Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 187 Sausage Slicing Tactics

There was once a saying that I have forgotten where I heard it from, it was simple but had profound wisdom:

[If someone tells you something can kill cancer, remember, a pistol can too]

It emphasizes the core contradiction that cannot be bypassed. Killing cancerous cells or other pathogens is only part of the treatment. What is more important is to retain the original physiological functions as much as possible, and at the end of the day, life must be saved.

This is the difficulty in dealing with Yvonne's current problem. It is also a problem that medicine has been having a headache from the beginning of its development and will continue to be a headache for a long time. How to ensure that the treatment method hits the pathogen hard without hitting the patient twice.

Now this problem was put in front of Kraft, and it was a special variant that no one had ever solved.

The thing that sticks to Yvonne's mental body for some unknown reason proves that bacterium may indeed have similar properties to the human mental body as previously suspected.

It is perfectly integrated into the mental body, roughly corresponding to the left shoulder and neck position, and the tail extends to the upper arm, like a large drop of water hanging in reverse, or a meningioma with an obvious meningeal tail sign. The velvet-like radiating appearance blends with the cloud-like spiritual body. Regardless of you and me, the texture of the wide base joint is basically the same.

Kraft's mental senses can act on it, but in circumstances that cannot be accurately defined, the damage caused by forceful pulling will affect both at the same time.

The impact of damage to the mental body is a completely unknown field. Judging from the obvious reaction immediately after taking action, it is no less than the pressure on the center. Things that seem less stable will become even more unstable after being disturbed.

And compared to the bacteriophages whose habits are constantly shifting, the human mental body with a fixed body, although larger in size, has poorer tolerance to external influences. It trembles and surges, and collapses at the slightest disagreement. the meaning of.

After a few minutes, Yvonne regained consciousness and touched the back of her neck. She could not find the corresponding pain point, but the authenticity of the pain that had no reason and did not exist in the body was unquestionable.

"Sorry, it was an accident, Yvonne." Kraft put the pillow back behind her head, thinking about how to express it, "I have something to say, you may be sick."

"But don't worry, I will find a way to solve it. All you need to do is tell me how you feel in time, okay?"

The girl nodded slightly, and after realizing that it would not involve the painful area, she changed the position again with a more obvious movement. In fact, there is no need to tell him. It is not difficult to realize that something has happened based on the solemn expression.

After thinking about it, she felt that what happened just now should also be included in the "timely notification". She hesitated, "There is some the left shoulder and neck."

"Can you tell me what kind of pain it feels like?"

"It felt like something was pulling there, pulling back... trying to tear that piece off." She shrank into the quilt. Maybe the pain was too impressive, and the attack without warning was scary.

"Hiss." Kraft pressed the pulsating pain point on his skull. He was sure that this was definitely not a side effect of his mental senses, but a real headache.

It is impossible to separate completely at once. Unless the mental organ can be cut as sharply and accurately as a scalpel, the boundary of separation must be clearly defined. We must change our thinking and adopt a milder method.

"The next step is the same, tell me how you feel."

The spirit gathered up, slowed down and squeezed towards the bacterium. It quickly shrank, but was still caught in a small piece far away from the parasitic spirit body. Kraft felt something struggling in his disembodied palms.

"Do you feel anything?"

"Maybe not."

The strength increased, and the mental organ pulled hard on the small part of the bacterium that was caught. Simultaneously observing Yvonne's reaction, she frowned and touched the back of her neck, but still couldn't touch anything.

As the tearing force gradually increased, she obviously felt pain. Her neck was straightened, her expression was wrinkled, and her mental body was showing signs of disorder. However, this time the operation is more conservative and focuses on the parts that have not been integrated into the bacteriozoum, so the impact passed on is smaller.

The part of the structure of the clamped bacterium reached the upper limit of its endurance first, and the cilia swung and scratched sharply. Then it could not even maintain its shape, and it collapsed into a fuzzy form, and finally tore and dissipated.

A painful scream that could not be caught by the eardrums passed away in a flash, and Yvonne let out a cry of pain, her nails digging into the skin, trying to dig out something under the skin. Kraft quickly grasped the hand to stop the self-injurious behavior that was reflected on his own body.

The bacterium temporarily withered, and the cilia fell down and curled up. Losing a part of it seemed to cause a lot of harm to it. As for whether it could slow down the erosion rate, I don't know.

Each time a small piece is pulled off, it will cause resistance, but it will not be too violent, and it will not cause a fatal blow to the mental body. The best way Kraft can think of at the moment is this, hoping that the bacterium will collapse before Yvonne.

The mental body that had been hit one after another seemed to be a little sluggish, and Yvonne, who had not yet recovered from the pain, looked extremely tired, her eyelids drooped, and she was holding herself up from falling asleep with only a little willpower. It looks like we won't be able to try again anytime soon.

"What is that?" she asked, full of confusion, "Is it..."

Some logic was also confused in her confusion. She realized quickly and stopped what she was going to say in time, but it was too late.

"Is it something?" The unreasonable interruption revealed more than the words themselves. Kraft could confirm that there was something that Yvonne had not told him and was unwilling to tell him.

"..." She bit her lip and relaxed, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't make up her mind.

"I don't mean to force you, Yvonne. You can choose to talk to me at any time you think is appropriate. Of course, you don't have to say it. It's up to you." Kraft closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, blocking the perspective of the mental organ. , the physiological reaction of sensory switching can no longer temporarily incapacitate him.

However, psychological dependence is becoming more and more serious, and it is necessary to pay attention to the distinction to ensure that the next action is to open the eyes, rather than "opening" the mental eyes.

Coupled with physical discomfort, people are particularly irritable and have the urge to smash everything to pieces. He took a deep breath and collected his emotions in the darkness with his eyes closed for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he had regained his composure.

He doesn't want to bring his emotions into the conversation. What's more, there is no point in pressing forward at this time. On the contrary, it will deepen confrontation and estrangement. The best way is to take a step back, show an equal and friendly attitude, and give the other party space to figure it out.

"At any time, it doesn't matter even if you do something wrong." Kraft looked at her and explained seriously, making sure that she understood that this was a commitment, "We have had a happy cooperation so far, haven't we?"

"Now I have to leave to deal with some other issues. You can take a rest first." After folding the papers submitted by Yvonne and putting them away, he stood up and pressed on the armrest. Before leaving, he said, "But if you feel any discomfort, Yes, be sure to say it in time."

"Also, the homework is done well."

With an affirmative smile, Kraft led Coop out of the room. He now has to meet the Duke, another parasite.

Spending half a month and reimbursing half of an elite team is absolutely unjustifiable without an explanation. However, the accident in the castle greatly reduced the difficulty of explanation. Only by personal experience can one believe such a bizarre thing.

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