Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 132 An immature suggestion

"I guess that's not what you meant last night when you said 'witness the miracle tomorrow morning'?" Adrian broke out in a cold sweat when he looked at the stranger who was tied tightly to the chair.

As a person who has lived in a church-affiliated building for a long time, he has not had any awareness of theft prevention for a long time. This area has been semi-enclosed for a long time. It is not as complicated as the people coming and going inside the church, but it also shares the scope of supervision of the church guards.

The only people who will come in are the clergy, guards, eunuchs, apprentices within the church, and occasionally people like William.

There are not even many servants responsible for chores. The priests can handle various daily needs by themselves. Only the more distinguished figures, such as bishops, have one or two trusted people to serve them.

Moreover, the sanctity of the church itself also has a strong deterrent effect. Common people may not think that God will bless them, but most people believe that those who desecrate the sanctuary will be punished.

No one will try to take advantage of the church until they are desperate. Especially for large church sites like this, the price-performance ratio is extremely low in the eyes of thieves. It contains large and clearly iconic items that are difficult to steal or get rid of.

If you are caught, with the influence of the church, you may be embarrassed to take action against innocent people, but no one will care if you let a little thief disappear. It is completely reasonable under the current social ethics and imperfect laws and regulations.

Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that the person who came here simply came to steal some property. It is probably not a coincidence that they broke into this place.

"Unless the effect of your potion is to grow people out of thin air, I don't think outsiders should appear here."

"No, but the fact that he is still here is indeed related to my potion." Kraft picked up a piece of broken glass with gloves and shook his head helplessly. Unexpectedly, the first bottle of ether completed its mission within two days of being in his hand. .

I don't know whether I should call this guy lucky or unlucky. He didn't choose the priest's strong wine, nor did he give himself a sip of concentrated sulfuric acid. Instead, he chose the most technical thing in the whole cabinet according to the arrangement.

Because the clarity at the edge of the mental sensory range is less than ideal, the best opportunity for reminders has been missed in the process of changing thoughts from "what is this" to "what is this person doing?" The sound of hurried footsteps as he went upstairs shouting "Stop" may have frightened the intruder, and he took a sharp breath in shock.

Take a deep breath...

Legend has it that the inventor of ether anesthesia tried his own hands. After paralyzing his family's pet dog, he covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief filled with ether. He immediately fell unconscious and fell to the ground. If the handkerchief hadn't fallen off his face, he might have died from inhaling an overdose of ether.

The fateful scene repeated itself, in a different world, in a different place, with different characters, with different purposes, and the same way of seeking death, even a little more direct.

In his mental vision, Kraft "saw" the entire process of losing consciousness - he was very panicked, but soon stopped panicking and became a little peaceful.

He jumped on the steps as fast as he could, rushed to the second floor, and pushed open the door panel. The thin figure staggered and fell in front of him. With his last bit of consciousness, he grabbed the edge of the table next to him and turned the table over. Go down.

In an era when artificial wood products had not yet appeared, sturdy and simple solid wood furniture was still the mainstream. This experimental table was the best in terms of quality. It has withstood the test of fire and acid, and the table top is still as stable as ever.

But when this table with both texture and mass falls freely towards the person lying on the ground under the action of gravity, the scene will be quite... unbearable to watch.

In the collision between the dense wood that has grown in the cold environment of the North for decades and the human body, based on Kraft's personal experience, the human body currently has a zero winning rate. This time was no exception. The two-inch-thick, unedged edge of the table struck the forearm with loose muscles and no resistance in a crushing manner.

Kraft shrank his neck and felt a phantom pain with a "clicking" sound in his arms.

Since the other party is most likely not in the habit of taking calcium supplements, the smashed forearm is also likely to produce some popular teaching cases in orthopedics.

As is the case now, a typical transverse fracture in the same plane caused by direct force.

The patient should have woken up from the aftereffects of ether, but out of resistance or unwillingness to face reality, he was still pretending to be dizzy and refused to open his eyes.

From a humanitarian perspective, the souls from other worlds are more willing to give a shot of the special drug furosemide - also known as furosemide - for the syndrome of "nothing happens from the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system but you have to pretend to sleep" - the bladder will complete the function of the mouth and cannot be done persuasion process.

However, there is currently no such condition, so he can only slightly move the right hand that was hit. There is a slight bone fricative sound, and the patient opens his eyes with a hoarse grin. It doesn't seem to be a hard nut, in a double sense.

There is no doubt that it is a fracture. You can guess the general condition without using your mental senses.

At this moment, you can already see slight swelling, obvious pain when moving, and a rough, tooth-aching bone fricative sound. That was the terrible sound made by the relative movement of the complete fracture section, which was particularly terrifying in the eyes of the other party.

