Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 248 Short Break

When he awoke again, Kraft was glad to be greeted by the ceiling and the quiet light of dusk rather than anyone's anxious faces or the hasty steps running up and down the corridor.

The whole afternoon passed by in a deep sleep. He originally thought that he would have a long dream of fighting something and running in vain in an endless repetitive space, but in fact there was nothing, and his mind was so empty that he could not hold even a single thought.

The consciousness is like a baby floating in the amniotic fluid, swinging its disembodied limbs unintentionally, drifting for a while or a long time, waiting for the memories before the fragment to surface automatically.

The orange-yellow, slightly drunken light slowly walked across the bedding and cabinets, and climbed diagonally on the wall. The smell of bitter and bitter plants, mixed with the smell of roasting grains from the surrounding chimneys, permeates the slightly hot and humid air.

It was almost dinner time. The experience of gradually emerging from a slumber state was not pleasant. Instead of restoring all the energy consumed, it actually contributed to the headache.

The missing piece of time gives people an uneasy feeling of being abandoned by the world. Everything has been pushed beyond the scope of consciousness for a while, and one instinctively wonders if something has lost control.

This uneasiness prompted Kraft to give up the idea of ​​lying on the body and slowly sit up while pressing the pain point on the side of his skull.

Unorganized and chaotic information was squeezed into the brain one after another, including space fragmentation, banquet dishes, medical representatives, aberrant anatomy, gray and white stones, stumps, and solid black liquid.

Oh yes, and this thing.

Kraft looked at the long box next to the bed. It smelled of lime powder and was tightly tied with rope. Inside is a hand left before sending away the spoils.

It is best to deal with this thing as soon as possible, analyze the desired information before corruption occurs, separate the crystal solid black liquid, and then burn the biological waste to solve possible hidden dangers as soon as possible.

Along this line, more troublesome things are revealed.

Green asked to see the stone in his palm afterwards to ensure that his trust was not to give the professor a sample to do some strange experiment. In terms of stereotypes about medical school, I have to admit that this concern is very valid—or it may not be a stereotype.

If this request had been made during the meeting, the priest would never give such a thing to a medical school professor. Being able to make such a compromise is the most liberal among the liberals.

Kraft understands very well that this cannot be regarded as a trophy for himself alone. They are currently a community, and both parties have the right to demand to know the whereabouts of important samples.

The second step is to explore the factors that induce the solid-liquid two-phase transition in black liquor. It cannot be said that the idea is clear, but it can only be said that there is no clue.

At first he wondered whether the melting and solidification of this thing was related to the life state of the pagan, but it didn't make sense.

Judging from the aftermath, it should be the moment before and after the battle. It may even be that while carrying the body back in the dark and not noticing it for a moment, a whole piece of black crystal melted on the back of the hand and "just happened" to follow it. The arm veins drain into the superior vena cava, probably destined for the right atrium.

If this process is not interrupted by recoagulation, it should pass through the lungs along the blood circulation in a few minutes and then be pumped throughout the body.

So it's more like that condition was there for a while and then disappeared.

The best way is to reproduce the factors that occurred at that time one by one, but some of them are too uncontrollable to try.

And there is a second question. Since black liquid will naturally condense into a solid state, how does the stable black liquid that we have seen in the past exist? Factors that can never make it liquefied are always maintained in the surroundings.

Thinking about it this way made me have an even worse headache, and it was expected that this headache would last for a long time.

"Never mind it." It's dinner time now, and no matter how difficult it is, Kraft will be responsible after dinner.

After a while of thinking and warming up, his sluggish brain became active again. He got out of bed, got dressed, and went downstairs to the restaurant.

Thanks to good expectations for the growth in the number of patients and future income, David Clinic began to expand to the surrounding area, acquired the house next door at a premium, and temporarily transformed part of it into an independent space isolated from the ward.

The first thing to be separated was the kitchen and dining room, because everyone found it difficult to have time to go out and buy something to eat as before. They desperately needed a clean place with convenient dining at their fingertips.

By the time Kraft had finished cleaning up and arrived, most of the people had just finished their day's tasks and were sitting at the table sharing food for self-service.

Although the work is indeed busy, there is no overtime here for the time being. Mainly because lighting limitations make nighttime work less efficient, costlier, and increase the risk of fire. No one would do this unless there are special circumstances, such as rushing through medical records and examinations overnight.

At the table by the window, the professor found his entourage and students. The food in front of them was obviously far beyond the canteen level. In addition to bread and vegetable soup, there was a piece of cheese and ham-like meat.

The source of the extra meal was an old acquaintance. Lecturer Wei Lun from the medical school sat aside, tapping the edge of the bowl with a spoon, showing no intention of touching the food.

