Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 165 Don’t leave your post without permission during the night shift

Everyone tacitly agreed not to mention the purpose of coming here, and counted the number of people on the spot. They quickly retreated along the path to a position where the lively bodies could not be seen, and began to unload the horses from the horses tied in place.

In fact, at least half of the weight is already worn on the body, and the rest is mainly the tent frame, the cloth, and the least used load along the way - kerosene.

The servants gently removed the small cans contained in rope mesh bags and placed them in batches away from the campfire.

They still don't know what the reasons were for carrying these troublesome things in the first place, but this does not prevent it from becoming the wisest decision now. It greatly reduces the workload of collecting fuel, which also means that these troublesome things can be destroyed faster and more thoroughly. This is a place to prevent it from becoming a source of awakening for frequent dreams in the future.

After the night's shelter was set up, the retinue began to cut down the trees to collect firewood, briefly split them, and then cut off most of the wet lesions in the center.

Setting fire is also a science. First, the open space around the village must be cleared to serve as a fire-retardant zone. Most of the firewood being prepared is for the church in the middle to ensure that it can destroy the supporting beam and column structure. The residential houses have a high proportion of wood and are partially covered with grass, which is enough to complete the burning on their own.

The progress is not ideal. After half an afternoon of busy work, the amount of firewood brought back before nightfall is still far from the required amount. We may have to wait until noon tomorrow to start.

The resting team roasted dry food around the campfire and filled their stomachs while trying to avoid the few dry conversations they saw. The night watchman was left to watch the fire, while the rest returned to the tent and lay down with their weapons in hand.

Rationally speaking, the more difficult the situation is, the more you should seize every moment of rest to ensure that you have extra energy that may save your life the next time you have to wake up.

But Bright knew they didn't. Those eyes that couldn't be closed must be watching the shadow cast by the fire on the tent canvas in the darkness, for fear that the next time he opened his eyes, he would see that place, that place that might be unforgettable forever. the way.

So does he. It's hard to say whether the vigil Martin arranged for him was a punishment or a smooth sailing. It had something to do with Barrow. On such a sleepless night, at least for him, it was better to stay by the fire all night than tossing and turning in the tent.

However, it must be stated that although he did not argue, he still felt that his decision to throw the ax was not a mistake. After crossing the mushroom "flower stands" along the path, and seeing a distorted humanoid silhouette with its back turned to itself, how could anyone control the urge to strike first?

Even if the ax was in the hands of the Barro knight who followed him at that time, it would definitely fly out and hit more accurately.

"Huh." Brett shook his head to get rid of this disrespectful idea. Humility is a virtue that a knight should have. As a reserve, he should accept Martin's criticism instead of being dissatisfied.

As the second son of the family, he was assigned to study under the knights. Sometimes he felt that he only learned two sides of bravery and recklessness, but did not absorb the agility that Barrow occasionally showed that was inconsistent with his rough appearance.

He added a piece of firewood to the fire, and the crackling sound enveloped his ears. It was so monotonous that he couldn't control himself from thinking about those beautiful and fascinating images. Flower stands and strange-shaped figures appeared in front of his eyes, as if they were just across the distance. The bonfire sat across from him.

A low cry frightened by the illusion and imagination came out of his mouth. Bright suddenly straightened his back and woke up. His companion on the other side of the fire was alarmed and raised his head to look at each other, seeing the same thing in each other's eyes.

"Tell me, why did the man I heard Knight Martin call a professor bring so much kerosene?" Bright asked softly the only person who could communicate at this time, while looking outside the camp to confirm that those things were just his imagination when he was tired. .

He wasn't expecting an answer, just a conversation, even though it was really confusing.

"Who knows, but I have seen calluses on his hands, like a man who can use a sword." The companion consciously took over the topic, "Anyway, he doesn't look like a professor. Have you seen people from those colleges? Generally old people He and Tuli account for at least one of them."

"Or both." They found some fresh laughter in topics that couldn't be discussed in person.

The bonfire lit up with new firewood, the flames expanded, and the heater warmed the hands and feet and boosted the spirit. The shadow behind him became longer and swaying.

After chatting for a while, Brett's lips became dry. He picked up the water bottle and took two sips of water. A feeling that made him unable to sit still gradually became apparent. I wanted to endure it, but the long night is far from over, and it will have to be solved sooner or later.

Rubbing his numb legs, he stood up from the fire and inspected the camp. The sound of turning and moving gradually disappeared without realizing it, and exhaustion made people fall asleep.

"I'm going to deal with some personal issues. I'll be right next to you. I'll be right back."

"Go and come back quickly. I'll take my place when you finish solving the problem." Once this kind of thing is brought up, it's easy to get together, but due to limited responsibilities, they can't leave their posts together and can only take turns.

Brett walked towards the edge of the camp. The light source changed from in front of him to behind him. As he approached the tree shadows whose shapes were slightly different from normal, the tension once again seeped in from outside the walls of his heart reinforced by words and fire. He couldn't help but feel Think about what's in these woods.

Looking back towards the fire, his companion impatiently waved his hand to signal him to hurry up. The tension made the feeling in his lower body more and more obvious. After all, physical needs took over and he had to solve the water pressure problem.

No matter how terrifying those things are, they are all dead long ago and are no more dangerous than a child holding a dagger. He comforted himself like this.

Humming a little song I heard by chance to strengthen my courage, I stepped out of the hazy boundary between light and darkness and walked a few steps into the forest. I was far enough away that I wouldn't be complained about the smell in the morning and could see the bonfire. I found a tree that was pleasing to my eyes and planned to Get it done as soon as possible.

As he emptied his body, his nervous mind relaxed for a while, and he thought about how the knights wearing full body armor could solve this emergency problem.

Although it can be dealt with in advance every time, after all, people are always unpredictable. What if there is an emergency and you can't take off the armor quickly? As a knight reserve, he felt it was necessary to think about it.

This strange question quickly went away. Brett tightened his belt and thought about whether it would be possible for him to develop a love affair or even marriage with a lady like in the story after he officially became a knight and had his own house. .

He had seen those women in some outdoor activities. Standing in a safe and undisturbed position from a distance, they looked at the various prey that the young descendants of noble nobles had chased from the hunting ground. They talked and commented in elegant low voices, like bagpipes and harps. His chuckle floated in the powdery wind.

The dresses they wear are cut from satin of various materials and dyes. They are brightly colored, fluffy and graceful.

Like an elf in the forest, he couldn't easily take his eyes off the gorgeous silhouette once he saw it. The fine powder swam into his nose. In this lonely night, he couldn't help but want to recite the fragments of the troubadour's words. Offer.

[It’s a star, it’s a full moon, it’s...]

Brett reached for the belt he had just put on and loosened the buckle.

The graceful figure walks slowly, which is better than the asymmetrical color design of all tailors and tailors' masterpieces, and has extraordinary beauty...

"What is it?!"

Opening the buckle, he took off the other throwing ax from his waist and threw it hard. It was deeply embedded in the multi-fold, multi-layered head of the thing, and a handful of unreal smoke with indescribable colors erupted from it. The smell of dust became extremely strong.

Brett retreated towards the camp, and while he was attracted, the same colorful figure appeared silently in the shadow of the trees on the side and threw him to the ground.

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