The man was twirling his arms with interest, as untouched by the trauma of twisting and deformation as he was by tasting toasted luncheon bread.


"Ah?" It was different from what he imagined. He thought the process would be for the other party to angrily ask who sent him, and then the two sides would argue. The specific small concessions he could get depended on how long he could resist.

Or worse, the church feels he has no value and quietly disposes of him.

"This thief who broke into my territory, I want to know your name." Kraft held down his arm, looking like he would twist it at any time and turn the broken limb into a twist.

To be honest, he was a little frightened and couldn't speak at all.

At times Kraft seemed like an Inquisition lunatic who had no regard for human life, the most horrific version of the rumored version. And he was just an audacious port thief who was tricked into stealing "the personal belongings of a church fringe" by a commission of two gold coins.

The eyes stared at him with impatience, indifference, and the aftertaste of something foreign that he couldn't quite describe in his vocabulary.

Just by looking at each other, he was so frightened that he could not speak.

Kraft turned to the priest and silently asked if there was anything wrong with his demeanor. He just thought about last night's nightmare and was a little distracted.

Adrian shook his head. Based on his experience in accepting confessions, it might be that Kraft was too gentle and could not control the scum that made a living in the dark corners of the port. I have to personally slap this villain who is trying to destroy his wealth and freedom in the rest of his life, so that he can understand why there is an angel of punishment under the Lord.

Kraft stopped the priest. There is still a need for a kind and gentle person to act opposite to the "villain".

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, Mr. No Name. I'm not in a hurry to know who is worried about this potion. After all, he hasn't gotten it yet, right?"

"We can talk about other things, such as your hand. I believe that I don't need to say more about its importance to you, but you may not understand it as much as I do."

"The forearm, it is composed of two delicate bones, like a wooden frame supporting a shack, and the bones support the flesh. The perfect fit between them allows the hand to rotate normally." Kraft showed the forearm to the audience who was tied to a chair Flexible movement, highlighting the pronation and supination supported by the radius and ulna.

"But now, the retribution for your evil deeds has cut them off. Imagine the chef's rolling pin hitting two fish bones."

"Bang!" He formed a knife with his palms and slammed it on the table, awakening the painful memory of the moment before he lost consciousness. "It was broken into two sections. Now you have four bones in your forearm."

"Oh, don't be afraid, I don't do anything, I'm just watching. The pain will make you exert force unconsciously, causing the broken bones to stand up. Have you ever seen a mast broken by a storm? The wooden stubble pierced the sail. But it’s harder than wood and can dig into your flesh.”

"Did you hear that? That friction sound means that the fracture is moving. It may also cut the blood vessels and block the blood flow. The accumulated congestion will make you feel bloated, painful, hot and red."

Kraft motioned to him to look at his arm that was fixed on the armrest. There was indeed swelling, pain and redness there, and a faint feeling of heat could be detected.

The conversation changed, and he seemed to be comforting him with good intentions, "But don't worry, this means that it is still alive for the time being, temporarily."

"But it will become more and more swollen and painful. The far end that cannot be nourished by the blood flow will become cold and pale, and the pulse cannot be felt. Finally, it will die completely and become a meaningless piece of flesh, which will slowly turn black and rotten."

Compartment syndrome, the most serious complication in the early stages of fracture, tends to occur in the forearm, but based on the current situation, is the probability... at least the results of the mental sensory examination at the scene of the incident are unlikely.

Kraft saw the audience carefully feeling their arms and showing a rather distorted expression, because every bit of the description of the symptoms was correct, and there were indeed signs of aggravation.

"The good thing is that you don't have to worry about what to do with your future life, because the toxins in your arm's necrosis will take you to hell with you to report your crimes."

"This is what I want to explain to you. After all, it is everyone's right to know their own health status..."

"Corwin! My name is Corwin!" He really couldn't stand it anymore. He was just a little thief who was dazzled by a little money. At most, his skills were much higher than those of his peers and he was somewhat famous. Why was he lucky enough to be treated like this? ?

"Ah, Mr. Corwin, I'm so glad you are willing to speak. These days, there are not many rational and considerate exchanges, and it is not easy for me to convince others." Kraft rubbed his hands and showed a professional smile.

"Although the original idea was to terminate our contact in an easier way for me, my priest friend had objections."

Adrian understood Kraft's meaning and continued, "The Lord wants us to learn to forgive others, and teach those who steal to correct themselves without hurting their lives."

"But this is the evil result of evil deeds, so the evil consequences of his death cannot be regarded as my fault, even if I am a doctor." Kraft shook his head and expressed that he did not care, "And the treatment can only forcefully stretch the arm and break the bones. No one can stand it when the ends are put back together."

