In the spiritual realm, the disintegrated spirit body turned into some kind of fine sand or liquid texture, something that could not be restrained, and erupted and splashed with the sharp roar of nothingness, forming a dull ripple that swept around the stove.

Even without mental senses, other people present, including the Duke who had just emerged from the convulsive state, felt that they heard some kind of strange noise, and some kind of misty amorphous thing crawled out from the carbonized and brittle leather tube, struggling briefly. Then completely burned out.

And wherever the ripples went, the long-dormant mildew spots on the wooden furnishings came back to life, seeping like water spots falling on paper, sucking the surrounding moisture and organic matter while swelling and forming foam-like masses. Clustered vesicles.

Thick hair grows on the leftover food, and the mushrooms expand in the cups and plates, blooming with rotten and confusing color spots. The most determined guards also felt uncontrollable panic and fled in panic.

Kraft felt its scope and moved slightly. The ripples of corruption stopped half a step behind him, and the castration was complete.

"The treatment is over for now, Your Excellency." Pull out the needle and hold the puncture point with cotton cloth. "Next, I recommend that you lie down and rest until at least noon, and do not move significantly."

"Stop looking over there. Help carry the bed to another place and clean it thoroughly. It's best to use fire to burn it."

I'm so glad this didn't come out of my mouth. The Duke might not mind for a long time, but seeing that his current state was no longer very good, for the first time he showed an indescribable complex expression based on disgust and rejection.

After the guards who had regained consciousness moved him to another place and rested for a while, the Duke gradually recovered from the feeling of hypoxia and mental shock. He took a sip from the water glass handed to him and suppressed the slight pain and acid reflux in his throat. .

"There are still some dietary changes that are necessary." Kraft spread out the written medical order and pressed it on the table next to the bed. For fear that the patient would not go to see it, he personally ordered, "I recommend that the mushrooms be completely removed indefinitely." Take it off the menu and at least have to cook it thoroughly before eating.”

"I don't think I'll be touching them for a long time."

"Not 'for a long time', but never. I'm not sure if there are any such things still roaming Westminster, to which they regard you as nothing more than a holiday estate."

"Okay, how about baking it?"

"It's best not to have any mushrooms near you this year." After quickly scanning all the cooking methods and contacting the Duke's previous behavior patterns, Kraft decided to stick to his words, "Besides, I would like to make a request to you regarding this matter. .”

"Oh? This is rare. Please tell me, I didn't get everything I have today by being stingy."

"Ahem." Kraft cleared his throat and adjusted his sitting posture.

"I must admit to you that as a doctor, this is not the first time that I have encountered diseases with special manifestations. They often manifest themselves as one or several symptoms that are similar but clearly different from other diseases."

"According to what you said, you have seen special phenomena that cannot be explained by current knowledge in an environment where every effort was made."

"It is not difficult to draw a consensus that there are some exceptions in addition to the normal conditions we usually see. There is a certain unified pattern under their seemingly completely different appearances. Due to the extremely rare occurrence frequency and rare preserved evidence, it cannot be Get summed up.”

"Some scholars have given it the opposite name of normality, 'abnormality'. At present, this kind of thing has never been officially recognized by the mainstream view, especially in emerging disciplines. However, the church is willing to give some specious explanations that are not explanations. , which can be regarded as acknowledging its existence from the side."

"Hmm." The Duke snorted from his nose without hesitation, waiting for him to continue.

“It is undeniable that if things that disrupt physiological functions or social behavioral abilities are defined as diseases, they are diseases with very high susceptibility and fatality, and once they occur, they can cause widespread and group-wide impacts. "

"Although from the perspective of the entire kingdom, they are self-limiting, often limited to a small area, and disappear with the death of their victims. But in terms of a single incident, the impact is still very bad."

"I probably guess what you want to say, Doctor Kraft." The Duke pressed on the puncture site and changed to a semi-recumbent position.

"I remember I reminded you that people who take the initiative to contact these things have never seen a good end, and people who hope to achieve their goals will never do so, at least in my decades of experience."

The old but still sharp eyes met Kraft's, but he had no intention of exerting further pressure. He quickly closed them half-closed, apparently not wanting to talk more.

"You are a smart man with talents and a good background. You are young and powerful and have plenty of time. Sooner or later you will be able to bring glory to your family. If necessary, Westminster and Rivers will not hesitate to provide a little 'little' help."

Abnormalities are uncertain and extremely dangerous things. Once you get involved in them, if you are not careful, or you will definitely get burned one day, it is the most unwise choice for people with a future.

"For individuals, the diseases caused by abnormality bring great pain to the patients. Even if they are not fatal, they will make them unable to work, which is basically equivalent to death for many people."

