After Feiyu left, Hanfeng looked for a jungle station near the river and built a small earthen house with Earth-Style Ninjutsu, then fell into bed and fell asleep.

Hanfeng checked the time and got busy to create a Shadow Clone and asked him to make food for himself.

Shadow Clone entered the jungle and caught two pheasants, then under the command of Hanfeng, he killed the chickens, plucked the hair, opened the mouth, broke the belly, and then collected wood, lighted a fire, barbecued…

Seeing that Shadow Clone’s complexion is getting more and more ugly, and there is a posture of spitting at the roast chicken, Hanfeng is busy disbanding Shadow Clone, and then takes over his job: eating chicken!

About nine o’clock, Fei Yu flashed rapidly from the depths of the night.

“Squad Leader, just baked.” Hanfeng got up and threw another roast chicken over.

“Many thanks, I will work hard for you tonight.” Fei Yu said.

Hanfeng said with a smile: “Then I will leave.”

Leaving the Tuwu, Hanfeng immediately patrolled south along the border-line.

For a 30-kilometer border-line, one round trip is 60 kilometers, which is really long.

Under the gentle moonlight, Hanfeng slowly spent two hours running back and forth twice, and he was lazy since the third trip.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!


In the white smoke, a Shadow Clone’s face unswervingly appeared.

“Sao Nian, goddamn father!” Hanfeng hands clenched, encouraging, “It is up to you to maintain the peace of the world!”

“I really can’t do anything with you.” Shadow Clone couldn’t defy Hanfeng’s order, guarding the road with a green face.

Hanfeng quietly found a hidden place, and then hand-seal Hidden Mist Jutsu.

The night is dark, the border-line is already blocked by the jungle, the field of view is very poor, with the thick fog drifting, it is almost out of sight.

Hanfeng hid in the thick fog and raised a fire, the fire was raging, and the thick fog was printed into crimson. Then Hanfeng took out the big scroll and started collecting with the light of the fire.

Now far away from Konoha, Hanfeng can’t borrow books from the Anbu Library, and those Sealing Jutsu can only be temporarily put on hold.

For the remaining Five-Attributes Ninjutsu, Hanfeng intends to collect Lightning-Style first!

The reason is simple, Lightning-Style restrains Earth-Style!

Hanfeng has collected only three Lightning-Style Ninjutsu, Lightning-Style: Earth Walk, Lightning-Style: Thunder clone, and Lightning-Style: Razer, facing all kinds and sorts The Earth-Style is too thin, so it is imperative to increase its own Lightning-Style Ninjutsu output.

Hanfeng picked up the scroll raise upwards, and soon chose Lightning-Style: Angry Lightning Tiger, which is the Lightning-Style Ninjutsu of the training difficulty B-Rank, and it puts a lot of Lightning Attribute Chakra around itself Ninjutsu who gathers and forms a thunder tiger around the lightning current!

The attack method is very wild and rude, Hanfeng fell in love with it at a glance, and then started to use it!


The first collection was thrown out, and it undoubtedly failed.

Hanfeng calmly wrote down the hand seal method of Lightning-Style: Angry Lightning Tiger, and then collected it again.

Unfortunately, it failed the second time.

Hanfeng left the third collection technique blankly.

It still fails.

Hanfeng can’t accept such cruel facts.

“Should we start with D-Rank first?”

Hanfeng sinks his heart and puts forward a bold guess: If Ninjutsu’s difficulty rank is compared to mathematics, then elementary school mathematics is D-Rank , Junior high school mathematics is C-Rank, high school mathematics is B-Rank, college mathematics is A-Rank, and graduate students and above are S-Rank.

He skipped elementary and junior high schools and collected high school mathematics directly, which was naturally difficult.

But if keep to conventional ways start with elementary school mathematics and junior high school mathematics, and then practice, will high school mathematics become easier to acquire?

With this conjecture, Hanfeng feels suddenly better. He decided to start collecting from D-Rank Lightning-Style Ninjutsu tomorrow, and practice one after collecting one, striving to make Lightning-Style Ninjutsu Full Mastery.