He loosened the rope slightly and held Corwin's hand. The pain made him burst into tears. It was hard to imagine how terrible it would be like in the description of the treatment.

"Please, think of another way! I'll tell you who asked me to come!" This kind of pain is more painful than the combined whippings of the "teacher" who taught him how to make a living when he was a child. It feels like his arm has been cut off. In fact, It has indeed been disconnected.

"They thought no one would know if they found an agency, but I can guess who contacted them."

There was another wailing, and he tried to move his arm. The abnormal movement was accompanied by cutting and needle-like pain. He seemed to imagine how the bone spurs could tear the muscles inside.

I don't care whether I can continue to hang out in the future. If I can't pass this test, there will be no future.

"I don't really care. I'll put these things away tomorrow. No one can get what he wants from this room." Kraft didn't look impressed at all, as if he really only asked the name to facilitate communication. , the news about Corwin is not as interesting as observing that arm.

The most devastating interrogation is this. The other party wants nothing, his thoughts are running wild like a mental illness, and the topics are wandering. The ultimate goal is only to cause terror and pain.

Mentally, Corwin felt that he was not far from hell, or at the gate of hell. The white-robed priest in front of him was an angel, bargaining with the devil, and those strange-shaped bottles and jars were the devil's cooking cauldron.

"Let's think of a way? We can't just treat it this way." The beer-bellied "angel" spoke.

The man in black robe pondered for a while, and seemed to reluctantly give a choice in favor of his friend.

"I have an immature suggestion." Not very mature indeed.

"But it's an opportunity for you." You proved it to yourself.

"There may be side effects such as coughing, tearing, dizziness and headache, nightmares, and even the risk of death from suffocation."

"It doesn't matter, please try!" Corwin tried to grasp the last straw, "I can only lead you to catch that guy if I live!"

"Okay!" That's what you said.

For the first application of ether, anesthesia reduction is much more ideal than other options, especially with the inexplicable use case guidance.

When Corwin was brought into the room again with a subtle sense of strangeness, he saw that the slightly sweet and spicy liquid had accumulated in the dark glass vial.

Kraft poured the liquid into a new flask, plugged in the glass tube, and handed it to the priest along with the sink. His solemn expression somewhat convinced Corwin that he was not planning to let himself be punished.

"If you don't have an atomizer, try using lukewarm water, the kind that you can barely feel the heat. Keep an eye on this thing, don't let it disappear too fast, just enough for him to fall asleep."

Then stop in time. Resetting does not take long, it only takes a few minutes of control. Considering the amount this guy accidentally ingested, the amount in the bottle is within a safe level.

Lie on your back with shoulders abducted and elbows bent. Pull distally along the longitudinal axis of the forearm, and pull the elbow upward in the opposite direction.

Kraft memorized the text silently and stared closely at the round-bellied glass bottle in the priest's hand, barely detecting any changes on the liquid surface. In fact, ether, whose boiling point is lower than body temperature, is vaporizing all the time, and the colorless gas is inhaled by Corwin through the catheter.

It is much more troublesome than black liquor. The rate must be stuck to limit the amount of inhalation, and due to tool limitations, one can only rely on intuition. At the same time, observe the patient's reaction and be alert to adverse reactions.

Corwin closed his eyes, because the pain and disordered breathing in his arms tended to ease, and the rise and fall of his chest returned to a constant, steady, regular pattern.

After trying to pull his forearm, there was no response. Kraft raised his hand to signal the priest to lift the ether bottle from the water and release it temporarily. It is cumbersome, difficult to control, and risky, but it is a method within the knowable range.

Next is traction, an operation described in small sentences, but requiring a lot of strength and opposing muscle groups to straighten the forearm.

Emphasizing both strength and precision, it's like cutting window grilles with a big sword. In the internal sports meeting, few people dare to compete with orthopedics in tug-of-war.

Under this strong and steady traction, a series of displacements such as rotation, shortening, and angulation can be accurately corrected and the broken ends can be rejoined. With Kraft's strength, it was a bit difficult without help.

In between exertions, he took the time to make sure that Corwin's chest rose and fell normally, and that the respiratory muscles that contracted and relaxed between his ribs would not be intoxicated in an ether dream at a certain moment and suddenly stop working.

Once the structure is basically in place, the final step is to squeeze firmly between the two bones with your fingers. Without anesthesia, the pain of this step would be like running over a carriage wheel.

This cruel action will separate the interosseous membrane between the two bones and complete the effect of completely reducing the fractured end for him.

"Put that bottle away."

Fix it with double splints, tie the knot firmly with the bandage, and the reduction process is completed.

Traveling thousands of miles, paying the price with lives, and spending ten minutes to embed the cornerstone of surgery into an era that does not belong to it.

Two-in-one update!\( ̄︶ ̄)/

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