♪ I waited for a long time and finally waited till today♪

♪ After a long time, I finally realized my dream♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ♪

On the way home, Hanfeng is surrounded by Guy songs, high-spirited and vigorous!

But it didn’t take long for Hanfeng to fall into entanglement.

Purple’s innate talent stardust, Hanfeng can only light up three at the same time!

Namikaze Minato’s neural reflex is a must. With this thing, he can respond in time no matter what attack he encounters. This is life-saving, and the priority is absolutely first, without a doubt !

In addition to neural reflexes, Hanfeng now has six purple innate talent stardusts, which are collected from the leader of Hidden Hot Water Village, the giant stomach and divine force collected from the brother of Divine Lightning. , Uzumaki Clan’s physique collected from Kushina and Naruto, and Shisui’s dynamic vision.

Excluding the infrequent benevolent eyebrows and giant stomach, there are still divine force, Uzumaki Clan physique and dynamic vision, but he can only choose two of them.

Hanfeng pondered carefully, Uzumaki Clan must have the physique, otherwise the shadow clones like Yuki ice and Hyuga Taki will dissipate. Without this physique, I am afraid I can’t hold it.

So which one of the remaining divine force and dynamic vision to choose?

Divine force allows Hanfeng to have Chakra Enhanced Strength. Although it is not as good as Tsunade, it also pushes half of the Ninja World invincible hand and is invincible in close combat.

Dynamic vision is also very important. Hanfeng is now fast, especially when using Konoha-Style Kenjutsu. Without dynamic vision, the eyes may not be able to adapt to the rapid increase in speed.

And without good eyesight, I’m afraid it can’t match Namikaze Minato’s neural reflex.

When entangled, Hanfeng suddenly have a thought, maybe he can light up four purple stardust at the same time now, he immediately started the experiment, but unfortunately, after lighting up to the third one, he can no longer Light up the fourth one.

Hanfeng regrets sighed.

Tangled all the way home, Hanfeng finally decided to light up his dynamic vision.

As for the divine force…

I will change it when I need it. Anyway, with Namikaze Minato’s neural reflex and Shisui’s dynamic vision, no one can kill himself in seconds.

Open the iron door and walk into the mansion. The home is very lively tonight. Including Gekkou Inoue and Gekkou Panasonic, most of the ninjas of Gekkou clan have come to Hanfeng’s house, including Gekkou smoke and Gekkou cool. Wind, Gekkou Snow, Gekkou Mountain and other young ninjas.

Hanfeng came back home and not at all caused too much attention, only the little brother ran over to greet him with a smile.

“Brother, are you ready for the battle tonight?” Hayate asked, nervous and expectant.

“What…what bad did you do?” Hanfeng felt an evil intent.

“That can’t!”

Haifeng both hands on the hip, in the right and self-confident said, “I just care about you, brother!”

Hanfeng don’t believe it, he pricked up his ears and heard the chaotic noise coming from the training stadium in the middle of the mansion.

He walked a few steps forward and heard his name.

“Hanfeng was promoted to Special-Jonin by Lord Hokage before the last Chunin selection examination, indicating that his strength is comparable to that of Yan Jie. This duel, I think it is a tie!”

“Nonsense! Lord Hokage deliberately promoted Hanfeng to Special-Jonin in order to let Hanfeng serve as the head examiner. Although it is not good to say that, Hanfeng did go through the back door. He must not be Yan’s opponent!”

“I don’t think this is the case. Hanfeng has established many contributions during the three wartime periods, and his strength is very strong!”

“You also said that it was the three wartime periods. Now so many years have passed. Sister Yan has surpassed him a long time ago!”

“Come on, it’s open. In the duel between Yan Jie and Hanfeng, Yan Jie wins 1 to lose 1.3, Hanfeng wins 1 to lose 1.8, small business, no credit .”

Listening to these messy sounds, Hanfeng looked constipated.

“Brother, I crushed you to win, it’s interesting!” Haifeng asked.

Hanfeng corner of mouth twitching, incarnation Hu Yifei grimacing threatened: “Lord Hokage clearly stipulates that gambling is forbidden in the village, but you still dare to gamble, do you want to go to Konoha Prison to mine?!!!”

Haifeng is not afraid at all, said with a smile: “This is just entertainment between our relatives, how can it be called gambling?”

Hanfeng said: “Since it is entertainment…”

Hanfeng juggled out twenty banknotes worth 10,000, and said, “My obedient Odoudou, go, press Old Brother to win!”


Hyfeng grabbed the stack of banknotes and rushed towards the training stadium like a gust of wind.

Hanfeng looked sideways, the guy who opened the market had some impressions, what was his name?

Hanfeng thought for a long time and can only think of him and his own surname. Forget it, earning him a few hundred thousand is almost the same. I don’t hold any grudges.

After a while, Haifeng walked over with some joy.

“What’s the matter?”

Hanfeng asked, “He didn’t answer?”

“I answered, but the odds changed.”

Hayfeng took out a handwritten small ticket and said, “Brother, your odds are now 1 to 1.4, which is the same as Yanjie’s.”

Hanfeng took a look, above. His handwriting was very scribble and it was unprofessional. He carefully put away the receipt and asked: “1 loses 1.4, then I can only earn 80,000 if I win?”

Shi Feng nodded, and then he said with a smile: “But my odds are still 1.8, hehe.”

Hanfeng shaking one’s head, but these are indeed entertainment for him, after all, they are sure to win.

“By the way, where’s Sister Yan?” Hanfeng asked with some puzzlement when he couldn’t see the delicate and pretty silhouette while looking at the training stadium.

“She was chatting with Uncles in the reception room, brother, I think you should go and check it out.” Haifeng is a little worried about those who Lord will directly choose the Clan Leader.

