Chapter 650

Late at night, the Uchiha clan land was closed, and there was silence.

Proud like the Uchiha clan, although they were pushed out of the center of Konoha Village by the high-level Konoha, they couldn’t make them succumb. Although the so-called forcing them to succumb, it may just be their imagination.

They built various facilities and opened various shops within the clan’s land, such as restaurants, grain and oil shops, weapons shops, bathhouses and even clinics. They should have everything they need, even if they are separated from the clan’s land, they can still be self-sufficient. Self-sufficient.

And they did, because of their undisguised rejection of the outside world, other villagers and ninjas in the village, unless necessary, would never set foot in Uchiha’s ethnic territory.

So tonight, when an uninvited guest visited, the Uchiha clan still didn’t notice it.

Perhaps Uchiha had never thought that the Master was in charge of the Konoha Village garrison. They were in charge of many matters in the village. They never thought that they would be invaded, or more accurately, such a small-scale invasion.

The Cloud Shinobi Kuruso, which was integrated with the night, moved swiftly. According to the situation of the previous Saatchi investigation, it took the most convenient route to penetrate into the Uchiha clan and then headed towards the patriarch’s courtyard.

A figure instantly appeared on a telephone pole beside the street, and his gaze crossed the tracking target from the alley to the center of the Uchiha clan.

Following this path, he has been able to infer the goal of Cloud Shinobi at this moment, and it is precisely because of this that he can’t help but marvel at Cloud Shinobi’s aggressive style, even daring to act on the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Kuruso stopped outside the courtyard wall, Jie Yin closed his eyes and felt it, then gently climbed the courtyard wall, rushed to one side, and jumped into the courtyard.

At the same time, a fire suddenly lit up in the Uchiha clan territory, and there was more than one place.

The turbulent trend can be seen by an experienced person at a glance. This is a premeditated move.

The Uchiha community immediately became lively, and the movement alarmed Uchiha Fugaku.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the responsibilities on his shoulders are not comparable to those of ordinary clan members. Although not everything in the clan can be resolved in one word, he must be the first to appear in the face of some troubles.

“Mikoto, stay home, I’ll be back soon.” Uchiha Fugaku put on his shoes, took the coat from his wife, and said as he put it on.

“Well, I’ll wait for you to come back.” Uchiha Mikoto nodded softly in his eyes.

“Yeah.” Nodding in response, Uchiha Fugaku came out instantly.

Although he hasn’t understood the situation in detail yet, with his experience and experience, it is not difficult to feel the abnormal breath, so he is really anxious and worried.

If it is the village…

Perhaps it has not yet reached that point. Whether it is the tolerance of the high-level villagers or the voices and actions of the clan, many things often do not develop according to this logical relationship, so after all, he thought about it when he arrived on the scene. A feasible countermeasure, this is his responsibility as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!

When he arrived at the scene, the fire had been extinguished.

“Kazuhiko, what’s the situation?” Uchiha Fugaku asked a young man to ask.

“The patriarch.” The young man named Uchiha Kazuhiko frowned after seeing the visitor, and said: “Not sure. The fire was extinguished as soon as it started, so it didn’t cause much impact, but the arsonist…”

“What happened to the arsonist?” Uchiha Fugaku frowned and asked.

“The arsonist is just a clone.” Uchiha Kazuhiko said, “So it is impossible to determine the real intention of the arsonist.”

“Doppelgänger?” Uchiha Fugaku was startled, then frowned and thought deeply.

Only in the face of a situation without any clues, even a wise person can’t jump out of the cage and see everything directly.

At the same time, in the patriarch’s courtyard, Uchiha Mikoto watched the night return to the darkness, and then the heart he held was let go.

“It seems that it was an accidental fire.” She muttered to herself and turned back to the house.

However, at this moment, a cry suddenly sounded and then stopped abruptly, which made people wonder if it was an illusion.

Uchiha Mikoto, who is only very familiar with that voice, would not have such thoughts, because it was clearly the voice of her second son Sasuke!

“Sasuke! What’s wrong with you?!” She immediately ran over and shouted loudly.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly broke out of a room with a comatose child in his hand. After glancing at Uchiha Mikoto, he rushed into the yard without stopping, and then came out over the wall.

“Don’t run! Sasuke!” Uchiha Mikoto quickly recovered and ran to the yard, watching the person who had taken her child disappear under the shelter of the yard wall.

Uchiha Itachi, who heard the shouting, also came to the yard and said to Uchiha Mikoto, “Mother, what happened? What happened to Sasuke?”

He heard Sasuke’s name clearly, and it was obviously his childish and lovely brother that had happened, which made him, who had always been steady, couldn’t help becoming a little panicked.

“Itachi?” Uchiha Mikoto looked at the eldest son who was running, and said quickly, “Sasuke was taken away by a man in black.”

“This direction?” Uchiha Itachi glanced in the direction Uchiha Mikoto was pointing, and then calmly said: “Mother, you stay at home, I will bring Sasuke back.”

“No, I’ll be with you…” Uchiha Mikoto said in a panic.

“Listen to me, mother!” Uchiha Itachi said in a voice that couldn’t refuse. “You stay at home and I promise to bring Sasuke back.”

Uchiha Mikoto hesitated for a moment. After all, he was born as a ninja. When faced with this kind of time shortage, he didn’t waste any more.

“Itachi, you must bring Sasuke back.” She grabbed Itachi’s hand and said.

“Well, mother, you are at home waiting for us to come back.” Uchiha Itachi nodded solemnly, jumped onto the fence and said, leaving only Uchiha Mikoto’s back, and then quickly rushed out.

The scarlet Sharingan turned on in the night, and Itachi kept flying and jumping on the roof, and soon he saw a black figure carrying something.

“It’s so slow and inefficient, isn’t it because you don’t understand the terrain of the Uchiha clan?” Itachi frowned slightly and speculated as he pursued the black shadow.

But no matter what the facts are, he will not allow the other party to take his brother away!

Gouyu turned sharply in his eyes, and the Body Flicker Technique learned from Shisui was applied to the limit, accelerating the distance between him and the target.

Kuruso rushed through the streets and alleys, holding the unconscious Uchiha kid on his shoulder with his left hand, and with his right hand, following the changing roads, he threw sheets of talisman paper toward the roadside.

“Huh?” He paused for a moment when he threw the talisman, followed his perception and glanced back, then continued his previous actions, and said with emotion: “Uchiha really lives up to his reputation. I discovered the problem so quickly. Hahaha, that’s good, let me fight one last time!”

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