Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 136 Berry and Raven

If you're looking for the best place to visit in North, you can't avoid the area around Westminster.

Perhaps "just right" is the right word to describe this chosen place. The pleasant climate has obvious seasonal changes. While not facing the same scenery all year round, it also maintains a comfortable temperature most days.

The rich and gentle middle reaches of the Teme River are like the softest and smoothest part on a silk ribbon, spread among forest farms and meadows, decorated with jewelry that the Enos people polished over hundreds of years.

Westminster Castle is one of the most dazzling ones, and there is even a tendency to overtake the place where the throne is placed - Dunling.

Speaking of this name, perhaps most people will associate it with the twin towers and sloping city walls on the gold coins, thinking that it is a set of buildings that represent the pinnacle of the kingdom's military.

Although this idea is not wrong, the name "Westminster" has been generously shared with the city that grew up around the Centennial Project, and the surrounding area including a few days' carriage ride, and has become synonymous with a region.

In short, places with Westminster as the administrative center can basically be called the Westminster region.

In fact, after docking several times, the ship had already approached the outskirts of the area. Each time it docked, it brought back some primitive but delicious fruits, which became the first impression for outsiders of the rich local natural gifts. Blueberries and a summer specialty, a berry presumably related to the raspberry, are particularly popular.

In this season when the weather is getting warmer, the warm and slightly hot sunshine combined with the river breeze and water vapor on the deck, coupled with the green vegetation on both sides, is the best combination in summer. Adding a lounge chair and a berry platter can turn a boring trip into a treat.

After arriving in Westminster, it will be a great experience to carry out activities in the green space under the shade of trees.

The bumps of river navigation are indeed much less than that of sea roads. The wide river surface does not limit the width of the hull, which makes the deck a very suitable place for placing tables, chairs and casual people. Kraft spread out books and fruit bowls here, resting his mind and eyes.

During the happy hour, he chatted with Martin, who was also doing nothing, about the local natural scenery of Westminster, the location and architecture of Rivers University, and how unsuitable for survival the north was in comparison. He also listened to the other party carefully explain the blood relationship between the "Duke of Westminster" and the royal family, as well as the inevitability and legitimacy of controlling this important military shipping place not far from Dunling.

Although Kraft's understanding ability at the level of a country bumpkin only understood that the one sitting on the throne and Westminster were no more than cousins, the greater value lay in discovering that Martin was indeed not Simple.

The calloused palm can grasp the slippery fruits that have just been washed, so the sword is most likely not for looking at.

Maybe it has something to do with Westminster, but also sending letters to academic gatherings at the university, the ingredients are very complicated.

How could such a man be sent to deliver a message? Kraft didn't want to delve into this issue. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him for the time being. He just wanted to stay in a good mood and forget about the dull pain coming from his left arm or other feelings for the time being.

In that chaotic interplay between levels, something happened that I don't know if it should be called an accident. The stone prism at the center of the storm was similarly affected, crumbling into smaller pieces.

Then it had the same characteristics as the New Year products made by a certain swirl logo company, and it was stuck into the left arm through the mold. Because it was not a violent puncture caused by ordinary trauma, Kraft found that these things that were integrated with the tissue were completely impossible to forcibly pull out, and they showed a very outrageous affinity.

The body naturally accepted them, like the sesamoid bone that was already placed there, without any rejection reaction or anything, just like it was placed in the core of the crawling deep creature when it was intact.

Although miraculously there was no large-scale inflammation or vascular obstruction that Kraft was most worried about, it still caused a certain degree of inconvenience in movement and abnormal pain and temperature sensation, and made it impossible to wear short sleeves in summer in the future.

I often feel pain like static electricity emanating from somewhere, or like an ice thorn or a red-hot needle tip traveling through my muscles and bones. The effects on gross and fine motor movements can be overcome through willpower, but...chronic illness can be really torturous.

He needs to intentionally control the irritability caused by frequent symptoms so that it does not transfer to his attitude towards other people and things.

Unless you temporarily put down a lot of worries and get a rare peace of mind on a quick trip - for example, now, you can get some pleasure of taking a break from your busy schedule.

Kraft is indeed happy, but according to the law of conservation, happiness and energy are constant. When someone gains happiness in leisure, his extra energy may make others less happy.

Coop and Yvonne believed the lie that "someone asked us to travel for free", packed their luggage and saved up their money, preparing to experience a more relaxed and enjoyable trip. As a result, just a few days after boarding the ship, I discovered that things were a little different from what I imagined.

After putting down his surgical work, Kraft felt as empty as a newly retired old man. The feeling of discomfort made him need to spend an appropriate amount of time and energy on any serious matter.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, this matter is a matter of education and training.

You cannot expect that a person who is accustomed to hearing about "lifelong learning" will change his concept just because of a change of environment. The habit of regular teaching activities has been integrated into the soul. As a result, two people experienced contemporary high-quality education, and their academic pressure increased sharply.

Because Yvonne and Kupp's basic skills are at the same level, they only need to prepare one lesson for two people with half the age difference.

