Li Junxi made a dream.

This dream is a bit difficult to talk about, and it makes people feel guilty.

At the most important time, he was suddenly awakened by a burst of urine.

At the moment of opening your eyes, the symptoms after the hangover flooded the brain and looked around in confusion.

杩欐槸涓€涓︷檶鐢熺殑鍦版锛岃兘纭畾镄勬槸杩欐槸涓锛岃兘纭畾镄勬槸杩欐槸涓锛岃兘纭畾镄勬槸杩欐槸涓涓コ浜涓コ浜殑闂殑闂殑闂埧锛岃屼笖杩樻槸涓嶈璇嗙镄勬埧闂 镄勬埧闂 镄勬埧闂 镄勬埧闂


墺镞犫柌铌ラ敊鈻测墺镞犫柌铌ラ敊鈻 墺灏忊柌铌ヨ锛 q鈼巙le铌u.涓囧涓囧

鏀跺洖瑙嗙嚎镄勭灛闂达纴鏉庝缪镡椤槾瑙掓娊鎼愪 涓嬨€


浠栧湪鑴戜腑鎼 绥镌 锛屽拰浠栨湁鍏 锛屽拰浠栨湁鍏 锛屽拰浠栨湁鍏 锛屽拰浠栨湁鍏 锛屽拰浠栨湁鍏 郴镄勫コ浜 郴镄勫コ浜 郴镄勫コ浜 郴镄勫コ浜 郴镄勫コ浜 郴镄勫コ浜 郴镄勫コ浜

链旽缁埚畾镙 Cha旽旽an Chae-young 銆

鍙湁Han Chae-young chain umbrella umbrella

鏉庝缪镡欑珯浜呜捣鏉ユ椿锷ㄤ简涓嬭韩瀛愶纴鏉ュ埌绐楀墠锛屾媺寮€绐楀笜锛屼粖澶╃殑澶╂皵涓嶉敊锛岄槼鍏夊拰镦] 傛墦浜嗕 傛墦浜嗕 锻 锻 锻 锻 瑺锛屾潕 婄 婄 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 铡诲帟 鎶娄 鎶娄 鎶娄 鎶娄 鎶娄 鎶娄 浜 浜 浜 浜 鍐

娲诲姩韬綋镄勬椂 欙纴闂ㄨ 欙纴闂ㄨ Cha an Chae-young 鎶捣澶 €

Four eyes are opposite.

Han Chae-young 闱(二)棤琛ㄦ儏锛屾潕淇婄启鐪鐪噷閮芥槸灏村艾銆

“How am I here?”

Cha 浣犳 庝箞鍦ㄨ 庝箞鍦ㄨ 庝箞鍦ㄨ 岋纻鈥滺 岋纻鈥滺 Cha an Chae-young 娌 °C湁鎼悊鏉庝缪镡欙纴鐪嬬潃琛f灦涓婅嚜宸 殑Bra 锛屽Ι濯氱殑鑴镐竴涓嫔瓙灏 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴蹇欎笉杩殑鎶婂畠鏀 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴蹇欎笉杩殑鎶婂畠鏀 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴蹇欎笉杩殑鎶婂畠鏀 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧

鈥滃浜嗭纴Hyo-min forging

鈥滃湪瀹(一)巺銆傗€滺an Chae-young 瑙夊缑镊繁镄勮劯濂界俪濂界俪锛屽ス鐜湪鍙兂鏉庝缪镡椤揩镣湪鍙兂鏉庝缪镡椤揩镣寮繁镄勫崸瀹ゃ€

鏉庝缪镡欑偣镣 ご锛岃 ご锛岃 鍑 鍑 鍗 锛屾潕 锛屾潕 锛屾潕 锛屾潕 Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha an Chae-young 灏 涧浜嗕竴鍙 涧浜嗕竴鍙 皵锛屼绠澶 皵锛屼绠澶 皵锛屼绠澶 湅镌€镊繁镄刡Ra锛屽井寰嫤绗戙€

“Thank you.”

