Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 168 Symptoms and Pathology

The discordant interludes in the battle were quickly interrupted by a new surge of enemies.

Martin had to focus on the difficulties at hand before thinking through the possible consequences, otherwise these things would send him to the arms of the Lord to fully ponder.

Kraft's tactics are simple to say but difficult to execute.

The main difficulty in dealing with these things is that they are difficult to predict. Even the more experienced people are, the more likely they are to be misled. They have to rely on reactions to dodge and accurately counterattack. Only a few people here can do it.

It was precisely because of this that he noticed the characteristics of Kraft's swordsmanship.

Different from some fancy moves that have gradually lost their practicality, they are just simple and straightforward movements. They are mostly seen in the hands of local upstarts who have been appointed for two generations or so and have no accumulation. They are more popular than breastplates.

There is no fine design and skills, and it is more focused on ensuring the display of power. It is probably derived from some low-cost slashing weapons for novices. After being absorbed, some practical tips are added to facilitate the use of lighter but more flexible swords. It has become a unique style.

Martin has met similar people. There are all sorts of strange differences according to the instructor's personal wild path, but the unified point is that he is brutal and straightforward, forcing the opponent to enter a fast and ruthless routine. Even if he has any skills, it is not easy to win such a battle. play in.

This newly-minted honorary professor at Rivers University obviously has a foundation in swordsmanship, and his overall style is very... "Chimera" - he could only think of this word to describe it.

On this basis, various elements with rich personal characteristics are stitched together, tending to a very dangerous-looking evasive action, precise and with a margin, as if ready to guard against several possible attacks at any time.

His moves are more conservative than most veterans, but he also places great emphasis on strength. I simply can’t think of what needs created it. Just like the Chimera with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the body of a snake, it is an unrealistic suture monster composed of conflicting things, fighting against things that have no realistic counterpart.

But it works very well against these inhuman things.

They worked together to control seven or eight bodies, and used the abandoned weapons to pierce and fix them to the ground. The unknown thing that controls the movement seems to behave in a rigid manner. As long as its limbs can still be used, it will continue to control the body and struggle in a more "frugal" manner.

This allows Kraft to rule out the worse conjecture, that is, there is a behind-the-scenes mastermind with advanced intelligence controlling it; or there is, but it cannot replace the thinking and troubleshooting.

The few ownerless weapons were used up, and the servants began to tear open the tent and pull out the skeletons to replace them. These wooden poles that were driven into the soil were sharp at one end, almost like a short spear, which could be used in emergencies, while the broken cloth was thrown into the fire to fuel the fire.

After overturning half of the tent and using the supports, the field of view became clear. There were more than a dozen complete humanoid fungi on the ground. This strange strategy really effectively controls their numbers. The pressure on the team gradually reduces, and the balance of numerical advantage tilts towards the defender, which in turn makes the progress of tactical coordination easier and more efficient.

The last intact host body fell to the ground under the siege of several people. Several wooden poles were inserted into the torso and tied into a shooting range arrow stack.

They watched the woods anxiously and vigilantly until they were sure that no more beautiful figures would come out. A knight in full armor knelt down in the dust, opened his helmet visor and gasped for air, choking out sounds of crying, cursing or laughing from his throat, some kind of extreme emotional release that did not contain any meaning. Then this behavior spread in the camp, and they knelt and fell to the ground one after another, silent or making shapeless cries and laughter, mixed with terrible coughing and gasping, which was noisier than the oil cauldron of hell.

Martin didn't stop them, an understandable reaction considering he had just survived an unimaginable attack. Even if there may still be a threat, they still need timely and appropriate venting to ensure that they do not collapse on the spot.

In fact, he also wanted to roar or smash something to release some kind of gloomy depression that was stuck in his throat and made people want to tear out his trachea and take out his heart and lungs to remove it, but that had to be placed behind his responsibility as the leader of his team.

After going around and carefully patching up wooden poles for the weakly fixed body, Martin came to Kraft, who was thinking, and coughed slightly to attract attention, "I thought about it carefully, and I don't actually need to worry too much."


"As for what you mentioned just now, the corpses left behind." He glanced at the still struggling body with his sword in hand, and said with certainty, "There are a few scattered ones, I believe Westminster Castle can solve them on its own. But only if they can escape from the locked door."

"Martin, do you know about coughing?" Kraft was noncommittal to his words, but instead mentioned something irrelevant.


"No, you don't understand."

It is very confusing, and it is a speech that is quite consistent with the status of a professor. Those scholars who are either bald or old in the university say that this is the way of turning a few circles, euphemistically called it arousing thinking. Unexpectedly, Kraft also contracted this problem not long after hanging out with them.

"So what's the coughing about?"

"Well, my throat was itchy, and then I coughed." This question was quite concise, but there was no answer. Martin habitually felt itchy on the top of his head, but he scratched his helmet with his hand, "A cough is just a cough."

"Cough is a symptom." To make it easier to understand, Kraft changed the word, "or 'manifestation'. Something that shouldn't be in the respiratory tract appears in it, causing a cough. These factors are very It’s complicated, it can be diseases, mucus drip, food inhalation, chest sarcoma, or even acid reflux in the stomach. Some are mild, some can be fatal, but they can all manifest as coughing."

"Do you understand?"

"I think I understand." Martin was vaguely aware that what Kraft was talking about was not irrelevant to the current situation.

After briefly thinking about organizing the language, Kraft continued, "Some doctors will prescribe you some syrup, hawthorn, mint, etc., which are good for the mouth and throat. They will take effect immediately after taking them, relieving coughs and promoting fluid production. This only solves the problem of coughs, and is effective for many causes. It makes no sense, but may cause the disease to develop unconsciously due to self-righteous masking of symptoms.”

"These mushroom things are coughs. A symptom that is different from the normal and healthy world, and the symptoms never appear for no reason." His eyes reflected the bodies illuminated by the fire, and they looked like they were struggling for a long time. For a silly comedic effect, "All we do now is drink peppermint and hawthorn cough syrup. Control fungus-infested corpses and prepare to burn villages."

Martin looked towards the direction of the village, where he could only see a thread-like trail leading to a pagan church guarded by mushrooms. "You mean we have to find the 'cause'?"

"If we want to deal with it thoroughly, we must know more. At least there must be more 'symptoms' that can help us deduce the pathology."

"What I'm most worried about now is another thing. A pathogenic factor can manifest differently in different organs and parts of the body." Kraft did not hide his concern at all. Conventional defense is doubtful about the effect of deep infection.

"Hopefully Westminster is one of those organs that is more resistant and less damaged. It is the most important organ after all, and half of my students are still there."

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