"What, isn't it to your liking? Although it's definitely not as good as the chefs at the Xiguo family, the dinner here shouldn't be too bad to be inedible, right?" Kraft took the plate and sat down at the empty seat.

"No, we are waiting for you. Come and try this cheese. I bought it when I came here. It tastes pretty good." Willen cut off a piece of cheese and spread it on the guest's plate with a table knife. "Pair it with ham. It tastes great.”

"Thank you. You can start first next time." Kraft took a piece of ham and put it in the bread with the cheese. At the same time, he motioned for the students to do it without being polite to Willen.

"Let's talk about something while eating." It happened that I didn't have time to communicate with the two of them some days, so we could solve it together when we had time.

Seeing Kraft's calm expression, Waylon was not even sure if this was the same person as last night. "Professor, last night's surgery was beautiful. At the risk of offending my colleagues, I have to say, I thought it would never happen again." I saw such good technology in Dunling.”

"Especially the part where the lesion was identified, how did you determine that the hematoma was compressing it, rather than other injuries?"

"It's mainly because of the location of the injury. Blood vessel damage in that area can easily lead to hematoma. Combined with the change in pupil size and the condition, it can be inferred."

A knowledge point that he had never heard of before, and his thirst for knowledge made Viren feel like he had returned to the classroom back then, "Is this sure?"

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case."

"Is there any more accurate way?" he asked, ready to pay a certain amount of reward.

"If there is blood after opening, it means bleeding, and if there is no blood, it means other problems." Kraft put the simple version of the hamburger in his mouth and took a bite. The salty and fermented milk flavor paired with the ham was not a big deal. It is particularly exciting for the taste buds, at least it is better than eating matryoshka hard dishes at a banquet.

"." This answer directly blocked all of Velen's expectations, like swallowing a piece of roughly processed bread and taking several mouthfuls of vegetable soup before he could breathe again.

"Then what do you think we should do? It's just a matter of weighing the pros and cons. If you don't do it, there will be no tomorrow. If you do it, you still have a chance. It's still an easy choice. If you don't do it, he still has time to make a will and say goodbye to his family. If he does it, he still has time to make a will and say goodbye to his family. There is only a very small chance of saving your life, so how do you choose?"

"." Velen was caught in a logical and ethical dilemma.

While he was quiet for a moment, Kraft turned to the two people who were cleaning the plates next to him.

One of them is training heavily and the other is in a period of rapid growth. Last night's banquet did not affect today's appetite. Especially Yvonne, who unfortunately tasted part of the pigeon, completely shattered her beautiful imagination of the main course.

As soon as they swallowed what was in their mouths, they received questions that had accumulated for several days, ranging from their current study status to their physical health.

"This is Lecturer Willen from Dunling University. He has great experience in human body structure and teaching. He will be cooperating with us for a long time. If you have any questions, Kupp, you can ask him more," Kraft introduced.

"These are two of my students, Coop and Yvonne. They are both very smart. Especially Coop, although he has just started studying anatomy, he has been my assistant for a long time and is familiar with the operation steps. I can get your guidance again. It couldn't be better."

As the saying goes, after a few years of watching, the water dispenser in the consulting room will see the doctor. Kupu is the water dispenser, and it is a water dispenser with a good memory. I don’t know much about its principles, but its operation is standard than most people.

"Hello." Kupp quickly saluted with unskilled movements, not understanding how he got involved with a lecturer.

"I'm honored." Willen happily agreed. This is not a trouble. Being able to contact Kraft's assistant is equivalent to having contact with Kraft's technology.

After regaining his breath, he remembered another thing he wanted to say, which was also about surgery. "By the way, Professor Kraft, do you have any acquaintances from the church?"

"It's a temporary partnership with an individual."

"Let me say one more thing, you'd better not show yourself too close to the church. Even if you don't hear any bad remarks on the surface, it can easily arouse the rejection of a small number of people."

Kraft nodded, "I know, it was just an accident."

"Besides, you also said that there is no absolute certainty; the operation is successful. If something unexpected happens, we can understand your logic, but others may not care." Thinking of this, Viren touched the non-existent Cold sweat.

After reviewing the situation, he was the one who wanted to stand in that position. Even if he was 90% sure, he might not be willing to take action. When church members die on the operating table, the responsibility cannot be explained clearly.

The surgeon seemed untouched by these words, and even distractedly gave Yvonne the last piece of ham that no one had the nerve to touch.

"You are right, in hindsight it is indeed the case; but hindsight is hindsight. I couldn't care about this at the time, and I shouldn't have considered it."

"Okay, you have your own considerations." What else can be said? I can only think of this professor as young and talented as he is bold.

Yvonne listened to the conversation between the two, took a bite of ham slices, and suddenly said: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Oh, of course not." Looking at the girl's size, Viren smiled kindly, and the ideological entanglement was greatly diluted, "Professor Kraft, you have a good student."

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