Hanfeng also thought of this floor, and hurried to the reception room, but unfortunately before he arrived, the roar of the Hedong Lion from Hui Huizi and the other women came from the kitchen.


After a short period of silence, the pretty girl in the training stadium and the elderly uncle in the reception room simultaneously walked towards the living room.

Hanfeng also had to change course.

“Hanfeng is back.”

Gekkou Inoue saw Hanfeng, the face of Madara who had grown old and showed relief, “It’s really getting longer and higher.”

Hanfeng the past few days has just measured his height and is already 1.86 meters, and his waist is straight no matter whether he is walking or sitting, so he looks more tall, young and confident.

“Grandpa Inoue long time no see.” Hanfeng said hello quickly.

In the past few years, Hanfeng’s Shadow Clone has been in contact with Gekkou Inoue, but for Hanfeng himself, he has not been in contact with Gekkou Inoue for four or five years.

Of course, Gekkou Panasonic is the same.

“Hello, Grandpa Matsushita.”

Hanfeng turned his head and looked towards the other elders in the field, showing a polite but awkward smile, “Everyone…Uncle Uncle, Hello, too.”

Many elders also expressed their greetings. Some praised Hanfeng for being handsome, others praised Hanfeng temperament as good, and others praised Hanfeng’s good name.

From their compliments, Hanfeng smelled the same kind of aura.

After that everyone sat down and began to enjoy the dinner. A group of women such as Keeko cooked various onigiri, sushi, oden, small dragon shrimp, and various stir-fries.

Hanfeng sits with Haifeng, next to Gekkou Yan and the rest of Gekkou clan’s beautiful girls, but Hanfeng can remember very few names.

Hanfeng peeled the spicy small dragon shrimp and looked around all around. There were about forty people at the scene. The elders and younger generations are almost 50-50. Of course, Gekkou clan is not limited to these people, but Those present can represent the entire Gekkou clan, because they are all ninjas!

As for Keeko and other women, they did not serve the table. After they brought the cooking up, they turned around and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

“Tonight’s battle, don’t you pay attention to it at all?”

Sitting on Hanfeng’s right, Gekkou Yan suddenly started to talk, sharp, cold eyes from the bruises on the back of Hanfeng’s hand Turning to Hanfeng’s face, “Did you fight someone this afternoon?”

Hanfeng looked at the bruises on the back of his hand, his heart was awe-inspiring.

Although it is not worth paying attention to Hanfeng to defeat Gekkou Cigarette, this’heart’ cannot let Gekkou Cigarette know, otherwise she will explode on the spot.

So Hanfeng opened his eyes and started talking nonsense: “Are you talking about this? You misunderstood, these traces are left by the special training I specially conducted for battle, so be aware of it, you I’m sure to lose!”

Hearing Hanfeng’s words, Gekkou smoke no longer entangled.

Hanfeng quietly relaxed.

In the middle of the dinner, Gekkou clan Current Clan Leader Gekkou Hoshino had something to say. The clansman in the field gave a lot of face and put down their cooking and simultaneously looked towards Gekkou Hoshino.

“Everyone knows that I suffered a serious injury during the three wartimes, so that I can no longer live as a ninja, but everyone did not abandon me, so I, the Clan Leader, can sit until now. Thanks!”

Gekkou Hoshino picked up a bowl of sake, and gu lu lu poured it down.

The elders such as Gekkou Inoue and Matsushita old man also started drinking immediately, so they brag.

Hanfeng secretly peeled the small dragon shrimp blankly, and the other young clansman also did their own small actions.

For a while, the atmosphere over there was controlled. Gekkou Hoshino was drunk and blushing and started to talk again: “Today is my son Hanfeng’s 18th birthday. He has grown up. , And I am also old, looking at the growth of Hanfeng, looking at the growth of the younger generation, I know that my mission has come to an end, I know that only they can lead Gekkou clan to a better future, so I decided! Hiccup~ ~~~”

It’s sensational, Gekkou Hoshino rudely ruined the atmosphere with a burp.

Hanfeng looked down and giggled very don’t give face, and the gust of wind nearby and the rest of the younger generation couldn’t hold back.

Gekkou Yan is a big sister imposing-manner, and Hanfeng glared at them fiercely.

After the wine hiccup, Gekkou Hoshino continued to preach: “I decided to resign as Clan Leader! As for the next Clan Leader, I will choose between the younger generation of Gekkou Yan and Gekkou Hanfeng Then, do you have any disagreements~~Discussion.”

This has been discussed for a long time, so naturally there is no objection.

So Gekkou Hoshino looked towards Gekkou Inoue next to him.

Gekkou Inoue took a sip of sake and started to talk: “Then after the dinner, let Xiaoyan compete with Hanfeng, whoever wins will become the Clan Leader.”

At first glance, this way of choosing Clan Leader is very unreasonable. After all, strength does not mean that Clan can be led to prosperity.

But this is Ninja World. The Third Shinobi World War is only a few years away, so everyone present knows what it means for clan to have a strong Clan Leader.

“Smoke, you’re welcome later, fiercely hit Hanfeng’s ass!” Gekkou Panasonic encouraged with a smile.

“I understood grandpa.” Gekkou smoked solemnly nodded.

Then Gekkou Panasonic turned his head to Hanfeng with a smile and said: “Hanfeng, you are a man, don’t bully the girls.”

Hanfeng’s skin twitched and hehe said: “Grandpa Matsushita, I’m still a child, I don’t know the difference between men and women.”

“smelly brat.” Gekkou Matsushita gave a grin and continued to talk to the other juniors.

This meal was finally over until about eight o’clock.

And then, it’s the main event.

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