Nothing happened overnight. At nine o’clock the next morning, Hanfeng tiredly returned to his stronghold with Feiyu.

There is no way, although Hanfeng is lazy, but Shadow Clone is very diligent and earnestly patrols back and forth, so after Shadow Clone is disbanded, the feeling of fatigue is pressed into Hanfeng’s heart.

Back to stronghold, Feiyu has made breakfast, it is mushroom stewed chicken soup, the fragrance is tangy!

“Squad Leader, your craft is better than me!”

Hanfeng leaned over and smelled it, and his stomach rang suddenly.

Feiyu said with a smile: “Probably because I am more greedy, then I am going to the mission, remember to finish the soup.”

Speaking, Feiyudai Putting on the bird mask, the silhouette disappeared in a flash.

Hanfeng finished the mushroom stewed chicken soup, then walked for half an hour, then fell asleep.

Hanfeng only refreshed when he slept until six in the evening, and then create Shadow Clone asked him to go jungle jungle and prepare dinner. After that, Hanfeng considered whether to train to physically activate Forbidden Jutsu, but At this time, stationed at the border, if Uzumaki Clan’s physique is closed, there is suddenly a loose Stone Ninja’passing by’… Forget it, it’s better to train Lightning-Style Ninjutsu.

So at nine o’clock exactly, Hanfeng left a roast chicken for the returning Feiyu, then escaped into the night and began to patrol the mission.

During the period, Hanfeng began to collect the low-level Lightning-Style Ninjutsu according to last night’s guess, and as expected, Hanfeng asked the Shadow Clone to patrol, and the main body began to practice.

In this way, although patrol and training are correct, the consumption of physical strength and energy has also increased exponentially. When I return at 9 o’clock the next day, Hanfeng is tired, hungry and sleepy. Fortunately, Feiyu is again today. Prepared chicken soup.

With the chicken soup, Hanfeng suddenly felt much better, and most of the night’s fatigue seemed to be dispelled. Then he went into the house to sleep until six o’clock in the evening.

The days just passed away like this.

The weather is getting colder day by day, autumn and winter come, the sun is gradually no longer warm, the sky is gradually gloomy, and then it starts to snow, snow, blizzard, earth is covered in snow, wrapped in silver and white The border-line of Land of Fire and Land-of-Grass is also completely covered by thick snow. Looking into the distance, the vast jungle surrounding Land-of-Grass is like an endless sea of ​​snow, except for white. Other colors.

Looking back, the same is true for the jungle of Land of Fire.

Unconsciously, it’s New Year’s Day, which is the last day of the year.

Hanfeng remembers that last year’s New Year’s Day was in the logistics department of the Sand Ninja great camp, spending time alone with corpse, and this year is no exception, with nearly two hundred strong and powerful men accompanying him.

Hanfeng look at the time. It’s almost seven o’clock. Looking around, the moon is dim, the snow sea is gray and full of dead silence. Shadow Clone enters the jungle jungle under the snow sea, and it hasn’t been there for an hour. come back.

No way, in such a cold day, the wild beast in the forest either hibernates or hides in a tree hole to avoid the cold. There are very few activities, so that Hanfeng and Feiyu’s food plummets. I haven’t had chicken soup for several days!

Wait until eight o’clock in the evening, Shadow Clone dragged a Snow Wolf out of the jungle.

Hanfeng doesn’t know whether wolf meat is delicious, but he can definitely be better than Food Pills!

So he asked Shadow Clone to cook Snow Wolf. As for the fire, it has already been born, otherwise it would be cold!

Hanfeng grilled the wolf meat until nine o’clock in the evening, and it happened that Feiyu came back, so Hanfeng gave him half.

“Happy New Year, Husky.”

Fei Yu smiled and took off the mask, exhaling a cold breath, and couldn’t wait to bite the hot wolf meat, frowned and unpalatable.

Hanfeng also took half a bite. It was not as good as chicken. It was hard to bite, but there is no way. If you don’t eat it, you can only eat cold Food Pills.

“Happy New Year, Squad Leader. Then, I’m going to patrol.”

Hanfeng stretched out and started to patrol with wolf meat.

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