After the Tae-yeon family put on comfortable clothes, they slowly walked all the way to the dining room of Lee Yoo-ro’s house. Tae-yeon’s mother looked at the built single-family house. She shook her head and said incredulously, “Lee Yoo-ro’s family, even the dining room is independent? Blame that there is no chef, Tae-yeon, What do you say about the daily expenses of his family in a month?”

“I don’t know, if it’s not artificial, it’s just water, electricity, gas, and that’s a few million. Lee Yoo-ro’s room is 365 a year, all kept at a constant 26. Winter is 26 and summer is 26.”

Tae-yeon’s mother was frightened. She widened her eyes and exclaimed “a few million? These basic costs are millions, and there is no labor expense? It is not a monthly expense of at least a thousand. Ten thousand? It seems that too, such a large garden needs to be maintained, but also clean and hygienic. If there are fewer people, you can’t really do it. The president of the TV series and Lee Yoo-ro are totally different things, Lee Yoo-ro’s Life is the president of a truly big business.”

“Oh.. Let’s go, eat, and Ha-yeon and my brother are clamoring for Korean food on the plane.”

Tae-yeon is like half of the owner here. She is familiar with the environment of Lee Yoo-ro with her family and even explains the structure of Lee Yoo-ro. Of course, Tae-yeon is so clear to the Lee Yoo-ro family that he is inevitably questioned by his family. This interrogation is to know which step Tae-yeon and Lee Yoo-ro have developed, and whether they have suffered.

However, Tae-yeon sprinkled the good-hearted Lies to explain to his family, because the identity of the two is very special, so in the past time, the dating space of the two is Lee Yoo-ro’s home. Because it is big enough, secret, safe enough, and the flowers are not worse than the park outside, where you can enjoy the flowers, chat, and compile their Mi-rae together.

In fact, Tae-yeon’s family knows that they have been in contact for so long, and how can there be nothing happening? And they are not high school students, they are all adults, and some things happen after they fall into the depths by virtue of their ‘human’ instinct.

However, Tae-yeon did not say too much at this time, and they could not ask for very detailed details. However, after Tae-yeon’s mother saw Lee Yoo-ro’s family environment, she felt a little uneasy. Because Lee Yoo-ro seriously married his daughter at this time, but Tae-yeon did not agree. This drag does not know when it will go.

The condition of Lee Yoo-ro is usually only heard, but she has witnessed it today. His condition is to find a friend who is ten times better than his daughter. So this made her feel more uncertain about the future. She really made up her mind to get her daughter and Lee Yoo-ro to get married as soon as possible. She made up her mind that she would talk to Tae-yeon about this serious topic after dinner today.

However, Tae-yeon didn’t know that she came to the Korean restaurant of Lee Yoo-ro with her family. After opening the sliding door of the restaurant, the Chinese word “静” was still hanging in the middle of the Korean restaurant. Below the font, Lee Yoo-ro was sitting opposite the door. After she opened the door, he stood up from the seat and politely greeted her family. “Uncle, aunt, please sit down.”

Lee Yoo-ro has placed a large long table for eating. The long table is at least three meters long. At this time, there are many small plates, small bowls, pots, etc. on the table. The color of the dishes is also very splendid..

Tae-yeon looked at such a big table. She smiled and shook her head. “Obutt a, what are you doing so much? You can’t eat it and waste it. Just prepare some.”

Tae-yeon’s mother also agreed with Tae-yeon’s statement. It is true that these things are too much. “Yeah, this is too much. This is entirely in the court cuisine. We only have a few people who eat really. Such a waste.”

Although Tae-yeon’s family was very grateful to Lee Yoo-ro for a hearty and sumptuous dinner, they looked distressed when they looked at the table’s dense dishes, because their family was absolutely inexhaustible. If you can’t finish it, you can waste it. Because Lee Yoo-ro can’t say that they still have to eat the rest of the next day? If you can’t finish it, you can only throw it. This is throwing money.

Lee Yoo-ro smiled and said, “Uncle, aunt, I am here to entertain you, so I did more. On weekdays, I had a meal with Tae-yeon at home. There was a soup, a meat dish, two or three. I don’t like this kind of extravagance. I don’t like this kind of extravagance and waste. Today, it’s hard for you to get it. I have to do my best, so I feel that since I am entertaining, I have to show at least some sincerity. If I follow my daily eating habits, You are prepared, then it seems that I am too rude. And, my uncle, aunt, and the dishes on the table are just a lot of styles, but not much weight, so we have six people to eat together, there should not be too much waste. Uncle, you What kind of wine do you drink? Wine, or distilled wine? Or, do we drink Chinese/Chinese liquor?”