"On a larger scale, when abnormal events occur repeatedly and are exploited in an organized manner, we cannot guarantee that one day there will not be some kind of unrestricted spread, or the cost will be so high that it cannot be Abnormalities endured.”

This may seem a little convincing. Imagining the mushrooms spreading throughout Westminster, the Duke was moved, but he still didn't agree, "How can you guarantee that what you do will not become the unbearable price?" ?”

"We don't explore or exploit it, we just summarize the treatment. As you can see, if this treatment is left to an experienced surgeon who understands the human body, it can be completed just as well."

"Even if we don't go further, if you or others need it while I'm away, a doctor who understands pathology must take over the treatment, right?" Kraft brought out the actual needs and looked at him sincerely. If necessary, He can also write a bid.

The room fell silent, and the Duke half-closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

Kraft did not disturb him and sat patiently aside. Not replying immediately is a good reaction, it means you are really thinking about it again. Even if you don't succeed this time, you may still get some support if you take a step back.

For a long time, when he thought he might be snoring, the Duke opened his eyes.

"what do you need?"

"A name, a permanent organization under Rivers University. It doesn't need to have a fixed location or personnel, but it can be the kind that can be answered affirmatively when someone comes to confirm it."

"As well as a little bit of insignificant financial support, it is used for disease research including tuberculosis, publishing books, and maintenance of normal operations." Compared with a name with a hard background, financial support is indeed insignificant. I believe it is very important for maintenance. Stermin's finances were nothing.

"Viscount Fernand can handle it and announce it at this...that academic gathering."

Sure enough, the Duke had no objection and automatically ignored the second part. Kraft quickly struck while the iron was hot to see if he could make it more convenient for future work.

"And, uh, I hope there's a little bit, really a little bit... of licensed armed forces." The voice became smaller and smaller.

The Duke's chest rose and fell sharply. Maybe it was because I had opened enough openings today that this was enough, or maybe because I felt that this kind of matter could not be handled without force, so I agreed without much hesitation.

"I will not provide any financial help for this. This is the bottom line. Like before, it is only in name."

The small nobles in the north, even if they are enfeoffed, plus the professors who need financial support, can't do anything no matter what, not to mention that Kraft will inherit the armed forces in the territory. In the Duke's consideration, this was purely incidental.

"I will write to Professor Fernand. Before that, you can think about what to call it. It is best not to put those things on the surface."

"I have already thought about it." Kraft beamed, "The Westminster Tuberculosis and Rare Disease Medical Society is a public welfare, academic, and non-profit legal social group. It now has three cooperative industry institutions, including Li Firth University, Port Wenden College, Port Solace General Surgery Clinic.”


"Westmin Society for Tuberculosis and Rare Disease Medicine!"

"Ah?" The name is very long, but it is not the longest among the duke's nicknames, and it still makes sense. "Then what are you going to do next?"

"In the name of the society, the reports of all participants, including those of the late Lecturer Petrie of the University of Dunlin, are available."

After successfully getting approval from the Duke, Kraft stayed with him until noon, and returned to the room after confirming that the treatment for many days would not be in vain due to the last failure to check.

In this academic gathering, due to the presence of Brimer as a mole, the participants were basically transparent to the outside world, but they should have no reason to confirm that surgical methods would eventually become the key to treating the Duke. The information Petrie left behind may help shed some light on the mystery.

Those things and the relics are sealed in the residence at Rivers University, waiting for someone from Dunling to receive them, or package them for delivery.

Before leaving for Rivers University, he had to complete one more check-up for Yvonne.

After a few days of training, the girl's fall injury on her back has basically healed, she can get out of bed and walk around freely, and her spirit is recovering day by day.

However, the attached bacterium also has a tendency to recover, with the wound closing and the body relaxing. Kraft realized that the situation had fallen into a strange circle, and the recovery time of the mental body was not much different from that of the bacterium.

Not to mention the mental impact, one can only continue to maintain balance in this way.

He had no choice but to start daily physical examinations first. When he raised Yvonne's left arm, he once again felt the less obvious tension change before, but this time the scope was wider, developing from the left upper arm to the forearm and even the wrist.

"It's strange, but the activity seems not to be affected." Kraft pressed down his left arm and continued to test his muscle strength, "Here, lift it hard to resist my strength."

In order to adapt to Yvonne's strength, he specifically controlled his strength according to his impression, preparing to be equal to it.

The slender arm was raised, the muscles tightened and hardened, and a force completely inconsistent with the appearance was out of control, almost breaking the stable arm created by years of swordsmanship practice.

I saw the master of applying sunscreen, ah no... Now the great sage and sage has opened a new book, just like the previous one in the dark American drama style.

The previous book "Hidden Abyss Syndrome" is also very interesting.

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