Yan Zhang

Han Chae-young 涓€镒c€ 憜婊炵殑杞 憜婊炵殑杞 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 夋潕 夋潕 婄 婄 婄 婄 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 €

鈥沧 铔嬶纴鐪嬫垜绗戣瘽涓嶆槸锛熲

Han Chae-young 鏀 嬀濂 嬀濂 嬀濂 嬀濂 埧闂 埧闂 埧闂 夊畨鍏ㄦ劅镄勮 夊畨鍏ㄦ劅镄勮 夊畨鍏ㄦ劅镄勮 夊畨鍏ㄦ劅镄勮 夊畨鍏ㄦ劅镄勮 夊畨鍏ㄦ劅镄勮. Chain 嶈 嶈 嶈 嶈 嶈 嶈 鍑 銆 銆 銆


鈥淗yo-min 锛屼綘浠€涔堟椂chain 椤洖铡 纻鈥

鈥滀笅鍗埚惂銆傗€濇宸т笅鍗圫eoul chain夊埌 Busan 镄勫垪杞]€

鏉庝缪镡欑湅浜嗙湅琛纴宸茬粡鏄腑鍗堟椂鍒嗕 锛屸 锛屸 滈偅灏 滈偅灏 笉瑕佹墦 笉瑕佹墦 癈 癈 hae-young 浜嗭纴鎴戜 灏卞厛璧 灏卞厛璧 灏卞厛璧銆傗€


鈥滆阿璋onni 锛屾墦 颁 颁 颁 颁

“you’re welcome.”




鈥涣ppa锛岃 umbrella鏄粰浣犵殑锛佲€漃ark Hyo-min 鎶娄功鍖呰В浜嗕笅鏉ャ€傛帍鍑哄ぇ鍖呭皬鍖呯殑涓滆タ阃掔粰浜嗘潕淇婄启銆

鈥滆阿璋€€傗傗濇病夋嫆缁漧Ittle missy 镄勫ソ镒忥纴鏉庝缪镡欐敹涓嬩简銆



鎶奝ark Hyo-min 阃佸洖铡诲悗锛屾潕淇婄启涔熷洖鍒 瀹 瀹 瀹 腑锛屽洖鍒 腑锛屽洖鍒 腑锛屽洖鍒 宸茬粡鏄 宸茬粡鏄 锲炲埌 锲炲埌 锲炲埌瀹讹纴渚胯寰楀铡呴噷镄勬皵姘涗笉瀵癸纴锲涗 濂 濂 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

鈥沧槰澶╂櫄涓婅窇鍒 摢 屽幓浜嗭纻濡 屽幓浜嗭纻濡 屽幓浜嗭纻濡 佸鎷涙潵銆傗 佸鎷涙潵銆傗 佸鎷涙潵銆傗 佸鎷涙潵銆傗

鈥淟ee Hyo-ri 綘鏄柉浜嗗悧锛熶竴涓コ浜哄ぉ澶╂妸 綘鏄柉浜嗗悧锛熶竴涓コ浜哄ぉ澶╂妸 佸 key 佸鎸 湪鍢 锛屽悎阃 锛屽悎阃 锛屽悎阃 锛屽悎阃 锛屽悎阃 锛屽悎阃

鈥滀笉瑕佽 绉 瘽棰 瘽棰 傗 傗 Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

鈥滃浜嗭纴骞蹭粈涔堢帺镒忓 锛屼笉灏卞枬涓︷ 锛屼笉灏卞枬涓︷ 钖楋纻鐪嬩綘浠 钖楋纻鐪嬩綘浠 钖楋纻鐪嬩綘浠 钖楋纻鐪嬩綘浠 鍙嶅簲銆傛垜闀垮缑 鍙嶅簲銆傛垜闀垮缑 鍙嶅簲銆傛垜闀垮缑 鍙嶅簲銆傛垜闀垮缑熲€濇潕淇婄启浣澶ф€掋€

鈥滀綘涓嶅儚钖楋纻鈥滺a Ji-won 镫愮桠镄勭湅镌€鏉庝缪镡欍€

鈥滃拰Han Chae-young 骞蹭简浠€涔堬纻鈥


鐬棿涓€镶$儰 夊懗鍜岄 夊懗鍜岄 夊懗鍜岄 锻 锻 四 (4) 屾潵锛屽嚑濂 屾潵锛屽嚑濂 崅浣忛蓟瀛愶纴绾 崅浣忛蓟瀛愶纴绾 悍杩 悍杩 悍杩 浜嗘潕 婄 婄 婄 婄 銆 銆 銆嬬珛鍗崇煡阆撹浼 煡阆撹浼 鏉庝缪镡欍

鐪嫔埌鏉庝缪镡欑毐镌€鐪夊ご闂烽椃涓崭箰镄勬牱瀛愶纴Lee Hyo-ri 蹇冧腑涓€涔愶纴鈥沧垜铡荤浔涔愶纴鈥沧垜铡荤浔変変銆銆浠鐞嗗惂锛佲€

鈥泪n-na 锛屽叕鍙 嗳澶囧缑镐庝箞镙 嗳澶囧缑镐庝箞镙 嗳澶囧缑镐庝箞镙 锛熲 锛熲

Xiangfan’s generosity

鈥滆鎶撶揣浜嗐€傗€濋亣鍒濋亣鍒建 Park Hyo-min 锛屾潕淇婄启瑕佸垱寤哄叕鍙哥殑蹇冿纴瓒婃潵瓒婄儹鍒囷纴 Han Ga- In 镄勫悎钖岃槠鐒跺湪JYP Gallium 绛 绛 樉鐒 槸娌 槸娌°C湁闂锛孡ee Hyo-ri 骞村簳鍒版湡锛孻 oo In-na涓岖敤璇达纴鍓╀笅镄勫 ammonia 鏄疕 a Ji-won 锛屼笉杩囦 锛屼笉杩囦 浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑浜 浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑浜 浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑浜 浠栫幇鍦ㄧ殑浜 € € € €

“Got it.”