The Lee Yoo-ro’s wine cellar houses the most of these two types of wines, Chinese/Chinese liquor, wine, and some foreign distilled spirits. As for Soju and sake, there is no such thing.

“Well, let’s drink some Chinese/Chinese whites (Korean people collectively call China’s distilled liquor called white dry). For a long time, I didn’t drink Chinese/Chinese white, and I don’t know how much white wine I have.”

Lee Yoo-ro turned to look at Tae-yeon. “Would you like some champagne or beer?”

“Drink some champagne, I will go to the wine cellar and choose a bottle. I can’t finish it tomorrow and get it back to the dormitory. Sunny has been hanging on the wine in your cellar for a long time.”

Tae-yeon’s mother immediately said to Tae-yeon, “What good wine does Tae-yeon drink? Just drink something.”

Tae-yeon really wants to tell his mother that Lee Yoo-ro’s most common wines are millions, and I don’t know what they would look like after hearing the news. But in the end Tae-yeon didn’t tell her to her mother. She just nodded and said she knew it, and then went to the wine cellar with Lee Yoo-ro.

When the two men walked hand in hand toward the wine cellar, Tae-yeon was in a very comfortable mood. Lee Yoo-ro was good to her family. She all looked at her heart and it was a silent touch. Obutt a, thank you for taking care of me, and my family. This trip is very perfect, the amount, the only imperfection is that you are not with us.”

Thanks to this, even more than a few words ‘Saranghae’, let Lee Yoo-ro feel the mood is clear and smooth. Tae-yeon’s gratitude is a thorough recognition of Lee Yoo-ro from the bottom of her heart, and it is also a recognition she has made to her family’s recognition of Lee Yoo-ro. Because the feelings of the two may not be blessed by the fans, but also have a gossip about the outside, only Tae-yeon himself and her family acknowledged Lee Yoo-ro, the feelings of the two together will be true Blessing in the sense.

Lee Yoo-ro smiled sweetly, glaring at Tae-yeon’s shoulder. “Fool ~~ You are my girlfriend now, you are my wife in the future. So, taking care of you and your family are all I should do.” Responsibility. And in the future, I will take care of your family as my family. I will not be the one who takes their daughter away and ignores them.”

“Hey ~~obutt a, what are you talking about?” Lee Yoo-ro’s words made Tae-yeon really have a sweet taste. This feeling is very good, at this time she feels that happiness is on her side. Family, lover.. In fact, it is as simple as that.

The two went to the wine cellar to pick up the wine and returned to the dining room. At this time, the table was filled with the kitchen scorpions, stewed, fried, fried, mixed, raw, and boiled. It can be described as very comprehensive.

Lee Yoo-ro holds a bottle of gold in his hand with the Chinese word ‘Guizhou Moutai’, and Daxie also holds a Chinese/Chinese small white porcelain cup on the table, Lee Yoo- Ro was given to Tae-yeon’s father, brother, and her mother. Then the white porcelain red label Moutai was taken out of the box, and he unscrewed the bottle cap and poured a glass of Tae-yeon’s father.

The scent of the wine was filled in the dining room. Tae-yeon’s father couldn’t help but say, “It’s a really good wine, the first time I smelled such a strong wine.”

Tae-yeon’s mother has a sharp eye. She looks at the date of production written on the box. “1985 produced in the year? 30?”

“Well, I heard that the old people in the family liked to drink Chinese/Chinese whites. Every year, they bought a few boxes and put them at home. After they were in poor health, they always existed in the wine cellar. I don’t drink alcohol at all, so it is rare. I will open a bottle to drink.”

Tae-yeon’s father also looked at the white porcelain bottle held by Lee Yoo-ro in his heart. “The age of 30 is old, this wine is definitely expensive? Hey.. I knew we would drink Soju.”

“Uncle, drinking is a happy, comfortable. How can we have so much attention? And I didn’t really like Chinese/Chinese white. If I kept this way, I don’t know when to go.” There is a lot of wine at home, don’t believe you ask Tae-yeon.”

“abeoji, this is already the cheapest wine in the obutt a home.”

“…” Tae-yeon’s father was a bit speechless, and she looked at Tae-yeon’s hand with a bottle of pink “Your pink wine? Is it champagne?”

Tae-yeon’s Champagne King’s ‘dompérignonrose2000 臻 尊 尊 尊 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘This is Tiffany’s favorite champagne at Lee Yoo-ro’s home.

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