After unifying the content and increasing the load, some things that were originally just vague intuitions were gradually quantified. Kraft had long had this feeling and finally confirmed the existence of the phenomenon. Kupp's learning ability was actually better than Yvonne.


Kraft proofread the results of the past month and discovered the existence of this difference. Compared with Coop, Yvonne shows a slight weakness in memory and is slightly behind in the ability to accept new knowledge.

This incident quickly heightened his vigilance, and various negative cases about growth and development and children's psychology were highlighted in his mind.

Before Kraft's arrival, Yvonne's life was a counterexample of counterexamples. From a material perspective, I was malnourished, and I also happened to hit the second growth spurt of puberty, which lasted for who knows how long.

Psychologically, as you enter adolescence, the changes will be huge. As a result, major life events such as the serious illness or death of your only relative will soon occur.

In children's neuropsychological development, social factors have basically stepped on all the traps. Problems are a high probability, and failure to do so is an accident. Someone was so frightened that he quickly checked whether he had paid attention to nutrition recently. In addition, he searched his memory overnight and drew a "Ruiwen" by hand.

Well, the full name is "Raven's Reasoning Test", which is often used to test intelligence level.

"Yvonne, come here, please? There is a little game, do you want to try it?"

"Of course, Mr. Kraft." Upon hearing the call, Yvonne put down her spelling homework and came to him very obediently.

"It's like this, you see, there is a big picture here, but one piece is missing." Showing his work attitude, Kraft used the gentle attitude he had accumulated in the past few days, imitating the patience he learned from his pediatrician, and ensuring that the outside world Factor interference is minimal, "You need to choose one of the following six small pieces to fill the gap."

"I understand, I choose the fourth one." The girl's eyes went back and forth between his expression and the paper several times. After a moment of hesitation, she chose the very obvious correct answer. It was so simple that she doubted whether there was any trap in it. .

Studying during this period of time put a lot of pressure on her, especially after she found out that she was almost as good as Coop after working extra hard. If she could, she didn't want to let Kraft down.

Children's feelings are actually quite sensitive, and their experience limitations do not prevent them from detecting adults' inadvertent irritability that is not directed at them.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. I promise you, this is not a quiz. It's just a game. There is no right or wrong."

【This is a lie】

Bai Daco used this excuse every day to trick the children into taking tests, and then gave them prizes and discussed it with their parents alone.

Yvonne's situation is more complicated, and there are no parents to talk to. Kraft has basically zero confidence in his own psychological counseling and growth and development correction. I can only secretly pray that it will not be a neuropsychological development abnormality.

Yvonne believed it, just believed it... This kind of trust made Kraft leave feeling slightly guilty, waiting for her to complete the test independently.

Around the time when the next door boy was holding back another paragraph of manuscript, Yvonne handed the stack of paper back to him and gave him a compliment that he didn't know if it was considering his self-esteem.

"It's quite fun."

It takes about thirty minutes, which is a long time to complete based on experience.

"Thank you, that's a big help."

The tester sent Yvonne away with a smile, closed the door, and flipped through the results a little uneasily, calculating the scores according to age. He somehow understood the mood of the parents waiting for the test results outside the door.

Comparing the age and original score, the result is above 75%, which is classified as a good level. Not bad? Kraft touched his chin, which had not been shaved for several days, and there were short beards that were not obvious.

At least the results of the rough intelligence test are satisfactory, and there are no bad behaviors or signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in daily performance. Then there is something wrong with the comparison object?

Considering the huge change in Kupp's impression from a lazy dog ​​to his current state after experiencing the Salt Tide Zone Incident, perhaps more than just his personality has changed. It is reasonable to speculate that without going deeper, just facing the impact of deep events at the first level can produce early beneficial changes in intelligence.

"Interesting." Kraft put away the scale and recorded the finding in his notes, hoping that there would be no chance of collecting a large number of samples to verify it.

It's not important for the moment, what's important is that a bad possibility has been eliminated. He stretched, stood up and returned to sit down at the small deck table, continuing to enjoy the blueberries and raspberry relatives he had not finished just now.

He reached for the fruit plate, picked up one and was about to throw it into his mouth, but stopped at his mouth. Kraft raised the blueberry to his eyes and observed with wonder the difference in texture between it and its darker, cleaner skin compared to its peers.

Deep purple, almost black color, similar shape and size.

Observe the fruit plate carefully. After such a long time, not only have the berries not been eaten, but there are also more berries.

"Martin, do you still have some in stock?"

"Huh?" Mr. Messenger's equally confused voice came from below. He climbed onto the deck and took the blueberry that looked a little overripe.

This face, which had not been very expressive all the way, looked like the summer sky was filled with a layer of solemnity like cumulonimbus clouds in a short period of time after seeing clearly what he had received.

"Who gave you this 'blueberry'?"

Recommend an original Greek novel ( ̄▽ ̄)/

It was written by a bar friend and I think it has a good flavor.

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