Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 208 Field Investigation

To enter a person's thinking, you must enter the environment he experiences and understand the information he receives.

Kalman spent the first half of his schooling life in Dunling, and his understanding of the local area is of course different from that of outsiders. To find out what he means, he has to make up for the information gap between the two.

At least that's what Kraft thought. He had to get closer to the elements mentioned in the records to see them more clearly.

"Practice, practice is the standard for testing theories. Especially in medicine, one or a few seemingly perfect examples are not enough. It requires repeated and long-term testing." Kraft put on a mask and gave it to everyone present. Everyone was given a piece.

"Even a simple combination of a few glass bottles and a short reaction will produce different results, let alone a complex system like the human body."

"Let's talk about tuberculosis." Wilen took the mask and held it in his hand, selectively ignoring the half-sentence about the glass bottle. "Although the college does not have any direct cooperative relationship with the outside world, it is undeniable that there are quite a few Successful clinic operators have been one of us.”

"This half-student of mine attended my class and opened an internal medicine clinic in Xincheng District after graduation. He heard that we were interested in tuberculosis and took the initiative to contact him."

"You have a really good teacher-student relationship." Kraft sighed sincerely. Teachers who taught professional courses in schools back then, no matter how familiar they were during the class, most of them gradually became rusty after the class was over because they had no daily contact with them.

There are really very few people who still keep in touch with their major course teachers after getting employed like this.

"That's true. He devoted himself to internal medicine when he was in school. He failed every year in the anatomy exam. We all know him. He postponed my turn to take the exam one year before graduation to see if he could make do with it."

It turned out to be the grace of not killing, saving someone's life.

As he spoke, the carriage jolted. Coop held the box with one hand and pulled the straps of the mask behind his ears with the other and put it on.

After a section of road that was extremely unfriendly to vehicles without shock absorbers, the coachman’s whistle and the crisp sound of hoofs hitting pebbles stopped. Velen got out of the car first and introduced the high-dollar doctor waiting in front of the door. Kraft.

"This is Dr. David, we also call him David V." The lecturer walked up to him without noticing anything, and patted the doctor intimately, whose face turned dark when he heard the nickname. "David, let me introduce him to you. A new authority in the field for the next ten years, Professor Kraft, a member of the Society for Tuberculosis and Rare Disease Medicine."

"Hello, I'm very honored." The clinic owner with a famous nickname shivered slightly, and halfway outstretched his hand, he froze because he was not sure whether it was appropriate. It reminds me of the instinctive avoidance reaction of a roommate who failed a class when he saw his head teacher who had been away for half a year.

Kraft held his hand and shook it vigorously a few times. The enthusiasm made David suspect that he might have to review arm orthopedics on the spot.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. David V. My understanding of the current medical treatment of tuberculosis is also very limited. We should learn from each other."

"You are being humble. Also, please call me by my first name if you can." David took out his hand and combed his hair to his forehead. "After all, this nickname does not come from the glorious family tradition, but from the relationship with Viren." The length of time spent with the teacher.”

"That was pretty tough."

"Who says otherwise? The birth of David VI is all due to the efforts of Teacher Wei Lun." David laughed at himself, laughing and crying. There were many talented students among his classmates, but in the end, it was probably him who succeeded in leaving a deep impression on many mentors. David V.

He pulled up his pleated front and covered half of his face, including his mouth and nose. "Please come in. It's not convenient to talk outside."

Behind the door painted with a long-beaked bird's head, a bitter smell that was familiar but different from the memory rushed into the nose, coming from the clay pot boiling on the fire. The concoction inside was so concentrated that it had a burnt smell. The masked apprentice added granular substances into the jar while holding back his sneeze.

The milder patients who can move around independently sit on a slatted bench on one side, waiting for assistants to fill the jars and mix the medicine. Their faces are bright yellow or they have bright red rashes. A violent cough accompanied by retching came from the isolated area behind the curtain.

"We will separate patients with coughs from other patients. There is no evidence yet, but there are anecdotal reports that this may delay the spread of the disease to those around them."

Several people passed through the busy counter stove, and the patients and assistants and apprentices passing by greeted and saluted the owner of the clinic, quite like a king patrolling his territory. It's just that the people behind him made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Some translucent mixed-color glass bottles are prominently displayed on the shelves, and the prices seem unusual.

When Kraft looked at it curiously, Doctor "Fifth Generation" embarrassedly blocked the sign and explained with a dry smile, "Some special medicines that he prepared based on his experience."

"Please go upstairs, there is some noise here."

Several people were taken to Dr. David's private room on the second floor and sat down. The thick wooden door blocked out the sounds from downstairs. A framed paper document hangs on the wall, and a cane replaces the decorative sword in its holder.

Two dusty volumes of "Human Structure" are leaning against the inside of the bookcase. "Humoral Science" and a row of pharmacopoeia of unknown origins that don't even have spines occupy half of the bookcase.

Lecturer Willen recognized the document at a glance, "I shouldn't have signed this degree certificate back then."

"Don't be like this, teacher, it's been so long." David leaned back in his chair, straightened his back after realizing that his posture was inelegant, and tucked his belly in, "Let's talk about tuberculosis. Why are you suddenly interested in this? ?There are many patients and treatments for this thing, but few of them are effective, and they are far from surgical."

"Not soon. There is already a surgical treatment plan for tuberculosis. By inflating the chest cavity and compressing the lungs, it can control the hemoptysis problem and prevent the development of the lesions. If you still maintain a level that is good enough to cope with the assessment, you should be able to listen Got it." Viren briefed him on the current progress in academia.

"I think I should understand."

"In short, in order to further verify this treatment method, I need more case sources and compare it with traditional treatment methods." This is part of the goal in itself, and it is not a waste of time even if there is no gain.

"As someone who has more contact with patients, I believe Dr. David should have a better understanding of the local disease profile. I would like to hear what you know about tuberculosis first."

"I'm sorry. Although I really hope to be able to help, my knowledge is limited, so I'm afraid it will only add to the joke."

"No, what I want is not the words in the book." Kraft crossed his fingers and pretended to listen patiently. When he saw the large number of patients downstairs, he was sure that this was the patient he was looking for. Plant a place.

"What I want to hear is what you know about people - the patients themselves. Where you live, your job, your financial situation, your general treatment methods, your relationships. You can talk about anything, and you can start from anywhere. Or just from the daily business of the clinic. Talk about it?"

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