鍙挌銆傞棬 threshold 冨 鐒跺搷璧 鐒跺搷璧 纴鏉庝缪镡欑桠鎯 纴鏉庝缪镡欑桠鎯 纴鏉庝缪镡欑桠鎯 纴鏉庝缪镡欑桠鎯 纴杩欎箞鏅 纴杩欎箞鏅 纴杩欎箞鏅 纴杩欎箞鏅

鍒楽ecretary 铡诲紑闂纴镄 涓嬬湁澶 涓嬬湁澶 浜嶫 浜嶫 Ji Ji Ji-hoon 鈥 a ain鈥 娌 °C湁浠讳綍濂芥劅锛屸 沧槸 Jung Ji-hoon鈥凌ain鈥 sunbae-nim 锛熲€

鈥沧仼锛侀夯鐑 <简锛屼缪镡椤掼鍦ㄥ悧锛熲€

鈥滃湪镄勶纴璇 繘銆傗


“sit down!”

鈥滆 涓槸涓 涓槸涓 镣 镣 镣 镣 皬灏忕殑蹇冩剰锛岃锷 皬灏忕殑蹇冩剰锛岃锷 繀鏀 繀鏀 繀鏀 繀鏀 笅銆傗

鈥滃懙 碉纴濂 碉纴濂 傗 傗 傗 傗 濇潕 婄 婄 婄 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽 鍒楽

“I am sorry!”

璁╀粬浣 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 湁镄勯珮搴 湁镄勯珮搴 € €

If 璇村綋鍒濊缮瀵规潕 婄 婄 蹇冨瓨鑺ヨ 蹇冨瓨鑺ヨ 蹇冨瓨鑺ヨ 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔堢幇鍦ㄥ 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔堢幇鍦ㄥ 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔堢幇鍦ㄥ 镄勮瘽锛岄偅涔堢幇鍦ㄥ 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 銆

No more staying and disturbing, indicating that after the arrival, Jung Ji-hoon “Rain” left.


Li Junxi went to take a shower, and a few women had already prepared dinner.

Washing away the fatigue of the day, Li Junxi walked out of the bedroom.

“What is so rich today?”

“Hey! I was going to celebrate last night. Who knows you are going to Han Chae-young.”

Li Junxi glanced at Lee Hyo-ri. “Tell, it is to drink with Ho-dong hyeong Jae-seok hyeong. Han Chae-young is a misunderstanding.”

After listening to Li Junxi, a few women let Li Junxi pass, but Lee Hyo-ri obviously did not intend to give up. “Who is Park Hyo-min?”

“It was the girl who was in the car accident.”

“is it beautiful?”


“Sex / feeling?”


“Okay, Hyo-ri, what are you doing? Don’t tease Junxi, you see him look blue.” Han Ga-in grinned.


After eating the meal, Li Junxi looked at the book for a while and then a strong sleepy attack came. At the end of the year, several women began to be busy, and he was like a person who was doing nothing.

In addition to fitness reading, it is to chat with those little idol.

Out of the study, Li Junxi came to Han Ga-in’s bedroom.

Looking at the Han Ga-in wearing black/small pyjamas, the front convex and the back are tilted. From the back, Han Ga-in’s curve is more exquisite. Li Junxi’s heart is swaying, picking up his fingers and counting it. Today is Han Ga. -in is the security period.

Han Ga-in was sorting out the beggars and noticed Li Junxi’s burning gaze. His pretty face was red, and he stood up and glanced at Li Junxi. “What are you doing, you can’t.”

Li Junxi immediately took off his clothes.

“Baby, I am coming.”


Han Ga-in turned off the light, and when he was about to disarm, Li Junxi stopped her and bowed his head and whispered a few words in her ear.

Han Ga-in had a red face and long eyelashes trembled. He didn’t dare to look at Li Junxi’s burning gaze. “Only one time.”

Li Junxi nodded, this pajamas were too tempting and confused.

Bowed down Han Ga-in’s cherry mouth, his tongue opened her teeth and caught the seductive lilac tongue.

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