord Hokage?”

“Are you kidding? Lord Orochimaru is the leader of the Battle of Kikyo The great hero of Pass victory!”

Wildcat scalp feeling numb!

The wild boar Peppa is even worse: “Squad Leader, don’t you crack a joke anymore? How could Lord Hokage let us monitor his dísciple!”

“And it’s impossible to do it! Orochimaru will definitely find us immediately!” The wildcat seemed to tremble with his teeth when he spoke.

The pig in the mountain turned his head and looked towards Hanfeng: “Husky, you don’t seem to be shocked.”

“No, I, I, I are speechless in shock.” Hanfeng exaggeratedly exclaimed.

Fortunately, Hanfeng is masked at this time, otherwise anyone who looks at the exaggerated expression will determine that he is an actor!

No way, after all, it’s someone who has seen the original work. Although this time period has been mentioned in the plot, and even not mentioned, he knows the general direction of the future. He is not surprised that Sarutobi Hiruzen and The fact that Orochimaru gradually get further apart.

“In short, the mission has been issued, and everyone must do their best to complete it!” Yamanaka said.

“Try our best and so on, even if we try our best, we can’t do it.” The wild cat wanted to act like a baby, and then suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked towards Hanfeng, “Husky, you can’t do it through, this Sure enough, the mission must be handed over to you!”

Hanfeng’s mouth muscles twitched slightly: “I refuse.”

“Why?” Wildcat said, “You didn’t monitor Uchiha through the escape. Clan’s Clan Leader? Sharingan didn’t even find it, and Orochimaru must not have found it!”

“This is a group mission, I can’t say anything to steal your limelight! Never!” Hanfeng resolute and Decisive, this pig teammate can’t be deceived by them!

It’s good to monitor Uchiha Fugaku. Even if it is discovered, it’s okay. After all, the relationship between Uchiha Clan and the village has not been completely broken, but Orochimaru…Hanfeng really doesn’t dare to be alone.

“Husky, you…” The wild cat wanted to say more, but was interrupted by the mountain pig.

“Okay, stop making noise. This monitoring mission is not one day or two days. It is a long-term mission. It cannot be completed by one person alone!”

“Next I will assign everyone’s surveillance time period. I am responsible for 8 am to 2 pm, Wildcat is responsible for 2 pm to 8 pm, Wild Boar Peppa is responsible for 8 pm to 2 am, Husky is responsible for two in the morning. It’s until 8 o’clock in the morning! More than!”

Hanfeng took it seriously at the time when he heard this allocated time period.

Two o’clock in the morning to eight o’clock in the morning?

At that time, the average person was sleeping, but Orochimaru……heaven knows whether he will run out to do some experiments when he is half asleep!

If this is the case, once Hanfeng is tracked and discovered, the end may not be better.

Even if Orochimaru doesn’t have a hobby to do experiments in the middle of the night, it’s better to monitor Orochimaru in the daytime when people coming, people going, and when there is no one in the sky at night. This mood is definitely heaven and hell. Right!

“Squad Leader, can I change to a husky?” Hanfeng was panicking, the heroine Wildcat stepped forward.

“I am willing!!”

Hanfeng immediately yelled, for fear that the mountain pig would refuse.

Wildcat’s surprised looking Hanfeng. In her opinion, Orochimaru must be sleeping from two in the morning to eight in the morning. At this time, monitoring is the easiest. But how to look at Hanfeng’s meaning, it seems that she is very reluctant Looks like?

The pigs in the mountain looked back and forth on the two of them, nodded and said: “Wildcat, are you sure?”

The wildcat hesitated, and finally nodded: “Yes, I OK!”

“Well, since you insist, then you can change the time period.”

Yanzhongzhu said, looking at the time, and said, “It’s almost eight o’clock. , Then I will monitor Orochimaru until two o’clock in the afternoon!”

Speaking, the mountain pig took out two small wooden boxes and put one of the light-colored boxes in the dressing room, said “This is the tracking bug raised by Aburame Clan. The Insect Queen is carried by the tracker, and Child Insect is placed here. After two o’clock in the afternoon, Huskies will come to me through Child Insect, and then I will exchange the child Insect Queen with him. And bring Child Insect back here. At 8 o’clock in the evening, the wild boar uses Child Insect to find the husky, and then exchanges the child Insect Queen, then the wild cat, understand?”

“Squad Leader, what does the insect eat?” “Hanfeng asked.

Yanzhong Pig said: “There are feeds for them in the wooden box, don’t worry.”

“What if the insect is dead?” Hanfeng couldn’t help but ask again.

Yanzhong Pig said: “If Insect Queen dies, the mission will be suspended immediately, and Child Insect will go to the headquarters to change if it dies. Do you understand?”


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