Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 126 Sense of Urgency

As Kraft himself believes, he can barely remember what it feels like to forget. When thinking, the consciousness wanders in the big library of memory, casually picking out the required archive information, which is no more difficult than looking up the first letter in the dictionary.

Not only does it mean memory, but it also means improved thinking efficiency, faster and more indexes, which is conducive to the formation of a rigorous logical chain.

So when it comes to "forgetting something", it does not mean that you found a book with faded ink in the memory library, but it lacks a clue from the first letter of the book title to let your consciousness know where you are going and what you are looking for.

In other words, it’s not so much that I forgot something at this time, but that I didn’t expect something. There is a hole in the web of thinking, and something that should not be ignored has slipped through. It is probably something that is common sense.

"Help me think about what I have done less." One of the characteristics of many mentally ill patients is their lack of self-awareness, and they are completely unaware of what they have done wrong. Self-examination at this time is unreliable, but the abnormalities reflected in the behavior do exist and can be observed by others.

He needs a "teleprompter" to awaken his memory and give him ideas for tracing.

"Uh, you mean that piece of ore?" William took back his bottle of liquor and took a sip, feeling the wonderful taste that moistened and burned the surface of his tongue. After swallowing, he felt warm in his stomach, as if there was an endless stream of energy. The heat surged out from it, dispelling the chill in the bone marrow.

He shook the bottle gently, but Kraft used it fairly restrainedly, and there was a lot of wine left in it.

Although alcohol has been used to prevent and treat diseases for a long time, using it in large quantities to clean wounds is still too distressing.

"Of course not." Kraft put his hand into his pocket. The piece of ore was lying inside. It was just a sample. Since the old mine has been opened now, you can pick it up at any time if you lose it. "It should be now or immediately. Things to do.”

"For example?" After two sips of wine, William's slightly tipsy mind calmed down. William felt that the small wounds on his face scratched by stone flakes were no longer so painful, and his hands were no longer shaking.

The fear of the deep earth has somewhat dissipated, and I no longer have the illusion of trembling from time to time. I always feel that the ground under my feet is not stable, and that there are giant objects wandering in the rock formations and soil, and they will break out of the ground at any time.

Temporarily, the wine provided a false but necessary soothing environment, if not the peace of mind of returning to one's own ship.

Seeing Kraft's suspicious look, he held out the bottle and said, "Want a sip?"

"No." Kraft pushed away the wine bottle and continued to think about what he had forgotten. Wine was not a good thing for thinking, at least not for him.

No matter how many times, William felt unreasonable for this behavior of not cherishing the fine wine. After being rejected, he passed the wine to Coop as a welfare for the wounded, "Okay, Coop, do you want a sip? It should be okay. Your injury will feel better."

Coop took the drink and took a tentative sip.

"Ahem!" Just like the first time, people who have drunk light beer at most are not easy to adapt to this kind of flowing flames. The irritating cough involves the wound on the waist, and there is another burst of tearing pain, like a newly solidified blood scab. It collapsed again.

But Coop got some inspiration from it. He held his waist and looked up and down for a while, and found the only thing that felt inconsistent in Kraft's body.

"Are you injured?"

"Yes, but it's not a big problem." Kraft said casually, touching his bandaged chin. The maxillofacial and neck areas are rich in blood vessels and look scary when injured, but fortunately it is not deep and no major blood vessels are injured.

Now there's just a little pain left, near the trachea that comes and goes with the breathing.

During the interval of pain, his consciousness gathered his attention and sifted through everything he saw, from the sheathed sword to the instrument box to the money bag. He really couldn't think of anything that needed to be dealt with urgently.

This situation is like looking for glasses while wearing glasses, or looking for a mobile phone with a mobile phone, except that the confusion is deeper and it is more difficult to get out on one's own. But he was surrounded by people who couldn't help him. It seemed that his abnormal behavior was not obvious enough.

"Did you also meet a pagan? Or was it that thing?" Neither of them seemed to be the cause of the injury; the former was not of this level, and the latter did not look like it could leave a whole body after just a scratch.

"No, it's..." Kraft couldn't think of how to describe the creature that hurt him, mixing a bunch of faces with insect features? The tip of the joint cut into the skin, and he almost thought it could remove the entire face, but in the end, good distance control greatly reduced the cost.

He brewed it for a while without describing its appearance. He stretched out his hand unconsciously and took the strong drink. The smell of the overflowing wine reminded him of the days without povidone-iodine solution. It was really painful to disinfect with alcohol cotton balls.

"What, you changed your mind? Believe me, after a sip, you can be too serious sometimes, almost like an old-fashioned priest." It seems that as long as you are with William for a day, you will not miss the tireless Amway.


Now Kraft needs to make that profound feeling a little clearer.

Press hard on the bleeding gauze, and the strongest feeling in the body and the most important warning message become an effective teleprompter. The pain is like an iron drill inserted directly into the brain from the wound, and the proportion of trauma in the mind increases, becoming a part that cannot be bypassed.

"Damn it, the wound!"

Kraft quickly worked to untie the knot and loosen the cotton bandage that had been wrapped recently. He had just insisted on completing the debridement of Coop and Peter's wounds, but the third person with a deep wound was ignored, which made him look for glasses while wearing glasses.

After being injured by an arthropod of unknown composition, the alien soul with a sterile consciousness only carried out a simple cleaning and temporary bandage at the first time, and did not even think of carefully examining the wound with spiritual senses.

Is it a normal omission?

Consciousness doesn’t think so. Repeated emphasis and practice day after day have formed a habit that is solidified in life, coupled with memory enhancement. If he can still forget these things, it may only be because brain degeneration has caught him early.

Without adequate rest, Kraft forcibly turned on his mental senses. His thin-layer scan-like mental filter filtered through the cortex and muscles, soaking into the red and black blood scabs, but no obvious abnormalities were found.

Maybe he was worrying too much. Like a clean blade, the arthropod grew out of the shadow, creating a wound without leaving any burrs in the tissue.

Of course, it could also be that it was too late. Forgetting caused him to miss the best opportunity for observation, and the factors that affected cognition had long been hidden.

Or worse, never had a chance. He traced the movements of the jointed limbs. What if it was an injured arthropod? Like a bleeding wound of an infected patient, spreading something that cannot be observed with the naked eye or mental senses during contact?

Maybe it has entered the early stage of the disease, with slight changes in consciousness as prodromal symptoms and unknown consequences growing in the body.

"Go back to Solace Harbor as soon as possible. If something is going to happen, I have to finish it before then." Wet the cotton cloth with strong alcohol and apply it on the wound. Kraft gritted his teeth and completed the cleaning.

He didn't know what was going on, but he knew what he was here for.

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